Chapter 25 : The Actions We Take

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Morning Time

I was ready for my trip back to America since I wanted to visit and see how everything was. Visit Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Washington D.C and many more. Since I got the okay from Satsuki to go I was really excited to go back to my home country but when I passed by the room I still saw Ryuko moping with Senketsu hanging up not even touched. I sighed and went into the room to sit down beside her she wasn't talking or anything she was quiet laying there.

You: Good Morning sleeping beauty, uhh no wrong choice of words... Are you okay?

Ryuko: No...

You: Listen I know you are still worked up about what happened at the King Of the Hill the other day. We all tend to lose control at some point of our lives but we can't let that fear control us. Tell you what I can take you with me to America would that sound fun, actually no unless we go to Gotham. You'd probably like it there...

Ryuko: I know you got rid of Nui and since I wanted to kill her but I'm not sure if it is safe to wear Senketsu again.

You: Cheer up I mean we all make mistakes but It's how we learn from those mistakes that better ourselves. With all these powers you would think I could never make a mistake wrong I make them all the time. There were times where I want to rip someone's head off, and believe I could if I wanted to but I just learn that you don't let ambition control you.

I pat her on the head which I got a smile from her which was surprising to me. I pick up my bags that I was taking with me but then I couldn't just leave her like this she is my best friend after all. Sukuyo walks in bringing a ton of Croquettes and I come back over to Ryuko and sat beside her again.

Sukuyo: Hey (F/N)! I made you something, Ryuko!

Ryuko: What's that?

Sukuyo: Special Croquettes, made with finely chopped, super-mysterious ingredients! They'll get you back on your feet! Mataro and the others had some earlier. See?

She opens a window as we saw Mataro, Barazo and Guts running in a circle really fast while eating those Croquettes. I was confused but I didn't mind since I've seen weirder before.

Barazo: Life is wonderful! Dance, Mataro!

Mataro: I'm twirling, Dad! Round and round and round!

Barazo: Spin, spin! Turn and churn and turn into butter!

Mataro: I really turned into butter!

Barazo: I feel like I've melted into goo!

Ryuko: I think those might be a bit dangerous.

Sukuyo: Anyway, eat some, get your body moving, and swear it out! Do that, and all the bad things bottled up in your heart will flow right out of you!

Ryuko: Thanks ma'am.

Sukuyo: You have fun on your trip (F/N) I packed you a lunch for on the go.

She walked out the room as I got up ready to go as well. I then heard her sigh which I am not used to hearing but I just stay a bit longer.

You: Thank you Mrs. Mankanshoku, well Ryuko if you need anything just ask I got a while before I leave. As my folks always use to say "Champ you get back up when the world pushes you down!"

Ryuko: Can I ask you something?

You: Sure go ahead.

Ryuko: Would it be safe if I were to put on Senketsu again?

You: That answer you will have to let your heart decide because nothing is truly safe. We all live our lives how we want to and well our actions are never safe as we think they are.

Ryuko: I don't know if I should.

???: Please do!

Some random dude opened the window and then closed as Ryuko was confused and I didn't know how to respond.

Ryuko: What the hell?

You: I don't what is with this town but it is too damn weird!

The doors opened as a dude with glasses, a No-Star uniform burst in.

???: Please put it on!

You/Ryuko: W-Who are you?

Mako: Mom, I brought a friend... Oh, he's already inside!

Sukuyo: Welcome!

I sighed as I knew I had to stay today I had so many plans today. I sat down on the ground while Ryuko and Mako read the school newspaper.

Mako: And what have we here? It says "We Are Not blankety-blank's blanks!" Wow, there's all sort of incomprehensible stuff written in here, Ryuko!

???: Read the kanji, too! Satsuki Kiryuin and the Kiryuin Conglomerate are trying to turn the academy's students into soldiers. I couldn't let that happen.

He drank his beverage pretty fast and slammed back on the tray. I was just sitting there kind of mad my trip plans got ruined because I had the okay to take Pa fishing today.

???: But the school paper was objected to by the Disciplinary Committee censor, and I was unable to distribute it to the students! It drove home just how powerless I truly am!

Mako: Nagita says he's gotten on the Student Council's bad side and has been banned from school grounds ever since!

Nagita: There is no freedom of speech in this school. There isn't a single person who stands up to Kiryuin. Or so I thought. But you two are different! Ryuko you've defeated the Elite Four all by yourself and struck fear into even Satsuki Kiryuin! You two are the revlutionary of Honnouji Academy! I can fight, too! If you only lead the way!

Ryuko: You'll have to fight by yourself, then. I'm not fighting because I want to. Go home! Beat it!

Nagita: What are you fighting for, then?! Hell I think Superman would help in this fight!

Ryuko: How the hell should I know?

Nagita: At the very least, there is one. There is one man who saw what you have done and room back his life! You fight hasn't been for nothing! So put on that sailor uniform and fight one more time!

Ryuko: I'm not fighting for other people!

The door slides opens as Mako's family was in room now with us but Ryuko was pushing Nagita out.

Ryuko: Go on, beat it! Just give up and go home!

Nagita: I won't give up, Matoi! You are my... no, all of Honnouji Academy's... virtuous star of hope!

Ryuko kicks him out of the house but he just opens a window.

Ryuko: Give it a rest!

Nagita: I won't let the courage you gave me...

Ryuko slams the window on him as he back up.

Nagita: ...go to waste! Farewell!

He runs off and Ryuko storms off and I wanted to get out of here since I wanted to spend time with my pa. I grab my bags and sighed because Ryuko went back to bed and I would be a bad friend if I abandoned her. I sat down in the room not saying a word as I put on headphones and played a movie. I slowly fall asleep due to the boredom while Ryuko just laid there staring at Senketsu then at me.

I woke up as I looked around my surroundings as I saw I was not at Mako's house anymore. I was in a throne room where the planet was fiery and I saw slaves doing a lot of labor. I look over to see a giant man sitting on a throne glaring at me and I recognize him it was Darkseid.

Darkseid: So, Kryptonian you've gotten a lot stronger since we last met! Such strength is wasted for you protecting the weak.

You: Why am I here?! Talk or I'll...

Darkseid: You'll beat the info out of me (K/N)! You think I fear you Kryptonian, I don't and I'm not gonna tell you anything pathetic weakling!

You: So getting info out of you is gonna be hard, huh? Well then let's dance grimace!

I rushed at Darkseid at incredible speeds but he caught me by my neck and began to choke me. I struggled to get out but he was way stronger than me I couldn't do anything about it. Well it seemed that way but I used my heat vision on his face which made him let me go. But when I fell to my feet he back hand me into a wall which actually fractured my jaw then he flew over and stepped on my leg breaking it. His eyes began to glow the orangish red as he towered over me.

You: So this is how it feels, to get my ass kicked. I will not help you tyrant, you are nothing but a control freak!

Darkseid: I am many things, but here I am god!

He shot two beams at me as the pain was worst than last time. This causes me to wake up from this dream.


Ryuko: (F/N)! Are you okay?!

I began panting and I felt my jaw it was actually fractured it hurt a lot and my leg was broken too. I sighed as this cannot be happening but it is true when I tried to get up I couldn't so I had to float up.

You: My leg, it's broken, my jaw is fractured from a dream! This is some real Nightmare on Elm Street shit!

I looked in my bag as I grabbed bandages and wrapped my leg up as Ryuko ran over to me concerned.

Ryuko: What happened to your leg?!

You: I don't know how this is possible... ow! But a dream caused them. Looks like my trip will have to wait.

I laid on the ground as Ryuko sighs and I saw a tear fall from her eye but I just lay there waiting until my injuries healed. Suddenly Nagita burst in through the window and a bunch of students with him then the Mankanshokus ran in here also.

Nagita: I'm sorry, I never intended to get you mixed up in all this!

They held Nagita down as they beat on him and all we could do was watch since I was injured and Ryuko didn't have Senketsu and Mako's family didn't really look like fighters.

Ryuko: S-Stop it!

One of the students tried punching Ryuko but she ducked and he hit Barazo knocking him to the ceiling then he hit the floor pretty hard.

Mataro: Pops!

Ryuko/You: Mr. Mankanshoku!

Nagita: Matoi!

The students dragged Nagita off as I tried to get up but struggled and I was conserving power since the sun was setting.

Sukuyo: Prepair for surgery!

Mataro: You know how to operate, Mom?!

Sukuyo: Everyone has a first time!

Mataro: Got it, Mom! I'll help!

Ryuko: Senketsu, if I go too far, I'll need you to stop me.

Senketsu: I cannot promise that. It is you who is wearing me.

Ryuko: Sheesh, you're an outfit that doesn't have much give, you know that?

Senketsu: But when you were out of control, you did stop. Using your own willpower. That is why I am not frightened in the least.

Ryuko: Gotcha. We're all responsible for our own actions.

Ryuko put Senketsu on while I found some crunches that I conveniently found and I walk with Ryuko to where Nagita was getting beaten up.

Nagita: Do what you will with me! I will... never yield! I won't be beaten!

Ryuko: Hold it! What do you think you're doing to that guy?

Ryuko was transformed and I stood back to watch this as it was gonna go down.

Nagita: Matoi...

Ryuko: Don't be so whiney. You know I couldn't stand by and do nothing.

One of the students tried punching Ryuko but she blocked it with her scissor blade.

Ryuko: "Don't waste my breath," huh? Have it your way. Let's do it, Senketsu!

Her scissor blade got bigger and shined from the reflection of the sun.

Ryuko: Scissor Blade: Decapitation Mode!


Ryuko slashed at all of the students stripping them of their Goku Uniforms as this meant she was back in action.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

But she looked back to see that were just dummies they weren't even human.

Ryuko: Hey, these guys aren't human!

Nagita: So, you've finally gotten dressed, Ryuko.

Ryuko: Nagita... you set all this up?

Nagita: I did! They are my puppets! As are you, I suppose.

Ryuko: Come again

Nagita: Fear resulting from the runaway incident. Rejection of your Kamui. However, you conquer that fear in order to save the helpless. Your reactions are so predictable that it's downright adorable!

He was revealed to have the same eye patch as Nui. I just stood there as the sun was healing my leg the whole time, my jaw was completely healed.

Ryuko: No, you can't be!

Nagita makes a bunch of red threads appear as it was Nui Harime in a disguise and when she saw me she got angry but then kept her cool around Ryuko.

Nui: Ta-dah!

You: I guess round two is happening!

Ryuko: Nui Harime! It was you all along?

Nui: What are you angry about? This is good rehab, wasn't it?

Ryuko: Why this elaborate setup just to get me to put on Senketsu?

Nui: Well, Satsuki banned me from the school grounds. I have my own problems, I'll have you know. Well mostly with him! But will you show me just how much power you can wring out of it this time?

Ryuko: You little...

She lunged at Nui but she was backing up as Ryuko tried to hit her and kept missing. My leg was almost fully healed and I had to help Matoi before something and happenings.

Nui: Come on, what's that? It's nothing like last time!

Ryuko: Bite me!

Ryuko tried another hit but Nui blocked it with her sword as they were in a clash.

Nui: You really are afraid of yourself!

Ryuko: I am not!

Nui: After all the trouble I've gone to, you're still holding back.

Nui knocked Ryuko's blade out her hand and Nui even though she was bored she still had that same smile on her face.

Nui: You're weaker than I thought. I'm bored!

She slashed at Ryuko three times and all of them connected and this stripped Ryuko of Senketsu who was torn into pieces.

Ryuko: S-Senketsu...

Ryuko fell to the ground and I was shocked but then I was now pissed off because she hurt someone that was close to me. My eyes were glowing bright red as I now had a killer instinct to kick Nui's ass again. Nui was ready to kill Ryuko with the other scissor blade.

Nui: You don't have what it takes to wear a Kamui. Go and join your father.


Nui: Huh?

I was twitching while my fist balled up so intensely as my finger nails cut my skin and drips of blood fell to the ground. Nui then started twitching as well as now I officially have a person I hate with a burning passion now. Senketsu was also my friend and that now he is gone.


The ground began to shake as well due my yells this made Nui a little scared but she smiled at my intense display of power.

Nui: Now you'll be more fun to play around with, then I'll kill you like I am going to kill your family!


In a instant I punched Nui in the face and the force of it causes her to be thrown into a couple of empty buildings. I flew over to her as she tried to stab me with her blade but I grab it and tossed it to the side I now had no rational thoughts as I felt what Ryuko felt the want to kill this bitch.

Nui: I hate you! Superman you will suffer!

You: Not if I kill you first...

She went to her blade and grabbed it off the ground and I was in front of her and I shot my heat vision on her chest. She felt the pain but then she got back from and healed from that my suspicions were correct she was not human. She tried stabbing me again but before she could try that I back hand her like Darkseid did to me in that dream and it made her crash into a wall which collapses over her. I then walk up to her ready to finish her off once and for all as I grabbed her by her throat and I had my hand ready to impale her chest. My eyes never stopped glowing red as I felt rage consume me as I began to slowly crush her windpipe.

You: I am going to give you a slow painful death, maybe I should gouge out your last remaining eye or rip your throat out. Or even better drop you over hot molten lava as I slowly let you burn! But I'm not gonna do that.

I let go over her as I tossed her out of away from me.

You: Be happy I decided to let you live for now! But if I ever see you again I will not be so merciful as this time.

Nui: One day I will kill you Superman! You will die!

Nui disappeared as I went back to Ryuko and what was left of Senketsu but they were gone. I sighed as I punched the ground angry at myself for almost killing someone.

You: RRRRRGGGGGHHHHHAAHHH! I almost went against my moral compus and killed someone! Some hero I am, now Matoi is missing and the pieces of Senketsu are gone.

A tear fell from my eye as I walked back home in shame not flying because I am a mockery of Krypton. But then I remembered what I said to Matoi and I calmed down a bit as I finally got back home to go to sleep until tomorrow when I look for Ryuko and get those pieces of Senketsu back. I was limping all the way back due to my leg not being fully healed.

Nui: S-So I got a sample from that alien! Mistress Ragyo will love this little gift! Maybe with it we will finally k-kill him!

Nui began twitching and giggling in a psychotic way. Dennis walked up to her smiling.

Music Meister: So you almost made him snap huh? Well we can use his family as a way to get him to play for our team! Also if you try killing him I will make you kill yourself Nui, Lady Ragyo would be disappointed if the man she took an interested in dies now.

Nui: No fun! Fine I'll play it your way but if all else goes wrong I'm killing your friend!

Music Meister: Fine, but Lady Ragyo wants Superman to be alive as he holds the key to the final plan.

Nui: So he is important then. Aww I wanted to kill him!

Music Meister: If everything fails then you can kill him. But until then he is too remain unharm until the day comes. Now then shall we leave now?

Nui: Finally, I was getting bored standing here!

Both Nui and Music Meister disappear into the shadows laughing as I was laying down thinking about a lot of things as I fell asleep.

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