Chapter 26 : Negative vs Positive

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I woke up in a strange place that was barren and deserted, suddenly I saw images of my friends and family all dying. One image scared me in particular as it was me standing over the corpses of people I care about. That other me is looking at me with a sinister smile, my eyes widen as he had killed our mother. Blood dripped down from his hands and he walked up to me with now holding a dead Ryuko by her collar.

Evil You: So you wish to protect these fools, we have so much more potential than that. Humans need to learn respect towards us, this one was such a delicacy. Such fire in one soul I see why you've grown to her but we could do so much better!

You: What did you do?

Evil You: Slaughtered these Earthlings, for Darkseid!


I fall to my knees as my evil twin hands me a battleaxe with blood I recognized, it was my mom and dad's blood. My pupils were becoming red, my blood was boiling, adrenaline pumping, teeth grinding and my fists clenched hard enough to draw blood from my palms.

Evil You: That's the fire in us, all hail Darkseid!

You: Screw Darkseid... screw you!

Evil You: How dare you speak of Lord Darkseid like that?!

You: Because Darkseid has no control over me! You psychopath!

He tried punching me but I caught his fist that almost hit my left cheek. The evil me was shocked about this as I kneed him in the gut and grabbed his arm, while having his arm I began to spin around very fast throwing him to a mountain. My pupils turned a light blue as I proceeded to scan the area when a truck was thrown at me which exploded in my face. I get up from the fiery blaze that was all over the place, my costume was torn at the chest area as my symbol was gone so I ripped off what little clothing that was in my upper half of my costume.

Evil You: Now you see it is futile to resist the will of Darkseid!

You: The will of Darkseid is no concern to me, I choose my own path, make my own choices and help who I want!

Both of us rushed at each other in a burst of speed as we both countered each other's punches and kicks. It was like fighting a mirror which he was smirking at this we grabbed each other's hands trying push one another back.

Evil You: Heh, it was so much fun slaughtering them! Ma, Pa, Ryuko, Mako and everyone else we cared so dearly about!

You: Well it's gonna be fun kicking my own ass then!

I finally gained power over the situation which gave me the chance to punch him extremely hard in the jaw then twisting his wrist. He didn't wince in pain but he still was smiling like he could feel no pain.

Evil You: We are so much stronger when we don't hold back! The multiverse is full of Supermen and we are one of the strongest!

You: I didn't ask for all this power, I just wanted a normal life, I wanted to be like everyone else!

Evil You: Weak?!

You: Human.

Evil You: Why do you chose deny the gift the gods gave us?!

You: Because I hate not being able to fit in with the rest, ever since I came to Earth I didn't want the burden of the powers I've developed because of that I painted a target on the people I care so much for! Humans aren't weak because they change all the time which is why I respect them, they over come obstacles, set goals and enjoy life to the fullest which is why humans are not weak!

With a swift right hook to the face which that makes him fly back into a building. The building collapses all over the other me and I saw the sky had cracks all over as I smiled at the sight when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my father who was smiling at me.

You: Now let's finish this!

The rubble had a red glow under it as it all shot up in a red explosion he was screaming in rage. I just flew straight through him which made his body glow red. I landed on the ground when he exploded, then red particles were floating up to the sky. It was like Christmas but with red snow as the world began to crumble and I saw all the dead bodies were now alive smiling at me. I just saluted as I had woken up from the dream I had.

You: That was a weird dream, but now that is enough I got to be on my A game! Ryuko is still alive I can hear her heart beat but right now I have more important matters to tend to. Finding Dennis and saving my father's life but I have to protect him from Nui Harime so I have to be on the guard! I'm still off school today so I have to get going but I did have to eat the lunch Mrs. Mankanshoku made last night so it didn't taste bad.

I got ready to leave the house ready to go find the Music Meister. I waved to everyone as I flew out of the house looking all over the streets for any sign. I found a clue when I spotted foot prints with a music note in the center. I walked to a alley way as I saw Music Meister making some guys lift a bunch of crates into a truck. I looked at the crates and they all say REVOCS but I didn't waste anytime with this. I used my heat vision to destroy the crates and they all combust as I floated over there and Music Meister just got mad.

Music Meister: You just have to get in my way! Heroes are always so annoying!

Dennis jumps into the back of a truck and burts out riding on a music note and I went to chase him. I felt like it was trap but I was playing his game to get the answers I needed so I can't catch him. I noticed that he changed into a marching band outfit really quickly but I kept chase.

Music Meister: 🎵He's always saving someone,
Some dumbass that's in trouble,
His superpowers do everything,
Can't even think of that!
His speed is super fast,
There is no person that can supass!
It's a good thing we've got weapons,
'Cause he's really a super douche!🎵

You: What?

I notice a crowd of people began to line up on the streets looking at me in a mean way.

People:🎵Super douche!
Super douche!
He's really a super douche, douche douche!
He's a super douche!🎵

I tried snatching Music Meister but I grabbed a piece of his music note scooter so I tossed it to the side. People tried to grab at me but they couldn't due to my speed.

Music Meister: 🎵Whether solving the clue,
Or using his distinctive gifts,
He's always got the answers!
He makes us look like fools!
He got those superpowers!
He's just a flying alien!
It's a good thing we've got weapons,
'Cause he's really a super douche!🎵

His music note begins to fly in the air so I flew up after him. I noticed Ryuko driving on a bike and she saw me chasing Music Meister so I saluted to her. My attention was back on Music Meister as he thinks he is getting away.

You: Come back here you bastard!

People: 🎵Super douche!🎵

Music Meister: 🎵World's strongest man!🎵

People: 🎵Super douche!🎵

Nui: 🎵Always getting in the way!🎵

People: 🎵He's really a super douche, douche, douche!
He's a super douche!🎵

Aikuro: 🎵Even without heat vision...🎵

Barazo: 🎵He's tougher than he seems.🎵

Mako: 🎵Other people often ask...🎵

Ryuko: 🎵...Why is he so damn strong?🎵

Everyone: 🎵He's a super douche, super douche, super douche!🎵

Music Meister finally stopped and I flew down to him as he was smiling. I'm glad I wore those ear plugs so I didn't hear the song because I would've been under his trance.

You: Have fun with your little musical?

Music Meister: Now you can hear me. Well I guess you didn't hear your little girlfriend compliment you.

You: Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend. What girl likes me?

Music Meister: So you really are that damn dense! I'm pretty sure Ryuko Matoi likes you!

You: What? Are you talking about the same Ryuko, the one who calls me dumbass and probably might be a lesbian.

Music Meister: Yes!

I bust out laughing because I didn't believe him since he is a lier so why should I.

You: Dude I'm pretty sure her and Mako might have a thing going on! Or she might have a thing for the teacher, but me no come on man who would fall in love with an alien. That kind of stuff only happens in movies, hell I do need to preserve Krypton but I'm pretty sure I can't reproduce with humans. Now that I think of it she did get jealous of those girls who tried to flirt with me, don't know why you were the ladies man.

Music Meister: You're hopeless (F/N), dumbass every time I flirt with women they wanted to see you. In reality you are the ladies man!

You: Say what now, I-I don't know what to say... Hey don't distract me you two timing... He got away.

I noticed he got away. I punched the wall making it collaspe to find something unusual in the building.

You: I don't know how the hell he escaped? Well he use to be my best friend so I guess he knows how to distract me. Good, my little plan worked too bad I didn't get that serum.

I walked in the building to hear whimpering and I just walk around looking for the sound. While walking around I scanned the area looking for footprints and I saw some.

You: Hello? If you're scared I won't hurt you!

I saw a shadow go by pretty quickly so carefully I approach the area looking around.

You: Now if you seen horror movies I will be attacked by a monster if I go over there, but since I am a superpowered alien I can do so.

I got to the dark area and well it wasn't so dark because of my X-Ray vision but in a split second I was tackled to the ground by a mysterious figure.

You: Some strength you have there, a little too strong might I add!

The shadow jumped away and I went into the light when the shadow ran at me and lunged at me again. I was pounced on by a dog that had a collar with my family's symbol. The dog was licking my face like he knows me.

You: Hey cut that out! That tickles! Hahahahahahah!

The dog stopped licking me and got off which allowed me to get up and look at the collar closely.

You: Hey, that's my family's symbol so that means you're a Kryptonian dog? What's your name?

I looked at the dog tag to see the name and it said "Krypto". I pet Krypto on the head as his tail was wagging, I felt happy that another Kryptonian was around even though he's a dog. I take out the earplugs and put them in my bag that I carried with me.

You: Music Meister, got away for now but I hope he wasn't leading me to you Krypto. Today has been a rough one boy, well you are coming back with me.

Me and Krypto leave the building and it was good having a another Kryptonian around. I begin to think and I saw Ryuko earlier so maybe I should help her out with what she was doing. I began to speak Kryptonian so Krypto can understand me.

You: Can you fly Krypto?

Krypto started barking when he was floating off the ground. I scratch behind his ear when he began licking my palm and we both flew off into the sky.

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