Chapter 34 : Sisterly Rivalry

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Superman was limping down the streets of Honnou Town which it was barren and quiet. He felt that shard really weaken him, (F/N) found himself in a pickle when he was cornered by a bunch of covers. Pinned against no odds of running the Kryptonian grabs some metal that became similar of a blade.

Superman: Come and try to get me!

The covers tried to pounce on (F/N) but they were sliced in half by the metal, while doing this he freed people that were trapped by the covers. One cover tried to punch Superman but the Kryptonian cut it in half without looking at the cover. Then Superman runs at the covers cutting them down. He then spins so fast that he becomes a mini tornado chopping up covers in pieces while freeing the people.

Superman: These scrap pieces of clothing keep coming, at this point I will be overrun by them!

Superman saw a bunch more arrive so using the little strength he had, (F/N) froze a bunch of them with his icy breath. Superman was getting tired from this only because he was weaken. So doing what he could, the Man of Steel sliced the covers freeing more people then he managed to get away from the covers. But in the way he kept slicing open covers that stood in his way.

Superman: I have to get out of here fast, I need to gather my strength back up.

(F/N) managed to gather the strength to fly all the way to the Fortrss of Solitude. Upon walking in he was feeling a little light headed but he shook it up, the thought of that kiss was still in his head which he knew that wasn't the real Ryuko kissing him just some puppet. Superman got to the computer as he began typing in a bunch of calculations then he was escorted to a table by a medbot that cut open the healed wounds and pulled tiny pieces of the green shard out. He winced in pain but it didn't take long for him to heal due to his Life Fiber side.

Superman: Well I guess it benefits that I have a healing factor... grrgh still weak from getting stabbed by that shard. It has compounds of my homeplanet Krypton, I guess it can be called Kryptonite.

The weaken (F/N) held his side as he limped while walking over to the computer. He rested in the chair panting from the pain he was still healing on the inside.

Superman: I got to go back, they need... me!

Medbot: You are too weak to any further actions, you shall rest here (K/N).

Superman: I have to go!

Medbot: My job is to make sure you stay alive and I will live by that primary function, rest (K/N).

Superman: I can't rest knowing that everyone is in danger, my clone probably is on the way to their location as we speak! I will not fail the people I love again, like I did pa...

(F/N) slowly got up from the chair and limped all the way outside in the cold tundra, he couldn't feel the cold due to his Kryptonian biology. He looked over the distance seeing snow and ice but (F/N) started walking his internal damage began to heal with each step he took. He then remembered what he heard from Ragyo, Nui and Ryuko. He remember he saw Ryuko kissing Nui but then he thought to himself why did she kiss him then too.

Superman: I remember seeing all the things that happened before I went in all guns and glory, I was gonna avenge my father from that bitch! But I was creeped out when Ryuko licked my blood like it was freaking sweet or something also she kissed Nui too which was surprising. Ryuko thinks she can snake a kiss from me, drink my blood and call me her husband to be when we aren't even an item. I got to get my head in the game I got to do this for my deceased father, no for everyone even my deceased homeworld.

Meanwhile on Nudist Beach Ship

Satsuki Kiryuin went to challenge Ryuko but this time the roles were changed, Ryuko wearing Junketsu and Satsuki wearing Senketsu.

Satsuki: Ryuko Matoi, to think you were my little sister...

Ryuko: Don't get all big-sisterly on me now! You're making me puke.

Satsuki: I have absolutely no Intention to. I'll crush anyone who's become a puppet of the Life Fibers, no matter who they may be. Let's begin, Senketsu!

Satsuki pulled the pin out from the glove as she begun to transform like Ryuko did when she wore Senketsu.

Satsuki: Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

Aikuro: Synchronizing with Senketsu right after putting him on, huh? That's our little miss Satsuki.

Gamagori: I can't watch no longer! Let's get in there, too!

Sanageyama: We're gonna support Lady Satsuki!

Mako: Wait!

Jakuzure: What do you want, underachiever? We're a little bustly!

Mako: I have a message for the Elite Four from Lady Satsuki!

Ryuko: Let's do this, Satsuki!

The battle has begun when Ryuko made the rubble come tumbling down then the two sisters clash in one on one combat. The two struggled in the clash.

Ryuko: That's Bakuzan, huh? You can't let go of something that mother smashed? Talk about clingy!

Satsuki: It's not clinginess, it's vengeance! Even if smashed to a million pieces, if a single fragment remains,the whole can be reconstituted! These two blades so lovingly protected by my Elite Four are the symbol of my tenacity of purpose towards the victory of Satsuki Kiryuin and Honnouji Academy!

Both Ryuko and Satsuki countered their attacks like this was an even fight but something was off.

Ryuko: When will you shut up?!

Ryuko kicked Satsuki away making her crash into some metal scraps. Satsuki looked up to see Ryuko walking over to her in a menacing way.

Ryuko: You talk louder than your actions. You couldn't even control Juneketsu and you're not gonna be able to summon up that knockoff's power.

Satsuki: You think Satsuki Kiryuin to be all talk, do you? Then I'll have to prove otherwise! Senketsu Senjin!

Senketsu: Senketsu Senjin!

Satsuki spiked up and lunged at Ryuko almost hitting Ryuko who barely manage to dodge.

Satsuki: Senketsu Shippu!

Senketsu: Senketsu Shippu!

Satsuki's legs turned into something similar as a turbine, this makes her boost all the way to Ryuko which resulted in Satsuki knocking her off her feet.

Ryuko: How dare you, little bitch!

Satsuki: I'm only getting started! Senjin Shippu!

Senketsu: Interesting! Senjin Shippu!

A combination of both power ups Satsuki was spiked up and had the turbine feature as well. Satsuki spun around in a spiral becoming that similar of a saw blade, Satsuki went in to attack Ryuko but Matoi just blocked it with her scissor blade. Satsuki knocked Ryuko into the ground but then after the dust clears, Ryuko is just sitting on the scrap metal like she wasn't hurt at all.

Ryuko: So you aren't entirely useless.

Senketsu: Ryuko, take off that outfit and put me on.

Ryuko: No way. As if I'd stoop to looking that ridiculous ever again.

Senketsu: I look ridiculous? Do you really mean that, Ryuko?

Ryuko: Damn straight. What else would you call it but ridiculous when you can't tell if you're wearing anything?

Satsuki: To access the Life Fibers' power, while at the same time ensuring the wearer is not inadvertently enslaved, by minimizing the surface area in direct contact. That is the purpose of Life Fiber Synchronization. You should call it a stroke of human genius.

Ryuko: Genius, my ass! All I see is fear. You want the power of clothing, but you don't want your soul to be taken over. That getup is that half-assed mindset in a nutshell. All it is is pathetic!

Senketsu: That isn't true. When we were synchronized, you wore me and I was worn by you.

Satsuki: As it stands now, you are only being worn by Junketsu.

Ryuko: And what's wrong with that? Being worn by it feels so amazing I can't stand it! Humanity was born to be worn by Life Fibers. Being worn by them is the ultimate bliss.

Satsuki: That is the bliss of slavery.

Ryuko: If they have a problem with it, they're welcome to die. "Submit and die." That's the sort of line you love to say! Ain't that right, Satsuki Kiryuin?!

Satsuki: Senketsu Senjin!

Senketsu: Senketsu Senjin!

Satsuki was more spiked up than last time as the weaponized cloth went to hit Ryuko, it was broke by her scissor blade.

Satsuki: Don't hold back!

Ryuko: Oh, I get it now. So that's what's going on. I knew it, you haven't mastered wearing that Kamui properly.

Satsuki: Senketsu Shippu!

Satsuki tried to fly but Ryuko caught her by the leg throwing Satsuki back.

Ryuko: Too slow.

Satsuki: Senjin Shippu!

Before Satsuki could do that Ryuko went up to Satsuko slashing her in the chest.

Ryuko: That one's slow, too!

Satsuki was knocked to the ground in bad condition while this seemed boring to Ryuko.

Ryuko: What's the deal, huh? You can't fight back? You can't, can you? 'Cause I've seen through all your moves!

Ryuko picked Satsuki up by her hair this fight didn't seem to be in Satsuki's favor. Ryuko knees Satsuki in the face then started to beat on her.

Ryuko: Come on! Synchronization, my ass! You and Senketsu aren't synchronized at all! You shout out your instructions, and Senketsu attacks using his own strength! That's why there's a split-second delay in your transformations! You're the one who's just being worn by her Kamui! You haven't advanced one damn bit since the time you wore Junketsu!

Ryuko kicks Satsuki in the face making her tumble to the ground.

Ryuko: I am so freaking sick of your empty talk. Aw, what's the matter? Aren't you gonna look down on me like you always do? If you can't stand on your own, how about I put you on your feet?

Ryuko picked Satsuki up by her hair then letting go of her hair Ryuko grabbed Satsuki by the chin.

Ryuko: Feel better now, Little Miss Satsuki? But you're not standing on anything. You're a sad little princess who's standing on top of a sand castle. The instant a wave comes that castle comes crashing down.

Senketsu: Stop it, Ryuko! I admit, Satsuki can't hear me when I speak. Our synchronization is makeshift, as well. And yet, our hearts are one. We are of one mind in our desire to bring you back to your senses.

Ryuko: Shut up.

Senketsu: Can you imagine how much of a strain Satsuki is bearing to let me fight? No other human could do that. No one but Satsuki Kiryuin!

Ryuko: So what? It don't change the fact she is a loser!

Ryuko hit Satsuki away with the blunt end of her blade then her scissor blade extends. She walks over to Satsuki ready to kill her.

Ryuko: I'm sick of hearing you yammering on and on, you dishrag! I'm gonna chop up both you and...

Ryuko was blown away by an explosion from Jakuzure wearing a missile launcher.

Jakuzure: Don't you dare mock Satsuki!

She launched a bunch of missiles at Ryuko because Ryuko pissed her off.

Jakuzure: Satsuki's sand castle is made of is steel! It won't collapse that easily!

Ryuko: Butt the hell out!

Ryuko sliced the missiles in half causing them to explode behind her. Then Sanageyama came out of nowhere clashing with Ryuko.

Sanageyama: If you can't see what is in her heart, you can't see anything!

Ryuko: Quit pissing me off, human! What can you do with that little knife?!

This was all a distraction for Ryuko when Sanageyama jumped away, dust cleared revealing giant cannons aimed at her.

Inumuta: What can he do? Life you into my firing range, I suppose.

He pressed down on a button making all the cannons fire at once it is seen to hit her head on. The cannon fire causes a massive explosion on the ship. It appears that Ryuko had not a scratch on her she took that head on.

Ryuko: Did you think that would so anything to Junketsu?

???: No, but it did allow me to get in close

Gamagori was standing behind Ryuko with the same weapon he used to free Mako.

Ryuko: What the...

Gamagori: I'm going to rip Junketsu off of you!

The weapon began firing up as it pulled on Junketsu and Ryuko's skin.

Ryuko: Satsuki, you bitch! This was your plan all along?!

Satsuki: Indeed! Senketsu and I cannot defeat you in your current state. However, if I give the Elite Four a fighting chance, it us possible!

Ryuko: Son of a...

Inumuta: Yes! It went according to plan!

Aikuro: I still can't believe that Satsuki proposed a coordinated operation with the Elite Four. But what's most surprising of all is that you were able to accurately relay such a convoluted message, Mankanshoku.

Mako: She wrote it on my hands!

Aikuro: That girl thinks of everything.

The weapon kept pulling on the Kamui from Ryuko making her struggle but can't get free.

Ryuko: I can't believe you'd use yourself as bait.

Satsuki: I'd do anything to win. Did you forget that is my modus operandi?

Gamagori: And now we're going to pull you out of Junketsu and make you cone back to your senses!

Suddenly it backfires when Gamagori can't serparate Ryuko and Junketsu.

Gamagori: Why can't it separate Matoi?!

Satsuki: Run! Gamagori!

Nui sliced the weapon apart freeing Ryuko which this causes both Satsuki and Gamagori to jump back. The weapon explodes and after the smoke cleared Nui was holding on to Ryuko.

Satsuki: Nui Harime!

Tsumugu jumped out in a DTR shooting at Nui but she dodges all of the bullets.

Nui: Nope, nope, nope! Gosh, you humans sure like to waste time on things that don't work, don't you? Those bullets are never gonna hit me!

Nui uppercut Tsumugu causing him to go way up into the air which this satisfy Nui.

Nui: Ryuko will never be able to take off Junketsu.

Satsuki: Why not?

Nui: Cause Junketsu's Life Fibers are tightly linked with the ones inside of Ryuko's body! If you try to pull Junketsu off, they'll snap and she'll die from the shock!

Nui revealed the stitching on Ryuko's neck that makes it harder to get the Kamui off.

Senketsu: What?!

Satsuki: Why, you...

Aikuro: The Kamui's been stitched to her body?

Mako: That's so mean! What kind of penalty game is that?!

Mako jumped down obviously to go help her friend.

Mako: Mako Mankanshoku is on her way!

Ryuko created a strong gust of wind with her scissor blade blowing away some of the Elite Four members and Satsuki struggles to stay standing. Ryuko charged at Satsuki  which she ended up stripping Satsuki of Senketsu.

Satsuki: Senketsu!

Ryuko: You're dead!

Mako: Don't!

Mako fell behind Ryuko, Ryuko just looks at her like she wanted to kill her as well.

Mako: I understand why you're angry, Ryuko! I mean, if you can't take that outfit off, you can't take a bath or wash yourself, and you can't get dressed up for a date! But even so, that doesn't mean it's okay to go on a rampage like this!

Ryuko: What are you talking about?

Gamagori: Mankanshoku, run! This isn't the Matoi you used to know!

Mako: Ryuko is always Ryuko! Even if you've got Life Fibers inside you, even if you're mad that you're not human, you're still Ryuko! And Senketsu is your Sunday best, same as always!

Nui: That girl is such a pest.

Nui was going to attack Mako but Senketsu jumped into Mako pushing her out of the way. This results in Mako wearing Senketsu which surprise her.

Mako: Would you look at that!

Senketsu: I am taking your blood. Just don't pass out from blood loss, all right?

Nui: I hate girls who try too hard by wearing clothes that just don't suit them. It's so pathetic it makes my skin crawl!

???: Well the sight of you is not pleasant to me, but I'm not judging here.

Nui: Huh?

Nui looked behind her but before she could react, she was punched straight in the nose which sent her tumbling on the ground. The impact causes the ship to shake a bit from the intensity. Some people looked over to see (F/N) wearing a black costume, Superman was floating above everyone he then started to cross his arms.

Aikuro: For someone who is really fast you are late!

Superman: Sorry got a bit caught up with something.

Mako: Cool beard, it's makes you look more manly did you grow that for Ryuko, or did forget to shave?!

Superman: The second part Mako, glad you're back.

Ryuko: So you've come to crash the party! Well mother wants you alive but she didn't say I couldn't hurt you!

Superman: Actually I did come here to get this feeling off my chest...

Mako: That you love Ryuko!

Superman: No the feeling of how good it feels to hurt some bad guys who can take the pain!

Ryuko: You think you scare me?

Superman: Remarkably, no.

Ryuko: Its gonna be fun to finally kick your ass.

Nui: Lady Ragyo has a suit tailored for your wedding, Superman!

Aikuro: Wedding?

Mako: Are you two getting married, Oh I hope I'm a bridesmaid!

Superman: Grrrrrgh there is no wedding, I don't like forced marriages.

Nui: You're no fun! I wish I could kill you but oh well, I can just hurt you!

Superman: I still have a score to settle with you for killing my father, so don't think we are cool cause we aren't.

???: You're getting too mad right now, your blood is boiling (K/N).

Superman: Oh sorry about that, not use to wearing these.

Aikuro: Is he...

Gamagori: He can't be...

Inumuta: But that's impossible...

Satsuki: (F/N) is wearing a Kamui.

Ryuko: So you're wearing a Kamui as well.

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