Chapter 36 : (F/N)'S Kryptonian Birthday

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After that little talk me and Ryuko had I sat on a chair well I have not lost too much blood yet. I just needed a little cool off from that little explosive anger that I had when I just realized what today was. It was my Kryptonian birthday, my body didn't start to go haywire on my 12th birthday so that means that it took a little longer to affect me. The Kamui on me changed back to the regular look while I just relaxed a minute since people kept bugging me to take it easy.

You: My father said my real birthday was today, and he said that my body goes haywire every six years but how come it didn't when I was 12 then? I bet Ryuko told everyone I asked her out didn't she... Maybe I did get jealous I don't know but I guess I owe Dennis a milkshake, I am a man of my word.

???: I noticed the chemistry change in your body, your heart rate was way too high, if you were human you would've been in cardiac arrest.

You: Which reminds me I should give you a name, maybe Karen... No, no, that sounds like the name of an AI. Hmm, what about Claire?

???: No, I would like something more of my taste.

You: Bloody Mary? Just Kidding... Well you are picky so why don't you name yourself?

???: Because it is proper of the creator or parent to name their creation/child.

You: I'm not great with names, I may have a genius level intellect but hell even geniuses struggle with names from time to time. Fine do you want a Japanese name or a English name?

???: How bout a Kryptonian name?

You: Hmm, like Kal-El or Dru-Zod?

???: Yeah but try ending it with ketsu.

You: Hmm well Tylketsu?

Tylketsu: I like it!

You: Good now that you have your name you can stop bugging me about it.

Tylketsu: So why didn't you kiss her?

You: Huh?

Tylketsu: I said why didn't you kiss that Ryuko girl?

You: Well I mean... I... Um... You see...

Tylketsu: Yeah?

You: I have no answer to that question. I mean we did already kiss but that was more a stolen kiss. There really is no definitive answer to that, people let their hearts decide on who they want to spend their life with. Can we stop talking about this I need a take a little break from fighting, I already got my father's death in my head I don't need anymore worries.

I got a mirror and decided to shave the beard with my heat vision since that's the only way I can cut my hair. When I was done I just laid back and just looked up in the sky. My mind was full of thoughts like what is the Justice League that I am gonna help form someday.

You: I'm glad I'm not gonna be the only hero but I need to learn to control my temper.

My eyes became heavy as I fell into a soft sleep that's when I started dreaming of me back in America. In a more colorful red and blue costume was me as I flew through the city of Metropolis, the breeze I get from flying felt wonderful my cape flowing with the wind. My eyes glanced at the sight of a park with a statue of me which they call hero from a far away land. It was a crime free day unlike the sister city Gotham, here it was safe for people to walk home at night, for children to play outside because of my presence here that was possible which gave a sense of clarity.

You: This is wonderful, no crime all day but I did not want the people to dedicate a whole day to me, that's a little too much.

Deciding to go visit a very good diner that was nearby I changed into my civillain clothes and walked in. Upon walking in I was seated to a empty booth that had a good view of the outside. When I sat down I looked at the wonderful menu of good that I love to eat.

You: Hm, everything looks good but I'll have your homestyle pancakes, with bacon and some scrambled eggs.

Waitress: Alright I'll get that set for you, would you like anything to drink?

You: How about some orange juice, thank you.

The waitress walked off giving the order to the cook while waiting a little while my food came by with my orange juice.

Waitress: Enjoy your meal.

I put butter on the pancakes and smeared it with maple syrup which dripped to the side. I ate my food slowly and each bite was so enjoyable to my tastebuds. When finishing my meal I saw a bunch of employees walk out with a cake and I was wondering why they were coming to my table. They put the cake down and started singing.

Employees: Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you!

You: How did you know it was my birthday?

Waiter: That young lady over there told us!

I glanced over to see a sight that made me cringe a bit, how in Rao's name did Ragyo Kiryuin get in my dreams. I looked away before she saw me so I had the idea of leaving but I paid the amount I owed and left a tip before taking my cake and leaving. I noticed that Ragyo was following me which made me move a bit fast until I couldn't move anymore like I was being tied down by Kryptonite wires.

You: You need to get out of my head you witch, I'm not joining your cause!

Ragyo: Since you guys freed my daughter I need a new pawn, someone with a little more power, someone who can destroy a planet with ease.

You: My powers won't be used for your sick little games! I would rather die than help you.

Ragyo: After all I offered you I would've given you treasures, pleasure and the royal treatment you desire.

You: You tried to force me to marry your daughter, if I want to marry Ryuko I would do it under true pretenses, not that false persona you gave her. You aren't worthy to even call either Satsuki or Ryuko your daughters, a mother would look out for her children, give them love and care but you are evil to the core. You experimented on your own daughters, put them through hell you aren't a parent, what I see is a sad excuse of a woman who shed her humanity to gain power.

Ragyo: Well aren't you one to talk, you were never human to begin with. What do you owe these humans cause when they find out about your true self they will shun you.

Threads emitted from her fingertips then they slowly went in my head, she was trying to control I was fighting back. Suddenly a fimilar voice could be heard.

???: What do you think are doing to my son?!

Ragyo: So your resisting a lot more unlike my daughter when I gave her Junketsu.

Pa (L/N): That's because that is my boy, he never knows when to quit! The reason why he will never quit is because he is a (L/N)!

Ragyo: So you think a last name will make any difference for your son. Hehehe, he is not even your real child, your not his father just some man who took him in.

You: Take that back... I don't care if he isn't my real father that man taught me right from wrong. He took me and raised me as if I was his own and you dare have the audacity to say that he isn't my father! Because as we (L/N)'s usually say.

You/Pa: "When the world pushes you down, you get back up!"

I break the wires holding me then with a swift punch to the face it send Ragyo into the statue of me. I flew over there and grabbed a two pieces of the rock and smashed them on Ragyo.

You: If the world is going to shun me then how come I have friends and family there to help me back up when I fall!

Ragyo: I-Impossible!

A super charged heat vision obliterated Ragyo from my mind that's when I woke up realizing that my father is also looking out for me even from beyond the grave.

You: Ragyo trying to control me in my sleep and so think this will not be the last time she will try something like this.

Tylketsu: You okay? You were screaming in your sleep

You: I was having a nightmare about Ragyo trying to control me. Where is everyone?

Tylketsu: Um... Hey have I told you that you amazing hair father.

You: You've never told me that I had amazing hair but thanks. I hear multiple heartbeats but what happened to everyone?

Tylketsu: Well how bout we go to the front of the ship.

You: Ok.

I got up and began walking to the front of the ship. I see everyone gathered up with food ready which made me nervous.

You: Hey guys... What are you doing?

Everyone except me: Happy Birthday!

You: I've never told you all my real birthday... Tylketsu! You told while I was asleep didn't you?! I didn't want a party I hate my birthday.

Ryuko: Well we went through all the trouble to get party supplies!

Sukuyo: I even made special Croquettes for the birthday boy.

You: Well thanks... But you didn't have to...

Mako: You hate your birthday! But birthdays are a person most important day! Especially since you are with friends!

You: Yeah but my father is dead, my mother is going through depression. Dad use to take me out hunting on my birthdays which always calmed me down because I've had problems on my birthday. See the day our dog Buster died on my birthday has really bothered me. I didn't even know that this day was my real birthday until I talked with my real father.

Barazo: You must've been close to your dog.

You: I was.

Jakuzure: Are we going to celebrate this so we can get back to planning?

You: Sure...

I sighed as I sat on the ground everyone else did as well they all began to eat the food while I took small slow bites out of my food. Nobody noticed a small tear falling from my eye, I was grateful they did this for me in a time of crisis but I don't like my Kryptonian birthday at all. I was the last one done eating which was surprising due to the fact that I have a huge appetite.

Satsuki: You okay (F/N)?

You: Yeah I'm fine.

Aikuro: So where are you taking Ryuko?

You: Pardon me?

My sad expression quickly changed to a shocked look. I couldn't sweat but I had a nervous smile, I didn't blush due to my physiology.

Aikuro: Ryuko accidentally told us when Mankanshoku kept bugging her about multiple things.

You: Oh.

Sukuyo: I think it is sweet that you two are going out on a date.

You: Uh...

Mako: So aren't we going to eat some cake?!

You: Yeah let's eat some cake! Let's drop the whole thing. Okay alright!

We all eat cake after they all sung happy birthday to me, it became night time and everyone was getting ready to go back to planning so I took off Tylketsu and put on regular clothes I got from taking my bag from my hut. I decided to put the glasses on and sit there for a moment while Tylketsu was hung up behind me.

You: Hey dad, I know your up there having a good time... I wish I could've said bye to you. I didn't even get the chance and I am sorry that I got extremely pissed off.

Tylketsu: I'm pretty sure your father is happy that you didn't take a life or went too insane.

You: Yeah I guess you're right, you know for clothing you are very wise.

I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't look back since I knew who it was.

You: Hello Matoi.

Ryuko: yeah, yeah it's me now I noticed you've been sad the whole party so I came to check on you.

You: Well I guess the roles are reversed this time.

Ryuko: What's up with you dumbass?

You: You know name calling isn't the way to win a man's heart.

I began to cry a bit while Ryuko sat down with me. She puts my arm around her but I didn't really cheer up.

Ryuko: Well like you said that you cared about me, well I care about you as well idiot!

She lightly punched my arm in a joking matter which kind of made me smile.

You: Heh, I guess so, but who would've known that I would slowly start to fall in love with you. I thought we were complete opposites but turns out we are similar than we think we are, both were forced to be merged with Life Fibers at a very young age. Both our fathers were murdered by Nui, Ryuko I wanted to tell how I feel about you when I was hiatus for that one month. Well I love you, I really really do, you are a remarkable woman capable of great things, you're not afaird to say what you think. I like that you are a strong person who is very confident in what they believe in. I respect you very deeply and I love you for you.

Ryuko: Wow... You really think that about me?

You: I don't think that, I know that.

Our faces gotten close to each until we both felt our lips press against each other's. This kiss felt real unlike when she was under control. We both were still  locked into the kiss until she had to breathe for air. Ryuko was blushing but I wasn't I hate the fact that I can't blush.

Ryuko: Wow...

You: That was...

You/Ryuko: Great...

Ryuko: Happy Birthday dumbass.

We both sat there a while not saying a word probably trying to preserve the moment. I didn't know what to say now because I'm not experienced with this kind of topic. Ryuko suddenly kissed me on the cheek and she walked off smiling which was confusing because I've never seen that side of her before.

You: Good Night, Ryuko.

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