Chapter 7 : Truth Revealed

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I was about to knock on the door but then I thought about my ma and pa getting in trouble from the truth. But then I just sighed when I began to knock on the door gently, the door began to open as I saw a woman answer the door.

You: Hey mrs. Mankanshoku is Mako and Ryuko here? There is something I wanted to tell them and if you and your family want to listen then go ahead....

Sukuyo: Yes they are here, so you must be (F/N) (L/N)! Come in my daughter and her friend talked about you quite a bit..

You: Uh..... Okay!

I sighed as I walked in the house and sat down where Sukuyo told me where to sit,I just wait until I see Ryuko and Mako come out to the living room. Ryuko just glared at me and Mako was just smiling.

Ryuko: Dumbass...

You: Wait before you say anything else Matoi, I have something to tell you all and I feel like you need to know the truth about me. Everyone you know of that guy who saved Ryuko from dying, well that was me...

Ryuko: You really think we are dumb enough to believe you are the guy with the costume!

You: Ryuko! For once in my entire life I am being serious here!

I take off my glasses and they began to look shocked at what they see. I even had the costume in my bag that I quickly grabbed from my house, I showed them the costume and some of them didn't know what to say Mako was just in awe and Ryuko's jaw dropped.

Everyone: What the....

You: I also have something else to tell you guys, I am an alien from the planet Krypton. But my home planet was destroyed a long time ago...

Ryuko: I don't doubt that fact, I knew something wasn't right about you...

You: Yeah and when I took that punch for you I did that on purpose I pretended to trip on a rock, when I broke out of those restraints I used my strength to do so. The abilities I have are super strength, flight, heat vision, x-ray vision...

Ryuko: X-Ray.... Vision..... You mean you can see through anything....

You: No I don't use it like that I ain't a pig, let me get back to what I was saying. I have super breath, photographic memory, invulnerablity, super speed and I don't need to eat or drink because I get my nutrients from the sun. Well I can't see through lead.

Mako: So you don't need to eat! That's awesome my bestie is an alien!

Ryuko: But he is still a jackass!

You: Heh... Well guys I got to prepare for my fight with the Elite Four...

Ryuko: Wait you are going to fight the Elite Four?! Well I want answers from her so count me in I don't mind thrashing Satsuki's little bodyguards!

You: Ryuko I don't need backup for this fight I can handle myself! Sorry but this is my fight and if anyone got hurt because of me I could never forgive myself!

Ryuko: You said you cared for us! Well if you cared about me, Mako and your friend Ricky was it? Then you will let me fight with you!

You: No!!!! I almost killed someone with my powers! Now what if I can't control my strength and I accidentally hit you! I never hit someone with a lot of force I don't know what would happen! I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt!

I just got up with my bag and walked out of the house in anger as I flew back home and I heard Ryuko shouting to me in the background as I tuned her out. I needed to go home and think about some things as I got home I began to think as I heard a knock on my door, it was probably Ryuko since I didn't live far from Mako's family and I answered the door to see no one there. I saw a package on the ground which I picked up to see it was for me, it was from ma and pa.

You: I didn't know I got mail! Ma and pa sent this... Oh shit Ryuko coming!

I quickly shut the door as I opened the package to see something that made a tear dropped from my eyes. It was my old handmade cape I had when I was only 5 years old. I then saw a letter and I began to read it.

You: Dear son, we know that you may feel alone out there in a different country. But we want you to know that no matter what you aren't alone, you will make new friends and new enemies but that won't stop because you are a (L/N)! Don't try to force people away for they will grow distant to you, back when you we a child you used to be so full of energy and happiness but ever since you went to highschool you didn't want anyone to help you, we miss the little boy that use to pretend to sore through the sky and act like he was a Superman. (F/N) you maybe different from us but you still are our son and nothing will ever make us stop loving you. We love you and miss but just because you aren't human doesn't mean you should think you don't have to be happy. Please take care because you are becoming a young man and have plenty of responsibilities. Love Ma and Pa (L/N)....

Tears rolled down my face as I heard someone knocking on the door and when I opened I saw it was Ryuko and I just hugged her. She was confused to why I was hugging her but she was blushing but I had the feeling of stop being alone.

You: Ryuko I've decided that you may fight with me but under one condition, NO KILLING! ABSOLUTELY NO KILLING!!!

Ryuko: O--- sure (F/N)....

You: Did you just call me by my first name? This is new, you okay did you hit your head?

Ryuko: NO DUMBASS!!!

You: Oh everything is balanced in the world again. You hungry? I know how to cook a mean apple pie!

Ryuko: S--sure.... Why are you being so nice right now?

You: I can't be nice to people? Sure I insult you but I did that because I wanted new friends, I've been trying to keep my problems to myself but what I didn't know is that people cared enough to help. Now how bout some pie!

Ryuko: Okay jackass... I would like to try some American cooking!

You: Hehe well you can some take some home with you! And I mean the pie!

Ryuko: You are weird as hell! But I guess I can accept it!

You: Well come in and sit where ever you want! pie won't be done for a while now!

Ryuko smiled and that kind of scared me because she never smiled for me. I began to cook the pie as I popped it into the oven I grabbed some sodas I brought from home and I shared one with her. This is the first we actually connected without calling each other dumbass. 1 hour later we were playing cards and eating apple pie. Well we played poker and well I lost my money.

You: Dammit! I taught you how to play and you beat me the first game! I the use to be poker champion lost to a newcomer!

Ryuko: Well now I am the new poker champion jackass! You know what (L/N) you aren't as bad as I thought you were, I actually had fun but now I should get going... See ya at school idiot! Goodnight

You: Goodnight hooker!

Ryuko left with some pie I gave her for the house and I began to clean up the mess and I actually felt happy, for once in my life someone besides my folks made me happy.

You: She isn't as bad as I thought she was, hmm next I will learn not to judge a book by it's cover. Time to hit the hay..

I began to change into some pj's after that I fell asleep quickly to get ready for the next day of school and I know it is gonna be a weird one.

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