Chapter 8 : Day Four

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I woke up at midnight but I don't know why as I heard the noises that a man with super hearings wishes not to hear. I put the pillow of my head but nothing works, so I just decided to get my laptop out of my bag and I watch my favorite show with headphones on. I felt at ease even though I still hear the noises.

You: Well... This sucks, I hate hearing that stuff every night, I hope those people are married to be doing that. Humans act like animals in heat a lot!

I began to go the bathroom and I see I have a five o' clock shadow. So I shaved how I usually do, with my heat vision then I brushed my teeth and then took a shower. I then finished getting ready as I began to leaned in my chair. I read my book on engineering.

You: Well today is gonna be a weird day... Rick I'm not gonna pay for your food I will win this bet, Satsuki I will not lose to your puppets...

I finished reading my book then I noticed I still had hours til school starts. Then I began to do some upside down push ups with my thumb as I went up to 10,000 and still wasn't tired, I did it while reading my book. It was taking to long for school to start so I kept trying not to be bored but I couldn't change that fact. When it came time for school I quickly flew there since why take transportation when I can fly. I got there before everyone when I walked in the court yard I got in the building pretty quickly trying to avoid Satsuki.

You: Okay I'm in the building, now let's get to class.

I get to class right when mr. Mikisugi was getting his desk set up and he looked me with confusion as students usually don't get there that early.

You: Morning mr. Mikisugi!

Aikuro: Morning (F/N)... You're here early.

You: Well I am a morning person, like on the farm get up and do early morning work.

Aikuro: Hmm.... Well (F/N) did you get your homework that you missed?

You: Yep!

I handed him a stack of papers all finished and he was shocked and all my answers were right. He never seen such neat pile of student work before and it's even in order from the dates they were issued. What I didn't know is that I was the smartest person in his class. I sat at my desk reading my Sherlock Holmes book and the teacher began writing today's lesson on the board. The rest of the students come in but I was still too into my book as Ryuko puts the book down and I look at her with eyes that screams "What the hell did I do wrong?"

You: What's up?

Ryuko: Thanks for the pie last night... But anyways idiot how strong are you?

You: I don't know? Never tested my strength... Can we talk about this later please I just want to get today over with...

Ryuko: Fine! I want to know how do you make that pie?

You: Uh... It's a family recipe, secret actually ma wanted to start a bakery but couldn't due to the pain she goes through. So you guys liked the pie that much well I can bake you guys some brownies or cake, I don't need a cook book since the fact that I have photography memory.

Ryuko: Okay...

Mako: The pie was delicious (F/N)!

You: My ma makes some the best desserts i've ever had, she made some chocolate cakes that she sold at a bake sale. Not even 5 minutes into the bake sale the cakes were gone, this got the attention of food critics and well they loved it. Class is starting we'll talk later girls.

Class went on like normal, well as normal as it can be at this school. I was probably the only one paying attention to the teacher's lesson, class went by pretty quick when the bell rings the teacher left really quickly, Ryuko was chasing Mr. Mikisugi which made me confused. But she lost him and when I was right behind her she punched me in the gut for no reason but I just lowered my durability so she won't hurt her hand.

Ryuko: Where the hell did that bastard go off too?!

You: Okay... Is that a way to treat your friend...

Ryuko: Shut it alien!

You: Wow that was hurtful!

Mako: Heyooooo!!

Mako jumped towards me and Ryuko but this time I just caught her because I didn't want her to crash again. I put her down gently when we saw a note on her, so I grabbed and began to read it.

You: "See me after school where we met before. -Aikuro Mikisugi" .....

Ryuko and Mako just looked at me then she took the note but I was holding in a laugh, I couldn't hold it in anymore as I began to laugh uncontrollably. I couldn't stop laughing because I thought it was so funny.

Ryuko: What the hell is wrong with you dumbass?!

I struggled to talk as I kept laughing and I didn't need air due to my physiology.

You: You and the teacher! Oh my god! Probably going behind the bleachers... Making out for some extra credit! Ryuko and Aikuro....

Ryuko smacked me in the face and I saw she was blushing from what I said, I had the urge to laugh at her but I think she had enough.


You: It's okay if you like him, but I mean isn't he too old for you well I don't know the consent age here.

Ryuko grabbed her scissor blade and slashed my shirt and that made me mad as she began laughing until she saw my chest. I saw her blushing and well how many times do I have to get new uniforms. I was blushing at the fact she was staring at my abs and I was pretty jacked for someone who doesn't play sports.

You: Bitch....

Ryuko: .....

You: Hello, Earth to Ryuko!

I quickly went home in a second and got a (F/C) t-shirt to wear under the ripped uniform shirt and for now I have to deal with it. Ryuko finally snapped out of her trance when I got back.

You: Those uniforms aren't cheap you know! Jeez did you like what you saw so much?!

Ryuko: May..... I mean shut it alien!

You: You did like what you saw! Bwahahahaha! Well miss tomboy actually does have desires!

Ryuko: IDIOT!!!!

Ryuko's face was red and I was laughing at until she decided to hit me in the gut then on the head. I began laughing again as I was on the ground.

Ryuko: You and your fucking invulnerablity!

I stopped laughing as I saw her walk away with Mako and I noticed that Ricky wasn't here. When they both were gone I just got up to dust myself off when I began to hear a strange sound.

You: Uhh... What the hell...

I all of sudden began to start moving on my own as I didn't know what was going on with my body. I didn't know why I started to tap dance around but this was honestly confusing to me.

You: 🎵What the hell is going on? I don't know why I am singing?! I hear this ringing in my freaking ears... This isn't a game, what the hell is going on?! I'm not even rhyming, so this is very annoying! Whoever is doing this to me! I will make them pay, they better pray for they just pissed me off right now!🎵

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