Chapter 9 : Investigation

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You: 🎵Who has this power that puts me under it's sway?! I really wish it would go away!🎵

I kept dancing as I was under some sort of mind control, I then began to tap dance all the way home not having control of my body at all. I see a guy wearing some wear purple outfit, ginger, missing a tooth due to a fight and odd type of glasses looks more like to protect his eyes.

???: 🎵Little alien your troubles end here! your resistance to my charm now ends. When I belt these power chords!🎵

I recognize the voice but I couldn't do nothing about it as my body began to dance and I had no control.

???: 🎵For now on alien you will stay out of my way! Or your parents will suffer to my hypnotic sway!🎵

You: 🎵You're dastardly, despicable, disturbingly, inexplicable and imminently kick-able! You're a dirty rotten bastard...🎵

Music Meister: 🎵IT'S THE MUSIC MEISTER! Clam down my friend, your struggle ends. You're powerless against my booming voice!!!🎵 If you play your cards right and join me you'll know where to find me!

I blacked out from the intense mind control, if it wasn't for my photography memory I'd forget about what happened. I woke up in my bed as I was felt like I was in a nightmare but it was all too real. I then began to get up and walk around the house I was still in the same clothes from earlier.

You: I blacked out from this Music Meister guy... He was controlling me by song, but he sure didn't want me there long, I may have a serious villain here... I hope Ryuko and Mako are okay. The voice sounded familiar but who... I only know a couple of people who are here so.... Ricky Thomas, It can't be him! He is my best friend! But Ricky is the only ginger I have seen here... Could it be his father? Why did he let me go instead of making me his slave?

I walked back and forth in a circle as I began to think like Sherlock Holmes as I began to listen candidates for this Music Meister.

You: Ryuko Matoi, extremely aggressive when aggravated, tsundere when embarrassed and don't know if she can sing innocent. Mako Mankanshoku, Very friendly, weird personality, terrible singer and a hugger innocent. Ricky Thomas, ginger, ladies man, great singer suspect... I'll have to dive deeper in this case, next time wear earplugs to protect against sound. Good thing I read all those books about reverse engineering!

I began to form up some blueprints for anti music control earplugs. I began to hear Aikuro and Ryuko talking with my super hearing but I tuned it out as I had to get to work on a tool that will prevent people from being controlled.

You: Let's get started!

Working on the earplugs was a pretty difficult work but it I had to put the vocal block by copying his vocal patterns. I had to use precise muscle control but I manage to sound like him. I then began to work with the motherboard and the wiring as I had finally finished a pair of them. But only enough for one person, I had time to build more of them but I wanted to get a protype out.

You: Who knew I could copy people's vocal patterns, oh well I got more important things... Lightblub... This new found ability can be useful for stopping the Music Meister! Wait, oh shit tomorrow is my birthday... Oh well I got more important things to do and I won't tell those two about my birthday, By the way what is that weird voice I always hear when Ryuko is around... Am I the only one who can hear it? Also why has she been acting more strangely around me? So many questions so little time.

I finished the design for the earplugs but the problem is will they work. Suddenly I began to get annoyed as I have to hear such noises again. I tuned it out and I was really getting annoyed by this.

You: Really... This shall be one of my first inventions, my father will be proud but tomorrow I got to deal with Satsuki because I want more info on what the hell she meant when she thought I wore a Kamui... Was it my Kryptonian clothing? Or maybe because of my powers... Is the Music Meister working for Satsuki or is he planning on taking over her position, heh I may have a new ally or a new foe like my folks said on that letter.

I put the earplugs somewhere safe and began to go on the laptop to look up Music Hypnosis.

You: "Dr. Charles Lancroft, a therapist who specializes on music hypnosis. He was very well known for his work on helping people over come fears using this but due to his old age he had to retire out of the business. His legacy wasn't done as Lancroft had an apprentice who showed quite the musical talent. Dennis Neville Prowell but due to his meta human abilities, it was shown that he could not only hypnotize one person at a time. Soon Dennis was too much for the field due to his young and large ego he was forced out because his violent behavior to a client named Muriel Schneider." So this Dennis is our fellow Music Meister huh... Let me see something.

I began to change my vocals to Ricky Thomas' and I began to start singing.

You: 🎵Your resistance to my charm now ends, when I belt these power chords!🎵 An exact match so Ricky is actually Dennis Prowell. Grrrrrrrrrrrrgggh.... I figured Ricky Thomas sounded off. Son of bitch!!!

I got up and slammed a wooden chair upon the ground as I was pissed. I began to calm down as I began to think maybe he is trying to help me, or warn me.

You: He could be an ally, well Ricky I know your little secret now... Oh I forgot to change my voice back to normal, I know I could use this to poke fun at Ryuko but no this is a serious matter. Maybe he wanted me to know about him so he didn't make me his slave...

I began to talk back to normal as I sat down on a chair that wasn't broken. I began to think about even more things like the Kamui that Satsuki.

You: Now mystery two I will find out what these Kamui are, maybe it might be the clothes that was using Ryuko's blood... Great Scott! I know the outfit is alive and I thought it was a parasite, but the voice I heard that one day when Ryuko had to escape... That outfit can talk!!!! Well since I told my truth about my Kryptonian heritage Matoi you owe me the answers I seek...

I began to sigh as I feel betrayed by my best friend.

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