Chapter 2 the loss

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Froststar sat there, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. And suddenly, a tail brushed on her side "something is going on, isn't it?". She recognized the voice from all their live spent together "gleamhawk" she said. The deputy looked down at her.

I should tell him and her gaze traveled from the ground to gleamhawk. She told him about what happened when the dark warrior came and in starclan. And as she talked, froststar felt relief wash slowly over her as if telling all her miseries to her wise deputy would make her feel better. Once the leader had finished talking, gleamhawk stared in confusion at her.

As if in reply, she shook her head reluctantly.

Froststar and gleamhawk had been close friends in old times, but since the tom had been deputy there seemed to be nothing else left of their friendship, starclan knows why. But froststar couldn't help but feel relieved since it seemed like this dark warrior was bringing the bond of friendship slowly back to them.

Suddenly a young kit ran out of the nursery calling for leopardspot, peltgleam's mate. Froststar could only guess the pain he felt since his two kits and mate had been carried by the dark warrior into the camp. Leopardspot' eyes widened as the kit explained what happened. Without looking back at her deputy, froststar ran to the medicine cat's den.

What she saw there, was beyond what she could have ever thought of. The warrior, peltgleam, had her tail rapped securely around her two kits, rainpaw and strongpaw. Rainpaw was badly injured and bleeding heavily from her flank whilst strongpaw was licking hastily rainpaw. Peltgleam stood there, her eyes tightly closed while cloudthroat was applying cobwebs on her.

When froststar entered, peltgleam instantly looked at her. Froststar backed away, wondering what to do, when she realized that the she-cat wasn't looking at her, but at her mate, leopardspot who had just appeared from the hole, followed by the kit, shadowkit who was running to the medicine cat. Leopardspot ran to his mate and kits, licking each of them in turn.

When a shriek made his gaze turn to rainpaw. Her pelt was red with blood, tears were rolling down her checks as she moaned and groaned.

The medicine cat shot a gentle look at peltgleam and turned to the apprentice "fetch the poppy seeds!" Cloudthroat yelled at shadowkit who scurried off, leaving traces of blood behind, rainpaw's blood.

Strongpaw backed away from where he had been licking rainpaw, a pang of sorrow hit froststar as he walked to her. He seemed to be dragging his paws as he extended them, until he finally arrived next to his leader. He seemed to be hesitating for a few heartbeats and froststar gently rasped her tong against his black and grey pelt. "I'm afraid" strongpaw meowed through chocking tears "will she ever make it?". Froststar didn't want to poor her doubts to the apprentice but she didn't want to lie to him "she might not".

Strongpaw looked down at his paws with fear flashing through his deep blue eyes "but, I know cloudthroat would try his best" she added as an attempt to make the apprentice feel better. But strongpaw still stared down at his paws. Rainpaw crouched low as she slowly chewed the poppy seeds. She howled in discussed.

After what seemed like nine lives to froststar, strongpaw looked back up when he heard the pawsteps of his father walking to him, leopardspot smiled at his kit in apprehension "you would want to say good bye to your sister" he meowed without flinching. Strongpaw padded up to his sister.

And has she drew her last breath, he had meowed his farewells.

Froststar stared at whitedrizzle, his eyes shown with wonder will the strong warrior die too? Will all the clan die one by one?

So how was it? Please comment so that I can improve my chapters!

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