Chapter 3

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Thank you all for reading! I would really appreciate comments because I really want to improve on my writing! And of course votes :)


Froststar stared in misery as his clan leaned down to share tongs for that last time with rainpaw. She waited for the whole clan to whisper in the apprentice's ear, before leaning herself on rainpaw "you certainly died bravely". Froststar hesitated, she wanted to share more of her thoughts to the apprentice who could have become a warrior, but she could think of no more words. She slowly stepped away from rainpaw, dragging her paws to the high branch.

"Let all clan cats" she seemed to be whispering the words as she frantically went on "old enough to catch their own prey" she stared at her warriors as if she thought it was time to dismiss them, but she hastily shook her head "gather around the high branch for a clan meeting". She drew out a long breath as soon as the words were spoken.

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. What could I say? She thought miserably of a few words that could brighten her clan's spirits. "Starclan have sent me a prophecy" she said after a few heartbeats. The clan stared at her in silence, but she could tell that they were afraid and excited about the prophecy.

"A clan shall arise, not formed of cats, but of what you call dark warriors. Four should become one to fight these dangerous enemies". "These?" A cat asked raising his voice above the clan's murmurs "yes, gleamhawk" the leader meowed "these". She seemed to be thinking deeply about it, when the cat spoke again "there are more of them?" He asked, his brown pelt shivering.

All the clan turned to their deputy, all except froststar, who seemed to be concentrated on a far point in the distance, her tail flicking from side to side. A shadow was slowly rising, the dark warrior.

The clan shivered, they longed for a safe place to hide, but it was too late. The dark warrior approached with two cats, their lifeless body swinging from side to side. This time, the cats it was carrying could not be healed, even by the strength of the greatest medicine cat in the forest. This time it threw the cats next to the leader.

The pelts were almost totally red with blood, the cats couldn't be recognized, froststar took a long sniff of them. "Hawkclan" she whispered, her voice was barely audible by the cats gathered in front of him. Don't loose another life, don't get into a fight and the dark warrior approached her, his gaze resting on her.

It walked slowly through the brambles, and as it arrived to the high branch, it still had to lean to look directly at the leader. The six kits in the nursery staggered out in the open to reveal their colored pelts, as they were clustered all together.

The dark warrior looked at the kits with a smirk on his face. It unsheathed his claws, as if it was preparing for an imminent attack from the leader. But instead the leader didn't move and the dark warrior turned to look at the forest and roared. The kits and apprentices shivered at the roar. And more dark warriors emerged from the shadows, and started walking to the center of the camp.

The healer stepped in front of the cats, pride glistening in his eyes, his pelt bristling with fury.

The dark warriors's dark fur seemed to grow pale in the moonlight "what do you want?" Came a cry from one of the kits, his mother, flamesound, silenced him with a glanced. The healer laughed proudly "I want you" he said unsheathing his claws and stalking the kit. The kit backed away, his whiskers twitching with confusion.

The healer laughed and turned to the first dark warrior "you did well claws of the eagle". Claws of the eagle looked at his leader proudly, stepping to him slowly.

Murmurs were rising amongst the cats, the whole of starclan couldn't fight these dark warriors. The healer lifted a paw to silence the crowd and stepped to froststar.

The healer frowned as froststar spoke "who are you and what are you doing here?"

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