Lifetime One: prologue

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I walk a never ending path, twists and turns on every road. Wondering when my path will finally come to a end, as I walk I meet many people changing the fates of the people I meet giving them love and family of their own. But I wonder will I ever have such a chance at love and happiness.

In all the centuries of being alive I have never been truly happy, not after that day of losing everything I held dear. Even though it was so many years ago I remember it clearly, the smiling faces of the people in the square, the loud music and the dancing and I remember her. She comes to me in my dreams often I see her smile and her hair flowing in the wind, and us being together until it all came to a end that tragic day. The crying of children, screams of the innocent, and the fire that burned everything to the ground. I remember running away with her and people chasing us, running until we had no where left to run, trying to save her.

In the end it was useless, I lost her I remember holding her in my arms until they came for me, then it was all black. I had no memory of what happened after that moment, all I know is that when came to I was on a log floating down a riverbend. After years of wondering I noticed something, I was not aging therefore I couldn't stay in one spot of too long or people might come for me.

Years had passed until I was able to find myself a safe place for me to live without worries, a secluded place in the mountains, I made a garden and had animals so I wouldn't need to go into a town. I would only go if absolutely needed and if I go I wear a hood so my face does not show.

I was alone until I had met her a young girl shivering in the cold starving, so I walked up to the young girl and said, "Would you like to come with me," and that was when our story began.

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