10| Embarrassment

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"The worst tragedy in the world is when two people who love each other so much just can't make it work"


I opened the door as soon as I had seen the lights outside
And I immediately met Nala's eyes, which seemed to light up slightly as she saw me
"Finn" She smiled, stumbling to the door.

"Nala" I breathed out when she crashed into my arms, she hugged herself to me, before jumping up and winding her legs around my waist, I caught her before she could fall
But I knew she was completely drunk.

I then looked at the dickhead that had took her out
"She uh... I think she needs her bed" he chuckled
"Yeah, so you can go now" I grumbled, stepping back ready to shut the door.

"Alright... pumpkin" he muttered quietly as he made his way back round to the driver's seat
"You what?" I asked annoyed
"Nothing... tell her to call me yeah?" He said, before he ducked down into his seat, and started the engine.

"No... I won't" I mumbled to myself, finally shutting the door on him
And then... I was left with Nala clinging to me like a spider monkey
"Nal?... Nal? Darling?" I nudged her in my arms
"Mm... bed" she grumbled, burying her head in my neck.

I sighed, pulling her coat off the best I could without dropping her
Then I pulled her heels off
"Mm... I had such a... good night" she slurred, pulling back to look at me.

"I'm glad" I said, beginning to carry her up the stairs. But I wasn't, I didn't want her anywhere near him.
"I missed you tho" she said, leaning her head on my shoulder and looking up at me with wide eyes
I pushed her door open, but she protested.

"I want to sleep in your bed" she whined
I sighed, it was too late to mess about
Pol would wake up and all hell would break loose
"Really?" I asked, she nodded, the little curls of hair at the front of her face bouncing as she did.

I made my way to my room instead.
"Why did you even go out with him?" I asked
"It's was only a few... drinks" she mumbled, I laid her down on the bed and she immediately rolled over, snuggling into the blanket.

"Darling... you can't sleep in that" I sighed
She looked beautiful, but she couldn't sleep in that dress
She groaned, rolling onto her back before she began shimmering her dress off her body
I had to look away, I couldn't see... her body.

"Relax pumpkin... I'm not naked" she chuckled
I looked back at her, and she had an underdress on
But it was the 'pumpkin' that got me. Because it clearly came from him
"Pumpkin?" I questioned
"Mm... because you're ginger" she explained.

"I'm not ginger" I said annoyed, putting her dress across the chair in the corner
"No... you're strawberry blonde" she smiled, her eyes closed
I moved back towards her, and grasped the back of her head, pulling her up so I could take all the pins out.

She needed to be comfortable, especially if she was drunk. Or she'd just complain all night
I held her head up by the back of her neck with one hand, and started pulling the bobby pins out with the other
But as I did, I felt her cheek rest against mine, before her lips ghosted my skin.

I felt her hair fall over my hand, and then she kissed my cheek
"Nala... go to sleep" I said, resting her back down, but she just kept staring at me
Before her hands slid up my chest, and ran their way up to my face.

And she pulled me in
"I don't want to sleep" she whispered, and then I felt it
I felt her lips press against mine
I know she said I had kissed her, but that was when I was drunk
And I couldn't remember it.

But I would remember this. I could feel this
The only kiss I had ever had was when we were kids
And that barley lasted a few seconds
We were young and awkward and this... this felt very different to that one
It felt... so much better.

I could feel her body beneath mine, and her hands grasping onto me for dear life
It took me a moment before I kissed her back
I know I shouldn't, she was drunk, she clearly didn't know what she was doing because she would never kiss me.

So after what felt like only a millisecond, I pulled away, but she tried to pull me back down
"No... stop darl" I said, pushing her down into the bed by her hip
"You need sleep, you don't want this" I said, rolling onto my back beside her.

She immediately cuddled into my side.
"Mm... I want you... I always want you" she mumbled quietly, laying her head on my chest and throwing her leg over me.

I looked down at her, she was already falling asleep
But I didn't know what to think.
Did she... did she like me?
Why would she kiss me?

"Mmph..." she cuddled closer, so I pulled the blankets over us to keep her warm
I guess I'll just have to ask her in the morning
"Night darl" I mumbled against her hair.


"What?" I grumbled, rolling over, I was so tired
I felt like shit
"We have to get up, we've got work" I heard Finn's voice
Before I actually opened my eyes.

"Work?" I echoed, hearing him chuckle
"Yeah, you shouldn't have got so fucked last night, Pol will have your head" he said, once my eyes actually focused in I could see him next to me
I was in his bed. Which wasn't unusual.

I just couldn't remember how I had got here
Or why I was in my underdress and not a night gown
"What happened?" I asked
"You came home drunk, with dick face" he grumbled.

"And?" I asked, sitting up properly
"And... I put you to bed" he said
"Very difficultly, but yeah" he shrugged, sitting up
"And I didn't... do anything?" I asked worried
I hadn't been that drunk in so long, and I was now shitting it that I'd said something.

Admitted that I loved him, or that I want him
Or... anything stupid
"Do anything?" He asked confused
"Yeah. I didn't... embarrass myself or anything... right?" I asked... praying I hadn't.


"... embarrass myself or anything... right?" She asked.
She thinks she embarrassed herself?
Just looking at her, it made me nervous
She looked so pretty and soft and I just wanted to kiss her.

But I shouldn't tell her about the kiss... it was awkward enough the last time she said I had kissed her drunkenly
This would only fuck things up again
She didn't like me. That was clear by the way she acted when I had kissed her.

And she went out with that dickhead last night too
"No... you didn't do anything" I told her
"Really?" She asked, I nodded
"Really" I said, feeling like shit on the inside.

"Nala. 10 minutes!" We heard Pol shout up the stairs
"I uh... I've got to get ready" she mumbled, looking down for a moment before getting out of bed.

"Nala" I said, stopping her from leaving, she turned around, and I tried not to stare at her thighs, her underdress was so... short
So... sheer
I could see her underwear underneath
"What?" She asked, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at her.

"Uh... why... why did you go out with him last night?" I asked, she tilted her head slightly in confusion
"What? I can't go out for a drink?" She chuckled
"You never question me when I see Lola or Daisy" she added.

"I know, but you aren't friends with him" I said, why wouldn't she just tell me?
She sighed
"Fine... I'm... he's teaching me how to read" she mumbled.

"What?" He asked
"He's offered to teach me how to read properly, you know... all those longer words" she shrugged, she looked... embarrassed?
"Why didn't you ask me?" I asked
She smiled softly
"Because that would be like the blind leading the blind" she said.

"Oi, I can read" I said, she gave me that look
The look that said 'don't bullshit me'
"Look he's just... educated, he can help me" she smiled, and I felt that all too familiar jealous feeling in my chest
"Yeah I bet he can" I commented
"Meaning what?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Meaning why would a lad like him offer to help you?" I asked, he clearly had another motive
"A lad like him? Why would an educated rich guy want anything to do with me? Is that what you're saying?" She asked
"No I didn't mean it like that-"
"No I get it, I'm just scum huh? A guy like him would only give me the time of day to get in my knickers right?" She said, before she left the room annoyed.

I sighed
"Fuckin. Idiot" I mumbled to myself, dropping my head into my hands.

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