9| Wallowing

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"Soulmates are two best friends who fell in love"

• Nala •

I finished work and got ready for my drink with Connor. Finn hasn't been back all day.
I can see why though
I tell him he kissed me and he runs for the hills
He must feel so awkward... especially as he clearly didn't want to kiss me.

"Where you off to?" Pol asked, leaning against the doorframe to my bedroom.
"Out" I said
"Attitude" she warned, I rolled my eyes, turning ground to face her
"Out with a friend" I smiled
"Mhm, what friend?" She asked.

I sighed
"Just a friend Pol, I go out with friends all the time and you never give me that look" I said
"What look?" She asked
"The one that looks like I'm going out to take drugs or rob a shop or something" I mumbled, pulling my heels on.

"Well I'm sceptical... because you're so dressed up" she said
"So?" I asked
"So where are you going dressed like that?" She asked
I looked down. Fine. I was a bit dressed up. Fuck it I was very dressed up.

• Nala's Outfit •

But Liam was a high class guy. And I wasn't interested in impressing him. I was just very conscious of the fact that I was going somewhere high end
I didn't want them looking down on me.

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't ashamed of myself or where I had come from. But I just... I just don't want to be looked down on.

"I'm going out for a drink, I don't know where, Liams picking me up soon" I said, standing up
"Liam?" She mused
"Yes. Liam. And he's just a friend" I said sternly. I didn't need her creating any ideas in her head.
Or telling Finn it was more than it was.

Why do I even care?
It's not like Finn cares who I see... he doesn't even care he kissed me.

"He better be..." she said with a smirk, before disappearing back downstairs
I finished fixing my hair until I heard a beep from outside.
I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs, Liam was already outside in his car
Or daddy's car... it was a sleek black Bentley, I'm surprised he hasn't been robbed already.

"Your ride awaits pumpkin" he smiled from the drivers seat
I rolled my eyes, getting in the passenger side
"The ride you look far too young to be driving" I said
"I wasn't talking about the car" he grinned.

"You're repulsive" I said back
"And you're gorgeous" he said, starting the car
"Thanks" I said in a bored tone
"I mean it, you look very... classy" he commented, pulling off into the road
"You said we were going somewhere... snobby" I said, looking out the window.

He chuckled
"Yep, very snobby" he laughed.

• Finn •

"Aunt Polly" I called out, shutting the door behind me
"Kitchen" she called back
"Where's Nala gone?" I shouted curiously, heading through the hallway
She didn't reply, and when I opened the kitchen door she was sat casually reading the newspaper.

"Aunt Pol?" I asked expectantly
"I don't respond to shouting, you want to ask a question you can ask it calmly" she said, flicking the page over
I sighed
"Where's she gone?" I asked.

"She?" She mused
"Nala" I said annoyed, can she just fucking tell me?
"She's gone out for a drink" she said casually
"Looking like that?" I asked
She glanced at me
"Yes. Looking like that... why?" She asked.

"Who's she gone with?" I asked
"I'm surprised she hadn't told you. You two are normally stuck together" she said
"Pol!" I stressed
She sighed
"Liam? Don't know who he is. Looked like a posh little fucker if ever I saw one" she explained.

Liam? The guy from the wedding?
"Well where are they going?" I asked. And why didn't she tell me?
She shrugged
"I assume somewhere where the likes of us don't normally get past reception" she commented.

I sighed, leaving her in the kitchen to go upstairs
Why would she go out with... with him?
After last night and...
I had a glimmer of hope she might have actually liked the fact that I'd kissed her.

But I was just being stupid. I had to stop letting Isaiah get in my head all the time
She didn't like me. Not like that anyway.

I crashed down on my bed
I could still smell her from last night on the pillow. Well from every night
It was very rare we ever slept apart. But now I felt like shit.

She's on a date. She's on a fucking date
With that posh prick.
I groaned into the pillow. Why does life always fuck me over?

• Nala •

I knew he was taking me somewhere high end
But fuck... this was one of the classiest places in Birmingham
I'd never even stepped foot in here before
"Hey..." Liam bumped his shoulder against mine, our arms already linked
"Chill pumpkin" He smiled.

Chill? This was... this was a place I wouldn't even be able to serve in
Clean in... this place was way too good for me
I was hesitant to actually go in, but I couldn't help it when Liam was practically dragging me.

We were greeted by a man at the door, then someone at reception. Then a different man showed us our table before a woman took our drinks order
Christ... half the time at the Garrison you get your own drink cause no ones around.

"Ah Liam. It's nice to see you back here" the waitress smiled
"Evening Florence" he smirked
"What can I get you?" She asked, looking him up and down before biting her lip in nervousness
Oh please... I came here to discuss learning to read properly.

Something I was already conscious about
And now I had to sit here and watch... this unfold
"I imagine quite alot" he smiled, looking her up and down
I rolled my eyes and sighed, something Liam seemed to pick up on.

"But for now a bottle of wine would be good" He smiled that 'boy next door' smile, she nodded
"Uh- which one?" She asked
Liam leant forward in his chair, his hand reaching out as he stroked the side of her bare leg with his knuckles
"Surprise me" he said, looking up at her teasingly.

She looked flustered. So much so she didn't say anything else, she just nodded, gave me one hesitant 'who the hell is she?' look. And left
She seemed like a sweet girl though
"Really?" I asked blankly
"What?" He grinned, tearing his eyes away from watching her leave.

"That's not very gentlemanly now Mr Becket" I mused
"And you shouldn't touch her like that. What if she wasn't actually into you?" I asked
He shrugged
"You're just jealous" he said
"Of?" I asked
"Missing out on all this" He said, gesturing to himself.

I rolled my eyes again
"Believe me. The world will go on without you" I said
He chuckled
"Fine. You're just pissed seeing love blossom then" he countered, I scoffed
"Love? I bet you ten a penny you shag that poor girl and abandon her the next morning" I said.

"I'll have you know I'm a very attentive lover" He said
"Thankfully I'll never know" I said
"How's ginger?" He asked after a moment
"He's not-"
"He's not ginger I know. 'He's strawberry blonde'" he said, imitating my accent and voice.

He sounded like a twat with the posh accent as it was
He really shouldn't try brummie
I sighed
"He's... good" I said simply, looking out into the sea of privilege and old money.

"Awe, is he not satisfying you?" He asked
I threw him a glare
"We're here to talk about reading. Not each other's sex lives" I said
"Or lack of" he countered, a knowing look on his face.

I didn't reply though, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
"So... what days are you free? We can do lunch breaks, dinner dates, late night studying" he smirked
"Lunch breaks are fine" I said simply.

"Great. When do you want to start?" He asked
"I don't know. Surely you have business to get on with. Sounds like you're available whenever" I said
"For you. I'm always free" he said, clutching his suit where his heart is.

I rolled my eyes at him.
"Fine fine... I... I have time" he shrugged
"Meaning?" I asked
"Meaning... I'm training... for my fathers law company, so technically..."
"You can do what you want" I finished for him.

He nodded
"Ah... the world of nepotism" I commented, as the girl from before came back with a bottle
"Know the right people dear Nala... and you can get anywhere" he said, eyeing up the waitress as she approached our table.

I can already tell being in this guys company is going to be torture.

"I had a good time pumpkin" he grinned, pulling up outside the house
I'd admit I had drank... way more than him since he was driving
But I needed the alcohol to put up with all his comments and the advances he threw at the waitress.

I looked at him weirdly
"Quit with the pumpkin shit" I mumbled, fumbling for my bag at my feet
He chuckled, picking it up for me, before he got out and came round to my side, opening the door for me.

"You should get to bed" he laughed, helping me out the car
He helped me to the door, before knocking
I waited... and waited
Until it flew open and I saw the one person that was my reason for smiling.

Finn... my Finn.

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