15| Charity event

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Charity event

"Nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all"

• Nala •

Me and Daisy had spent the rest of the afternoon shopping for dresses that day.

I had finally found one, I just hoped it would wake Finn up a bit, show him that I'm his.
That I could be... sexy I suppose
The thought of him not wanting to have sex with me was a pathetic one. Because the reason why was racing through a million thoughts a minute.

That he might not be ready
That he doesn't like me as much as I thought he did
That he... doesn't find me attractive

"Nala" Isaiah called out
I focused my attention back on him
It was Tommy's charity event tonight and Isaiah had barrelled into my room demanding I help him to get ready.

I didn't know where Finn was. I didn't see him at all yesterday and he was out early this morning. Now we were all gathered at Tommy's house and I had been given my own room.

I thought me and Finn would have shared one but... he was no where to be seen.

• Finn •

I don't think I'd ever sunk so low.
Hiding out in the kitchen like a coward.
"Ah, he lives" I turned around to see Polly
"Not now Pol" I sighed pleadingly
"Yes. Now. Where have you been all day?" She asked.

"Helping Tommy" I shrugged, looking down
She analysed me for a minute
"You need to change your tie" she said
"What? Why?" I asked, I had a blue one on, me and Nala were going to match.

"Because you want to match Nala don't you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow
"Yeah. She got the blue dress didn't she?" I asked confused, she'd been looking at it in the shop for weeks.

"No, she chose something different, you'd know that if you actually spoke to her" she said accusingly
"I get it" I said
"Get what?" She asked
"I only came in here for the napkins" she said.

Hm, sure you did.
"Pol?" I said, stopping her
She looked at me, waiting
"You look really nice" I said, she smiled
A genuine one.
"Thankyou Finn. So does Nala" she said hinting.

I sighed
I've got to just suck it up and talk to her.

• Nala •

"You do know don't you?" Isaiah asked as I observed myself in the mirror
"What's that?" I asked, analysing every part of my dress
"That if Finn won't treat you right, I will" he said, I looked at him in the mirror, giving him a look.

• Nala's Outfit •

"Noted. But may I remind you he's your best friend and I am deeply in love with him" I said casually
He shrugged
"Yeah... suppose" he shrugged, making me laugh
I know he was joking anyway. He'd never see me like that. Not really. And vice versa.

"Come on then, who do you have your sights set on tonight?" I asked, grabbing my evening gloves and pulling them on
"Hmm" he thought
"Maybe Mandy" he said.

"Mandy? Had half of watery lane Mandy?" I asked, he nodded
I chuckled
"Good luck with that one" I said
"Eh, she knows how to have a good time" he said simply.

"Mm, and she knows how to cling to your leg in the morning and then... you'll never leave" I said in a daunting voice, laughing at his hesitant face.

"Yeah well, at least my date will put out" he poked back
I huffed, leaving the room as he laughed at having the last word
I didn't care if Finn didn't 'put out'. I wasn't annoyed at the fact he didn't want to.

I just... I didn't appreciate him running out on me. Not speaking to me and then avoiding me like he always did when he had a problem.

I got to the top of the stairs when Isaiah caught up with me, speaking about how attractive Mandy was and his game plan
But it all droned out if my head when my eyes fell upon Finn.

Stood at the bottom of the stairs chatting to Grace and Arthur
The latter who nodded at me in acknowledgement, earning Finn's gaze too
He didn't move, didn't speak, didn't breathe by the looks of things. He just... stared.

And his tie was green...
He... he matched me.

I trailed down the stairs. Passing a fleeting smile at Arthur as I headed straight for the hall, straight past Finn
"Nala" Finn spoke. But I ignored it
I was done always chasing after someone who left me again and again
He can come to me this time.

• Finn •

"She hates me doesn't she?" I asked exhausted
"Yeah" Isaiah said distracted, gazing after a girl at the door
I nudged him
"Does she actually?" I asked seriously
"What do you expect? You were gonna fuck her, then you didn't, then you ran out on her, then you avoided her. I'm pretty sure you're 0 for 3 at this point" he explained.

I left him, he is never any help.
I've got to remind myself of that. Useless
I walked into the hall and there were people everywhere, the place was packed.

Where on earth is Nala?

• Nala •

I'd been mingling for ages, absolutely fucking ages as Pol and Ada dragged me around
I even saw Adriana for a little while before she snuck off for a drink. Avoiding Pol
I'd avoid Pol too if she was my mother, so bloody over protective.

I even got to speak to Mariana for a bit, which was rare these days
I love my sister. But more often than not these days she just... doesn't have the time for me.

"Hello stranger"
"Liam" I smiled surprised. Of course he's here. Rich boy. Deep pockets
"Ah so you remember me?" He asked jokingly
"I'm sorry" I said simply
"Sorry for what? That you haven't been returning my calls?" He asked.

"I know I know, I just... I've had some stuff going on, I did mean to call you back" I explained
"Don't sweat it pumpkin, I just missed this tantalising personality of yours" he smirked.

Making me roll my eyes
"So what is the nature for ignoring your favourite tutor?" He asked
"My only tutor" I corrected
"Work kept you occupied... or someone kept you occupied?" He smiled.

I sighed
"Yes. Someone, now please drop it" I said
"Why? Where is ginger anyway?" He asked
I didn't have the energy for this.
"I don't know, there's a smart ass in my way of finding him" I said
He threw his hands up in surrender, smirking again.

"Sorry Pumpkin" he chuckled
"Nala" I nearly caught whiplash with the speed my head turned as I looked for the direction of Finn's voice
Before I caught sight of him moving through the crowd. Finn.

• Finn •

I waded through the people in my way. I had to find Nala
I had to speak to her, I had to grow up and just... explain the way I was feeling about the situation
And beg for forgiveness for walking out on her.

And when I saw that dickhead stood next to her, that idiot that clearly wants her, that clearly is only teaching her to get to her.


I couldn't make it to Nala anymore. I couldn't... I couldn't move anymore, I was frozen in place as Grace hit the ground to the right of me.
And everyone started screaming
I shot back into myself and ran towards Nala, trying to get past people... but another gunshot rang out, and a tearing searing pain ripped through my entire body.

Through my chest
"Fuck" I groaned, falling to my knees
"Finn!" I heard Nala scream, I looked up and she was running towards me, me...
"Nal I..." I couldn't talk, I started coughing, I felt all the air just... leaving my lungs.

• Nala •

"Finn? Finn look at me" I said frantically
I felt my whole body freeze when the gun went off
And went Finn hit the floor, my heart stopped
"Finn, Finn..." I cried, rolling him over and opening his suit jacket, his shirt following afterwards.

"Nala... Finn!" Pol shouted as she came running towards us, her pink gown flying behind her as she ran
"Move" she said worriedly, I sat back, watching her look and deal with his injury, he was pouring blood.

Blood... everywhere
"Finn, Finn you can't die on me please" I cried
"Alfie you need to press down" I heard Adriana shout
I looked up and saw Alfie Solomons... holding Mariana in his arms as she lay bleeding too.

"Mar" I whispered out, she was looking at me, with tears in her eyes before they fluttered shut
I felt more tears overflow my cheeks as I looked back down to Finn
My sister... the boy I love
They can't die on me... they can't

I couldn't live without Finn.

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