18- Reconnect

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"Just because I don't show it, doesn't mean I don't feel it"

Nala's POV

"Are you alright?" I asked
"I'm fine, will you stop asking if I'm bloody alright?" Finn said, easing himself down into a chair
"No, you're recovering" I said
"Am I fuck" he hissed in pain, adjusting himself

"Well you've got me convinced" Isaiah chuckled, earning a look from Finn
"Right, you'll be alright here for a while?" I asked
"Yes" he said
"And you remember to take your pills at 3" I said

"Yes, just go alright, even if I think it's a stupid idea" he said
"What is?" Isaiah asked
"She's going to see her dad" Finn butted in

"Why?" He said
"Because... I want to" I said simply, grabbing Finn's tea and putting it on the table closer to him
"Okay well, I'll be back soon" I said

"He'll be fine, he's got me" Isaiah grinned
"That's the problem" Finn grumbled
"Have fun with daddy dearest" Isaiah smiled
"Fuck off" I dismissed, heading for the door
"Seriously Nal, just be weary yeah?" Finn said as I opened it.

"Aren't I always?" I asked.

Nala's Outfit

When I eventually made it down there, I caught sight of him sitting at the waters edge, feet dangling above the water as he through bread out to the ducks
"Who'd you steal off to feed them then?" I asked, gaining his attention as I sat down beside him.

He looked at me, breaking another piece off
"No one, I bought it, from the market" he said
"You've never bought a thing in your life" I said
"I bought you that car for your 17th" he said
I nodded
"Yeah, and you 'bought' that from a rich couple down on Astly lane, and you didn't give it to me, you left it outside our house for the police to find. I never even saw you on my birthday" I said

"Granted, mistakes were made, but I did a stint for that car, 5 months they gave me for theft" he said
"I wonder why" I mumbled
"Those brothers you hang around with aren't exactly angels darling" he pointed out

"True, they're not, but they don't steal and cheat honest people" I said
He chuckled, leaning back onto his forearms, looking out at the canal
"So, how you been darl?" He asked
"In the past few years you mean?" I asked

"Yeah, heard Mariana moved down to London, you stayed here, little skinny lads your boyfriend now, and Thomas is fucking around with a bad crowd" he said
Ah, there's the mention of Tommy and his dodgy dealings

"And where have you heard all this from?" I asked
He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up as he sat back up
"Staying with the Coopers, come up from down south" he said

"Tommy and your lots been talked about a lot" he said, taking a drag
"Oh aye?" I asked
"Yeah, heard he's mixed up with Russians now" he said

"And why do you care so much about Tommy's life eh?" I asked
Is that what he was back for? Tommy?

"Just making conversation Princess, come on then, tell me what you've been up to" he urged
"Not much, finished school a while ago, working in the betting den now" I said
I wasn't going to tell him about my extra curricular activities within the business
In fact, I wasn't telling him any business at all

It was an odd feeling to not trust your own father
"That's grand that is, really" he said
"Pol know you're here then?" He asked
I shook my head
"She'd throw you in that canal if she did" I said
"Well, I don't doubt that, maybe I can make her come round eh? See that I'm changing for the better" he said.

"And are you?" I asked
He nodded
"Course, got myself a good woman, her names Marta, you'd love her, I'll introduce you some time, for a side gig going, taking bets on the horses you know... and I'm set up with the Coopers for now. I'm not the man that walked out on you before Nal, I've changed" he said

"I'll believe it when I see it" I said.

"Yeah well, it's hard to show it when everyone around you is rooting against me" he said
"That's the point dad. If you've really changed you have to change their minds. Change mine" I said
"Because right now, I wouldn't be surprised if you turned around and walked out on me again" I said.

"Never, not again Princess, I'm here to stay" he said
"Mm" I hummed, kicking my legs out in front of me.

We'll see

"I really enjoyed this Nal, will you see me again eh?" He asked, stopping by my door
"Maybe" I said
He nodded
"Well most night I'll be in the garrison, if you're around I could introduce you to a few friends, we can have a proper catch up, it'd be nice to see Finn again" he smiled.

"Yeah, I guess" I said, opening the door
"Nala?" Finn called out, hearing the door
"Coming" I said
"He's out the hospital then?" He said
I nodded
"Yeah, resting for a while" I said shortly.

"Nala?" Polly called, trailing through the hallway, wiping her hands on a tea towel as her gaze met dad's
And her face dropped
"What are you doing with him?" She asked
"We had a chat" I said

"And now what? He's father of the year?" She asked
"No" I said
"I'll see you" I said simply to him, before entering the house.

Polly's POV

"I told you to stay away from her" I said to him
"And I told you, no money, no disappearing" he said
"You piece of shit" I said, moving to close the door
But he jammed his arm in the way

"I suggest you find something Polly, you wouldn't want her finding out you bribed her own father to leave last time would you?" He asked
"Fuck off Kinney" I said, shutting the door
He wasn't going to leave
That was easy to see

So it was either get him some money, or call Mariana
Which was the last thing I wanted to do
Thomas was off god knows where and doing god knows what to get over Grace's death
So I didn't know what to do.

Nala's POV

"Mm that feels nice" Finn said, eyes closed and head laid back as I massaged his shoulders
I rolled my eyes
Stabbed once and you'd think he was on his death bed with the way he was acting now

"So that's it? He just wanted to chat?" He asked
"I don't know" I thought out loud to him
"He asked about Tommy a little bit, I don't know what his game is" I said
"Where's he living now?" He asked
"With the Coopers" I said

"Fucking hell, rough crowd ain't it?" He chuckled
"Well my dad ain't exactly the king is he?" I said back, he was as rough as they come
What mum saw in him I'll never understand.

"You finished healing the Queen of Sheba in there?" Polly called
"Dinners ready" she added
I chuckled, letting go of Finn as he whined, helping him up to the kitchen.

Polly's POV

"What have you rang me for at this time?" She asked
"Help" I said simply
"With what?" She asked
"I'm practically bed bound Pol, I can't do much for you" Mariana said down the phone.

"I know I know, I... I need some money" I said
"What for?" She asked
"Kinney, he won't leave Mar, not easily this time, he's seen Nala today" I said
"I told you to keep him away from her" she sighed

"I tried, she didn't tell me she was going to see him, but I don't want him filling her head with hope, she's had enough of that from him and even more heart ache" I said
"I know, I'll figure something out" she said.

"Don't come down, she'll only kick off" I said
"I won't" she groaned
"But I'm not giving him any more money, we'll have to figure out a different way to get rid of him" she said.

"I have to go" I said simply, watching Finn limp down the stairs in pain.

"Where you going?" He asked, looking me up and down
"Out, don't wait up, I'm going to see a friend" I said, pulling my hat on
He chuckled, wincing afterwards
"You don't have friends" he commented cheekily

I didn't respond, I just looked at him
And his face dropped
"Right, I'll be back later, don't forget your pills" I said
"Yes" he whined.

Nala's POV

"So... we have the house all to ourselves tonight?" I asked
He nodded
"Yeah, pretty much" he shrugged
"Fancy, an early night then?" I asked suggestively

I wasn't expecting us to sleep together
Finn wasn't ready and even if he was, he could barely move
But we hadn't really, slept next to each other as a couple much
Small kisses, holding here and there
I wanted that with Finn.

"Uh, yeah... yeah" he stumbled over himself.

I smiled, standing up and holding out my hand to him.

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