19- Home alone

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Home alone

"The sensitive suffer more; but they love more, and dream more" - Augusto Cury

Nala's POV

Lying beside Finn was... strange
When he could barely move and every time he did it was in agony.

"Are you sure you're alright like that?" I asked
He nodded, propped up on a bunch of pillows
"I'm fine Nala, stop mithering" he said
"It's called concern" I argued back
"And I'm happy you're so worried about me, but I'm also tired, and you asking me if I'm okay every 5 minutes is... annoying" he chuckled

"Well excuse me" I said, turning away from him teasingly
"Eh, stop it, come back" he said, his hand landing down onto my thigh, pulling me over
I looked at him, and waited
Was I crazy for wanting us to... do stuff?

I felt like jumping him
Kissing him and touching him and us...
but he didn't seem as keen as I was
Sometimes it felt like he just didn't want me like that
"Finn?" I questioned, sitting up

"Yeah?" He asked
I leant in, kissing him slowly
"Are you okay enough... for this?" I asked, slowly sliding myself into his lap
He stiffened slightly, every muscle going taut as he looked at me wide eyed

"Nala" he tried
"Yes?" I asked back, trailing my hands slowly down his chest, before I graced one over his boxers, stopping at his waistband
"Maybe you should um..." he stumbled over his words, staring down at my hand
"Maybe I should what?" I asked, slowly gripping the elastic with my fingertips

"Um..." he didn't say anything, just stared.
So I very hesitantly dipped my hand into his boxers, slowly wrapping my hand around him
His breath hitched, before his breathing seemed to stopped altogether. He just sat there, frozen and staring.

The sight almost made me smile
He was just as nervous as I was
"Finn" I whispered, beginning to move my hand
"Yeah?" He asked absentmindedly, his voice barely above a whisper himself
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

I didn't want to pressure him into anything
I wanted him to want it as much as I did.
But words seemed to escap him.
"Finn?" I asked
His gaze shot up to mine, away from my hand now moving back and forth in a regular motion.

"No" he breathed out, his chest finally moving up and down again, just looking at me
I moved in, connecting our lips again to ease the tension
He grabbed hold of the back of my head, kissing me intently

"Fuck" he sighed, sitting back
Reassuring me I was actually doing a good job
I quickened my pace slightly, watching him tighten one hand into the bed sheets, the other grabbing hold of my wrist
"Nala" he said sharply

"What?" I asked. Did I do something wrong?
"Stop" he said
"Why?" I asked
"Because if you don't I... I won't last" he said simply
The thought almost made me smile

Did I make him that turned on? I slowed back down, just watching him crumble beneath me in sighs and ragged breathing
"That a bad thing?" I asked lowly, kissing him once again
He groaned against me as I sped up slightly again, his breathing quickening as his head fell back against the headboard

"Fuck" he managed out, before he came, slowly calming down afterwards
I let go of him, looking up to see red had creeped up his face and hidden every freckle

"That was..." he trailed off, just laying there, head against the headboard, hair over his forehead and a beetroot face
I smiled
"Good?" I asked
He nodded frantically

"Yeah" he said
"Good" I said, lying down beside him, resting my head on his shoulder
"Maybe when you're better we can do more" I suggested
"L-like what?" He asked, lying down and facing me

I gave him a look
"Right" he said, nodding to himself
"We should sleep" I said, cuddling into him
"Yeah" he said absentmindedly, pulling me into his hold.

Finn's POV

"And you didn't return the favour?" Isaiah asked
"I didn't have any thoughts in my head" I said
"I was just... blank. It was... amazing, she's just..." I didn't have words

It had felt so good
And after I... all I could do was lie there in disbelief
That it actually happened
That it was Nala

The thought of us doing more hadn't even entered my head
Was I supposed to do something back?
"I'm happy for you mate, but you have to step up, satisfy your lady" he said
"Shut up" I said

"Hey it's friendly advice, a girl like Nala needs satisfaction" he said
I rolled my eyes at him, walking away
He was an idiot
I knew on some level he was right

I was just... nervous
Nervous of getting it wrong
Nala was way out of my league, I had no idea why she was interested in someone like me.

"There you are"
Speak of the angel and she shall appear
"Hey" I smiled
She looked so beautiful today.

"You're up and about?" She said happily
"Seems so" I said, I had gotten up around an hour ago and tried to actually do some work
"Then, do you fancy a drink later?" She asked, nearing me
"Sure" I nodded, kissing her once
She kept her eyes closed, savouring it for a moment before looking up at me again

With those big gorgeous eyes
"Great" she said, after pulling away
"You seen your dad today?" I asked
She shook her head
"No, not since the other day, Polly seems to think he's left town again" she explained

Knowing Polly she probably forced him out of town.

Nala's POV

The mention of dad put me down a little bit, I hadn't seen him at all today
And Polly mentioning the thought of him leaving seemed so odd to me
How would she know?

"Polly?" I questioned, poking my head around the office door
"Yeah?" She asked
"Have you seen dad at all?" I asked
"No I haven't, haven't you?" She asked
I shook my head

"Are you honestly surprised Nala? he drifts in and out" she said
"I know" I said
I never got my hopes up when dad decided to drift through town
But he normally stayed longer than this.

"I just wondered. Sorry I bothered you" I said, heading back out

Polly's POV

I felt bad watching her slump out of the office
But this was best for her
Best if he just left
Mariana rang me and informed me what she had done
I just hoped he got the message.

Clearly he hadn't got the message
Because I had heard him begin to follow me as soon as I walked past the alley way towards home
"Oi, Oi" he shouted, I turned around, waiting for the inevitable drivel he had to say

He looked worse than I thought he would
"You had me beat up?!" He shouted, one eye squinted and bruised and the other glaring at me
"I haven't done anything" I said simply.

"Who did then eh? That fucking sister of hers?" He asked
"I don't know who did this to you Kinney..." I lied
"But maybe it's a sign to move on, maybe it's a message that no body wants you here" I went on.

I couldn't lie and say I found no enjoyment in his swelled up face
"I'm not leaving. I'm just getting started. You want to play dirty Pol? Huh? I'll just go to my dear little daughter, all beat up... because her sister and the random woman from next door beat her dad up" he taunted.

"Leave Kinney. Before she does worse to you" I warned
"She'll do nothing to me. She wouldn't dare hurt Nala's feelings" he smiled
"No, but she'll hurt you. Badly" I said, turning back around.

"I want my money Polly!" He shouted
I ignored him. Fucking fool needed to realise Mariana wouldn't let him stay.

Finn's POV

Step up. Satisfy her.
"Finn" she smiled, sitting down opposite me
I smiled back at her
"I got you a drink" I said, glancing over at Isaiah and the boys across the pub
He kept looking at me
I felt... a lot of pressure

To wine and dine her
Did she really care so much about us having sex?

"So, how was your day?" She asked
I looked across at her
She was so beautiful
What the fuck was she doing with someone like me?

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