3| Wedding

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"I wish you could hear all the worries I'm too afraid to say"

So this is the official beginning of the story, the other chapters will carry on from this point in time now.

• Finn •

I woke up to the sun blaring through the curtains, burning my eyes.
I look down to see Nala half sprawled out over me and the bed.
Her hand resting on my chest, her head in the crook of my neck and hair all over the pillow.

I tried to move out from under her but she just cuddled closer into me. I sighed and just pulled her into me, she wasn't a morning person... and to be honest neither was I, but we had Tommy's wedding today so we couldn't just stay in bed for ages.

I enjoyed our position for a few more minutes and then shook her slightly but she just groaned and threw her leg over mine, pulling me closer to her... if that was even possible.
We were staying at Tommy's house, so that everyone was here to get ready for the wedding.

Me and Nala were sharing a room, we'd always had on occasions like this, at home she'd either get in my bed or I'd get in hers, it was just the way we were.

"Why's it so fuckin bright?" Nala mumbled, shoving her face back into my neck after being blinded by the sun.
I chuckled slightly
"You need to wake up anyway" I said.

"No" she whined
"It's the wedding" I said, causing her to immediately sit up, her hair a complete mess on her head as she wiped the drool from her chin, she was straddling me now, my hands coming up to her hips to steady her.

I couldn't help but smile at her, even in the mornings she looked beautiful
"We've gotta get ready" she said adamantly, jumping off the bed, only to be pulled back by me.

"Finn" she whined again, a pout on her face as I held her against my chest, revelling in her warmth
"We have to get up" she groaned, snuggling into me even though she was protesting to be let go.

"Just a few more minutes" I whined, stroking her hair, she wriggled out of my arms and straddled me again
"Finn Shelby, if you don't get up right now I'll... I'll beat you up" she threatened teasingly.

But the way she was straddling me was stirring something inside of me, she was right on top of... a certain part of me.
"Finn... Finn?" She asked, leaning down and grabbing my face, her chest now on view as her nightgown didn't do a lot to keep her chest contained.

I swallowed harshly, trying my hardest to keep my eyes glued to hers. Fucking hormones.
"Fine... lets get up" I said, softly pushing her off my hips
She sprung off the bed again, dashing into the bathroom with her dress.

I chucked at her and began to sleepily put my suit on.
It was a dark blue colour, I hadn't liked it to begin with... until Nala voiced that she thought it brought out the colour of my eyes.
She was in the bathroom for ages before she finally came out.
I was halfway through failing my tie for the third time when I had heard the door clicked.

Nala came sauntering out, her hair falling down her back. Beautiful
Pink silk seemed to hug every curve on her body.
Fuck I needed to stop staring at her like this
"You uh... y-you look gorgeous" I complimented.

• Nala's Outfit •

"Thanks" she smiled
"Need help?" She asked, eyeing my tie, I nodded, she moved over to me and began doing my tie for me, her face so close to mine but she wasn't looking at me, her sole focus on my collar.

"No snow today... okay?" She said quietly, I nodded immediately, I didn't want to upset her.
She didn't like it when I did snow, she only ever did it on the odd occasion but she didn't like being around me when I had some.
It either gave me too much confidence for my own good, or I would be out by 10 and she would have to put me to bed.

"Promise?" She asked sternly
"Promise" I nodded, grasping her face in my hands to make her look at me
"And you promise not to wonder off with some dream guy... cause you're supposed to be my date and I'll look stupid if you're dancing with someone else" I teased, she giggled and nodded

"I promise I won't leave your side" she said, winding her arms around my neck and leaving a kiss on my cheek
"Good" I said, pulling her into me with my arms around her waist

"Ready lovebirds?" We both turned our heads at the sound of a voice in the doorway, seeing Isaiah with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face
"Hey, what if we were doing something? You can't just invite yourself in" Nala said, crossing her arms and giving Isaiah a pointed look.

Doing something?
"Oh please... the day I walk in on Finn fucking ya is the day hell freezes over" he laughed
She left me, to smack Isaiah in the arm
"I meant one of us could have been changing... pervert" she mumbled the last part, pushing past him to go downstairs.

Once she was out of sight, Isaiah turned back to me with a smirk
"She looks pretty" he commented
I nodded
"Yeah" I sighed.
Today was going to be hard, not staring at her so much, yet also trying to keep her away from other guys
"Come on then" Isaiah said, strolling out.

The ceremony went surprisingly well, the posh bastards from Grace's side didn't glare at us too much.
And Grace looked quite pretty when she came down the aisle.

For the ceremony I was squashed between John and Nala, John mumbling comments about the 'rich cunts' opposite us, and Nala holding my hand in hers and smiling as she watched the wedding.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her, she was so fucking beautiful, her hand soft and small in mine, I could feel her promise ring rub against my hand
The one I'd given her when we were younger, when she'd promised me she'd marry me one day.

I'm assuming she'd forgotten about that by now
I mean... we were best friends, she definitely wasn't waiting to marry me one day, but she'd left it on her finger, I guess it was now just a symbol of our friendship.

When the wedding was over we had to go outside for photos, everyone was standing around and talking as the photographer called different people over for photos.
Family, work, brides side, grooms side, men, women

I was stood with Isaiah, Nathan and Matthew, whilst Nala was stood by the church doors with Lola, Daisy and Adriana.

Nathan and Matthew were both Peakys, I'd met Nathan a few years back and Matthew had been in my life since birth
Lola and Daisy were Nala's friends.
Lola was in school with Nala, whereas Daisy worked in the book shop her dad owned.
Adriana is my cousin who came back a few years ago, stumbling into the pub bleeding all over the place.

Since she came back, her and Nala were practically best friends, especially at family occasions like this, both would rather be drinking and dancing than stood around taking wedding photos.

"I'm telling you... it'll happen tonight" Matthew said, drawing me back into the conversation and away from Nala
"Bull. Shit" Isaiah laughed
"What?" I asked, confused
"Matty here thinks he'll pull the posh bird in the yellow dress" Nathan laughed, nodding over to a blonde girl making eyes at us.

I laughed as I turned my head back towards them
"Doubtful" I muttered
"I'm telling you... she wants me" he said as he eyed her up and down
"She wants Isaiah" Nathan laughed.

As bad as I felt for Matthew, Nathan was right, she was looking at Isaiah, not him
"Well... looks like I'm pulling a posh bird then" Isaiah chuckled, clapping his hands together
"Days not over yet... I'll have her in me bed before the speeches" Matthew mumbled.

"Sure you will" I rolled my eyes
"Fuck off yeah? We don't all have a little minx like Nala to crawl into bed with at the end of the day" Matthew said
"Nala ain't a minx" I said, my brows furrowed together
"She is mate. You just ain't got the guts to fuck her" Isaiah said, looking around at the other guests.

"Fuck off" I grumbled, putting my hands in my pockets
"Ah I'm sorry, your sweet cuddles must satisfy her just fine" Nathan said in a baby voice while pinching my cheek
"Fuck. Off" I seethed, pissed off that they were teasing me about her. Again.

"Looks like something else'll be satisfying her tonight" Isaiah chuckled, motioning behind me and Nathan
I turned around to see two guys from Grace's side talking to the girls.
Both dressed up in red coats and making them laugh.

I felt an annoying feeling tugging in my stomach. Jealousy?
Why was she talking to those pricks?
"Groom's family" the photographer shouted, giving me the perfect excuse to go and pull Nala away from them.

Nala and her older sister Mariana were as good as family to us. And there was no doubt they would all want her in the photo with us
"Family photo Nal" I said, winding my arm around her waist so these dickheads would get the idea to stay away from her.

"Okay" she said, waltzing off towards the family, pulling me along with her
We posed for the photo with her in front of me, my hands settled on her waist as we smiled.

"Alright... lets get out of 'ere before I clock one of those bastards in the head" John mumbled to both of us, heading for his car.
We got in with him and made our way back to Tommy's house.

The hall was completely decked out with wedding decorations, the dining room holding an enormous table for all the guests.
After waiting fucking ages for Tommy and Grace to stop obviously shagging upstairs and the speeches to be over, we were finally allowed into the hall.

Mine and Nala's first priority being the bar and getting some alcohol down us.
"Today's been really nice, for once" she giggled, sipping her gin
"Yeah... surprised it ain't kicked off yet" I mumbled
She laughed and put her drink down, grabbing my hand.

"Can we dance?" She asked, her beautiful blue eyes looking up into mine, I found myself nodding before I even thought of what to say, then finding myself being pulled onto the dance floor.

She put her arms around my neck so I settled my hands on her waist, pulling her closer to me, we swayed to the music as we stared at each other
"So uh... who were the guys you were talking to at the church?" I asked casually, trying to act as if I didn't care.

"Just some guys who are friends with Grace's family... they were just making conversation" she shrugged
"Right" I mumbled, still staring at her, she smiled
"Why? You worried they'd steal your wedding date?" She asked jokingly.

If I was being honest... the answer was yes.
I was terrified she'd actually like one of them.
She's only ever had one boyfriend and that killed me.
His name was Tom and he was a dick to her, she was 15 when she went out with him, he was 17.

Thankfully they never did anything, and she broke it off with him when she caught him kissing some other girl down the blackbird.

But those few weeks killed me, she barely spent any of her time with me and she didn't slept over during that time. It was horrible.
But then they broke up and she used me as a shoulder to cry on, I was her best friend after all.
But she was really clingy during the heartache and as much as it was horrible to see her like that, it was nice to comfort her, to hold her and have her confide in me.

"Finn?" She asked, bringing me back to reality
"Yeah?" I asked, making her laugh
"You kinda zoned out there for a few minutes, you okay?" She asked, we'd stopped swaying and now we were just stood, my arms around her and hers on my shoulders.

"Yeah... I'm fine" I smiled, a smile that quickly fell into a scowl when one of those red coat pricks from the church approached us
"Liam" she greeted with a smile
"My lady" he greeted, planting a kiss on the back of her hand, making her giggle.

"What?" I asked bluntly, I didn't want him anywhere near her, my tone must have sounded too harsh as Nala threw a subtle warning glare at me.

"I Uh... I was wondering if I could possibly steal Nala for a dance?" He smiled at her
She looked hesitantly towards me as if asking for approval.
I couldn't exactly just say no and whisk her off could I?
So I gave a single subtle nod to her.

She smiled at me and then said yes to that twat, taking his offered hand and slipping out of my hold, he took her into the middle of the dance floor, dancing with her.

And I just stood there, on the side of the room, glaring at him.
Wishing it was me with my hands on her
"She find a better offer?" Isaiah laughed from beside me as he came to stand next to me.
"Fuck off Isaiah" I grumbled

"Well I know what'll make you feel better" he smirked
"No, I told Nala I wouldn't do snow tonight" I said
He groaned in annoyance
"Oh come on... they're starting fights and racing outside, we need our best rider geared up" he whined.

"I'll race but I ain't doing snow" I said again
"Why?... it's not like she'll notice, she's dancing with Prince Charming over there" he groaned, motioning over to the two who were laughing and dancing.
"Fuck it... fine" I sighed, wondering out the door with Isaiah in tow as we made our way out to the stables.

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