The first meet 🤍

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Dedicated to dYnAmIc_123

Thanks for giving us, such amazing works on RAGLAK ❤️

U r an all-rounder 😍

A constant support to the writers here 😍

I love you Innaaaa zyaaadda 🤗😘😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈

Presenting three shots on RAGLAK as a small birthday to you❤️


Three shots will be explained in Laksh's POV. 😊

Direct dialogues of remaining characters will be presented in Italics.


Laksh's POV

What?! Whatt?! Whattt?!

What's happening in my life?

Why do always dad takes decisions of my life? Why can't he understand, it's my life and my approval is the first thing he should think of?!

I threw the pillow aside and fell on the bed remembering the conversation we had an hour ago.

I was going through the file which my father Durga Prasad Maheswari has given to me for our office renovation contract. I was really impressed with the work the company forwarded! Whoever the person is has a great talent!

I came out of the thoughts when dad entered into my room.

I stood up and was about to wish him, but he gave me an envelope and said there is a girl's photo inside and asked me to see.

I nodded my head taking the envelope from him and was about to open it, that's when reality striked me! He was talking about my marriage!

No! He was not talking! He took the decision like always and just ordered me to follow it!

No! I kept quiet all these years whenever he tried to rule my life, but now it's enough! I'm going to reject this proposal.

Tomorrow at 9am, she'll be waiting for you in the xyz coffee shop. Can you meet her? Is that fine with you? My dad asked me.

I nodded my head even though I didn't like it!

I'm the same since childhood! I don't like my father ruling my life. He always takes decisions without even asking me once and I hate it, but can't say anything because of the respect I have on him!

I came out of my thoughts and took the envelop he had given, because I know she is going to be my life partner no matter what! Because it's dad's decision and I have no rights to oppose.

He left the room and now I'm standing here with the envelope with name Ragini written on it.

Ragini! Just Ragini! Where is the surname?

I kept my thoughts aside, opened the envelope and saw her photo.

By looking at her photo, I didn't feel anything except irritation!

Yes! I'm irritated with the thought that she is going to be my life partner and will live with me all my life without my approval.

I sighed and laughed at my fate, just then I noticed a letter inside the envelope. I took it out and started reading.

Hi! I'm Ragini! You must be wondering why there is no surname attached to my name? Let me clear I'm not an orphan! It's just I don't want to join my father's name with mine! You'll come to know why, when you read this letter completely.

Your father came to our house to talk about our proposal! My mom felt happy as I got proposal from such a reputed family!

Great! So she too accepted this proposal for her mother! We both make a perfect pair!

Mom was happy with the proposal and asked me to think once and say my descision! So I want to meet you tomorrow, but before that I want you to know about me. I have only my mother in this world. My father left us five years back for another woman! So we broke all the ties with him and your parents know everything.

So if you are fine with this, then only come to meet me. Otherwise, simply say no.

I closed the letter and kept it aside with a an angry look on my face.

My parents know everything about the girl, but still they chose her for me! Even though they know how much importance I give to family background?!

What should I say to society, our business partners and to my friends, when they ask me about her background?

I even rejected business proposal if anyone doesn't have proper background. Now if I marry this girl they'll mock me.

I don't know what happened with her and her mother and I have no right to judge, but that doesn't mean I should compromise with my thoughts.

Enough! Since childhood I had enough listening to dad's words! I can't do this marriage as it might effect my name in the society.

I decided to reject the proposal and went to my parents room to tell my descision.

As soon as I stepped inside the room, dad asked me whether I read the letter or not? I nodded my head and he asked me whether I'm ready to meet her?

As usual I nodded my head and said I'm going to. He smiled and I returned to my room.

I kept quiet infront of him again!

So I decided to meet Ragini and make her reject the proposal such that blame doesn't fall on me.

The next day

I stopped my car in front of the coffee shop, got down and found dust on it. Immediately I cleaned it with the tissue as it's my favourite one.

I entered inside and saw her already waiting for me. I glanced the people around there, they were passing looks at her for her attire.

She was wearing a Punjabi suit which has almost all colors with matching ornaments! God! Couldn't she dress properly? I mean look at the ambience here and she is completely contrast to it! By that I confirmed she doesn't suit me.

I went and sat in front of her. She looked up from the book she is reading and smiled.

I faked a smile and her eyebrows frowned. I thought she guessed the fakeness.

Who cares?!

She smiled again and wished me. I didn't wished back and took my phone ignoring her.

She sighed and nodded her head like analysing something.

Did she got to know that I don't like this proposal even before I say?

She called waiter and ordered two cups of coffee still maintaining the smile on her face.

I was observing her from the corner of my eyes. She looked at me and I immediately averted my eyes.

Why you came here when you are not interested in this proposal? She questioned.

Yes! I want this only. I want her to know that I'm not interested.

Didn't I request you not to meet me if you are not interested? She questioned me keeping her hands on the table.

Is this any interview that she started questioning? Huh!

I had no other option. My dad wants me to meet you and I have to obey his order no matter what! I said.

She looked at me confused when I said those words, I don't know why?

She leaned back and kept silent. Just then waiter came and placed two cups of coffee and left from there.

She took coffee cup and started sipping coffee while enjoying it!

What the hell?! Here I said, I'm not interested in the proposal. She would have questioned me why I ain't? Otherwise she would have left from here. But she is sipping coffee!

If you don't like this proposal you would have told your father directly. She said.

He doesn't listen to me and that's why I have to come here. So that I can make you understand that I'm not interested! Now you should tell my dad that you don't like me and break this proposal. I said to her.

Why should I do that? She questioned me with a smile.

Looks like she doesn't act according to what I say! Now I have to hit on her self respect, then only my plan gets successful.

Don't tell me you have fallen for my charm and that's why you don't want to let go off this proposal. I questioned her with a smirk.

I have seen more charming person's than you. So please don't think that I fell for your charm. I'm not a person who admires other for their outer beauty. For me what matters is the character. She said.

Yaar! She started lecturing.

Look! I'm not here.....

I was not able to complete my sentence as she stopped me by showing her hand and said that she doesn't want to argue.

I'm your father choice that's why you don't want me as your life partner. Am I right? She questioned.

She stopped me from talking and I didn't like her attitude. Now I'll show who am I?

Yes! But that's not the complete thing. I have some other reasons to reject you. I said.

First of all I didn't request you to accept me. So there is no matter of rejecting here. She said making my anger rise.

This girl is showing attitude! Fine! It's time to make her realise that her attitude is nothing infront of me.

May I know what are those reasons? She asked breaking my thoughts.

I said I have four reasons and first reason is you are my father's choice and I hate his choices.

She nodded her head and I continued while smirking.

Look at you! I mean see how your dress sense is! Just glance at the ambience here! You are completely contrast! It's a coffee shop, but you came here dressing like a bride who is ready to marry. I said.

By looking at you, I don't feel you are a working woman. I want a life partner who will stand by my side, but not at the back doing household chores. I further continued.

You are such a kid! She said after listening me.

Kid? Who? Doesn't she should get anger? Why is she smiling?

Next reason please. She asked.

She doesn't listen like this. Fine now I'll say the perfect reason and she'll get anger after that and break this proposal by herself!

Important reason is your background! Your father left you. I don't know the reason for that and I don't know who was at fault. But I'm someone who gives importance to the family background and I can't allow my friends and business partners mock me about my life partner.

Her smile vanished when I said those word's, but in the next second she smiled.

What is she up to? She should be angry on me, right?!

Next reason. She asked.

I was shocked seeing her cool behavior.

I said the fourth and the last reason that I'm not ready for the marriage yet.

Fourth one was the valid reason and the remaining three were waste. She said.

You are living in  a fake pride world and that's the reason you are not able to see the real beauty of the life. She said.

What are trying to say? I questioned her.

I was talking about your first reason. Tell me one thing you hate every choice of your father? She questioned.

Of course! I hate his every single choice! I said.

Then, you must be hating your mother too! She said.

What the hell?! I yelled at her.

Relax! Why are you shouting? Didn't you say you hate every choice of your father? Your parents was love marriage as far as I know. So both are each other's choice. According to your first reason, you must be hating your mother too. She said making me speechless.

She looked outside and asked, You love your car, right! I saw how you cleaned the dust on it, when you came here.

I nodded my head.

But as per your reason you must hate it, as it was gifted by your father. She said.

I didn't know what to answer and no words came out of my mouth.

But I was confused, how did she know about my family matters?!

I admit that you don't like every choice of your father, but at the same time, you don't hate them too. She said.

I started listening to her like a child in front of the teacher. I don't know why, but her explanation made me like that!

As far as I know your father, he is not the one who orders others! He even takes the views of his employees in every work! I don't think he'll rule his son's life! She said.

She is speaking like she knows him from long!

Do you mean I lied? I asked.

No! I mean you misunderstood your dad, that's it! She said.

How you are sure about that? I questioned.

You can be sure too. Call your dad and say that you don't want this proposal, and listen what he says. She said.

Had she gone mad? I'm here to make her reject me, but she wants me to confess that I don't want this proposal!

I can't do that! I said.

You have to. Otherwise you'll misunderstand your dad for the entire life! She said.

After thinking a lot, I hesitantly took my phone and dialed dad's number. I'm scared, but connected phone to him! I don't know why, but her words effected me a lot!

Dad lifted the call and without giving him a chance to talk I said, I don't like this proposal!

I closed my eyes in fear, but what made me shocked were his words!

That's fine Laksh. It's your life and nothing will go against your wish. I'm happy that for the first time you presented your opinion in front of me!

It was so simple! Dad immediately accepted and what he said, he was happy that I kept my opinion!

Many incidents started running in mind, since childhood to this second!

He always asks my opinion, but I misunderstood! Previous night, he gave me Ragini's photo and asked whether was I interested or not? He was waiting for my opinion. But I misunderstood it was like an order! How foolish was I?

I looked at Ragini and was about to say what dad said, but she smiled and said she knows!

She understood dad better than me!

How do you know about my dad? I asked.

It was your father who helped me and my mother, when my father left us. My mother works in his friends company. He meets us often and by his nature, I understood how good he is! She said.

I remained silent and she continued, If you are not his son, I would have slapped you for your nonsense! But after listening to your talks, I want to make you understand that the way you see the world is not the right one! Because Durga Prasad Maheswari is the best and I don't want his son to be like this!

I remained silent as I started feeling guilty!

I'm going to come to your house tomorrow. She said.

I looked at her shocked! Is she going to tell dad, how was I thinking about him?

Don't worry I'm not going to tell anything. Some other work is there, that's why and I'll tell your dad that we both are not compatible. So relax. She said.

What work she has in our house? I thought.

What are you waiting for? Leave. Don't you have office today? She questioned.

I nodded my head and left from there, without looking back.

I reached house after the office work and went to dad's room directly. He is talking with mom. I went and sat in front of him and my parents smiled at me genuinely.

I apologized for rejecting the proposal they bought.

They said it's my life and they are happy if I'm happy!

I felt guilty after listening to them.

I remembered Ragini! I should have apologized her too!

Dad said, Ragini is going to come tomorrow. I asked what's the reason?

Mom said, she is the interior designer they had chosen for our office renovation and gave me her visiting card. They even said that coffee shop is owned by her only!

What? She is a working woman? I remembered my words mocking her.

They asked, do I have any problem with that?

I smiled at them and said it's completely fine and left to my room!

I looked the visiting card and don't know why my hands automatically typed her number! She lifted it and my first question is, Is she a working woman? They why did she kept quiet, when I was mocking her?

She remained silent, and said. So what? If I'm working you'll respect me, otherwise you don't? She questioned.

I don't know what to say maybe she was right!

She continued saying, It's time to change your perspective and also to give the explanation for the other reasons, that you said to escape from this proposal.

I understood what she meant.

Will meet tomorrow. Before that I want to ask you one question. She said.

What? I questioned.

Do you love and respect your mom? She asked.

What the hell? Why you always ask questions like this? I yelled at her.

You said, you don't like women who don't do job right! Isn't your mom, a homemaker? She said and cut the call.

I love my mom! I really do!

Then how could I say such words?

Shit! I'm feeling guilty now!


How was the first shot?

Remaining two shots will be posted soon after getting good response.🤗😘


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Keep smiling and stay healthy. ❤️


Amisha, do share your views.😂🙈

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