The second meet 💛

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Thanks for the lovely support friends, it means a lot, please keep supporting. ❤️

Story will be explaining in Laksh's POV.

Sentences in Italics are the direct dialogues of the remaining characters.

Cover credit goes to sukorxcrazy
Love you cutieeeeeeeeeeeeee😚😚😚


As I said, this three shots is dedicated to dYnAmIc_123

Happy Birthday Amishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😍😍😍


I can't believe that you were thinking about me like that! When did I force my descisions on you, Laksh? When? Tell me! My dad asked me with hurt expression on his face!

I'm sorry dad! I was a fool to think like that! Please forgive me! Please! I said with guilty stricken face!

I forgive you! But I can't forget what you were thinking about me, Laksh! My dad said turning his face.

No! Dad, please! Dad!

Dad! I screamed and got up from my sleep.

I looked around the room and felt relief that it was a dream! I don't want my dad to know that I used to get irritated of his talks!

I came out of my thoughts when my phone rang. It's Ragini's number.

I don't know why, but I saved her number last night from her visiting card, even though I don't want to keep any contact with her in the future!

I saw the time and it was just 5:10 am!

Why is she calling me at this time?

I lifted the call and she said, Good morning. Please open the door.

Is she outside of my room?! I hurriedly opened the room door, but didn't find her!

Where did she go?!

Where are you? I opened the door, but you were not there? I asked her.

I'm here only, right in front of the door and the door is not opened. I think you are dreaming! She said.

Dream! Again!

No, I'm awake!

Open the door. I can't find the doorbell here, that's why I did phone to you. She said.

Doorbell! Oh! She is at the main door!

I went to the hall to open the door, but stopped seeing the lights in the kitchen!

I ignored it and went towards the main door, opened it and found Ragini standing there with a smile on her face.

Why she always maintains a smile on her face?!

I looked at her, she is wearing a simple salwar kamiz. But today, I didn't feel any irritation!

Why? She is the same girl, I met yesterday! Then what changed in just one day? I don't have answers!

May I come in, sir! She said, forwarding her hand like children do in the schooling.

What are you doing? I questioned her.

You were looking at me, like an angry teacher who looks at the student, who comes late! That's why. She said with a smile!

Did I really look at her like that?

Please, come inside! I said still confused.

Don't stress your brain. I was just teasing you. She said with a smile.

Teasing! Then fine. I thought my face gives opposite expressions!

She smiled and walked into the hall and I followed her. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the mat and slipped.

Not only that, I fell on her resulting her to fall!

No. Don't think any romantic scenes. Neither she nor I are on top of the other.

We both fell besides each other and I tore her purse belt in that process!

She looked at her purse and then at me!

I thought she'll scold me, but her next words made me surprised!

Are you fine? She asked me.

I nodded my head and I was about to ask her the same, but she stopped me saying, she is also fine!

I was about to apologize, then too she stopped me saying, no need!

Does she can read my mind?!

I stood up and was about to offer help by forwarding my hand, but she already stood up! So, I immediately took my hand back, acting like dusting it!

Ragini! You at this time? My mom asked coming out from the kitchen.

Mom was in the kitchen? What was she doing?

Ragini stood up and touched mom's feet, and mom tapped her cheek with love.

At the same time, dad too came there descending the steps and he too was surprised seeing Ragini.

Mom and dad were surprised, but I was shocked, seeing her at this time!

Dad asked her, why she came early morning? Is everything alright?

Laksh! You didn't tell them?! She questioned me, instead of answering dad.

What?! I questioned back being confused!

Did she tell me that she is going to come at this time?! Did I forget anything?!

Laksh! You forgot? She said with most shocking expression!

It's confirm! I forgot something! But what?!

Sorry! I forgot! I said. Even though I was confused, what did I forget?

Ragini chuckled at me!

She turned to my parents and said, Yesterday when we met, Laksh politely rejected me saying, it won't work out and to be honest, I too didn't think that we both are compatible! That's why, I too didn't accept the proposal, sorry for that uncle and aunty!'

Politely rejected! No! I behaved like a stupid.

She continued saying, Later Laksh and I became friends and last night, he did phone to me and requested to come early, as he is going to handle the house today. As I explained him, how close I'm to you both he wants me to give company. At the same time we can discuss about renovation too.

I said these many things, when? Wait, am I going to handle the house today?

I looked at my parents who are giving me the most shocking expression! Even I'm shocked!

Laksh! Why do you want to handle the house today? Mom questioned me.

Who knows?!

Aunty, Laksh wanted to do it from long! He actually wants to give you rest for one day. But his busy schedule didn't let him to do! Today he is free from work, and also he wants to give me a treat as we became friends. So, he thought this day will be perfect! Ragini said.

Mom looked at me lovingly and said, No need Laksh! As you are free take rest, I'll do everything.

No Mom. I'll do. I said!

After seeing the spark in my mom's eyes, when Ragini said that I want to do something for her. Unknowingly my heart became heavy and I accepted to take the house responsibility.

Moreover I want to know, why Ragini said like that! I don't know why, but I started feeling, she is right in changing my perspective!

My parents smiled and left to their rooms to get ready.

Can I get a cup of coffee? She asked and I nodded my head.


Mom has already kept the things required for the coffee. Maybe she was doing it when Ragini came! Mom starts working from this time?! Why didn't I notice?

I looked at the ingredients that's when I remembered I don't know how to prepare it!

I was in my thoughts just then Ragini came inside the kitchen. She asked whether I need any help?!

I said, no, because I really want to do everything by my own, to understand what Ragini wants to make me understand!

She smiled and said, she won't help me completely, but only will tell how to prepare and what should I do?

She asked me to consider her as Google today!

I smiled listening to her.

She started explaining and I prepared it following her instructions.

When I was about to add the sugar, she asked me to add less sugar in one cup, as my mom likes strong coffee!

How do you know? I asked her.

They came to my home once, I came to know like that. She said.

By one meet she came to know about my parents and I'm being their child, doesn't know this!


I placed four cups of coffee on the tea poy. Everyone started having it. It's neither bad nor good as it is my first attempt, but I'm happy!

But I felt more happiness when my mom praised me for the attempt.

Even I praise my mom for her cooking talent. But I never praise nor thanked her for the other works she do!

We three made mom sit in the garden and asked her to read the books. It's her favorite time pass.

Dad and Ragini started working on the office work and I started cleaning the house. Ragini had already instructed me what should I do.

I glanced at the house. For the first time it is looking big!

I called workers and asked them to clean my parents room and I'll start with mine.

They shook their heads and said, mom never made them clean our rooms kitchen and temple. They only clean the hall, garden and terrace, remaining house will be taken care by mom!

Mom do this much of work?!

Wait! Now I should clean these many rooms!

I sighed and started the mission 'Swaccha Rooms'. After almost two hours it got completed and I fell on the couch wiping the sweat.

We should shift to a small house than this. I don't think there is a need of big house for us three.

I remembered I have to prepare breakfast. Oh no! I wish everyone perform fast today.

But it's impossible!

I went to the kitchen and saw Ragini, waiting for me.

You came so early! She said.

Early?! I took almost two hours! I replied.

Yeah! But, I thought you will take more time. She said with a smile.

What did she mean? Was she praising me or teasing?!

I'm praising only! She said making me cough.

Later she explained, how to prepare plain roti and a potato curry.

I started chopping the potatoes and mistakenly had a cut on my finger.

I hissed in pain and Ragini came to me.

She saw my finger bleeding and immediately did first aid.

After that she said, It's common in the kitchen, you'll get used to it.

I nodded at her and she held my finger softly, and said something under her breath. Later she tapped it saying, it'll go soon!

My mom do the same whenever I get any injury. I said.

I have learned it from her only. Once your parents came to my house and I too cut my finger. Then your mom did it. It's an act out of love. She said.

I smiled and she left from there.

I spent my most of the time in the kitchen only. I didn't get time for myself.

My parents were happy, especially mom. I felt satisfied seeing them like that.

Now I understood, why Ragini wanted me to handle the house works today. She wanted me to realise that we should not underestimate anyone or any work, because everyone have their own capabilities!


My parents were enjoying their evening tea. Ragini is checking our terrace, as dad wants to have some changes in it. I went to Ragini and sat on the chair. She saw me and smiled.

Finished the works? She asked.

No! I want some rest. I said.

She nodded her head with a smile and resumed her work.

Ragini! I took her name more like a whisper.

She came and sat on the chair in front of mine.

I'm a bad son, right?! I asked.

She looked shocked for a second and shook her head saying no.

I'm Ragini! I never understood my dad and hated him all these years! I never respected my mom for her work! I'm bad! I said with guilt!

No, Laksh! You are thinking wrong! She said.

No, Ragini! Now, I'm thinking right actually! Thanks to you for that. Thanks for making me realise the importance of my mom! I said.

She shook her head and said, Why would I want you to know the importance of your mom when you already know it?!

I looked at her confused and she continued, I know how much you love your parents. Uncle once said how busy you might be, but you never stop caring about them! You took care of their every need and stood by their side always! Aunty said you love her so much! She said you'll make the whole world upside down, when their health is not well and you make sure they ate or not before going to the bed. You know what, all the time I spent time with them, they were praising you only. You might be judgemental and rude! But at the same time you are a great son, Laksh!

I smiled at her! At least there is one thing that she is proud of me!

I don't know why, but I felt happy when she praised me!

She continued saying, First, I'm sorry to ask you whether you love your mom or not? I didn't mean in that way! I just want you to know, the woman you love is also a homemaker, whom you don't like!

I don't know what to say, I love my mom and at the same time, I didn't respect her work! How is it possible?

It's possible because, you don't know how hard to maintain the house. Your mom might have done everything without any complaint, that's why you couldn't know the value of work she does. She said reading my mind again!

Thank you so much! I got to know where did I go wrong! I apologise you too for my behavior yesterday! I said.

No need! I ain't angry on you! Whatever I said to you was just to make you understand, you were living in false world! Nothing more than that! I too apologise if I hurted you! I just want Durga Prasad Maheswari's son should be like him! She said.

I smiled and forwarded my hand requesting for friendship and she too accepted it with a smile on her face, like always!

She stood up and said, she'll take leave now.

But I stopped her asking, doesn't she want me to prove wrong for the third reason about her background?!

She stopped on her tracks and after few seconds she turned to me and said, After my father left us for another woman, I went to meet him to ask why he did that? I just asked him only one question, who was at fault for his act, my mom or him? He didn't say anything and held his head down! There only he accepted he was at fault! I didn't ask him any question later. That's the last time I met him!

I made you understand the first two reasons of yours were wrong, because I want you to change for your parents!

Fourth reason is correct as I said earlier, because you said you are not ready for marriage yet. So there is no need of discussion over it.

The reason why I didn't say anything, when you pointed finger on my background is because, I don't feel to explain anything without my fault!

I meet people who ask this question often and I don't have time to explain them all.

That's the reason, I didn't feel to explain you too. Sorry. She said and left from there, but not before giving me a smile!

I know I was at fault thinking about the persons background is more important than their nature! I got to know this by you only, Ragini.

The way you tried to change my perspective without hurting any one of us made me realise, what is important! Background or the persons nature!

I'm sorry!

You are really different, Ragini!

I like you!


How was it friends?

The third meet❤️(last shot)


If you liked this update, please shower your love through votes and comments. 😊

Thanks for reading. 😘
Please keep supporting.❤️

Keep smiling and stay healthy. ❤️


Once again happy birthday Amisha ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hope you are enjoying your day to the fullest ❤️

U r a multi talented person ❤️❤️

I'm a big fan of ur stories ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Keep rocking 😎😍

And u r so special to me, u r the one who called me didu first 😚😚

Love you innaaaa zyaaadda 😂🙈😍

And also thanks for supporting me from the day one of my watty life 😚😚

Always keep smiling and stay healthy, the katti kid 😝😝😝😝❤️❤️❤️

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