The Third meet ❤️

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Story will be continuing in Laksh's POV.

Sentences in Italics are direct dialogues of the remaining characters.


I looked at my parents who are inviting the guests with a smile on their face.

I saw Janki maa running here and there excitedly! Why not she? After all it's her daughter's engagement!

Yes! Today is mine and Ragini's engagement!

I was seated and waiting for Ragini.

Priest asked Janki maa to bring the bride, as the time to exchange the rings is near.

Janki maa went upstairs and after few seconds, she came along with Ragini.

Ragini is looking breathtakingly beautiful! I couldn't take my eyes from her.

She started descending the stairs looking at me with a smile. Her smile never leaves her and that's what I like the most.

She stopped suddenly and I found her struggling to remove her dupatta that stucked with the stairs railings.

I stood up and went to her and held her hand. She looked at me and I removed the dupatta from the railing. She smiled and I forwarded my hand with a smile.

She put her hand over mine and I held it protectively.

I and Ragini headed towards the stage, hand in hand.

I heard some voices whispering, Look what type of girl Maheswaris are welcoming? I heard her father left them!

I looked at them and they stopped talking. I looked at Ragini who was smiling, even though she heard them! She is different!

We both neglected them and started moving forward. Again I heard few voices, Look how beautiful the bride is! I heard she and her mother had gone through so much and stood on their feet with self-respect! Maheswaris are lucky to get her!

I smiled listening to them. This world has people who have different perspectives all what we should do is, to accept good and reject bad. If needed, make them understand they are wrong! If they repent it's for their good and if didn't, then they are unlucky to understand the beauty of the life.

I and Ragini sat down on the chairs and the priest started the ceremony. I looked at Ragini and held her hand. She looked at me and asked what? I shook head saying nothing and slowly the memories of us, after the second meet, started running in my mind.

The Third meet ❤️


Ragini left from our home after our second meet and I went to my parents and apologized.

They asked why?!

I simply said, nothing and laid my head on my mother's lap.

She started stroking my hair and I thanked her for taking care of me and dad.

She smiled and don't know when I slowly drifted into the sleep.

The next day we went to Ragini's house as I told my parents I want to meet her mother who gave such positive upbringing to Ragini.

When we went there, Ragini was not present. Her mother told she went to her friends house.

Ragini's mother behaviour was sweet with my parents. But with me her behaviour was little bit different. Neither sweet nor rude, seemed very formal.

Their home was beautiful, very comfortable for the two people to live. Thanks to my mother, because of her I got to see Ragini's room too. It looked pleasant like Ragini's nature.

I waited for Ragini to return, but it didn't happen as her friend needs her. So we left from there.

It had been four months after our second meet.

I had to go to another city for a business deal the same night we went to Ragini's house. So couldn't meet Ragini directly.

But we both were always in contact through phone.

In these months I got to know how talented she is!

I was judgemental in some aspects and also used to have a wrong perspective in few things.

When I share it with her, she made me understand where I went wrong.

She makes me correct, if I'm wrong and praises me a lot if I do anything good, even if it's a small thing!

I got to know, she is all in one!

She became an important person in my life!

My day doesn't get complete until I talk with her!

Whatever my schedule was, I won't stop calling her and talk about random things.

Some days, she doesn't call me being busy with some work and I used to ask her to compensate that time, the next day.

What to do?! I couldn't spend my day without talking with her!

She has become a need to me.

I need her to guide me. To make me know what's right or wrong. To turn me into a beautiful person inside, as a guide, motivator, friend and a family member!

As the time passed, my heart started feeling her as more than a friend!

My feelings for her were neither love at first sight nor I started loving her from our second meet. It took time. In these four months my like towards her turned into love!

I used to feel jealous whenever she talks about her male friends!

Once I almost got heart attack when she said, she is going to meet someone named Rajeev for the marriage proposal.

I don't know how many prayers I did to make the proposal unsuccessful.

I was completely worried and waited for her call to know the match got cancelled or not!

After few days she said, she was happy with the proposal.

I felt everything is over!

My stupid heart! It would have realised feelings earlier, but didn't!

I don't know what should I do? I can't lose her!

I stood determined and book flight tickets, packed my belongings to go to her home and confess my feelings!

I don't know what will be her reaction after that! Most probably she smiles!

Either she accepts or she'll make me understand, I should forget her and move on!

But I won't listen to her. I'll close my ears and confess everything!

If she accepts and the boy doesn't, I'll make him understand in Ragini's way!

Otherwise, I'll kidnap him and marry Ragini, then I'll release him!

Ragini's home.....


Uff! I ain't nervous! I can confess my feelings! Yes, I can!

Finally, gathering courage I rang the doorbell. After few seconds I heard door latching sound. The door opened and Ragini stood there. I smiled nervously at her.

Ragini looked at me with a shocking expression. She didn't smile, but closed the door on my face!

I was beyond shocked! Ragini closed the door on my face?!

I think this is all because of Rajeev! Maybe he got to know, Ragini and I are friends and once our parents wanted us to become a couple ! That's why, he might ordered Ragini not to talk with me! I won't leave him!

I was determined to confess my feelings. So I went to the window of her room and knocked it.

She opened it and hit her forehead!

I said I want to talk with her and entered inside the room without giving heed to her!.

What are you doing here, at 10:45pm?! She questioned.

In hurry to propose her I didn't care about the time!

I want to talk! I said.

We can talk tomorrow, go now! She said.

Why?! I asked.

Rajeev sir is here! She said.

What the hell?! He is in her home at this time! How dare he?

How can you allow him to be in your home at this time?! I questioned.

He had a small accident and he has no one to take care of him. So I asked him to come and rest here. She said.

Sorry! But he can take rest in the hospital too. There is no need to come here. I said feeling irritated because of him.

Laksh! You should not talk like that! She said folding her hands

Now she started taking his side too!

I can't keep quiet after this.

She asked me to tell the reason of my sudden entry!

I gulped and said, I want to talk something very important!

She might have sensed the seriousness in my tone. She kept her hand over mine and asked is anything serious?

I can see the concern towards me in her eyes!

I tried to say, but couldn't because of the nervousness! Moreover, I was afraid of her answer!

I asked her to close her eyes.

She looked confused, but didn't say anything. She smiled and was about to close her eyes, but I stopped her.

I thought, what if she tries to explain me to move on as her marriage was fixed?!

So rather than closing her eyes, it's better to close my ears.

I said, I'll close my ears and tell, what I want to say and asked her to not disturb me until I complete.

She laughed and nodded her head.

I closed my ears and said, Ragini! First, please say no to Rajeev. I mean, see you accepted him in short span! That means he is so good! Don't you think, your knowledge and views will get wasted in front of him. I mean, you should marry someone who is stupid, immature and who can't take correct decisions! So that you can use your perspective and change him, to know the exact meaning of the life! I..uhmm.. I mean you should marry someone like me! Not like me, but it's me actually! Why don't you think to marry me? I can be a perfect match for you! You are perfect to me!

I looked at her after my not so impressive proposal and she has mixed expressions on her face!

I continued saying, to be honest I need you, Ragini! I need you to stand by my side in every thick and thin! I need you to make me a better person! I... I LOVE YOU, Ragini! Please, marry me!

Ragini was looking at me with a neutral expression.

I continued saying, Please don't reject me! I won't say I'll die without you! But I can say I can't imagine my life without you! Maybe I'll turn into that immature fellow again! I know you don't want that, right?!

I removed my hands from my ears. Ragini looked at me with a smile. I like her smile the most! But I was afraid of it that time! I don't know what's the meaning behind that!

I should not give her a chance to reject me!

I immediately knelt down in front of her and took the rose, which I plucked from her garden!

What to do? In hurry I forgot to bring anything, that's why I plucked it here only.

I kept it in front her and said, Ragini! My love for you is not something that rose suddenly and it is not something which will fade away! I love you with my every being and will always love you! Please accept me!

I kept silent after pouring my feelings! She too remained silent!

After few seconds, she broke the silence and took the rose saying I LOVE YOU TOO!

What?! Oh my god! You love me! Really! I screamed.

She nodded her head and smiled.

I couldn't handle my happiness and hugged her! She was taken back for a second, but hugged me back slowly.

Thank you, thank you so much, Ragini! Thanks for giving me a chance! I said coming out of the hug.

Chance?! She said confusingly.

Yes! Come and say no to Rajeev.

Wh should I say no to Rajeev sir?! She said taking back her hands from mine!

I immediately held her hands back feeling afraid!

What are you saying, Ragini? We should immediately tell you are not going to marry him. Otherwise he might develop feelings for you!

What?! She screamed.

I looked at her confused. She laughed and hit my arm!

What's happening?!

Laksh! Didn't you hear completely what I said, when I'm going to meet Rajeev sir?! She questioned.

I did! You said you were going to meet him for the marriage proposal! I said.

Yes! I even said, proposal is for maa! She said.

What?! I screamed in surprise.

She nodded her head with a smile and said, he works in the same company in which maa works. He is a nice person! He always admired maa for her behaviour and when he got to know about her past, his respect towards her increased!

Once he met me and said he wants to marry maa! I was taken back with his proposal. So I politely rejected, but he didn't listen! I questioned him whether he took that decision with pity? But he said, you and your mother are warriors, why would I pity?

I was really impressed with Rajeev sir. But at the same time, neither wanted to force maa nor wanted to hurt her. So I took time to know about him.

When I understood Rajeev sir is perfect match for maa. I started convincing her. But she was not ready to accept anyone after his betrayal!

Also she was afraid of the society thinking what will they say, when she marries at this age?

But I didn't back off! I didn't want maa to do injustice towards her own life thinking about others!

It took nearly one month to convince her! Finally, she accepted to give him a chance and when started to spend time with him, slowly she too started liking him and finally their marriage is fixed! As soon as maa accepted I immediately shared this news with you.

God! I was a fool to imagine anything!

Whatever I was happy for two things. One was for Ragini's mother. Other was I don't have any villain in my love story.

Great! I'm so happy for your mother! I said.

She hit me and asked, You were thinking it's my marriage?! Why you didn't listen completely?!

I said I was shocked when you said you were going to meet Rajeev for the marriage proposal. So I didn't listen properly. I said smiling sheepishly at her.

She laughed and I asked her, why did she shut the door on my face?

She said her mother knows what happened in our first meet! So she is angry on me for my behavior! If she finds me at their house, that too at this time, she will get more angry!

Fine! Now I understood why Ragini's mother behaviour was formal with me when I met her.

Your mother won't agree for our marriage then? I asked Ragini being worried when I realised her anger towards me.

She smiled and said, I have to convince her.

I'll! Because when you are with me, I can do anything! I said and hugged her tightly!

We both remained like that and suddenly I asked her why and when she started loving me?

I have started loving you from our second meet! She said making me surprised!

What?! How could you love me at that time? I hurted you and behaved like a stupid! I said.

You remembered that you had hurt me and I remembered, how you changed your perspective when you got to know, you were wrong! That made me to love you. She said with a smile!

I smiled and hugged her even more tightly!

Later we both revealed about us infront of our parents. My parents accepted. But it took me some days to convince Janki maa! She accepted finally, when she got to know how much I love Ragini!

Flashback ends.

Now we both are sitting here, waiting to exchange the rings!

Priest asked us both to exchange the rings. We both stood up. My parents came and stood beside me. Janki maa and Rajeev papa besides Ragini.

Janki maa's marriage was done a month back. Rajeev papa is a loving and caring person.

Our parents forwarded us the rings. I slide it into her ring finger and she into mine!

She was smiling all the while and I smiled seeing it!

I knelt down in front of her making all the guests to look at us.

Thanks for coming into my life! Thanks for turning me into a beautiful person from inside. I wish every person should have someone in their lives who has perspective like you, then their life will become beautiful too like mine! I said and kissed her palm!



How was it friends? Do share your views!😌

And dYnAmIc_123 Amisha, tell me did you like it or not?! I wrote whatever that came to my mind 😅🙈


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