Chapter 14 - "You're not that important Reigns."

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Kit wasn't surprised to find her spot next to Edison had been taken by a group of girls when she returned. There were two squished on either side of him. Edison seemed to be in his element as he spoke, the girls giving him their full attention. But Kit thought he looked better when he was giving her puzzled looks.

The girls pretended not to notice Kit's approach but she noticed their effort to not look at her. When Edison noticed her, he stopped mid-story, realizing, for what seemed like the first time, the girls had taken Kit's place.

"Oh no! Did we take your spot?" one of the girls next to Edison asked. She sounded apologetic but she made no attempt to move.

"Oops!" another girl said, barely keeping the gleeful laugh out of her voice.

"Don't worry about it," Kit smiled. She took a seat at Edison's feet. "I'll just sit here."

Edison continued his story and she lowered her skewer over the flames once more. Kit burned her second set of marshmallows and tried a third time. After a minute they were charred on the outside and still cold on the inside but she pulled them out and slid them into a graham cracker with chocolate. She knew if she kept cooking them, they would join their fellow marshmallows in their fiery grave.

Edison was reluctant in handing over the perfect s'more he had made. Melted chocolate and marshmallows seeped out of the sides of the cracker sandwich. Kit grabbed it quickly before he could change his mind and handed him her cold s'more with hard chocolate and burned marshmallows.

The first bite she took was a perfect combo of rich, messy sweetness and some of the gooey mess got on her cheek.

"Delicious!" she said, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand.

Edison roughly chewed and grimaced. "I think that is the worst s'more I've ever tasted," he complained. "I don't think it could even be called a s'more. Just chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow smashed together."

All the girls made sympathetic sounds and one offered to make him a better one but Kit just laughed.

"I know. I'm really horrible at making s'mores, aren't I?" she said proudly. He gave her an annoyed look that only made her laugh more.

"I'm really good at making s'mores. Everyone usually wants me to make them one," one of the girls boasted. "I can make you one Eddie."

"Aww, that's so nice," Kit said, her honey sweet tone mocking.

She took another bite and smiled at Edison.

"Thanks, Liz but it's fine," he said. "I don't really need the calories anyways."

All the girls protested loudly, praising Edison's great physique, but Kit knew he had only said it to make her feel guilty for eating her whole s'more. She looked at him boldly, gave him a cheeky grin and ate the rest of her s'more in one bite.

The girls praise went unanswered as he gave Kit a leveled look. She had to work hard to finish her bite before she started to laugh. Edison tried to hold onto his annoyance but she playfully poked his side.

He jumped. He tickled her beneath her arms and she jumped, laughing loudly.

He chuckled as she jumped up to her feet, ready for another round, but the girls stepped in before that could happen. Someone had turned up the music and everyone jumped up excitedly, like the song was some kind of cue to celebrate.

"OHEMGEE!!!" the girls squealed. "It's the air band song!"

Kit looked around in confusion as everyone seemed to be reacting the same way. The crowd around the table had move to an open space on the sand and the crowd around the fire joined them. The girls dragged Edison with them.

Kit watched as everyone formed lines and began to dance. She smiled when she found Jaxon at the front of the group, an extra bounce in his step as he did the moves.

She took a spot on one of the logs and watched at the whole crowd danced along to the up beat song. Amanda was in the front of the crowd, a cocky smirk on her face as she put extra effort into every move.

Kit searched for Edison and found him in the middle of the group. He stood out with an effortless air. He made the moves look casual and easy, like he didn't even have to try.

He was caught up in the dance until the song hit the second chorus, then he began to look around, searching for something.

He stopped looking when he found her and he raised his eyebrows with a flirty smile. He casually began to move through the crowd as he danced until he was in the front row, right in front of her.

The song hit the bridge and everyone split so the cheer team could perform. They clapped and raised their hands in unison until the chorus came back and they shouted for everyone to find a partner.

Suddenly, Edison was before Kit, his hand extended to her. She took it and he pulled her into the dancing crowd. The choreography wasn't complex and after watching the crowd dance to the chorus twice, Kit had a pretty good idea what do. And what she didn't know, she faked as she followed Edison's lead. He was easy to follow, his strong arm wrapped around her waist, leading her.

The song ended and he dipped her as everyone struck a pose. He pulled her back up as everyone cheered like they had just accomplished the impossible. The next song that played had been the song of the summer from the year before and everyone cheered as they started to dance.

Kit smiled and joined in, moving to the beat. Edison stayed close, moving in sync with her. She put her arms up and bounced along to the beat. She spun and found Neil. He met her eyes and she danced towards him. He danced with her for a moment before someone else from her team grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She danced along, unaware of who she was dancing with as she moved from one guy to the next.

When she slowed enough to see faces, she found Edison dancing through the crowd, heading towards her. She smiled at him as someone new grabbed her hand and spun her. She came face to face with Jaxon and grinned.

"Kit Kat!" he shouted.

He spun her in circles until the world was just a blur. She lost her hold on his hand and almost lost her balance when a strong arm wrapped around her and Edison pulled her close.

He expertly moved with her and the beat, spinning her in and out but never letting her go. Whenever a guy danced close to them, he expertly moved her away, keeping her out of reach from anyone else. But she didn't mind. His moves were smooth and sure and they balanced out her energetic bouncing.

When the song ended, everyone was hot and out of breath.

"To the water!" Jaxon shouted. He took off at a run, pulling his shirt off. Suddenly, there was a rush of people heading towards the water.

Kit looked at Edison and saw he was in no rush to join the night time swim. "How do burgers and fries sound?" she asked. The first group of girls shrieked when they touched the water and a group of guys rushed past them and dove in.

Edison grinned. "Like the best idea you've ever had."

In all the commotion they were able to slip away unnoticed.

It was almost midnight when they got arrived and Kit's usual crowd was already there. The bored waitress, the lonely patron and Roger. The waitress perked up when she saw Kit and waved.

"Roger's in the kitchen," she said, pointing towards the back of the diner.

"Thanks Wanda!" Kit said. She skipped through the tables and breezed through the doors into the kitchen. Edison didn't hesitate as he followed her.

"Roger!" she shouted.

Roger looked up and gave her a lopsided smile that showcased a few missing teeth. "Kid, how are you?" he asked in his gravelly voice.

"I'm in dire need of a hamburger and fries!" she said dramatically. She hopped up onto one of the counters.

"Well, you've come to the right place," he said, already reaching for the hamburger buns. "Does your friend want one too?"

Kit knew Roger was only pretending not to remember Edison's name to give him a hard time. She gave Roger a knowing smile he tried to ignore.

"What's your poison?" she asked Edison.

"A burger and fries sounds great," he said. He moved closer to Kit and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.

"For a friend of Kit's, anything," Roger said. He added a second hamburger to the grill.

"How's Diana?" Kit asked, swinging her legs back n forth.

"She's doing better. Thanks for asking," Roger said.

"Diana is Roger's wife," Kit explained to Edison. "She was sick earlier this week. They were worried it was turning into pneumonia."

"But it didn't, thank the lord," Roger said. "She is out of bed and bossing me around like usual." He sounded annoyed but he smiled.

"Diana and Roger just celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary," Kit told Edison.

"That woman is better then I deserve," Roger chimed in. "I'm not sure how I got so lucky. I thought it was over when they locked me up, but she is made of stronger stuff then I thought. She stuck by me for two years and was there to pick me up the day I got out."

Kit smiled. "How did you get so lucky?" she jokingly asked.

Roger shrugged. "I ask myself that every day."

"Roger and Diana have known each other since they were in middle school," Kit explained. She looked at Edison and could see he was trying to hide his surprise at the fact that Roger had been in prison. He kept glancing between her and Roger, trying to make sense of their friendship. She let him continue to wonder as she recounted Roger and Diana's love story with the help of Roger.

Without even talking about it, they sat at the same booth they had sat in the very first night they had gone to Al's. The food smelled greasy and delicious and Kit began to eat immediately. After a few bites, Edison looked around, checking the location of their fellow occupants before he spoke quietly.

"I didn't realize you actually knew Roger," he said.

She looked up and ate another fry. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "I just thought it was one of your crazy things." She smiled but didn't say anything. "Like driving a scooter and showing up at my house," he said. "I thought you just pretended to know Roger to..." he hesitated, as if stuck on the next words. "To impress me," he finished.

She grinned. "You thought I just pretended to know Roger to impress you?" She laughed and shook her head. "You're not that important Reigns."

He pursed his lips but smiled. "I know. You remind me almost every time we hang out."

"You're welcome." Her attention switch to the burger in front of her and her eyes grew in admiration. "Nothing like a game of Capture the Flag to make me hungry." She took a big bite and sighed in content.

Edison took a bit and looked at her thoughtfully. "Why Capture the Flag?"

"What do you mean?" she asked between bites.

"How come you and Jaxon are so intense about Capture the Flag?"

"It's because of our family..."

He shook his head. "You already told me about the Viking DNA."

"I wasn't done," she said impatiently. He gave her a suspicious look as he kept eating.

"What I was going to say, before you rudely interrupted me, was that my whole family has always played," she said. "Whenever we get together for holidays or parties it's just what we do. Even the adults. Jaxon and I have been playing since we could walk."

"So when I warned you about how intense our games get, I sounded like an idiot?"

"Oh, completely. But I appreciated the warning." She winked to help ease his embarrassment.

"So the game pretty much does run in your DNA," he said.

"It does. But not everyone is as crazy about it as Jaxon and I are. We are the youngest among our cousins, by a lot, so for most of our lives we were overlooked when we played. But we are both scrappy so we figured out ways to count."

"How so?"

She smiled. Her family's Capture The Flag games were some of her favorite memories and she liked that he was willing to listen. "Well nobody ever thought Jaxon and I counted as real players so we decided to proved them wrong," she said. "We were little and usually went unnoticed, and we used it to our advantage. We made plans and managed to get the flag a few games in a row.

"Of course, that only lasted for a few games before they started to catch on and pay attention, but we just developed better plans and kept winning. Now when our family gets together, they have to separate us on to different teams or else it isn't fair. We would just always win."

"So my team was doomed from the start going up against the two of you."

She grinned. "Yup. Now, can I have some of those fries?" she said as she reached for his plate.


Hello Marshmelo!

So I have to tell you, my sisters and I have this game we like to play, you'll probably enjoy it as well, it's called The Hot Guy Game. I can tell you are already intrigued by this. 😉 Well, the game is as wonderful as it sounds. This is how it works, you play it somewhere with a lot of people - Disneyland is our normal spot - and you get a point for every hot guy you see and call it out first.

Ah! But here this the small challenge! The rest of your group, or whoever you are with, has to agree. Now if they don't you have thirty seconds to convince them why you believe the guy is hot. If you fail to convince them then you don't get the point. Simple but loads of fun!

Happy gaming! Tell me how your friends respond to this new game idea!

Question for you! Dumbest thing you've ever done in front of a guy? Hot or otherwise.

I think I tried to kick my leg and touch my foot with my hand. I slipped and fell on my butt. I ended up laughing at myself on the floor. Really was a classic move!

Мир, обидам, Сладолед!

I saw him first! One point to me!

I also thought he could be a good Link! Or Donovan! Thoughts?

(Characters from A Secret Service for those random few who haven't read it)

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