Chapter 15 - "Adventure is brewing!"

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The next day, Kit woke to dark, ominous clouds outside her window. She usually wished rainy days away, but she hadn't returned home the night before until well into the early morning and she felt lazy. The rainy day seemed to tell her to sleep in and do nothing. She wrapped her blankets around herself and snuggled down, watching the puffy, gray clouds race across the sky.

She remained in her cocoon for a minute or two before her legs began to twitch. Her normal antsy energy began to spread from her toes to her ears and the blankets began to feel hot and suffocating. Throwing them off, she jumped up and began to lightly bounce on her bed as she searched her computer for a good wake up song. 

She played one, hoping the beat would be strong enough to tell the clouds to take their sleepy morning elsewhere. But her hoping came to nothing when she stepped out of the shower twenty minutes later and found rain pouring down.

She was throwing on clothes when she heard the front door bang open. "Kit-Kat!" Jaxon sang out operatically.

"Jaxon!" she sang back, heading downstairs. 

"Cousin, the sky doth cry, its bitter tears dashing my plans." He flung out his arms dramatically. 

"Oh how it doth!" she said.

"Woe is me!" He flung himself down on the bottom steps. 

She laughed, messing with his hair as she passed him on the stairs. She headed for the kitchen and after a moment, he picked up his dramatic self and followed. "This stupid rain ruined my swim practice."

"Curse the skies. Literally," she grinned. She opened her fridge, shut it when she didn't find any food, and moved on to the cabinets."What are we going to do?"

"Extreme golf?" he suggested. But as he spoke, lightening darted across the sky, quickly followed by rumbling thunder. His expression fell, "well that's out."

"Don't fear!" she cheered. "Onto plan B." She brushed past him, leaving the kitchen.

"Kit-Kat, you know I live without a plan B."

"Fine. Stay here and wait for Plan A. I'm going to the grocery store." 

She reached the front door just as there was a knock. She gave Jaxon a questioning look and he shrugged. She opened the door and found Edison, huddled under the small overhang, trying to stay dry. 

"Hey," she said, as he hurried inside. 

He carelessly ran his hand through his damp hair. "Hey."

"I thought you had to work today," Jaxon said.

He looked out the open door at the pouring rain. It beat against the driveway, creating a low pounding rhythm. "Surprisingly, the resort sent me home."

"This my favorite time to swim," Kit said. 

Edison smiled. "I don't doubt it."

"You got the day off?" Jaxon asked. 

"Yup. What are you guys doing?"

"I'm going on an adventure," Kit said. "And Jaxon is waiting on plan A."

Edison looked between them. "Whats plan A?"

"Waiting for the storm to stop," Kit said. Jaxon crossed his arms obstinately, as if she hadn't done his plan justice. 

"And your adventure?" Edison asked her. 

"The food store." 

He nodded slowly, mulling the idea over. "I don't know what the food stores are like in all the places you've traveled, but here at Lighthouse Point, they are basic and boring."

"Then you haven't gone shopping with the right person," she said. 

Edison looked at Jaxon, who gave a morose wave. "Leave me to mourn my ruined life in peace," Jaxon said, slumping away. "And you better get me some cookies." 

Edison turned to Kit. "To the store we go."

"Adventure is brewing!" she cried

They were more successful staying dry on their dash from the house to Edison's truck than they were on their dash from his truck into the food store. The storm had picked up by the time they pulled into the grocery store parking lot and within the minute it took them to run from the car to the store's front doors, their hair and clothes were wet.

Aside from the pouring rain, the day was humid and hot and the air conditioning in the store was on full blast. Kit shivered and began to bounce as the rush of cool air met her damp skin.

"Your chariot, m' lady," Edison said, swinging a shopping cart free.

"Why thank you, kind gentleman." She curtsied before she hopped into the cart, leaning against one side and letting her legs dangle over the other. "Onward, good man!" she shouted. 

Edison pushed off and they zoomed through the produce area, drawing wary looks from middle-aged shoppers.

"What are we shopping for?" he asked, turning down a random aisle.

"First, we seek breakfast," she said, pumping her fist in the air.

"You haven't had breakfast yet? It's two in the afternoon."

"I woke up right before you showed up at my house."

"Lazy bum."

"I needed my beauty sleep."

"I think you are beautiful no matter what." He had leaned in close and said it softly in her ear. His breath tickled the back of her neck. 

She waved him and his comment away like an annoying fly. "Focus, good man," she snapped. "If you lose your head now, we'll never make it out alive." He didn't make any response and she could feel the pretend hurt radiating off of him. "Stop pouting and turn here," she ordered, reaching for an aisle. 

He let out a loud huff and did as she directed.

"I wasn't pouting," he argued.

"Sure, sure," she said. "Oh! Just what I was looking for." She reached out and grabbed a bag of powder sugar covered donuts. She opened the bag and popped one into her mouth.

"Is that all you're having for breakfast?" he asked.

She turned towards him. "Why?" she said.

When she spoke, powder sugar went flying everywhere. He jumped back in surprise and she tried not to choke as she laughed while trying to eat the doughnut.

"Do you think that's funny?"

He reached for a doughnut, put it in his mouth and puffed powder sugar at her. She shrieked with laughter as she tried to duck away from the bomb of white he sent her way.

"I think it's hilarious," she laughed.

She plopped another doughnut in her mouth but he was ready and dodged her attack. She ate one more, before folding up the bag and stashing it next to her.

"Carry on," she said, pointing down the aisle.

"What else do we need?" he asked.

She smiled gleefully. "So much, my friend, so much! Now, onward!"

Edison was an excellent driver, taking sharp corners and careening down the aisles as Kit directed him where to go. They grabbed everything that caught their eye and soon Kit was buried beneath chips, cookies, and candy.

Their arms were bursting with bags as they sprinted from Edison's truck into the house. They found Jaxon in the kitchen where they dumped the bags, covering the large island in the center.

"Step one, complete!" Kit said. She drew an imaginary check in the air. Jaxon began to rummage through the bags until he found the cookies. He opened the bag and ate half of the cookie in one bite. 

"Step two?" Edison questioned.

"Mmmmiieeemmrrrrfffffffooooonnnn," Jaxon mumbled with a very full mouth. 

Edison looked to Kit for a translation. "Movie marathon," she clarified. "Grab the snacks and follow me." 

With their arms loaded with food, three of them ventured deep into the house until they reached a dark, back room. Kit flipped on the lights to reveal a big, comfy sectional couch on one side of the room and a large screen television on the other side. 

Edison's eyes went big. "What's this?" He circled the room in amazement. "Furniture!"

Jaxon jumped onto the couch, spreading out across a few of the cushions. 

"I know my house is weirdly empty," she said.

"Shhh. Let me appreciate this moment," Edison said. He closed his eyes like he was taking in something special. Jaxon laughed and tossed half a cookie at him. 

Edison caught the cookie and ate it as he joined Jaxon on the couch. 

"Now, what shall we watch?" Kit asked.

Jaxon and Edison bickered about which movie to watch before Kit just choose one and pushed play. "Calm down ladies," she teased when they protested her choice. "It's a movie MARATHON. You'll be able to choose a movie before the day is done." 

She tossed them chips and cookies which seemed to appease them and the movie began. Kit made it through five minutes before she started talking. "Edison, where did you learn to dance?" she asked. 

Both boys acted as if she hadn't spoken, but Edison finally shifted his attention from the movie to her. "What made you think of that?" he asked. She shrugged and waited for him to answer.

"Online," he said. 

Jaxon laughed and threw a pillow at him. "Loser."

Edison quickly threw one back but Kit caught the pillow before it could make contact with Jaxon. "How?" she asked, far more interested in Edison's dancing than the movie. 

He shrugged and turned back to the movie. "I just watched videos of people dancing and tried to copy them."

"Just because?" she asked. 

"Kit, shhhhhhh," Jaxon hissed. 

"You didn't even want to watch this movie," she said.

"So? Now we are watching it."

She ignored Jaxon's whining and turned back to Edison. He was watching them with amusement. 

"Just because?" she prompted.

He shrugged again. "At my first school dance I realized none of the guys knew how to dance. I figured if I learned, then all the girls would want to dance with me." 

She chuckled. She loved the idea of a twelve year old Edison scheming about how to get girls. "What types of videos did you learn from?" 

"Kit! Seriously," Jaxon grumbled. 

"You're fine," she said, giving him a shove. He retaliated by pushing her off the couch and returned to watching the movie, a smug look on his face. 

Kit jumped up quickly, an excellent idea coming to mind. "We should learn a dance!" 

"We're watching a movie," Edison argued. 

"Thank you!" Jaxon said. 

"This will be more fun!" She was out of the room in a second. She had a laptop on the kitchen counter and was already searching for dances when Edison finally joined her in the kitchen. As she began to list off songs, he leaned against the wall, arms crossed, not making a comment until she suggested a new song.

"You can't dance to that. That has a horrible beat," he said. He pushed off the wall and took a step closer. She suggested another option and he scoffed and joined her at the counter. He playfully bumped her out of the way and took command of the search. 

Jaxon wandered in, a large container of popcorn tucked under his arm. He sat on the counter and began shoveling handfuls of it into his mouth as Edison and Kit discussed music. They finally decided on a dance duet to a song from a few years back that had a strong, quick beat.

Edison was much better dancer then Kit. He picked up the moves quickly, and by the fifth time they watched the video, he could dance along. Kit made an effort, but found half the fun was watching how serious and concentrated Edison became as he tried to mimic the moves.

Jaxon remained in his spot, taking on the role of dance judge. He called out grades for their efforts and booed and threw popcorn when they messed up. In the end, Edison was the only one who learned the whole dance. Kit tried for a little bit but lost interest.

"What are you doing?" Edison asked, when she hopped up on the counter and grabbed a handful of popcorn. He was slightly out of breath from dancing. 

"It's too hard," she said. She reached for a box of cookies and opened them. 

"It's not that hard," he argued, but he joined them at the counter and reached for a cookie. The music still played and Kit swayed to the beat as she ate.

"You weren't bad," he said. She scoffed and tossed a cookie at him as Jaxon booed and threw popcorn. 

"Hey!" Edison yelled, ducking for cover. He pointed at Jaxon. "At least she tried."

"Boo!" Jaxon shouted again. "You couldn't convince me to dance back in seventh grade, and you still can't convince me." 

Kit hoped down. "Challenge accepted." She changed the music to a bright, Irish tune and pretended to do an Irish jig. Jaxon booed while Edison laughed but Kit didn't stop. She changed the music and tried to breakdance, changed it again for an interpretative dance. 

A square dance to a country song got Edison to join the dancing, but Jaxon remained seated on the counter, moving on to the next snack. It wasn't until she grabbed socks for them and went sliding across the hardwood floor, that Jaxon begrudgingly jumped down and boasted he could out slide both of them.

It was late by the time they retreated back to the TV room. They finished Kit's movie choice and moved onto Jaxon's without much talking except to pass the snacks back and forth. They made it half way through Edison's movie before Kit began to get antsy again.   

She looked at Jaxon, but his serious, concentrated look told her she wouldn't get any response from him. She looked at Edison as he reached for a bag of chips and narrowed her eyes. "So..." 

Edison looked over, waiting for her to continue. 

"Why don't you play football anymore?" she asked. 

He gave her a blank look. "What do you mean? I played the other day." He grinned. "Remember, I beat your team. Or did you block the loss from your mind?"

"Ha ha," she laughed dryly. "I don't mean that type of game."

He looked at her curiously. "Soccer?"

"No. I meant football." 

Edison squinted. "I'm confused." 

Kit frowned, finding she also felt slightly confused. Edison was mixing up her words. "No. I just meant, why you don't play football with a real team?"

"Shhhh," Jaxon said. 

She ignored him. "Why?"

"It's summer," Edison said. "Football doesn't start until the fall."

"I know that."

He smirked. "Do you? You seemed pretty confused about how it worked the other day." 

"Shhhh," Jaxon repeated. 

Kit's eyes narrowed. Edison's whole manner was casual as he lounged on the couch, absentmindedly eating chips while he watched the movie, but something felt off. Even though she couldn't quite put her finger on it. 

"I know how football works," she said. He ignored the comment and she sat up straighter, determined to get to the bottom of the topic. "So you will be playing football when the season starts?"

He was very slow in answering, getting a few chips while keeping his attention on the screen. "I didn't say that."

"Then you won't be playing?"

He looked at her blandly. "I didn't say that either."

"Which one is it Reigns?" He continued to look at her, revealing almost nothing except for a slight twist in the corner of his mouth. "You won't be playing then," she answered for him. A faint line appeared between his eyes before he looked back at the TV. 

"But why? You were running fine the other day."

"Kit, would you quit it?" Jaxon said. He grabbed a pillow and smacked her with it. 

"Hey!" she said. She tried to hit him back, but he deflected it and pointed at the screen. He got Kit to be quiet for a few minutes until her curious nature became to much. "Everyone is always saying you are the best player and telling me how amazing you were. Why aren't you going to play?" 

An almost inaudible sigh escaped Edison's lips as he looked down at his phone. "It's getting late. I'm gonna head home." Kit sat up in surprise.  

"Sorry my annoying cousin ruined the movie," Jaxon said, giving Edison a high-five.

Edison laughed it off. "I'm tired and I gotta work tomorrow." He nodded at Kit. "Thanks for the snacks and the dancing." 

"Later dude," Jaxon waved, his attention already back on the movie. Kit didn't even have time to wave before Edison was gone. 

She sank back into her spot. Her eyes went to the screen but she didn't take in anything that was happening in the movie. She was too stunned by Edison's abrupt goodbye. 

"That was all your fault," Jaxon said after they heard the faint sound of the front door closing. 

"What do you mean?" she asked. 

"What do I mean?" he mocked. "You were being annoying, bugging Edison with all those questions."

"I just -"

"We were watching a movie, not going to therapy." 

"But -"

"No. Quit bugging him about football. Why do you even care?"

"I'm just curious. All I've heard is how amazing Edison was at football, and now he doesn't even play?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to."

"But don't you think -"

"It doesn't matter what I think or what you think." Jaxon fixed her with a serious look. "I'm telling you Kit, drop it." 

She shrugged. "Fine. I'll drop it." 

"Good." They turned back to the television and finished their movie in silence.


My pretty pancakes!

Now, now people settle down, I know I got you stirred up with talk of pancakes but let's stay focused. Now! I was asked another delight full question this time from Aarchi6. Here it is: Would you like your High School crush to marry you or your favorite actor to be your boyfriend?

Gosh that is a hard one to answer! But since Grant Gustin is my favorite actor I'm going to have to go with him. Because clearly once we date and he sees how adorable and irresistible I am he will marry me...😂😂😂 oh gosh I crack myself up sometimes.

What is your answer?

Also if you could kiss any one person in the world who would it be?

I would say Tom Hiddleston because I don't think I would be disappointed.

Barış, Aşk, Dondurma (Turkish)

Yeah, baby panda, I feel ya.

And if you are sensitive ignore this next photo.

Laughed so hard I cried. I swear I'm not heartless. 🙈

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