Chapter 16 - "Where have you been all my life?"

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"What's the deal with tonight?" Kit asked Jaxon. She raised her voice to be heard over the wind whipping through the Porsche's window as she raced down the road. "Didn't we already go to the country fair?"

"Yes, but it's the last day of the fair," Jaxon explained.

He had looked like a model stepping from his house when she picked him up. His hair perfectly tussled, his shorts cuffed and his shirt spotless. He had rolled his eyes when she wolfed whistled from the car.

"And...?" she asked.

He let out an annoyed huff. "The last day of the fair is always a huge celebration," he said. "They setup a big stage and have bands playing all afternoon, with the biggest band playing at end of the night."

"Got it. Back to the fair we go!"

"Back to the fair we go," he repeated flatly.

"Don't use up all your excitement now," she laughed. "You'll need some to cover up your constant grimace once we are around people."

"I told you, brooding and mysterious."

"I think it's boring and dumb."

"When are your parents coming to take you away?"

She looked over at him and grinned, because he was smiling despite the annoyed tone.

"A week and a half. Two tops," she said. "I just talked to them this morning."

"Good. I'll be rid of you soon," he grumbled.

"Be careful Ajax or I might start to think you like having me around."

"What gave me away?" His was tone flat and bored.

She laughed. "I'd take offense if I didn't know that you show your love through insults and moody looks. Have the girls here figured that out yet or do they still get offended?"

He tried to maintain his scowl, but the corners of his mouth turned up.

"They might be offended, but it doesn't keep them away," he said, with a devilish smile.

She chuckled and shook her head.

"So you talked to your parents?" he asked. "What country are they in now?"


He laughed in disbelief. "Your parents make up for more than half of your coolness factor."

"I know. Why do you think I haven't made that many friends here?"

"Your lack of friends has nothing to do with the absence of your cool parents, and we both know it."

"Whatever are you alluding to dear cousin?"

He glowered at her as she held her innocent look in place.

"Did you really think going after Eddie was going to win you friends with the girls?" he asked.

"Wait, is that the reason they've all been avoiding me?" She feigned shock. He kept his uninterested look on display. "And here I was thinking, I befriend Edison, I befriend the girls."

He shook his head and pursed his lips, holding back the question he had already asked several times. She waited, but he didn't ask it. He only let a mumbled, "stupid," slip out.

Jaxon had been right about the last day of the fair being a celebration. The air hummed with excited energy as he and Kit entered the grounds. It was still early in the afternoon, but there was already a large crowd milling through the food tents and games. What use to be an empty dirt lot behind the rides, had been filled with a large black stage, with screens making up the backdrop, and scaffolding rising high into the air. Fences and white tents had been setup behind it.

Kit let the excitement carry her away with an extra skip in her step. Musical notes drifted through the air as the instruments were prepped for a concert, and she followed them. She looked back every so often to make sure Jaxon was still following her with his lazy saunter.

By the time she joined the crowd gathered in front of the stage she was buzzing. When Jaxon caught up to her, he took her arm and led her through the crowd until they reached a group of familiar faces. They had claimed a spot close to the stage.

She looked around and wasn't surprised to find Edison surrounded by girls, Amanda happily chatting away at his side. He looked at Kit and she gave him a playful smile, an invitation for him to join her.

He held her look for a moment, then leaned in and whispered something in a girl's ear. The girl started to giggle and stood on her tip toes to whisper something back. Edison whispered something else to make her laugh.

It almost seemed like an accident, that Kit had caught him flirting with another girl, until he looked up and gave her a cool smirk.

She watched for a moment with mild interest before she turned and bumped into Drew.

"Hey, my favorite quarterback!" she said. "How's the arm?"

"Never been better," he said, flexing his muscles. "I've been working out every day."

"I can tell," she said.

He gave her a cocky smile. "I'm really hoping to get the team into the playoffs this year. We didn't make it this year but my freshman year my team almost did. It was this crazy game." He began to describe the game, play by play, and Kit quickly lost interest.

She nodded and hummed along as he talked, but her attention drifted to the stage and the few crew members dressed in black, preparing the instruments. She dropped all pretense of listening to Drew's story when the crew members left the stage and a moment later, four young guys walked out on the stage. She let out an excited cheer that was echoed by a small portion of the crowd.

The guys had the classic grunge look for a band, messy hair and well-worn clothes. The lead singer slipped a guitar over his head and stepped up to the mic.

"Good afternoon beautiful people!" he said. His voice was smooth and melodious. Kit let out another excited cheer and his eyes glanced over to her section of the crowd. "We are Savannah Haze and we are going to play some music, if that's alright with you."

"Woohoo!" Kit shouted.

Her voice stood out against the few cheers and conversations. The lead singer smiled and strummed his guitar.

"At least someone is excited," he laughed. "Alright, one, two, three, four."

He started a steady beat on the guitar and the rest of the instruments joined in, creating an upbeat rhythm with a country twang. Kit bounced her shoulders to the beat.

"Do you know this band?" Drew asked over the music.

"No. I thought you guys knew them," she said.

Drew shook his head. "No. They're just the openers. We're here for the next band."

She nodded and looked around. Most of the crowd only seemed mildly interested in the band, watching with their arms crossed. The group of girls around Edison were still talking as if the music hadn't even started. Edison reached for Amanda as she laughed and playfully slapped his hand away.

As the lead singer began to sing, Kit turned her attention back to the stage. She didn't stop moving through the first three songs. The music was upbeat, and the band performed like they were playing for a sold out arena, instead of a half-interested crowd at a country fair. The lack of audience enthusiasm didn't deter Kit, but motivated her to make up for them in noise and energy.

When the band started a cover of a classic rock anthem, Kit turned in circles, searching for Jaxon. He had pushed through the group to get closer to the front and she pushed her way to him.

"Jaxon, Jaxon, Jaxon!" she said, tapping his shoulder repeatedly. He tried to shrug her annoying action away but she continued.

"What!" he finally barked.

She smiled and pushed down on his shoulders.

"Let me get on your shoulders," she said.

He gave her a flat look for a moment, then bent his knees and offered his hand as a footstep. She nimbly stepped into his hand and climbed onto his shoulders. With Jaxon's height and their close proximity to the stage, Kit was only a few feet away from the guitarist. The song hit the chorus and she put her hands up, singing along, and it didn't take long for the lead singer to notice her.

"Alright, it's time for some dancing," the lead singer shouted when the song hit the bridge. "Everyone dance!"

He swung his guitar around to his back and moved to Kit's side of the stage, smiling at her. He pointed at her and beckoned.

"Wanna dance?" he shouted over the guitar solo. Kit beamed and nodded her head.

"Jaxon, move closer," she ordered.

The crowd around them looked on, dumbfounded, as Jaxon moved the few feet to the stage. The lead singer reached out his hands and Kit took them. He pulled her up and she slipped from Jaxon's shoulders.

She was barely on the stage before the lead singer spun her around. She followed his lead, laughing, as he danced her around the stage, moving with almost as much energy as she had. He stepped up to the mic just in time to finish the last chorus and she continued to dance, striking a pose with the last blaring guitar strum. The crowd cheered, louder than before. It seemed Kit getting pulled on stage had caught their attention.

The lead singer leaned in close, "Thanks for the dance," he said.

She pulled back and smiled at him, her eyes dancing with excitement.

"Thanks for asking," she said, and winked.

The guitarist began the next song and she started back towards Jaxon, throwing the singer a flirty look over her shoulder before she hopped off the stage.

The crowd had a surge of energy and everyone joined in dancing for the last song. The energy only grew more so when the next band, The Wild Wallflowers, took the stage. Drew threw his fist into the air and yelled excitedly. Jaxon showed something more than boredom. Even the cheerleaders found a way to stop talking long enough to listen to the full set. But they were back at it once the last note had been played.

"I swear, the lead guitarist gets hotter every time we see them!" one of the cheerleaders said, as the group began to leave the stage.

"I agree, Theo looked so hot!" Amanda said haughtily. "And did you see Sam? He was on fire on the drums."

"Theo? Sam? It's not like you guys are friends," Edison playfully mocked her.

"We hung out after their last show," Amanda corrected him.

"That still doesn't make you friends," he said.

"Eddie," she whined.

The group ended up back in the dirt parking lot for a tailgate party. Hot dogs and hamburgers sizzled on small grills in the back of some pickup trucks. Someone turned on a radio while people brought out drinks and camping chairs.

Kit grabbed a cold soda and wound her way through the group, trying to decide where to land. Neil caught her eye and waved her to his side of the group and so she went. She was circling around the outside when her eyes landed on a familiar face passing by. She grinned.

"Hey! It's my dance partner!" the lead singer of Savannah Haze cried, matching her smile in excitement.

"Hey yourself!" she said.

He took a few steps in her direction and she stopped walking.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked, dramatically taking her hands and giving a slight bow.

"Searching for you," she responded.

He grinned, the smile blending the corner of his lips right into the crinkles by his eyes, their dark color seeming to dance. He had changed out of his sweaty clothes and his messy, dark hair was still damp.

"And I, you." He leaned in close like he wanted to tell her a secret. "This might be too soon and completely crazy but hell, this world is going to end at some point, and I've just got to ask." Kit lifted onto her tiptoes and leaned closer. "Join me on tour so we can dance every night."

She threw her head back and laughed.

"How could I refuse such a grand offer?" she said. "Especially, coming from someone as talented and as handsome as you." He gave a bashful shrug and smiled. "It's a tempting offer but alas, the groupie life isn't for me."

The smile on his face didn't fade and he gave another quick shrug.

"It was worth a shot," he said with a small chuckle. His eyes left hers as he took in the scene around them. "So, what's this fancy shin-dig you got going on?"

"We're eating food," she said. "It's a party that involves the use of truck tailgates. I think there's a nifty word for it, but it eludes me at the moment."

"I do believe I've heard of this type of thing before."

Two cheerleaders passed them and both did a double take of the lead singer, their eyes going wide.

"Hey, I know you!" one of the girls said, coming to stand next to Kit and the lead singer. She popped her hip and looked at him quizzically.

"Yeah, you're from that band we just watched," the other girl said. Their eyes began to grow with a frenzied excitement. "Omg! You guys were amazing. What's your band's name again?"

The girl's excited voices caught the attention of the whole party, and people began to look in their direction, trying to figure out what had the girls so excited.

"Savannah Haze," the lead singer said.

"That's right. You guys were amazing!" one of the girls said. "I really liked that one song."

"Is that so?" the guy asked. His tone balanced on the edge of mocking but his smile was genuine. The girl nodded fervently and he gave Kit a quick, telling smile, before turning back to the girls. "And who are you guys?"

"I'm Fiona," one of the girls said.

"And I'm Becca," the other said.

"Well, Fiona and Becca, it's lovely to meet you. And you are?" he turned to Kit. The smile he gave her was like an inside joke between the two of them.

"Kit," she said.

"Kit, it's nice to meet you," he said. "I'm Ronnie."

"Do you want to join us for dinner? We got hamburgers," Fiona said.

"And hot dogs. Hamburgers and hot dogs," Becca said.

"Did we mention hamburgers and hot dogs?" Kit mockingly added.

"Hot dogs and hamburgers sound great," Ronnie said, flashing Kit a bright smile. "Lead the way."

Kit fell into step with him as they followed Becca and Fiona towards the food truck.

"You got a fancy setup here," Ronnie said as he took in the mini grills setup in the back of a truck.

"Eddie and Drew always have the best tailgate setups," Fiona boasted, like it was her own doing.

"Well, I applaud them," he said. "Our meals on the road are usually sandwiches or a can of cold beans."

"You make touring sound so romantic," Kit joked.

"Hot dog or hamburger?" Drew asked.

He was standing by the grill on his tailgate, his hat on backwards and a metal spatula in his hand.

"I'll take a hamburger," Ronnie said.

"Same," Kit said.

Once they had dressed their hamburgers, Fiona and Becca led them to their chairs. They offered Ronnie a seat but he chose a spot on the dirt and motioned for Kit to join him. Ronnie's presence drew the attention of the group and Fiona spoke up before anyone could ask questions.

"Everyone, this is Ronnie. He's the lead singer of Savannah Haze," she said proudly, like he was her prize she'd brought to show off. Most of the girls flashed him flirty smiles while the guys gave half-interested nods.

"It's nice to meet y'all," Ronnie said, with a lazy wave.

"I like the name Ronnie," one of the girls said, moving closer.

She earned threatening glares from Fiona and Becca.

"Ronnie? Is that short for Veronica?" Edison asked.

His lazy tone didn't need to be mocking when his words were. Kit looked over at him for the first time since they'd arrived at the trucks. He was lounging back in his seat like he owned the whole parking lot and fair.

Ronnie gave a good-natured chuckle.

"Actually, Ronnie is short for Veronica," he said soberly. "I know it's an awful name for a boy, and it was awful of my parents to name me that. But I got them back by not going to college and starting a mediocre rock band."

Kit laughed while most of the girls looked surprised and Edison looked annoyed.

"How could they expect anything less when they named you after Ronnie Wood?" Kit said.

He smiled at her. "That's what I said when they begged me not to pursue music."

"Ronnie Wood?" Fiona asked, her expression ponderous. "Isn't he like a senator or something?"

"Governor, actually," Kit corrected, glancing sideways at an amused Ronnie.

"Yes, governor of Rolling Stones," he added.

Fiona nodded, like she was remembering all the facts now.

"Is that in Michigan?" she asked. Most of the guys in the group chuckled.

"Yes," Ronnie nodded, managing to keep his voice level. "Rolling Stones, Michigan."

Fiona nodded and smiled proudly.

"Have you ever visited Rolling Stones, Michigan?" Kit asked, her laugh barely beneath the surface of her voice.

"I have not, but it's always been a dream of mine," Ronnie said. "To see The Rolling Stones." He grinned at Kit until Edison loudly cleared his throat.

"Ronnie Wood is from The Rolling Stones," he told Fiona.

"I know," Fiona said. "Ronnie just explained it."

Her tone was annoyed, and it just added to the hilarity of the conversation. Kit and Ronnie hid their laughter by eating their burgers.

"How long have you been in Savannah Haze?" Amanda asked.

"We started the band a few years ago," he answered.

"You guys were really good," Becca said. "And I love how you did a back-flip."

Ronnie smiled and shook his head. "That wasn't me. That was the guitarist from The Wild Wallflowers," he corrected her graciously. "They have some pretty sweet stage tricks. I need to get some, but I don't think I can pull off a back-flip."

"Eddie can do a back-flip," Amanda boasted. "Eddie, show us your back-flip." He gave an uninterested shrug, but it lacked sincerity as he began to rise from his seat. "Come on. You always do it when you make a touchdown," Amanda whined.

Everyone watched as he casually walked towards his truck. A few steps out, he quickened his pace, ran up the side and flipped. He almost stumbled as he landed, but caught himself and gave a smug smile. The girls cheered and Amanda skipped over and threw her arms around his neck. Kit caught a slight grimace pass over his face as Amanda hugged him.

"Isn't he amazing?" Amanda cheered.

"You've seen me do that a million times," he said, downplaying her compliment even while having a cocky grin.

As he walked back to his seat, his first steps seemed unsteady, but he shook it off.

"That's a pretty cool move," Ronnie said, somehow able to make his voice sincere and mocking at the same time.

"I told you he is amazing!" Amanda repeated.

Ronnie proved to be a crowd favorite. His easy attitude and wild stories kept everyone entertained, and Kit liked the way he looked to her when he told the punch line of his jokes or stories. When it came time to pack up and head to the final concert, the girls asked him to join their group and he happily agreed.


Wassup potatoes and aliens!

So! You may or may not know this, but two of my other sister's write! JoymomentsSISTER helped co-write this book and mariajenkins143 wrote the book I'm currently obsessed with: Someday, Maybe.

Why this is interesting is because we decided to create our own universe called Gal Power Galaxy or GPG for short. This means all our different characters jump between books, making cameosin them. So Wild Wallflowers is actually the band from Someday, Maybe! I thought it was a fun little fact I would share with you!

Also it's our secret plot on how we plan to take over the world. You were warned! 😏


I have nine. Ten of us all together. Five girls, five boys.

Favorite type of food?

I could eat nothing but Mexican food until the day I die!

Vrede, Liefde, Ijsje (Dutch)

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