Chapter 17 - "You know where to find me."

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After everyone was done eating, they joined the large crowd heading back towards the stage for the final concert.

"Weren't you heading somewhere when you stopped at our tailgate party?" Kit asked Ronnie as they walked side by side to the stage.

He shrugged. "I was going to meet up with the rest of the band."

"Won't they worry about you?"

"Nah, they don't like me that much," he said. Kit laughed. "We aren't leaving until after the final concert, and they'll understand once I explain what happened."

"What? That our group was so fascinating you had to stop? Or is it because we offered you free food?"

He laughed, and a few of the girls walking near them moved closer to try and listen in to their conversation.

"The free food was a pleasant bonus, but I stopped for the people. Well, really just one person." He playfully nudged her and she laughed.

"Did you say that you are leaving after the final concert?" Fiona asked, stepping closer to join the conversation.

Ronnie nodded. "Yeah. We have a few shows up North at the end of the week."

"What? You have to leave?" Becca asked.

The group of girls that had been hovering around them, moved in closer. Ronnie grinned as they all pouted about his soon departure, and Kit just rolled her eyes.

The crowd around the stage was triple the size it had been during the afternoon's concert. The bright colorful lights from the stage filled the dark night air with a mystical glow. Ronnie and the group had been slow in arriving, and were only able to find spots in the back. As they waited for the concert to begin, the girls around Ronnie kept up a constant conversation and Kit listened in, always entertained by his responses.

The night suddenly went dark as the stage lights shut off, and the crowd screamed as dark figures took the stage. Kit didn't know the band, but their classic rock music had a heavy beat and kept her and Ronnie dancing. From the first song, he had her spinning and dancing around. As more people joined the crowd, it got too squished to dance and they moved further back, searching for room to move.

Halfway through the concert the lead singer exchanged his guitar for the piano and ran his fingers up and down the keys. Ronnie and Kit swayed back and forth, their breathing still ragged from dancing. She scanned the crowd. They had drifted back from where the rest of the group was.

She could see Jaxon's tall figure, and was surprised when she spotted Amanda by his side but no Edison. She quickly looked for him among the group and found him pushing his way out of the crowd, heading in her direction. As he drew closer, she could tell he wasn't happy, and he was limping. He was walking straight for her, but didn't seem to notice her. She reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

Her touch surprised him, and it took a moment for his eyes to focus on her and Ronnie.

He frowned and shook his head.

"Nothing," he mumbled, as he shrugged off her hold.

She watched him limp away.

"What's wrong?" Ronnie asked, nodding in the direction Edison had walked.

Kit shrugged. "I don't know. He didn't say."

"What did he do to his foot? It looked like he was limping."

"I think he hurt it when he did his flip."

"I knew I should stay away from flips," Ronnie said.

Kit laughed but looked back, trying to catch any sight of Edison's retreating figure.

"Busted ankles suck," he said. "Our drummer busted his ankle last month while skateboarding."

"Oh no!"

"It was a bit of a mess. We had to find the closest CVS to get bandages, and he was limping around for a few weeks," he said. "Actually, we still have some bandages your friend could use."

"Really?" Kit asked.

She looked back again and thought she could see Edison leaning against a fence.

He nodded his head. "Sure. I can go and grab them from the van."

"You don't have to go right now," she said, looking back at Ronnie. "We can stay until the end of the concert."

Her eyes darted back, and she saw that Edison had pushed himself off the fence and had continued to limp along.

"I've been opening for this band for the last couple of months. I won't be missing anything I haven't seen," Ronnie said. "And it seems like your friend could use some help."

Kit smiled. "He said he was fine, but he looks like a wounded dog, limping along."

Ronnie chuckled. "A little bit, yes. I'll run and grab the bandages and meet you back at the cars."

"Thanks," Kit said, already moving in the direction Edison had gone.

She jogged through the rides until she found him. His face was pinched with pain and annoyance as he tried to walk like nothing was wrong.

"Need some help there chief?" she said, coming to walk alongside him. He shot her an annoyed look and kept up his slow trudge. "Seriously, I've got a perfectly good shoulder right here, ready to help you out."

"I said I was fine," he said, through gritted teeth.

"I heard you the first time. It's just that you are looking a little lopsided. Is this because of your big ego? I told you not to let all the praise go to your head, or this was going to happen." Edison didn't even crack a smile. "Come on," she laughed. She stepped in front of him. When he tried to move around her, she just began to walk backwards. "Just let me help you. You clearly need it."

He clenched his fists, but his shoulders dropped.

"Fine," he said.

She smiled and slid close to him, letting him rest his arm over her shoulders and slipping an arm around his waist. They moved along lopsided and slow. Kit got a small bag of ice from a food vendor and took it with them to the parking lot.

Once they got to his truck, she made him wait while she put down the tailgate. She helped him climb on to it and lean against the side of the truck bed. She pulled off his tennis shoe and they both got a good look at his ankle. It was clearly swollen and a bruise was already starting to show.

"Dang it," Edison mumbled under his breath. He groaned and leaned his head back.

"It doesn't look that bad," Kit said. He gave her a flat look then scoffed. "It really doesn't look that bad."

"You can already see the bruise," he argued.

She rolled her eyes. Sitting on the edge of the tailgate, she lifted his leg so his ankle was resting on her lap and grabbed the bag of ice. He winced before the bag actually touched his ankle.

She laughed. "Calm down. It's just ice."

He tensed as she lowered the bag. "Easy for you to say. You aren't the one with the sprained ankle."

"It's probably only bruised. And it's your own fault. You didn't have to do the back-flip."

"I've done it a thousand times."

"I think you mentioned that before," she mocked. He glared at her and she laughed. "Where's Amanda anyways?" she asked. He shrugged and looked away. "You guys have been inseparable all day long. She should be the one taking care of your busted ankle."

"Did it bother you?" he asked, with a cocky grin. "Me hanging out with Amanda?"

"Is that why you did it?" she asked.

"It did bother you, didn't it?"

She laughed. "Edison, I could care less about who you decide to spend your time with. I only noticed because for once, Amanda wasn't giving me the death glare."

"Sure, I'll pretend to believe that. Just like I'll pretend you aren't hanging out with that lead singer to make me jealous. Where is Veronica anyways?"

Kit chuckled. "I think you look good in about everything, but I'm not sure green is your color."

Edison's response was stopped short at her compliment and diss all wrapped into one.

"I'm not jealous," he said.

She gave him a knowing smile, better than any response, and he looked away.

"Hey, there you guys are," Ronnie said, jogging up to them. "I got a little lost at a group of trucks a few rows over. How's the ankle?"

He handed Kit the white, gauze bandage and leaned against the truck.

"Its fine. Kit, was making a big deal out of nothing," Edison said, scowling.

"He's right, it really was nothing," she said. She shifted his ankle on her lap and he took in an audible breath. "I guess we don't need the bandages after all."

Ronnie looked between the two of them.

"How about I leave them just in case," he said.

He gave the two of them another curious look, before he focused on Kit.

"I ran into my band and it turns out they want to leave now. Get a jump start on our long drive."

"Okay. Thanks for dancing with me," she said.

He gave her a slight bow and smiled. "Thanks for being the one person to dance at our show."

"It was my pleasure. Now, when you write all those songs about me, remember my name is spelled K I T."

He laughed and shook his head. "And here I was, thinking it started with a C. I'm glad you cleared that up." She smiled and shrugged. He took her hand and kissed it. "Goodbye Kit. I hope I get to dance with you again someday."

He nodded to Edison and left. Once he was far enough away, Edison scoffed. Kit looked over at him and smiled. He responded with a scowl.

"You are in such a charming mood. I can see why Amanda couldn't get enough of you today," she said.

She removed the ice from his ankle. She patted it dry and began to wrap it with the gauze bandage. Edison didn't protest.

The group returned to the truck still bursting with energy. The guys were rowdy, shoving each other around, and the girls were still singing songs from the concert. Someone suggested milkshakes at Al's and the decision was quickly made.

"There you are!" Amanda shouted, throwing herself into Edison's lap, completely unaware of hitting his damaged ankle. He winced, but she didn't notice. "Where did you disappear off to?" She gave Kit a dirty glance.

"I hurt my ankle," he said. He sounded annoyed, and Kit was happy to hear it wasn't just her he was pissed with.

"But why did you leave the concert? It was so good!" Amanda said.

"My ankle hurt. I had to find somewhere to sit. Oh, and thanks for all the help."

Amanda brushed off his sarcastic comment and stood up. "What was I supposed to do? Leave in the middle of the concert?" she asked. She straightened her shirt. "We should get going. We don't want to miss out on the corner booth at Al's."

"I don't want to go," Edison said.

"But Eddie, everyone is going!" she said.

Kit sat back against the wall of the truck bed, interested in their interaction.

"I said I don't want to go. My ankle hurts. I can barely walk. Can you just drive me home?"

"It can't be that bad," she argued. "Drew can help you into the diner."

"I said no," Edison snapped. "Can we just go?"

Amanda took a step back and looked at the crowd getting into cars.

"But everyone will be gone by the time I take you home and then go to the diner," she said.

Edison looked at her in disbelief, and Kit decided to speak up before their argument turned into something worse.

"I can drive you home," she offered. Edison and Amanda both looked at her, wearing identical frowns.

"You can't. You have your own car," Edison argued. "Amanda drove with me and her house is within walking distance to mine."

"Hey Amanda! Eddie! Are you guys coming to Al's?" someone shouted.

Jaxon appeared and nudged Kit in the shoulder. "Wanna go for milkshakes? If you do, I can get a ride home with someone else," he said.

"Actually, can you drive my car?" Kit asked. She handed him the keys. "Edison hurt his ankle, so I'm going to drive him home. Can you follow us? Then I'll drive you home after."

"Amanda isn't going to drive him home?" Jaxon asked.

He and Kit both looked to Edison and Amanda. Edison was shaking his head, but Amanda looked like she was regrettably considering the option.

"No, Eddie can go home with," she looked at Kit, but it seemed even saying her name would cause her pain. "And I'll catch a ride with someone else." She ran off, shouting for her friends.

Kit slid off the back of the truck and let Edison's leg hang down.

"Thanks Jaxon," she said.

Jaxon glanced between the sullen Edison and Kit, shrugged and headed off towards her car. Kit put the gauze and Edison's shoe in the truck before she came back for him. Silently, she helped him hobble to the passenger side and climb in. He was silent and moody on the drive back, but she didn't mind. His truck was a huge contrast to her sleek car, and she had fun driving it, feeling the rumble of the engine in the steering wheel.

She pulled into Edison's driveway without having said anything the whole way home. She shut off the engine and looked over at him. He didn't look as mad. She saw Jaxon pull up and park alongside the road. She hopped out of the truck and walked to the passenger side, holding the door open for him.

"Welcome home, good sir," she said, offering him her hand and a smile. He got down by himself and began to walk towards the house.

"Hey, Eddie!" She called.

He paused and turned back to her. She tossed him his keys and he caught them. She gave a small bow and smiled.

"You know where to find me," she said. She gave a small salute and started in the direction of her car. 


Me oh my! My dear munchkin!

So it's official, I'm running away with Ronnie! I'm serious! You can't stop me, the decision has already been made, there's no turning back, I'm in love and nothing and no one will stop me from being with the love of my life!

That is unless he doesn't like ice cream then it is totally off! But come on, he's Ronnie of course he likes ice cream! 

Honestly, I seem to fall in love with side characters more than  main characters sometimes. You ever get that?

Like Renee from Every Second, she's literally in one chapter and she turned out to be one of my favorite characters. Or Ace from A Second Chance. And how can we forget about Floyd the elevator operator from Mr. Write! Or Smith from A Secret Service!

Okay, a perfect day for you would look like?

Simple: Paris, music, writing, my sisters and ice cream!

Frieden, Liebe, Eis (German)

Cute animal! 🙈

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