Chapter 3 - "Someone said you were a teenage bride."

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"Get out! If I ever see you again, I'll call the..."

Amanda's threat faded as Edison quickly pulled Kit back into the house and out the front door.

"I don't think I've ever seen Amanda so mad," Edison said

"She'll get over it. Eventually," Kit said. She pulled her hand from Edison's.

When they reached the end of the walkway, they split off into different directions.

"My car is this way," he said, pointing behind him.

"You don't want to take my Porsche?"

Edison's eyes bugged out in surprise. "You have a...? Seriously? A Porsche?"


"Of course you have a Porsche," he laughed in disbelief.

"But we can take your car if you want," she offered.

"No, no, no," he answered. He clamped his mouth shut to keep his words from tumbling out and took a deep breath. "What happened to the moped?"

"It felt like a Porsche day. Do you wanna drive?" She smiled as his eyes grew big again.

"You'll let me drive the Porsche, but you won't let me drive the moped?"

"You hadn't ever driven a moped before. Have you driven a car?"

"Yes, I've driven a car," he answered.

"Then you drive." She tossed him the keys.

When she reached the car, she turned to find he hadn't moved, his eyes transfixed on the keys in his hands.

"Any day now!" she yelled back to him.

He started and gave a sheepish smile as he jogged to her. When he reached the car, he circled it three times before he had the sense to open her door for her.

"Are you sure you can drive?" she asked, as he climbed into the driver's side. His eyes darted around the sleek interior.

"Edison!" She clapped to get his attention. "Are all the light bulbs working up there?"

He slowly turned to look at her. "Did you say that because of my name?"

She gave him a pleased smile. "I did. Now, you dragged me out of the party. Where are you going to take me?"

"I know just the spot," he said.

He turned the ignition and the car purred to life.

"Is this real?" he asked.

"Hit the gas and see for yourself," she said.

He took her suggestion to heart and sped down the block. The car was a lot of power to handle, but he was a quick learner. By the time they hit the highway, they were smoothly speeding past all the other cars. The night was warm and they rolled down the windows.

"Is that a tunnel?" Kit asked loudly above the wind wiping through the car. She pointed to the glowing half circle that was fast approaching.

"Yeah. Why?" Edison shouted back.

"When we reach it, you have to scream!" she shouted.


She pulled herself up and leaned out the window.

"Kit, are you crazy!" he yelled at her.

"Scream!" she yelled back.

The darkness disappeared as they entered the orange lit tunnel and Kit screamed at the top of her lungs. Her voice ricocheted off the tiled walls. Every inch of her buzzed with excitement as she pushed her lungs to keep working until they were free of the tunnel.

Like a rocket launched into space, the tunnel launched the Porsche back into the night. Kit laughed as she sank back into her seat and ran her hand through her wild hair.

"Are you crazy?!" Edison asked in a panic. "What was that for?"

She gave him a calm look.

"You always have to scream in a tunnel," she said.

His eyes jumped between her and the road.

"Next time you're going to hang half of your body out the window, warn me," he said.


Edison regained his calm composure by the time they left the highway. They wandered through back roads for a few miles before they began to climb. Kit's curiosity was getting the better of her and she was about to ask where they were going when they rounded a corner. Below them, was a sea of lights from houses spread out as far as their eyes could see. Edison pulled the car to the edge, turned it off and they both got out.

"This is beautiful," she said, hopping up on the back of the car.

He took a seat next to her. "It's my favorite spot."

Kit pulled her gaze from the view and studied Edison's profile. He had a serene look on his face.

"This is your favorite spot?" she asked.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I come out here when I need space. When I need to think."

She was amused by the reflective tone in his voice. "Do you do a lot of that?"



His head dropped and she laughed loudly.

"Sometimes you make it impossible," he said.

"To what? Seduce me?" she asked.

"That's not what I'm doing."

"Oh really? A secluded area, a romantic view, putting on a pensive mood."

He shook his head. "That's probably what you want. But I just thought you would like the view."

"It is beautiful," she said. "So, this is where you come to think about things?"

"It is," he said.

"Well, I'm thinking about something and it involves you," she said.

He gave her a pleased look and leaned towards her.

"Why don't you play football anymore?" she asked.

He looked around in surprise. "Where did that come from?"

"My mind," she teased. He gave her an incredulous look and turned back to the view. She waited for a minute before she prodded him again. "So...?"



"It's a sport."

She laughed. "That is correct. You use to play."

"These are some hard hitting facts you are laying out." There was humor in his voice, but his quick sideways glance was suspicious. 

"Here's another fact, you don't play anymore. Why?"

He gave her a knowing look. "I'm sure you already know why I can't play football anymore."

"You tore your ACL."

"That's correct. And I believe that brings our fact count to four."

"But you can walk."

He hopped off the back of the car, taking a few steps as an example. "Would you look at that? It would seem that is also correct."


"What about you?" He crossed his arms like an examiner. "I've heard a lot about you."

She grinned. "What have people been saying about me?"

"Someone said you were a teenage bride."


"But it gets better. You are also on the run for murder," he said. "Apparently, your old husband died under suspicious circumstances and left you all his money. The police think you killed him."

"I loved Albert," she said seriously. "Just because he was poisoned and left me all his money doesn't mean I'm guilty."

He smiled and continued. "You're the heiress to a huge oil fortune and you ran away because your parents wouldn't let you marry the love of your life," he said.


"You're a homeless vagabond on your way to Vegas."

"I wish I was that adventurous."

"Your parents dumped you here because they couldn't stand you."

"Amanda has been busy."

He smiled. "What's the truth?"

"The truth," she said. "I'm here visiting my cousin Jaxon."

"I heard you two were related," he said.

"Unfortunately for him, its true."

"And your parents?"

"They're on a business trip. I hate to break it to you, but I'm really not that extraordinary."

He smiled playful. "Maybe. Maybe not. The data is still inconclusive."

She grinned. "What's the real reason you're not playing football?"

He chuckled. "You know why. I tore my..."

"ACL. But that was last fall."

"It was."

"Why aren't you playing now?"

He shook his head. "Why do you care?"

"I heard you were really good. The star of the team," she said. "I heard you had scouts coming to your games. I'm curious why you walked away from that."

"Well, when you tear your ACL, it makes it very difficult to run," he said as if he were speaking to a child. "And when you're the running back, you have to run."

"I know how football works," she said.

"Do you?" he mockingly asked.

She gave him a knowing smile. "You might have everyone fooled, but I'm not buying it," she said.

He shrugged casually. "I'm not selling anything."

She stared at him for a moment then shrugged. She slid off the car.

"I'm hungry. Wanna get some waffles?" she asked.

"You're just gonna stop bugging me about football like that?" he asked.

"Do you want to continue?"


"Then waffles it is."

He gave her a curious look, like she was a puzzle he couldn't solve. He finally said, "Sure."

"I'll drive," she said, holding her hand out for the keys. "Let me show you what this car can really do."


What's up my peeps!
(Yup, I regretted it the moment I said it. 🤦🏽‍♀️)

Can we please talk about a serious subject that the world is ignoring! That's right, you know where this is going, but it has to be discussed. It's hard but here it goes.

Why the flip are girl's pants' pockets so freakin small?!? I mean a guy has so much room in his pockets he could fit a phone, wallet, keys and sandwich in there if he wanted to! But girls get pockets that you can barely fit the top of your fingers! This is an injustice people! We must stand up and fight the big corporations that say we don't deserve equal pocket size!!

Stand with me! Fight with me! Together we will change the world of pockets!!!
(Or in other words vote, comment, follow)

Oh my gosh it's so cute!!! 🙈

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