Chapter 4 - "Am I going to regret this?"

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Kit's doorbell rang and she quickly pulled her shorts and tank top over her bathing suit. The doorbell echoed through the house again as she skipped down the stairs. Throwing the door open, she smiled when she found Edison waiting on her doorstep. He was wearing red swim trunks and a lifeguard tank top.

"You're just in time," she said.

He frowned. "For what? I didn't tell you I was coming over."

"I just need to grab my stuff and then we can go," she said.

She left him standing at the door and hurried back to her room.

"Where are we going?" he called after her.

"Drew's," she answered.

She ran back upstairs and quickly threw her things in her bag. Coming back downstairs, she found he had taken a few hesitant steps into the house and was giving the space a curious look.

"I like what you've done with the place," he said.

She looked around. Her house was dominated by two features. Tall, white walls and honey wood floors polished to a shine. The rooms were completely empty, not a single piece of furniture in sight, making the house feel tomb-like.

"It's very minimalistic," he said.

"Fancy term."

"My mom watches the home repair channel," he shrugged.

"Wanna know the best feature?" she asked.

She didn't wait for an answer before she let out a howl. Her voice bounced around the empty rooms, reverberating back to them.

"Give it a try," she said. She smiled when he hesitated.

"You know you want to," she taunted.

He gave a tight lipped smiled before giving a weak hoot.

"Pathetic!" she said. "You gotta put your back into it."

She threw her head back and let out long howl. She smiled as her voice danced around the room.

"Your neighbors might worry you're being attacked by wolves," he said.

She shrugged. "Your loss."

"But seriously," he said. "Did you get robbed?"

"Nah. My parents offered to furnish the house, but I told them it wasn't necessary. Shall we?" she asked, waiting by the door.

"You really want to go to Drew's?"

"I do."

Edison looked at his phone.

"It's almost four. Weren't you suppose to be there a few hours ago? They'll already be back from the boat ride," he argued.


He gave her a confused frown.

"I want to make an appearance, but I wasn't ready to commit to a full boat ride," she explained.

"Being stuck on a boat with Drew doesn't seem appealing?" he asked.

"I always think about my exit strategy. I'm a good swimmer, but not that good."

He laughed. "As someone who has been on Drew's boat, I say you made the right call."

"You're just saying that because you're glad I'm not with Drew."

"Maybe," he said coyly.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go," she said, ushering him out the door.

"You do know Drew's lake house is almost forty-five minutes away, right?" he asked.

"I'll get us there in thirty," she said, unlocking the Porsche.


"What time do we got?" Kit asked as she pulled into the driveway of Drew's lake house.

Edison looked at his phone and pursed his lips.

"What was that?" she asked gleefully. She cupped her ear to better hear him. "I got us here in thirty minutes?!?"

"And nearly killed us on the way," he said.

"Did not."

"We were centimeters from hitting that semi truck," he argued.

"Inches," she corrected as they both got out of the car.

"We almost died."

"You're fine."

Drew hadn't been lying when he said his house was right on the water. As Edison led the way around to the back, Kit could see the path that led right from the back of the house to a dock on the water. There was a large boat anchored and crowd of people gathered on the dock.

Shouts of joy rang out when the crowd spotted Edison and Kit. Once on the dock, they were pulled in different directions as a few girls distracted Edison.

"Kit, you made it!" Drew said, throwing an arm around her. "Wanna drink?"

"You missed a great time," Tommy said.

"Bummer," she said.

"It's okay, we go out all the time. You can come next time," Drew said.

Kit smiled but didn't give an answer.

"What will you have?" Drew asked, moving bottles about in the cooler. "We got coke, beer, wine coolers."

"Water?" she asked.

"We got that." He handed her a dripping bottle.

"Eddie, do you want something a drink?" Amanda asked. She froze when she reached the coolers and came face to face with Kit.

"Uhhh..." Drew let out an awkward stammer.

"Amanda, you've met Kit," Edison said, stepping into the situation.

Amanda's nostrils flared as she glared at Kit.

"Unfortunately," she growled.

"As always, it's a pleasure to see you," Kit said. She could see Amanda fuming and extricated herself from the situation. She walked down the dock. "Drew is this your boat?"

"It is!" Drew said, jogging after her.

"It's so impressive! Can you show me around?"

"Climb aboard," he said. He hopped up onto the boat and offered her a helping hand. "Over here is the..." Drew began to point out all the different parts of the boat using technical terms. Kit followed him around but kept her eye on Edison.

It was amazing how fast Amanda's expression changed once Kit was out of the picture. Kit watched as Amanda flipped her hair and laughed every few seconds. And she wasn't alone in her behavior. Half the girls in the group had surrounded Edison and he looked very pleased with himself.

"The engine is 800 horse power," Drew boasted.

"Fascinating," Kit said dryly.

"Isn't the lake beautiful?" Drew scrambled to add.

Kit pulled her attention from the crowd to take in the view. The lake was beautiful. The early evening sun made the gray blue water sparkle.

"It is beautiful," she agreed.

"Just tell me when and I'll take you out on this baby," Drew said, patting the boat.

"I might have to take you up on that," she said.

The slightly positive response was enough to launch Drew into a long story about one of his boat outings. Kit half listened as she wandered around the boat. The heat of the day was still present in the air and she eyed the water. She was just debating going for a swim when Drew's mother announced dinner was ready.

Kit was ready to jump out of her skin by the time she was done eating. The line to get food seemed to take forever and she had finished her food quicker then anyone else. She looked around in amazement as everyone seemed content to slowly eat and talk. She held back her pent up energy until someone else stood to throw away their trash and she quickly followed.

As everyone else finally began to move, she walked out onto the dock, taking in the view of the lake. It was narrow where Drew's house was and she could see a cliff rising just beyond Drew's house. She turned back to the group, eager to suggest an activity to find they already had a fire going and were prepping s'mores.

"Kit, do you want me to make you a s'more?" Drew offered.

She put on a smile as she rejoined the group.

"I'm still full from dinner," she said. "I was thinking of doing a little exploring."

"Hmmm," Drew said. He was only half listening as he focused on putting a marshmallow on a skewer.

"I thought I saw some cliffs just past your house," she said.

"You saw correct. We are the last house on this side of the lake. After us, it's just cliffs," he said. "Sometimes, when we're feeling really wild, or we're a little drunk," he added in a whisper, "the guys and I jump off it."

"I'm intrigued," she said.

"Yeah but it's intense," he said. "The cliffs are forty feet high, which doesn't seem that bad but it's a little nerve racking when you get to the top."

"Sounds like my kind of fun."

He laughed but turned serious when she didn't join in. "I think we'd need some liquid courage before we can even think about jumping," he said. "I think s'mores are good for tonight."

"Sure," she said, walking away.

"Do you want a s'more?" he called after her.

She just waved over her shoulder as she left the dock. She was walking the path back to Drew's house when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and found Edison following her.

"Where are you going?" he asked, jogging to catch up to her.

"Come along and you'll find out," she said.

"Or you could just tell me."

"Now where's the adventure in that?" She could see he was debating going with her when Amanda called out to him.

"Eddie, I got a marshmallow already for you," she said, her voice sweetly high. "How about you make me one of your famous s'mores."

He looked back and forth between the two girls. When his gaze settled on Kit, she could see his decision in the apologetic look in his eyes.

She shrugged. "Enjoy your s'more," she taunted with a smirk.

Turning, she grinned as she heard him let out a sigh and follow after her.

"Am I going to regret this?" he asked.

She hopped over the railing along the path and set off into the trees.

"Possibly," she said. "But I think it's worth the risk."

"Will there be howling involved?"

Kit's head went back as she laughed. "I'll leave the howling up to the wolves tonight."

"How about waffles?"

"No. I have more tricks in my bag than waffles and howling."

"Yeah, like whistling?"

"That is one of them."

"When will I be hearing the elusive whistling skills you've spoken of?"

"Patience young padawan," she said. "All things shall be revealed in time."

The sun had set but the dusky pink of the sky allowed enough light for them to see the ground as they made their way through the trees. Kit led the way, only stopping when they hit the end of the trees and found a slope of rocks.

"Now what?" Edison asked, looking around.

She only answered by pulling her shirt over her head, revealing her bathing suit top, and dropping it to the ground.

His eyes went big in surprise. "What are you doing?"

She unbuttoned her shorts and kicked off her flip flops.

"Do you have a plan or...?"

"Do you always ask so many questions while a girl is taking off her clothes?" she asked playfully, slipping out of her shorts.

He didn't think about it as he pulled his tank top over his head.

"Impressed?" he asked.

She looked for a moment at his tan and toned stomach then shrugged. "I've seen better."

His face fell. "Unlikely," he grumbled under his breath.

"Let's climb," she said, moving on.

The slant of the hill was gradual and the large amount of rocks made the climb easy. At the top, looking down from the edge of the cliff, the water was a dark, shimmering blue.

"You ready for this?" Edison asked, as they hovered at the edge.

"I was born ready," Kit said.

"Then we'll jump together." He said it like he didn't believe she would jump.

"On three," She slipped her hand into his.

"One..." he said.

"Three!" she yelled. She dragged him with her as she leaped off the edge.

She let out a whoop of excitement as adrenaline shot through her veins and her stomach jumped to her throat. Edison's squeezed her hand as they plunged into the warm water.

For a moment, under water, Kit was disoriented, but Edison pulled her up and she followed his lead. Breaking the surface, she laughed as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"That was exhilarating!" she said.

"I wasn't sure you were going to jump," he said, swimming closer.

"I know."

"But you surprised me. You always seem to surprise me," he said. "You're amazing."

"I know," she said.

He let out a surprised laugh.

"I've never met anyone like you Kit St James," he said. His face inched closer.

She smirked and dunked him under water. When he came up spluttering she laughed. 

"What was that for?" he asked.

"You were getting carried away," she said.

"Oh yeah?"

She shrieked as he grabbed her and pushed her under. She came up spitting out water and reached for him, but he was too quick.

"I don't think so," he said, swimming away. "You'll have to catch me."

His long arms and swimming skills quickly outpaced her and she gave up and started for shore.

"Giving up so quickly?" he taunted as he swam circles around her.

She threw him a sideways glance, but kept swimming.

"You're done already?" he asked as she climbed out of the water.

"I would hate for people to find us in the water and get the wrong idea," she said.

"And what idea would that be?" he asked. He gave her a flirty grin as he followed her out.

"That you fell in and I had to rescue you."

"But I'm a life guard," he argued.

"That just makes it even more embarrassing for you," she said.

She pulled her shorts and shirt on over her wet bathing suit and tied her wet hair into a bun. Edison chuckled as he retrieved his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"What's our story when people notice that our hair is wet?" he asked as they headed back towards Drew's house. He reached for her hand and she let him take it.

"How about what you said yesterday?" she said. "Play it coy and they'll be talking about us for a week."


Welcome children to my author's note!
(Okay yeah I'm not sure how I feel about that. WALLABY suggested it and I decided to give it a try)

So I have decided something! It is not a big thing but I figured I'd share it with you cause you know why not!?
(If any of you said 'take a crazy chance' in your mind I love you)
The picture below is of Tyler Joseph. (The lead singer to Twenty One Pilots. See murphnturf  I spelled it out, I'm not a complete idiot) It's the first time he saw his bride on their wedding day.

Why am I telling you this? Becasue I have decided if I ever find a man who looks at me like that I will die happy! Also if he loves me like Kvothe loves Denna in The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss then I will really die happy!

What is one thing you would absolutely love to have in relationship?
(Besides blind devotion that will get your future spouse to commit murder for you)

Find a man...actually that's just the main step, find a man. And you know vote, comment, follow for the good of all man kind!

You have to admit that is adorable!

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