Chapter 5 - "You think I'm hot?"

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The lonely valet attendant jumped to attention as Kit's Porsche's headlights lit up the night and pulled up under the overhang. Kit barely had time to reach for her bag before he had opened her door and offered her his hand.

"Good evening miss. Welcome to the Highland Resort. Are you checking in?" he asked as he helped her out of the car.

"Not tonight. I'm here to see a friend," she said, making her voice light and airy.

"Excellent. If you'll head in through the front doors, anyone at the front desk would be happy to assist you," the attendant said.

She gave him her best poised smile and accepted the valet ticket.

"Thank you," she said.

She did her best to walk gracefully as she headed for the large glass doors and hide her entertainment at the service she received simply based on her mode of transportation.

The Highland Resort was luxurious in its size and decor. The outside was cream stone and the spotlights that illuminated it in the dark made it feel four times larger then it was.

Kit gave a small nod to the doorman as he opened the door for her and she stepped into the quiet, elegant lobby. She quickly assessed the single man at the front desk then jutted her chin out.

"Good evening," she said. She gave a small nod in his direction as she passed the desk without any hesitation.

"Good evening," he said without any question, imitating her formal manner.

She kept her walk rigid as she passed and didn't let the victorious smirk slid onto her face until she turned down a hallway. She bounced along until she found doors leading to the patio and pushed them open.

The patio was dotted with heaters and fire pits with only embers left. A few couples were nestled into large couches, enjoying the privacy of the late hour. Kit skirted along the outside of the furniture and headed for the tall wrought iron fence encircling the pool.

She tried the gate but wasn't surprised when she found it locked. She walked along the fence, looking for an easy place to climb. Along the side of the pool, and out of sight from the cuddling couples, she found a large pot to use as a step. With the help of a sole light, Kit could see the pool area was closed and the covers had already been placed on the pool and Jacuzzi.

"I can finish up so you can head out," someone said just beyond the fence.

"Alright. Night Eddie," another guy said.

"Night Danny," Edison said.

Kit waited until Edison's coworker left and she heard the gate clanging shut behind him before she hopped over the fence. She landed silently but her flip flops slapped against the concrete as she moved forward and gave her presence away.

"Sorry, but we're close for the night," Edison called over his shoulder.

"Even for me?" she asked.

He bolted upright and turned in surprise. "Kit! What are you doing here?"

She gave a casual shrug. "I felt like a swim."

He gave her a regretful look.

"Sorry but the pool is closed," he said.

She twisted her mouth in disappointment.

"Bummer. I guess I'll just leave then." She started to walk back towards her entry point but her steps were slow.

"Are you really going to leave after you came all the way here?" Edison asked.

She stopped.

"Just cause the pool is closed doesn't mean you have to leave," he said.

"Oh yeah?" she asked playfully. She turned back to him. "What do you have in mind?"

"This Resort is huge. There's a lot I can show you."

"I'm intrigued."

"Give me five minutes," he said. "I have to finish closing up the pool."

"Okay," she said.

He turned back to placing objects into the bin and Kit made a lazy circle around the pool. It was huge with a slide and water falls that were turned off for the night. There were lounge chairs and cabanas and Kit could just imagine the stench of wealth that filled the air when the pool was open.

"Is this your throne?" she asked, eyeing the lifeguard tower.

"You could call it that," he chuckled.

"May I?" she asked. She began to climb before she got an answer and settled into the seat, observing the view around her.

"Hey, no running," she said in a quiet shout.

She let out a low whistle and shook her fist. "Only one person on the slide," she said. "Lady, this isn't a nude beach. Sir, I'm gonna have to call the police because that speedo should be illegal."

Edison chuckled as he climbed the tower. He swung an arm over the armrest of the chair and hung off the side.

"Sadly, I've thought both those things before," he said.

"I never understood the speedo," she said. "Why is it that the only people who choose to wear them are the people who shouldn't be allowed to?"

"A fat guy in a speedo just doesn't do it for you?"

"Surprisingly, no."

"You're more interested in the lifeguard type."

She held back a smile and rolled her eyes. "You love the attention, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Oh please. With your looks, I bet the ladies love you."

"What do you mean by 'my looks'?" he asked coyly.

"You're hot, young and tan. I bet you're eye candy for all the women."

"You think I'm hot?"

She put on an innocent smile. "Hmmm?"

"You said I'm hot."

"I guess I did." Her agreement seemed to deflate Edison's enjoyment of the compliment.

"I can just imagine you sitting up here on your throne, basking in the adoration of all the women on vacation," she said.

He gave a cocky smirk. "It's not just people on vacation. The resort has memberships so people in the area can use it too," he said.

"I guess you have no shortage of admirers."

"I guess." He gave a casual shrug but she could see the cocky gleam in his eyes. "Don't worry though. I am always accepting new members."

"For what?"

"For my group of admirers," he clarified. "Just ask and I'll give you the official badge."

"You have a badge. How organized."

"My ladies get what they want. I aim to please."

"I'm sure you do."

He grinned.

"It's a bummer though," she added, climbing off the tower. "I don't do groups or badges. It's not really my thing. Oh well! I guess it wasn't meant to be."

She gave him a regretful look as she began to walk away. She smiled as she heard him scramble after her.

"It doesn't have to be anything official. I mean," he tried to regain his composure.

She gave him a cool look.

"It can be whatever you want," he finished.

"What I want is that tour you spoke of." 

"Follow me," he said, offering her his arm.

Kit playfully slapped his arm away. "I can walk on my own."

"I have no doubt. But my tour, my rules."

She smiled in surprise.

"Aye aye captain," she saluted.

He offered his arm again and she took it.

"Alright, let's begin," he said. "This is the pool area of Highland Resort. The pool is known for many things, such as: its water slide, waterfalls and exceptional water. On your right you will see the iconic lifeguard chair, where vacationing cougars can admire our fine selection of lifeguards for no additional cost."

He gave a pleased smile as she laughed loudly. "You can see our most popular lifeguard, Eddie Reigns, every day except Mondays and Wednesdays."

"I'll have to come back to check him out," she said.

"You already did, last night before we jumped."

"But without the full glory of your lifeguard throne, I feel I missed out."

"We can't have that. Here at Highland Resort we aim for one hundred percent customer satisfaction."

"Then I guess I'll be back. Continue."

He kept up his absurd commentary as he led her out of the pool, through the out door lounge and into the lobby.

"Hey Daniel, whats up?" he asked the guy at the front desk.

"I'm tired," Daniel yawned, looking up from his phone.

"Pulling the double shift?" Edison asked. Kit hung back and Daniel didn't seem to notice her.

"Unfortunately," he said.

"Is Ollie in?" Edison asked. He pointed to the security door behind the desk.

"Yeah. Go ahead in," Daniel said. He returned his attention back to his phone.

Edison took Kit's hand and led her around the desk and through the door marked security. The room they entered had low lighting and a wall of screens. A man in a swivel chair sat before the screens, his back to them.

"Ollie, my man," Edison said, giving him a friendly slap on the back.

"What do you want Reigns?" Ollie muttered. He didn't look around.

"Who says I need a reason to visit?" Edison asked.

"Let me guess, you got a girl?" Ollie said.

Edison let out a surprised cough.

"In fact, he does," Kit said. She slapped Edison on the back.

Ollie turned around at the sound of another voice and looked her over. She didn't mind as it gave her the chance to do the same thing. When she thought security guard, an overweight bald guy came to mind but Ollie was the exact opposite. He was young, trim, muscular and had a full head of brown hair.

"You're hot," Kit said.

"Don't sound so surprised," Ollie said but he wore a pleased smile. "I'm working on changing the security guard stereotype."

"And looking hot while you're at it," she said with a wink. She moved to the desk and sat. "What inspired you to take on such a noble cause?"

A cocky grin slid onto Ollie's face and he flexed his muscles.

"I'm really selfless," he boasted.

"You have so many great qualities. How do you keep the women away?" she asked.

"I don't," he said with a playful wink. "I got you."

"Alright, alright," Edison said loudly. He came to stand between Kit and Ollie.

"Reigns, you're still here," Ollie said.

"Kit is with me." His tone was lazy, but he was clearly marking his territory. "Of course I'm still here,"

"Kit?" Ollie questioned. She raised her hand and smiled. "The name suits you." He pushed his chair back to get a better view of her.

"Thanks. Your looks suit you," she countered.

Ollie gave a wide smile while Edison huffed. He turned to her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Enjoying the view," she shrugged.

"Yeah Reigns, what's your problem?" Ollie asked. He winked at Kit.

"You owe me a favor," Edison said. He took a step and tried to block Ollie's view of Kit again.

"And?" Ollie asked.

"I need you to ignore the river security feed so we can go on the gondolas," Edison said.

"Why should I help you?" Ollie asked.

"Because, he's with me," Kit said. She stood on her tip toes to rest her chin on Edison's shoulder and gave Ollie a big grin.

"You two are really together?" Ollie asked.

"Only in the sense that we are in the same place at the same time," Kit clarified. "I really want to see the gondolas." She batted her eyes and watched as Ollie gave in.

"Fine. But only for Kit," he said.

"You're the best!" Kit sang. She skipped out from behind Edison's barricade and kissed Ollie on the cheek.

"Okay," Edison said, pulling her back.

"If you're not 'together together', how about a date?" Ollie asked Kit.

"I said she's with me," Edison repeated.

"I'll be back at the resort," Kit said, ignoring Edison's comment. "Ask me again."

"How will I know when you're here?" Ollie asked.

She turned his chair to the wall of screens and pointed.

"Let's go," Edison said. He took Kit's hand and quickly pulled her from the room.

"What was that?" he hissed once the door shut behind them. He dropped her hand.

"What?" she asked.

"All the flirting?"

"I was helping out."

"It was unnecessary. He owed me a favor."

"He didn't seem very inclined to help you before I spoke up."

"And practically threw yourself at him."

"It was only to get him to help us out."

"Really?" he asked. "That was the only reason?"

Kit liked how annoyed he seemed. "Really," she answered. She took his hand and she could see him relax. "Plus, he is really hot," she added.

She laughed as Edison dropped her hand in frustration.

"Don't worry," she soothed, grabbing his hand back. "You are too."

"I am what?"


He frowned. "Does my hand feel warm?"

She rolled her eyes. "No. I mean you are hot."

"Really? I felt a little off today. Maybe I'm getting sick." He touched her wrist to his forehead to check for a fever.

She pulled it away. "No. I mean your face," she said, trying to clarify.

"Are my cheeks red?" He cupped his face.

"No," she said, annoyed. "I mean you are hot, like attractive. Handsome. Good looking."

A sly grin slowly spread across his face. "You're being a bit forward, don't you think?" he said playfully. "I understood you the first time."

She stopped walking. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" she asked.

"I know I am," he laughed. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "Admit it."

"Okay, you are," she said reluctantly. "But don't let it go to your head or you'll start walking lopsided and no amount of good looks could counter that."

He laughed. "I'll take your advice into consideration."

"Glad I could help," she said. She leaned back to gain some distance from him.

"Now, how about a kiss? Then we'll be off to the gondolas," he said.

"You're cute, but not that cute," she said.

"But you kissed Ollie."

"He was being helpful."

"Hardly. He only agreed to turn a blind eye. I'm taking you to the gondolas."

"You keep saying gondolas but I don't actually know what you mean."

He got a playful gleam in his eyes. "You'll have to wait and see," he said.

"I guess you'll have to wait on the kiss," she countered.

He pursed his lips in thought.

"I can't show my appreciation until I have something to be appreciative for," she explained.

"That's a sound argument," he finally ceded.

"I always thought I would make a good lawyer."

He let her go and took her hand. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, an adventurous gleam in his eyes.

She smiled and bounced. "Lead the way."


Whadda up pumpkin pie!

(Ooooh we're getting into desserts now! Fun!)

My family is beyond amazing! You don't believe me, listen to this.

In honor of finishing A Secret Service and having it hit a million views they printed me up a copy of the book. I mean in legit book form with a cover, synopsis and bio in the back with my picture. They even added a dedication (to themselves of course) and a preface.

No lie I screamed and dropped the book when I unwrapped it! I then proceeded to burst into tears because it was more than amazing. Because to me that gift said they had confidence in my writing and in me! I was so touched, there are no words to explain to you exactly how truly amazing they are and what they mean to me!

murphnturf JoymomentsSISTER JoymomentsEditor Kevin_is_Tristan marinajenkins10 pedrogotagun I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing and supportive family!

Tell me something great or funny about yours!

Here's proof of their awesomeness!

And here's a cute dog!

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