Chapter 6 - "Sassy and hot. I like it."

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"What did you do today?" Edison asked as he led Kit back out to the patio.


He gave her a skeptical look. "And the real answer?"

"I hit a small white ball with a five iron," she said.

"I didn't take you for a golfer," he said.

"It wouldn't be the first time I've surprised you."

"And it probably won't be the last."

"I guarantee it."

He smiled and gave her a studied look.

"So, you golf," he said.

"I do."

"Is this a solo activity or do you have a group of golfing buddies?"

"I made Jaxon join me."

"Jaxon golfs?"

"He likes to take chunks out of the grass."

He laughed. "Does your skill level also help aerate the golf course?"

"I'm better than Jaxon."

"Does that mean you make less holes in the grass or you're ready for the next PGA tour?"

She gave a devious smile. "I guess you'll just have to play with me and see."

"If your golf skills are anything like your pool skills, I think I'd rather skip."

She laughed.

"That loss still haunting you?" she asked.

He grimaced. "Let's just say it's not my favorite memory with you."

"A sore loser, interesting. What did you do when you lost a football game?"

"Who says we ever lost?" he asked with a cocky grin.

"I heard the team loses all the time now that you aren't playing."

His face went flat. "They're doing just fine. Now, are you ready?"

He began to run and pulled Kit along with him. She laughed at the thrill as they dodged in and out of outdoor furniture and around the pool area. The pool lights were out and the lights from the lobby didn't touch them as they reached the opposite side of the pool area. Kit could make out faint, tall shapes and she thought she saw subtle movement lower down but that was all she could see.

"Wait here," Edison said. He dropped her hand and disappeared. Kit waited patiently.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" he taunted from behind her.

"Does it look like I am?" she asked back in a bored tone.

"You're not scared at all?" His voice came from a different location but she ignored him. "So if I...?" Suddenly hands wrapped around Kit's waist but she didn't jump.

"If you what?" she asked flatly. "You didn't finish your sentence."

"Nothing?" he asked, exasperated. "Not even a small jump?"

She gave him a smug smirk.

"Nothing," she said.

Lights clicked on and she could see a disappointed look twisting Edison's mouth. Her smile grew and she gave his face a playful slap.

"Pull it together, Reigns. I know your plan to scare me so I would go running into your strong arms didn't work but the night is still young," she said.

His face perked up a bit. "You noticed my arms?" He flexed them.

She smiled. "Maybe. Now, how about those gondolas?"

His attention returned to the matter at hand.

"This way," he said.

She looked around for the first time since the lights had turned on and saw they were standing on a large grassy area at the edge of a river. In the water were four gondolas grouped together.

"Do we get to ride in one?" she asked. She took a step closer to get a better look. The design was sleek and the details intricate.

"No, we can only look," he said, his face blank.

"This is the worst adventure ever," she complained.

"Of course we are going to ride in one," he mocked. "You just asked a dumb question."

"Sassy and hot. I like it."

The superior look slipped from Edison's face, replaced by a dumbfound gape.

"Stay with me chief," Kit said. She snapped her fingers in front of his face as she passed him on her way to the waters edge.

He scrambled after her "You think I'm hot?"

"Does it matter what I think?"



"Is it?"

"Not really," she said. "Can we get this party started?"

He chuckled. "Yes. Let me help you."

He rested a foot on the edge of one of the gondolas to steady it while offering Kit a hand. She took it and stepped down into the narrow boat.

"I have to untie. Then we'll be off," he said.

There was one long seat with a cushion and a small platform at the back of the gondola where the driver stood.

"This is so very posh and European of the Highland Resorts," Kit said. "Whatever made them do this?"

"The owner's grandfather was originally from Italy and use to make gondolas," Edison explained as he climbed into the boat.

"So they got a family discount?"

He laughed as he climbed up to the driver's platform. "Yes. The discount was the real reason but the owner grew up with his grandfather always talking about how magical gondolas were," he said. "He wanted to give his guests an opportunity to experience that magic, so he built a river around the whole golf course and had four gondolas sent over from Italy."

The boat began to slice through the water, the movement smooth and steady.

"Fancy," she said.

"It is. It has also made Highland Resort the number one Valentine's Day destination in the state," he said. "The gondola driver's dress up in the classic outfit and serenade their passengers."

"How romantic. What are you going to sing for me?" she asked.


"What? You have to sing."

"No I don't."

"Just because I'm not a paying customer does not mean I don't get the full experience."

"Actually, that's exactly what it means," he said. 

She turned in her seat to face him. They had left the lights behind and she could only make out of the outline of his face. The golf course was huge and they quickly left all remnants of the resort behind them. The flat terrain of the course was their only companion.

"You really won't sing for me?" she asked.

"You're cute but not that cute," he said.

She scoffed. "I know several people who would disagree."

"Always so confident."

"Well, if you won't sing then I will." She stood and the boat began to rock.

"Kit, sit back down," Edison instructed.

"No. If I'm gonna sing then I get to drive the boat," she said.

She clutched to the short sides of the gondola as she stumbled her way back to where he stood.

"If you come back here the boat will be unbalanced and we'll tip," he said.


"Seriously, don't come closer."

"Are you afraid of a little water?" she teased. The back of the boat began to sink as she moved back.



There was a tense silence, neither of them willing to give in.

"You move or I join you and the boat tips," she said.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Don't move. Let me come to you."

The switch was awkward and they both almost lost their balance, but in the end, Kit made it to the driver's platform and Edison the seat.

"Alright, what song shall I sing?" she asked, slowly moving the oar through the water.

"How about...?"

"Okay!" She cut him off and started to sing. 

"When a moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie,
That's amore.
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine,
That's amore."

She belted out the words in a grand, deep voice.

"You sing like an angel," Edison said, covering his ears.

"When I'm out on a boat that's not sure it will float,
That's amore.
When there is a cute guy who's looks make me high
That's amore."

"This is really setting the romantic mood," he shouted over her singing.

She ran out of breath and stopped rowing. She bent over, trying to catch her breath. 

"This is harder then it looks," she said.

"Do you want me to take over? You did mention how strong my arms are," he said. 

"No. But this work out has me sweating. Maybe I need to cool off."

"You're not allowed to swim in the river," he said flatly.

"I didn't...."

"I know what you were thinking."

"But what if I accidentally fall in?" she said. 

"Kit, don't."

"This gondola is very unsteady." She began to rock back and forth, the boat following her movement.

"Kit, I'm serious," he warned.

"I know. That's the problem. Lighten up," she said.

The rocking became stronger, the edges of the boat almost going under water.

"I'm losing my balance," she cried out. "Oops."

She threw herself overboard and landed in the cool water of the river. It was shallow, the water only going a little above her waist but she sank down until her shoulders were under and moved quietly away.

"Kit, get back in the boat!" Edison called out. "I could get fired."

She moved slowly, trying not to cause ripples. She went further away from the gondola until she was sure he couldn't see her.

"Kit," he called. She watched as he whipped his head around, unsure which side she had fallen in. "There are snakes and alligators," he threatened.

She held in a laugh at his absurd claim and waited patiently.

"Fine. I'll leave without you. Then what are you going to do?" he said. "It's a long way back to the resort. What are you going to say when you show up dripping wet? They'll call security on you and I won't be able to help you."

She used his talking as a chance to move quietly behind where he sat.

"Last chance Kit. Get back in the boat or else I'm going to leave you out here with the coyotes."

"Would you really?" she shouted loudly, popping up next to him.

"Holy..." He jerked back, causing the whole gondola to rock violently and dump him into the water.

Kit doubled over laughing. He sent a huge splash of water at her but even with water in her face, she couldn't stop laughing.

"That has be... the best thing, I've ever seen," she said between breaths. "You jumped so..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was so funny," he grumbled. He wrapped an arm around her, pinning her to his chest as he splashed water at her.

"Edison!" she screamed, trying to pull away.

He continued to splash her. "This is so much fun," he said.

"I have water up my nose!"

"What did you say? You need water up your nose. I can help."

Between laughing and the water, Kit couldn't catch her breath. She fought against Edison's hold but he was too strong. As a last ditch effort, she grabbed his waist and began to tickle him.

"That won't work," he said.

She moved her hands up along his side. He didn't respond to her tickling until she reached just below his arms. When she hit a spot, he jumped and released her from his hold.

"Freedom!" she shouted, moving away as fast as she could.

She moved to the other side of the gondola, trying to catch her breath. She suddenly felt dizzy. She reached for the side of the gondola to steady herself.

"Do you think you can hide behind the gondola?" he teased.

She didn't respond as she tried to suck air in. 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

There was concern in his voice. She held her pose as he drew nearer. When he was close, she shouted, causing him to jump.

"Don't!" he yelled, quickly trying to act as if she hadn't startled him. "I thought something was wrong for a moment," he said.

She laughed as she took in the worried look on his face. "You worry too much," she said. She tried to pull herself onto the gondola but her arms suddenly felt too weak.

"Here," he offered. He easily lifted her into the boat.

"You just wanted an excuse to show off your strong arms," she said.

"You're the one saying they're strong, not me." He pulled himself on after her.

"Would you like to drive or would you like another example of how strong I am?" he asked.

"Let's see those muscles," she said.

With Edison at the oar and Kit singing, their trip around the golf course went much faster. As the lights of the resort came back into view, Kit argued that their efficient time had less to do with Edison's arm strength and more to do with her inspirational singing. He kindly compared her voice to that of a water buffalo and received a large splash of water in the face.

"Was that adventurous enough for you?" he asked as they left the gondola tied up. They headed back towards the lobby.

"It was indeed," she said. She huddled closer to his side. Their damp clothes, mixed with the slight breeze, put them on the edge of being chilled. 

When they reached the door to the lobby, Edison paused and looked at their clothes. "Maybe we should go around the outside," he said.

"Are you embarrassed by me?" she asked.

He gave her a flat look and pulled her around the side of the building. "I'd proudly show you off to all my coworkers. But my boss might be suspicious about our wet clothes considering the pool is closed and there is no swimming in the river."

The valet gave them strange looks as they stepped out of the bushes looking like drowned rats. His look turned even more suspicious when Kit offered him her valet ticket.

"Tonight was fun," she said when the valet disappeared to retrieve her car.

"It was. I've found that anything that involves you tends to be fun," he said. He took both of her hands and pulled her close.

"I'm glad you think so," she said. 

"Well, it's fun or terrifying." He slowly inched closer.

"I've heard those two get mixed up quite often." She leaned in until her body was touching his, her face turned up to him.

"Do they?" he asked.

She didn't respond, her focus on his movement towards her. Her brain seemed to step out of the moment as she debated whether to let him kiss her or not. Her mind produced pros and cons and was hashing it out, his lips a few inches from her own, when the lights of her Porsche shined on them.

She pulled back and smiled.

"This is me," she said, as her car came to a stop.

He gave her lips a disappointed look and nodded.

"Miss," the valet driver said, holding out her keys.

She took two steps away then paused.

"Just a moment," she said told the valet.

She took the two steps back to Edison and kissed him.

He froze in surprise before he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. She let the kiss last a long moment before she pulled back.

"My appreciation," she said. She gave him a sly grin before she turned back to her car.


Snap! Crackle! Pop! 😱

What in the world is happening!! It is only chapter 6 in a joymoment book and the characters KISSED!!! *runs around waving hands* I knew it! The world is coming to an end!! *hits wall and falls on the floor*

Be honest, did it surprise you?

I mean if you know me than you were prepared for a wait of no less than 42 chapters for their first kiss! And now it's happened this quickly! What more normal joymoment things will this book break!

Maybe they go swimming with sharks! (Kit would so do that)

Well now that I have completely rattled you here is something to help you calm down!

Oh and vote, comment, follow before you lose yourself in this cuteness!!!

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