Chapter eight

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I thought of running away, like a female character would do in movies, when embarrassment dawned on them. But that would be embarrassing itself, so I swept the thought away.

I walked to the class slowly but steadily.

Before i got there, they had all turned their faces to the teacher, who was at the front teaching them economics. I wasn't offering the subject so I had to sit at the back, alone in a long chair that could contain at most, nine people.

I didn't sit there just because I wasn't offering the subject, the front seats were filled up already, so I had no option but to sit at the back.

As the class was going on, a handsome looking guy, probably of my age, came to sit beside me. He was chocolate in complexion and had a very pink lip, it wasn't full though. He was of my height, I presume. He was a bit muscular and that made him very attracting to the eye.

He wore a purple dansiki, which fitted him perfectly and had a face cap on. He obviously wore perfume because the moment he got close to me, I smelled it.

Few minutes after he had sat beside me, a very pretty lady who looked very sophisticated also came to sit beside me, making me to sit in the middle of them. She was probably of my age. She was fair in complexion and had a very smooth and bright skin. Her skin glowed like the stars at night. Her eyes alone could make a guy fall for her at first glance. Her beauty was unexplainable. She also had a perfume on.

I felt really uncomfortable sitting in the middle of two people who looked like they were dating, because they were just talking throughout the class. It got to a point when I got pissed off and asked her to move to my position and me to hers.

After the class was over, we had to move to the class opposite us, which was where we were to have our maths class.

While I was arranging my books in my bag, someone tapped my shoulder from the back seat, but i pretended not to feel it because it was a gentle one.

"Hey." The same person tapped my shoulder again.

I turned back to look at the person who called me. Not to my surprise, it was a fair looking guy. He was tall and slim. He had a full lips which was wet and kissable. He was putting on a denim jacket with a black polo inside and a denim jean trouser. He looked funky and handsome, but not as handsome as the other one. "Hey." I replied in a low tone.

"You're new here right?" He was displaying his well arranged white teeth to me. Obviously.

"Yes, I am." I continued to arrange my books properly in my bag.

"Hi, I'm Chuka." He extended his arm to me.

"The name is Ruby James." I reached out to grab his arm. His hand felt so soft. Perhaps, he doesn't do any house chores. "If you may please excuse me, I have to be in the other class. I don't wanna sit at the back." I was trying to be as polite as I could be.

"Oh, okay." He was still holding my hand.

"Well, the hand."

"Oh, sorry sorry, I didn't know." He released my hand immediately and I rolled my eyes.

After the math class was over, the English teacher came in. He was tall and slim. He was fair in complexion and looked a bit old.

"Good day student." He walked to the front of the class.

"Good day sir." I responded and some others, but the rest were just being lousy. They were either laughing or gisting. Some were even playing with the teacher and he also joined in the play.

"Okay, bring your notes out." The teacher ordered.

"Mr. Stephen, I like your top." Some random girl in the class said.

"Huh." I looked at what he was wearing and I found nothing good in it. He was just putting on a jersey. Unlike Chuka who was putting on denim.

"Thank you my wife." Mr. Stephen said, jokingly. "You know why I like this girl," He said, pointing at the girl but directing the statement to the whole class. "Because she always comments on how I look everyday. And not just any kind of comments, but a very good one." He smiled after he had completed the statement, which made the girl blush. Eww!

"Okay, okay, back to business. Bring out your notes, students." He went to the white board and wrote, letter writing on it. Ah! Thank goodness. I loved this particular topic a lot in English language.

"So, I've taught you all you need to know in letter writing, right?"

"Yes." The class chorused, apart from me. I was lost. I guess I wasn't around when they had the class.

"Okay, I'm going to give you a class work. When you guys are done, each of you would come out to read what you've written to the class. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." It was a chorus response again. Oh no. I hope he doesn't call me.

"The topics are, okay, it's gonna be a letter, informal or formal and a story. So you'd choose one to write." Mr. Stephen wrote the topics on the board and asked us to begin with our writings. The class was damn quiet and everyone was focused on what they were doing.

In less then fifteen minutes, I was done. He looked at me and nodded his head. I smiled to myself because I felt he was proud that a student could finish in less than fifteen minutes.

"Pen's up." Mr. Stephen commanded. "You go to the front and read." He said to a girl. She walked majestically and started shining her teeth. "See this girl oh, you dey advertise the toothpaste weh you dey use for house?" Everyone laughed to what Mr. Stephen said, including her but excluding me.

"I wonder oh. Abi, are they trying to show us how white their teeth can be in this lesson?" I thought to myself.

"Read abeg." Mr. Stephen faked an Igbo voice, which made her chuckle. He was a funny teacher though. But he looked smarter than he appeared to be.

"Okay. Hmm.." The girl cleared her throat before reading.

After she was done reading, everyone clapped for her and Mr. Stephen praised her for the write up. He said it was profound and well written. That ignited a pang of jealousy in me. Not like I was jealous she wrote well, but I was jealous because it wasn't me he said those words to. He scored her eight over ten for a job well done.

"Hey, you." I looked at who he pointed at because I noticed all eyes were on me. Lo and behold, it was me! Me? Oh God!

My heart skipped when I saw his fingers pointing at me. I wasn't a fan of crowds, so I was nervous.

I stood up and walked to the front of the class, quite uneasily. I placed my book in my palms and faced the class. Their eyes were throwing daggers at me. It was very intimidating, that I felt like the ground should just open up and swallow me. My legs felt really weak. I wanted to disintegrate.

"Start reading." Mr. Stephen gave me a go ahead.

I exhaled heavily. "Okay." I swallowed really hard before proceeding to read. "....Yours sincerely. Ruby James." And I was finally done reading it. It was an informal letter I wrote.

After I had finished, I didn't hear any applaud from the crowd, not even a drop of pin was heard. The class was as silence as a grave yard.

"What did you just read to the class?" Mr. Stephen decided to speak up after a minute of silence which felt like hours, standing in front of the whole class.

"What you've just read, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. Everyone one in this class is now dumber for having listened to you." Mr. Stephen words came out of his mouth, unapologetically.

I felt really embarrassed and angry too.

"Your tenses were just perfect. In fact, better than Helen's, the girl that read before you. But you didn't go in line with the topic at hand. You were just flying from one key to another, like musicians would say." Everyone laughed mockingly to what he said, but I didn't find it funny. In fact, I could feel the tears that welled in my eyes and if he didn't stop the corrections which sounded like insults to me, I would burst out in tears in no time.

"You need to improve. And for this you just wrote, I'm giving you four over ten. Normally, waec would give you zero." Ouch! That hurts. He collect my note and marked it, after which, he returned it back to me. "It's break time already, we'll continue after break. Those of you that are yet to complete your own, you'd better complete it, because when I get back, I don't want to hear that I'm not done." Mr. Stephen said and left the class.

* * * *

Happy val to all the lovely couples out there.😘❤

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