Chapter seven

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Threshold of a new life!


It was a day after I told them my decision and everything felt normal again. Unlike when I failed, everyone just had this mood swings. They treated me a bit differently from the normal way they did and it was very unfavorable for me. It made me feel foreign.

Mum and dad accepted my decision wholeheartedly while I, on the other hand, was just satisfied with my decision. I can't say I was happy with it because i never thought that this day would ever come. I always had the aspiration that I would graduate with my friends in Benson college, but I guess life always had it's way of twisting people's fate.

"Ruby, I guess you are happy with your decision." Rachel said, while combing her hair. We were the only ones in the house. Richard had gone to school. Mum and dad had also gone to work.

"Not happy, just satisfied with it." I responded.

"Why? Why not happy?" Rachel stopped combing her hair and turned to look at me.

I plopped on the bed.

"Well, that's because I don't wanna leave the school yet." I shrugged.

"See this one. I pity you. Don't face what fate has in store for you. You don't know that now you have a lot of advantages leaving that school."

"Oh, so now it's that school." Emphasis was laid on the word that. "I know I have to face my fate, but I still have this nostalgic attachment with the school."

"Oh cut me some slack dear! You have to get over this your superfluous feelings. It's getting really irritating already. Is it not just a school? Not like you would remain there till you die. Girl," Rachel stood up from the vanity table and walked towards my direction. "Life is unpredictable. Certain things happen which you least expect would. You have to learn to live life as it comes girl, you really have to." She was already standing in front of me. She tapped my shoulder in a consoling manner which irritated me. It made me feel like a weakling and I wasn't.

"See, you don't get me totally. Not like I haven't got over the unnecessary feelings, but.."

"Enough with the buts." Rachel cut me off in an exasperated manner. "You know what, let's just end this discussion now. Let's not add bitter leaf to what's not so sweet, if you get what I mean. Speaking of which, I'm damn hungry, I need to put something in my empty stomach. What's for breakfast?"

I ignored her by walking out of the room and not answering to her question.

I made my way to the kitchen ready to consume whatever was in the kitchen. I guess I was also as hungry as Rachel was.

I opened all the pots and they were neatly washed, nothing was in them. I opened the refrigerator hoping to see something and yes, I did. It wasn't little I saw. The refrigerator was filled with edible stuffs.

I thought of what to eat and an idea popped up in my head to make omelette with bread and drink tea. I loved that food a lot. I set out all the ingredients I needed for the omelette and placed them on the worktop.

"Hey, what do you wanna cook?" Rachel stood by the doorway.

I turned to look at her before answering. "I want to fry egg. I want us to eat bread with fried egg and tea."

"Okay, ensure it is sweet. Don't add much salt to the egg oh." She walked away immediately after her statement.

After we had our breakfast, we watched a couple of sitcoms on TV and conversed a little. The day turned out very boring, because we spent it sleeping or should I say, I spent the day sleeping.

It was eight thirty in the evening. Everyone was home including dad, surprisedly. I was in my room chatting on phone with my ex class mates. Yeah, they were Ex to me now.

I was chatting when dad called me to the living room.

"Yes dad, you called." He was the only one in the living room.

"Yeah, sit down." He gestured for me to have a seat. "You know you are no longer going to that school."  He looked irritated saying the last word. He paused for a while, probably waiting for a response.

When I didn't respond, he continued.

"So, you are going to start lessons tomorrow. That means, I will be going late to work tomorrow. I told my boss already."

"But dad—"

"You can't say no." He cut me off softly but authoritatively. Why do they always have to cut me off? Shouldn't my opinions count? "I already told my boss that I'll be late tomorrow because I want to take you to the school to register and kick off with classes immediately. You can't afford to lag behind in your academics." He said calmly.

"Dad, I know. But don't you think it'd be better if I started next week Monday? Today is Tuesday and tomorrow would be Wednesday. Let me just start on Monday." I tried to convince dad. I really didn't want to start tomorrow. I wasn't ready to mingle with new people.

"Ruby, it doesn't matter the day you start. It's still the same thing. Starting tomorrow or next week, there's no difference. You are starting tomorrow and that's final. You can go to your room now." He ordered.

"Why are you just telling me now?" I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I didn't have any books to use tomorrow." I said abruptly.

"Don't worry, we will get all the items you need tomorrow. You just wake up early and prepare yourself."

I stood up from the sofa and headed straight to my room. I wasn't happy with the discussion Dad and I just had.

"What happened?" I didn't even enter the room completely before Rachel threw the question at me. It felt as though she had been waiting patiently for me.

"Dad said that I'm starting lesson tomorrow."

"Wow, that's great news." Rachel sounded excited, whereas, I wasn't. "Wait, is that the reason why you're sad?"

"Why wouldn't I? I don't want to start lesson tomorrow. I told him I want to start on Monday but he declined totally. I don't know why you people always force me into doing things that I don't wanna do. I am tired of this house!"

"Woah! frustrated much? You know all what we are doing is for your good."

"Good ko, good ni. There's nothing good in what you folks are doing to me, if I don't have to contribute to any of it. I mean, it's my life." I folded my arms around my chest and feigned an infantile face which made Rachel laugh mockingly.

"Why is this one laughing now?" I felt a little embarrassed.

" should have seen your face. That was damn childish, gosh!"

"See abeg, make I sleep. I don't wanna wake up late tomorrow." I arranged the bed sheet properly and laid on the bed. In less than ten minutes, I presume, I drifted to my slumber land.

* * * *

I woke up feeling a bit uneasy. I felt that way because I was about to experience a new life. A life that would change my life, either positively or negatively. A life that I didn't bargain for.

"Ruby, are you ready?" Dad asked from the living room, causing him to shout a bit because I was in my bed room, combing my hair.

"Yes I am." I took my bag immediately from the bed and rushed down to the living room, so as not to keep him waiting.

We went to the car and drove off immediately. After minutes of driving, we arrived at the place and I got out of the car without no hesitation. The first thing my eyes met was the sign board which had the name of the lesson boldly written on it, and it read - SCHOLARS TUTORIALS.

My heart started to beat really fast. To say I was nervous was a big understatement. I was more than nervous. Words couldn't even describe how I felt at the moment. I was terrified.

"Good afternoon sir. How may I help you?" The secretary, who was a petite looking female said. From the way she looked, I could tell she was well mannered and nice too, because she was obviously just smiling at me. I had to reciprocate by returning the gesture.

"I want to enroll my daughter," Dad said, pointing at me. "To your tutorials." He completed his statement.

"You're welcome sir. Okay, let me direct you to the accountant's office, that's where all dues are been paid and you can get all the information that is needed. Follow my lead sir." She was so fluent in the way she spoke and a very lovely person. I liked her already.

We got to the account office which was very comforting.

We did all that was necessary and I was dismissed to the class. I didn't know what came over me. I started sweating profusely and my walking step changed. It wasn't the steady and graceful girl anymore. It was the unsteady and graceless girl that came to view.

"Come to think of it, why am I nervous? Are they not humans like me? Girl, compose. Don't let people think of you as a shy person." I thought aloud. Minute by minutes, I became composed. As I got to the class, all eyes turned to look at me. Christ!

* * * *

Okay guys, I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm so sorry about that. I've been busy lately, very very busy. So please bare with me

This chapter is dedicated to all of my consistent readers. 😊 Thanks a lot guys.

Please don't give up on this book yet. Loads of drama is coming your way, so stay tuned. Much love guys.😘

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