Chapter twenty-nine

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The day ended so perfect for me. First, Benjamin asked me to be his girlfriend. After that, we kissed. Common, what more could I ask for?

I got home so excited, that Richard of all people noticed my mood.

"This one that you're happy, did he give you money?" He asked immediately I plopped down on the living room three-seater sofa.

"Even better than that!" I squealed. "Wait, how did you know that I went out with a guy?" I didn't tell him that I was going out with a guy, so how did he know?

"You just said it."

"Said what?" I was confused.

"That you went out with a guy." He looked at me as if telling me 'duh.' "So did he give you money?" He smiled broadly.

"No, he gave me something even better." This statement made me lost in thought. I started remembering the kiss we had earlier today– was so divine.

"Wow. This is good news then. So where's the...special something he gave you?" He laid emphasis.

I looked at him dryly, before realising that I hadn't seen Rachel since I got back. I looked around but no trace of her.

"Where's Rachel?" I looked at him and he looked away, immediately. "I said, where's Rachel?" He stood up from the couch and left the living room, hence, ignoring my question.

Go and die, motherfucker!


Rachel and I had a girly talk throughout the evening, which was fun. I told her all that happened today and she kept on squealing at every minute of silent she owned to herself. We talked till we could talk no more, before drifting into slumber land.


It was Monday morning and I was unusually happy, probably because I would get to meet my now new boyfriend– Benjamin.

I put on something very simple, yet attracting. I didn't know when I took Rachel's makeup kit and started applying a little makeup on my already beautiful face.

"This is definitely not normal." Rachel stood beside me with a perplexed look on her face.

"What?" I played charade.

"You're wearing makeup today, why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Just feel like it. Do you have a problem with that?" I grinned, after which, I returned to applying the lip gloss. "And...done!" I faced her. "How do I look?"

"Not bad." She shrugged, before walking up to me and started retrieving her items into her makeup kit. "And never take my stuffs without my knowledge." She said with gritted teeth.

"No vex." I took my bag from my bed and exit the room.

The ride to lesson was a happy one. Wondering why I was as happy as a clam? For Pete's sake, I'm seeing my Benjamin today! I hadn't seen or heard from him since our– what eventually turned out to be our date. We hadn't even chatted, surprisingly.

I made my way to the signing table. As I was about signing on the book, someone said something to me which made my heart skip and at the same time, desisted me from signing.

"So you and Benjamin are a thing now?!" I looked at the person and it was Joy. I squinted my eyes. She knows? I was shocked and confused. How on earth did she know that we were a thing?

"Hm...she's dumbfounded now." She folded her arms around her chest. "Well, I just guessed and it actually is true. You boyfriend snatcher! Argh! I should have known all along that our friendship was just for you to snatch Benjamin away from me!" She spat.

Oh, so it was just a wide guess.

"Joy, I–"

"Please, not a word from you!" If looks could kill, I would definitely have been dead by now. Her glare wasn't a fierce one, it was a murderous one. 

"After everything I've done for you Ruby and this is how you repay me? By snatching my boyfriend away from me?" I didn't like the way she sounded.

"Jeez! He wasn't even your boyfriend. He was just your secret admirer or your dream boy like you would put it." I snapped at her. I was getting fed up with her bitchy attitude already. "And puh-lease, don't make it sound like you did anything for me. Because you didn't!" She was lost for words at my outburst.

"What's going on here?" The secretary man asked. I'd totally forgotten we were with the secretary man. None of us answered his question, I just turned to the book and signed my name down before storming out of their midst. I bet she was still in shock.

I walked angrily to the class. She had automatically just ruined my day. As I sat down, stares were sent to me and I welcomed it with my eyes rolling at each of them.

I sat silently with my eyes looking straight outside the class, waiting patiently for Benji's arrival. My heart did a hundred stunt as I sighted Benjamin and his gang– Chuka and Faith, walking in. My angry state also drained off as I saw him. I was glad he was finally around.

He looked towards my direction and smiled at me. Sooner than expected, he was walking to me.

"Hey dude." Chuka held him in the shoulder, therefore, stopping him. "Where are you going?" I heard him say and I frowned at his question.

Benjamin gave him a 'duh' look. "I'm going to sit with my friend, Ruby." Okay, could this day get any worse? A friend? To tell you the truth, I was hurt that Benjamin referred to me as a friend. I thought he already asked me to be his girlfriend and I even accepted.

He rolled his eyes at Chuka and continued to walk to me. I didn't miss the peek of anger and jealousy that welled up in Chuka's face. Faith was also mad.

"Hey." Benjamin smiled genuinely at me as he sat beside me.

"Hey." I replied dryly. I needed him to know that I was angry.

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "What's the problem?" He placed his arm on my waist, though, the desk was covering the sight of it, so no one could see.

I rolled my eyes and moved away from his grip.

"Common, what have I done now?" He placed an elbow on the desk, making his palm touch his head and he looked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him again, which made him chuckle.

"I never knew you would be so cute while being angry." He kept on looking at me, with that sexy smile plastered on his face.

I scoffed. "Cheesy much." I muttered.

"You say?"

I hissed.

"Stop now, don't be hard on me. Okay, I'm sorry if I've offended you. I don't even know why I'm apologising, but anyways, sorry."

I looked at him and he was pouting. Gosh! I couldn't just resist his cuteness. He was so cute.

"Okay fine. You're forgiven." I nudged him on the shoulder. "But it's because of your handsome face o." We both laughed at my statement.

"So why were you angry with me?"

"Wasn't it clear? You told Chuka that you were coming to sit with your friend and that's me. Really, am I still a friend to you?" I was back to my grouchy self.

"Oh, sorry about that. It's just that–"

"I was literally hurt!" I abruptly cut him off and my voice came out a bit loud, which made a few student glance at us.

"Ruby, I said I was sorry and I still am. Shit! Why do I always apologise anyways?"

"Because you hurt me." I answered his rhetorical question.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry." He said with a frown on his face.

"So why–"

"Can we not talk about it, please?" He cut me off, with our biology teacher also strolling in. So if he hadn't cut me off, the presence of the teacher would have. Then I guess it was fair.

The class was a lively and interactive one. Almost all the students had something to say– be it a suggestion, a question or answering his questions, concerning the topic. I also answered some questions that he asked. Yeah, don't be surprised 'cause apparently, I did.

It was time for break. Benjamin and I were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't notice Chuka and Faith walked up to us.

"Benjamin." Chuka called and we both snapped our heads at him. "Are you coming with us for lunch or not?" He gave Benjamin a spiteful look. I couldn't help but wonder why he was always pissed when he saw Benjamin and I talking or close to each other.

"Nah. You guys can go, I will stay here with Ruby." That statement alone made my heart leap for Joy. It felt like he was being protective of me.

"Really Benji? Really?" I could hear the hatred in Faith's voice.

Benjamin looked at her confusedly. "I really am not hungry." I knew he lied so as to be with me.

"You know what? It's cool if you don't wanna come with us, but just remember that after today, we are no longer friends!" Chuka dropped the bomb.

My eyes were widely opened as I heard what Chuka said. I was extremely shocked, so was Benjamin.

"Let's go Faith." Chuka said and both of them started making their way out of our midst.

I knew Benjamin was uneasy. He was scratching his head, probably pondering on the next step to take.

"Ruby, stay here. I'd be right back." He scurried out of my midst, not waiting to hear what I have to say.

What's wrong with that Chuka sef?

I also was uneasy. I wondered what they would discuss outside. I needed to know, so I decided to follow Benjamin and eavesdrop.

I silently followed Benjamin to the place where he met with Chuka and Faith. It was a secluded area in the school's building. How come they knew a place like this

I hid someplace where they wouldn't see me and Benjamin's back was facing me.

"Bro, you can't do this to me." I heard Benjamin say. I knew he was hurt. I could feel it.

"Well, I would do it if you decide to spend the rest of your day with her." Chuka said.

"But she's my–" Benjamin trailed off.

"She's your what?" Chuka deadpanned.

"Sh...she's friend." Benjamin stuttered.

He repeated it a second time and I didn't escape the train of hurt that ran through me.

"Friend? A friend that you can't live a second without? Well, that doesn't sound like one." Chuka said.

"Look, you're my best friend and so is Faith, but she's also a very close friend of mine and I just want to spend some quality time with her."

"Really? What about us, your best friends?" Faith popped in.

"See guys–"

"There's nothing to see, if you wanna be with her then it's fine. But we won't be friends anymore."

What? This is emotional blackmail. It took every apt in me not to run up to them and slap the hell out of Chuka and Faith. I mean, what do they take Benjamin for, a fool? Jeez!

Chuka and Faith turned to leave, but Benjamin stopped them. "Wait!" His voice was shaky. "Fine, if this is what you really want, then so be it. I would never talk to Ruby again, I would act like she means nothing to me. You guys are my friends and I can't ever lose you guys for anybody." His voice came out hoarse and shaky, like he was crying while saying it. His back was facing me, so I couldn't see his face.

A tear dropped from my eyes as he ended his statement and I immediately ran away from the place in sadness and hurt.

Now I knew what life was all about!

* * * *

This is the moment I've always craved for– their disjoint. 😏
Can't blame me, I'm a sadist!

So how was the chapter? What was ya fav part? Hope you didn't cry while reading the chapter, cause I did. I really felt Ruby's pain. 😞😢

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