Chapter twenty-eight

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Dedicating this chapter to all my readers. I say a BIG thank you. God bless you for me.


We both finished eating our snacks and now, we were munching on the pizza. Benjamin had ordered for a bottle of water while we were devouring the pizza.

"Surprisingly, this is my first time tasting pizza." I informed and the look on his face was priceless.

"Really?" He asked with the pizza filled in his mouth.

"Yeah. My parents don't get to take us out often, besides, I didn't feel the need to taste it." I shrugged.

"Wow! This is my first time hearing this."

Definitely because you have rich friends.

We finished devouring the pizza and I felt my stomach almost exploded. I was filled to the fullest. I'd never gone out and ate these much before. Even though I was offered these much, I wouldn't finish it. But today, one person made me finish all of them and that was my crush– Benji.

He gulped his water till it was empty, tossed the empty bottle on the table and relaxed in his chair with his arms folded around his chest, making his biceps so evident.

He was gazing at me with his rich chocolate eyes, and that made me so uncomfortable. I kept on adjusting in my chair, with my head slightly bowed. Stop looking at me joor!

He chuckled lightly and I looked at him. "She's shy with me." He said with a smirk, which made me blush. His voice sounded like music to my ears. I wondered the feelings he had towards me.

I cleared my throat before uttering a word so I wouldn't sound nervous. "So wh...what do you wanna tell me? I...I mean, that's why we are here." My voice failed me woefully. It sounded nervous and was shaky.

"Yeah right." He sat up and his face suddenly turned serious. "Why did you do it?" He glared at me.

" what?" I was scared now.

"You really don't know? Okay let me make the question breezier. Why did you decline me and accept Chuka's proposal?"

He knows? I opened my eyes in shock. He knew. " did you know?"

"That wasn't the question." Okay, he was annoyed. There wasn't a sign of humor in his voice, not even slightly. He was damn serious. 

"Benjamin, I'm so sorry. I–" I trailed off. There was no explanation to why I accepted Chuka's. I bowed my head. He was definitely angry with me and I couldn't do anything to revive him from his angry state.

"Look Ruby. That's not the way life is. You don't reject someone and accept the other instantly, and for that matter, he is my best friend. Yeah, you may like him but still, I am your friend." He sounded hurt and I immediately felt guilty. What have I done?

I raised my head to look at him and I smiled apologetically. "Look Benjamin, Chuka and I have nothing going on. Besides, he has a babe. It's you I like." Yeah, I finally admitted it to his face. I had to, so as to quench or at least reduce his anger a bit. I for one didn't like the fact that he was mad at me.

His face relaxed a bit. "Really?" It came out so soft.

"Yes Benjamin." I took my hands forward to reach his, which he complied to and let out a smile afterwards.

"Ah thank God." He sighed and released one of his hands just to touch his chest. "I like you too. Wait sef, you like me as a friend or what?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I smiled at the childish way he asked. "I like you, not as a friend but more than a friend should. I have feelings for you." My voice was deeper than usual.

He smiled heartily and tightened his grip on my palm. "Same here too." Those three words made my heart explode. He had a crush on me? Like Benjamin had a crush on me?! I was screaming internally. In fact, I was dancing heavily inside, that my body was moving a little. I was so elated hearing that he also had a crush on me. It was a dream come true.

"I'm glad everything's been cleared. For a split moment, I thought you liked Chuka and that you saw me as just a mere friend."

"No, it was you I liked and still like." I smiled heartily at him. Our hands were still tightly intertwined together.

"Since that one is cleared, let me go to the main deal." He smirked at me. What was that 'main deal'? I started to shiver with anxiety.


I swallowed hard before answering. "Yes?" We were both locking gazes.

"Would you be my friend with benefit?" My stomach wanted to do a hundred stunt, but I didn't like the way he asked. That wasn't a straight forward question. I knew Benji was one proud being, but if he wanted to ask me to be his girlfriend, then he'd better ask properly 'cause this, I was gonna pretend I didn't hear it.

"Benji?" I drew his name.

"Yes?" He sounded nervous.

"Ask me properly, I don't like the way you asked it."

"Ah shit!" He rubbed his face with his hands. "Ruby don't make this difficult for me." He was...sweating?

"Benji, I'm not making anything hard here. Just ask properly and I would give my response." I shrugged and looked away, like I didn't care if he was in such state.

"Argh! Okay fine! Would you be my girlfriend?" He almost screamed. "Would you be my girlfriend Ruby James?" He repeated it, firmly but calm.

I was numb, dumbfounded, shocked, elated and nervous. A whole Benjamin just asked me to be his girlfriend. This was a testimony I had to share in Church.

"I...yes! Definitely." I was laughing now out of excitement. Someone please pinch me.

"Are you being serious Ruby or you're teasing me?"

"If I were teasing you, would I have revealed that I liked you?"

"Oh my—" He closed his mouth with hands. "Can I kiss you like right now?" Benjamin was so excited. I knew it. I could feel it. I could see it. He was happy!

I laughed. "Benjamin! No. Maybe in the car."

"Then what are we waiting for? C'mon let's go!" He dragged me up and walked briskly to the exit door. I could feel eyes were on us, but who cared. I was with my crush and now my boyfriend. So they should please cut us some slack.

We hadn't gotten to the exit door when I halted him and asked him if he had paid the bills for the snacks and yes he had.

We got into the car and Benji locked the doors with the windows closed. Gladly, it was opaque, so no one could see.

Not wasting any seconds, Benjamin leaned forward slowly and locked his lips with mine, with his hand on my waist.

I placed my hands over his shoulders and held him firmly for support.

As our lips collided, I felt like I was in heaven. Goosebumps were the outcome result I was getting from the kiss. His lips moved slowly with mine. It was a smooth and soft kiss. Our tongues came in contact with each other and he tasted so sweet. He bit my lower lips gently and returned to kissing me again.

Finally, he released me and smiled. His lips were plumped and red as a rose. I bit my lips shyly. We were still so close, my hands were over his shoulders still and his on my waist.

"That wasn't my first kiss, but it was definitely my best kiss. I never knew you could kiss that well. Even better than me." He smirked.

"You wouldn't know until you tried it with me." I shrugged.

"I bet those guys that you've kissed before would have enjoyed you." He winked at me.

"And you too."

He released me and I did too. He straightened himself and turned on the car engine. He looked at me and swiftly pecked me on the lips, before driving off.

This was literally my best day ever!

* * * *

Ah! Didn't find writing the kiss part easy. It was one big p. But I hope you guys are satisfied with that.

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