Chapter twenty-seven

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Hi there! Just wanna inform that I've dropped another book. You could as well check it out.
Ruby take over from here! 😁
"Thank you."

★ ★ ★

"Shall we go?"

That question alone let shivers run through my spine. It gave me goosebumps.

It felt like I was glued to ground. I was practically stagnant. Was it Benjamin that caused all these sensational feelings or the feelings just came on its own?

"By the way, you're looking so...beautiful." He said in the most sexiest way he could. But he hesitated. Was I looking bad? I stylishly checked myself out. Not bad for my first date ever.

'It's not even a date!' My subconscious mind corrected. I mentally facepalmed.

I wanted to utter something but a voice beat me to it. I turned to the gate and saw a smiling Rachel.

"So this is the Benjamin you keep talking about every passing minute." She checked him out.

I widely opened my eyes, realising what she had just revealed to Benjamin. I looked at Benji and saw that he was... blushing? Benjamin was blushing!

Oh my! Could it be that he likes me too?

"Hey Ruby." Benjamin called to get my attention. "What's the problem? You've been quiet since you got out here."

"Er...yeah." What did I just say? I looked at both of them and their looks weren't so pleasant. It felt like I was the dumb one amongst them. "Oh. Shall we go?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Sure." He replied immediately.

"Hey, not so fast. You haven't introduced him to me yet." Rachel's voice halted us.

"True. My bad. Well, Rachel this is Benjamin what? friend. And Benjamin, this is Rachel my naughty sister. Elder sister actually."

"Nice to meet you Rachel." He extended his hand to hers in which she complied to.

"The pleasure's mine." She smiled genuinely at him.

"Wow, your hand is so soft." He complimented and instantly, I felt a pang of jealousy hit me. Matter-of-factly, he never told me mine was soft.

"Aw, thanks. Okay, let me leave you guys to go and have fun. Bye." And with that, she left.

Phew! Thank goodness.

We stayed silent for a couple of seconds before he decided to break it. It was indeed awkward.

"Your sister is so pretty. In fact, she's prettier than you." He chuckled but I didn't find it funny. In fact, it hurt me.

"Yeah." I said dryly and rolled my eyes. He was ruining my day bit by bit. "Y'know what? I don't think I'm interested in going out with you again." Having said that, I walked to the gate. But he calmly stopped me by holding my arms, which sent pilomotor reflex.

"C'mon, why are you suddenly annoyed with me. Okay, I'm sorry." His voice sounded hoarse and sexy at the same time.

I turned back to look at him and all I saw was love, care, sincerity and my dream boy standing before me. I swear, I could faint right now. Why was he having this much effect on me? Lord help me to stay strong.

I smiled sheepishly and held his both hands. "Benjamin, I ain't angry with you. I know what? I think we should go now or we'd be late. Besides, I told my parents I'd be back before seven."

"Hm...okay." We released our hands from each other and he walked to the lexus car parked in front of us.

'Speaking of which, whose car's this?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He scratched the nape of his neck in a sheepish way, which I found so hot. In fact, every of his actions were hot to me.

"Er...can we not talk about it?" He smiled meekly at me.

Aw, why so cute?

I glared at him and that made him open up. "Okay fine. My parents travelled so I borrowed my dad's car, actually, I took it."

"But that's stealing!"

"I know. But since he wouldn't know, then it's fine. So can we go now?" The way he asked was so gentlemanlike.

I nodded and we both strolled to the car. As soon as we got in, he kicked off the engine and drove off so professionally.

"How are you so good in driving?" It'd been like fifteen minutes that we'd been on the road, so silent. Though the silence wasn't awkward, but it was deafening.

He gave me a peek before concentrating on the road again. "My uncle taught me how to." He smiled.

"Hm...that's interesting. At what age did he teach you?" I was looking at his handsome face throughout. His side view was actually not bad. But I preferred his front view.

"It was last year."

"Last year? How old are you?" I kept on looking at him taking solace to the fact that he couldn't look back at me, 'cause he was concentrating on the read.

"I'm seventeen, you?"


"Cute! I bet you celebrated your sweet sixteenth birthday." He laid emphasis on the 'sweet'.

I chuckled. "No."

We were back to our quietness. I looked at him deeply and in fact, I couldn't believe I was in the same car with my crush, alone. I wondered if he felt the same way I did. 'Isn't it obviously.' My subconscious mind was at it again.

He glanced at me and I immediately took my gaze away from him. "Were you just checking me out? I know I'm hot and all, but you shouldn't do that when I sitting close to you. You could do it when I'm afar of you." He smirked and I blushed. He caught me.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes at his bragging.

We took a u-turn and finally we arrived at our destination– Domino pizza. Heard it was newly built.

"I know you expected for us to go to shoprite, but I'm sorry, I've gone there times without number and it's already stale to me." He said immediately we got down from the car.

I scoffed. "Hell no. Shoprite is also stale to me." I lied. I had just been to shoprite once and it was a very long time.

He chuckled. "Okay." We walked into the place. It was indeed beautiful and very chilled.

We spotted an empty seat which was meant for two. We walked towards the direction and sat down gallantly. There weren't much people around, so I wasn't so shy. Don't get me wrong, I was still shy but it wasn't massive.

"So what do you want?" Benjamin asked few minutes after we'd settled down.

"Uhm...anything." I said as I scanned the little throng just to see if I would sight anybody.

"Anything? Common, don't be shy now. It's only both of us." And that was why I'm feeling so uncomfortable. Only if he knew.

"Hm...I didn't plan what I was gonna eat. Yeah, I remember I needed to taste cold stone Ice cream. So could you get that for me?" I gave him a puppy look.

He chuckled. "See her face sef. Okay, I'll get that for you and some snacks." After which, he stood up and exit my midst.


I waited patiently for him to return with my ice cream and the snacks he said he would get. I heard footsteps from beside me, swiftly, I turned towards the direction and saw Benji walking along side with a waiter. They had snacks in their hands. Benjamin was with a tray of burger, mince pie, two laps of turkey, a drink and my ice cream. Whilst, the waiter was with a pack of pizza.

Just great!

My mouth was left in agape as I spotted those stuffs. Before I knew it, they were before me and Benji took his seat with all the snacks placed on the table. For a spilt moment, I thought our table wasn't going to accommodate the stuffs but it eventually did.

"Benjamin, what's all these?!" I almost shouted.

"They are foods for us to eat." He nonchalantly said.

"All these?!"

"Why are you sounding like it's much? It's not." He shrugged. "The mince pie, burger, a turkey lap and drink is mine. While the ice cream and a turkey leg is yours." He smiled at me.

I folded my arms around my chest and pouted my lips. "What about the pizza?" I calmly asked.

"It's ours."

I gasped. "What! You eat that much? How come you have—" I closed my mouth instantly, at what I was about spilling out. If I told him he had packs, it would dawn on him that I had been checking him out and he might tease me. I didn't want that, so it was be better I kept shut.

He cocked an eyebrow. "How come I have what?"

"Er..." I pondered on what to say. "How come you have...that much money to spend?" I hope he didn't know I lied.

"Oh, my savings. Besides I have a bank account, so whenever I'm broke, I tell my dad to send me money."

"Hm. That explains why you splurge money anyhow." I rolled my eyes.

He laughed heartily, displaying his perfect white teeth which made me blush.

"Can't I spend my money on my babe again?" He smirked. Babe? "You know what? Let's just first devour this lovely meal before us, I'm damn starving." He robbed his tummy and squeezed his face childishly. "After which, we would discuss on the main deal."

The way he emphasized the last word, sent cold shivers through me. Instantly, I felt scared and nervous again. I had totally forgotten why we were here in the first place. What was it that he wanted to discuss? Or did I do anything wrong?

* * * *

Please share this book. 😭😭
I know my book is not the best of best or my writing skill is not close to professional not to talk of perfection. But you could at least support me. I'm begging. Until we meet again. It's bye for now.

Lest I forget, I have started a new book. Kindly please check it out. SHARE and VOTE.

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