01|| Tristan and the Brotherhood

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Dear fate, I hate you but I'm not giving up.


“...you made a mistake messing with us. It's the law of the brotherhood.”

A gunshot echoed.

Tristan shot up from the bed, panting heavily. He looked at his surroundings, heaving a sigh of relief. It was just a dream, a dream and a glimpse of the past that he wished to forget at the same time, wanted to hold on to.

Tristan sighed, wiping his face and looked up with a scarily impassive expression. He silently got up and left the room. He opened the door to another room and grabbed a pair of boxing gloves that were on the shelf. He put them on and looked at the punching bag in front of him.

Tristan began to punch the bag skillfully and expertly. It was obvious he had done this a lot but with every thought about his dream and his past, he can’t help getting angry. With every thought, Tristan hit more aggressively until he lost every ounce of strength in his body.

Finally calming down from his rage, He dropped the boxing gloves and let the sweat drip slowly from his face.

After sometime, Tristan had taken a shower and was now wearing a suit that fit his muscular build. With his fair, milky skin, blue eyes and gelled blond hair that differentiated him from everyone else he knew here, he looked very handsome. Girls would go crazy over him.

Tristan walked downstairs and as expected, most of the ladies couldn’t take their eyes of him. Even though he had lived here for three years, there were some who couldn’t stop admiring him.

Tristan remained nonchalant towards them. He maintained a cold and impassive composure as he entered his black smooth ferrari and drove off. He put on a bluetooth in his ear and clicked a button.

“Darren, do we have information on The brotherhood?”.

“Wow, good morning to you too” Darren answered sarcastically.

Tristan remained unamused,  “I am not in the mood for this Darren.”

“You really need to be kinder.”

“Darren” Tristan called in a warning tone.

“Okay, I’ll stop” Darren said sounding bored. “Iyke has something. We are meeting at that fancy restaurant you like eating at.”

"Okay" Tristan hung up and drove faster. At the restaurant, Tristan arrived and sat next to Iyke and Darren who were seated on a table.

“Did you really have to dress that way?” Darren said distastefully. He wasn’t wearing a suit, instead, he wore a black trouser and a white sleeved shirt which was folded at the elbow.

“Some of us have jobs and need to dress professionally” Tristan replied dryly.

“O-kay” Iyke interrupted. “The brotherhood has minimized their activities ever since they split up in different factions. They are all connected but separate.”

“We have taken down a few unknown but vital members from their group. They are more secretive than ever now, especially with the new ACP, Daniel Okeke. Right now, Mr Okotie is the target. He is against Mr Effah ,a wealthy businessman because Mr Effah signed a deal with Green acres Realtor agency.”

“Mr Effah refused to back out of the deal and now Mr Okotie wants to take him out.” Iyke completed, exchanging a grim look with Tristan and Darren.

Tristan listened silently, playing with the key in his hands. “Is Green Acres still accepting deals?".

“Yes. I booked us an appointment at one o’clock.”

“Good, we need to keep an eye on possible victims of the brotherhood” Tristan said. “we will meet at the agency at one. Be punctual Darren.”

“I’m always punctual” Darren defended. Tristan scoffed mockingly and left.

Later, Tristan, Iyke and Darren got prepared and drove to the company Green Acres.

Tristan's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he was haunted by memories, memories of what those monsters, the brotherhood did to him. They ruined his life, his family and everything he loved. The police couldn't do anything then and they still can't now. They are all corrupt, or most of them at least. They are only there to serve those with money and power. If he wants things done, he has to do it himself.

Tristan, Iyke and Darren arrived at The Green Acres Realtor agency and parked their cars in the parking lot. They stepped inside the building and gained everyone's attention. Darren grinned satisfied and Iyke subtly rolled his eyes.

The ladies around whispered to each other while throwing looks of admiration at the trio. They didn’t seem to care, especially Tristan. The men looked at them enviously.

Tristan, Iyke and Darren stopped in front of the secretary, Imade. “Good morning beautiful” Darren grinned flirtatiously, “we want to see your manager. Where is he?”

Tristan and Iyke held back an eye roll. Darren is such a flirt. Anything in a skirt is good enough for him.

Imade just stared at them stunned. She had seen and talked to men over the counter but none this handsome. She blinked at them, realized her silliness. She asked immediately, “Oh, um sorry. Do you have an appointment?”

Iyke looked at Imade, “yes, it should be right now.”

“Yes, um” Imade browsed through the names. “Are you Tristan Ogunkoya?”

“Yes, that is me” Tristan answered and Imade took a good look at him. “I will take you to him right now.” Imade got up and led them to the manager's office. They took an elevator to the third floor and Imade led them down the hall.

They stopped in front of a door labelled manager’s office and Imade knocked and went in. “Sir, Mr Tristan Ogunkoya and his associates are here for his appointment” Imade said to the man in the office. He had chocolate brown colored skin and he had several wrinkles. It seemed he was middle aged.

“Bring them in” he said.

Imade nodded and turned to Tristan, “you can go in now.” Tristan nodded and walked in with Iyke. Darren grinned at her, “Thank you darling.” He clicked his tongue at her flirtatiously and walked in.

Imade stared at his retreating figure in admiration and sighed dreamily. “They are so hot.”

In the office, Tristan took a seat opposite The manager. A card was on the table with his name written on it, Mr. Osunde. Iyke stood next to Tristan while Darren made himself comfortable on a sofa on the right by a window.

Mr. Osunde glanced at Darren, noticing how comfortable he was getting but didn’t say a word. “Let’s start” He said looking at Tristan. Tristan nodded and they began to talk business. Tristan spoke about how he wanted to invest in the development business and if it wasn’t too late. After successfully convincing Mr. Osunde of accepting the deal, Mr. Osunde spoke into a telephone.

“Kim, bring in the files concerning velvet estate.”

Silence reigned for a moment before the person on the other side of the phone spoke. It was a familiar voice. Imade said blandly, “Sir, she called in sick today. This is the third time you've asked for her sir.”

“Ah, yes. of course” Mr Osunde said sounding disappointed. “bring the files I just talked about.”

“Yes sir” Imade said and Mr. Osunde turned off the telecom and turned to Tristan, Iyke and Darren. “We will meet again with our lawyers so we can draft the contract and sign. How about this week’s Thursday?”

Tristan looked at Iyke contemplatively. “Okay, but he will come. I won’t be able to make it.”

“Okay” Mr. Osunde nodded, “thank you for coming.” He stretched his hand, offering an handshake.

Tristan shook his hand upon getting up. “you're welcome.”

Darren, Tristan and Iyke left the office. “That went well” Darren said.

“That was just the beginning, the real action is about to start” Iyke said, “getting into this company means getting access to one of the inner members of the Brotherhood. We have to be careful now and calculate our every move.”

“I can't wait to see that bastard Okotie so I can punch his stupid head till his neck snaps” Tristan said in a calm but vengeful tone. His expression is impassive but his eyes hold so much pain and hurt. anger. Iyke and Darren exchange a look but say nothing. They feel bad for Tristan but they know one thing he hates most in this world, is pity.

Throughout the week, Tristan continued his job while practicing boxing. Iyke dealt with the business with the Green Acres agency while informing Tristan on the brotherhood's activities.

The next week, Tristan  seemed to be following a man who looked to be in his mid fifties. The man looked back suspiciously but couldn’t identify anything out of the ordinary and went back to whatever he was doing.

"I'm coming for you Okotie" Tristan said calmly, glaring at him.

Later, Tristan is following Mr Effah very stealthily. He wasn’t dressed in that black eye-catching suit of his. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans trousers and a simple shirt. As he spied on Mr. Effah, a suspicious looking man approached Mr. Effah. He was dressed in a black hoodie and black trouser and he had a dark complexion and with a crew cut.

They stood in a corner where not many people were. “...back out of the deal Effah. Things won't end well for you if you don't” Tristan heard the man say.

“Tell your boss that I won't. He should leave me alone. I will not be intimidated” Mr. Effah said bravely and annoyed.

“You are being foolish, not brave” the man said with an evil grin. “The brotherhood will no

t spare fools like you.”

“I have dealt with people like you before” Mr Effah said boldly, “It will be better for those who hired you to stay away from me or else they will regret it.”

The man nodded with a joyful glint in his eyes. “You've been warned.”

The man walked away and Mr Effah sighed, a tension leaving his body immediately. Tristan approached him from behind and Mr. Effah turned around startled. He asked cautiously, “who are you?”.

“I am Tristan Ogunkoya and you are Kevin Effah.”

Mr Effah eyed him warily and folded his arms. “How do you know who I am? Are you part of the brotherhood?”

"No" Tristan answered, glowering at being called a brotherhood member.  “I am more of their enemy. They are a very dangerous and unrepentant group of people. They have ruined many lives” he looked at Mr. Effah, “I want to stop them after all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Mr Effah stared at Tristan with a scrutinizing gaze. “I will think about it” he said, because he found himself believing Tristan.

Despite the rage and hatred he saw in Tristan’s eyes, his words held truth. He really did want to stop the brotherhood. Tristan's lips curved up into a wicked satisfied smirk.

Two weeks later, Tristan, Darren and Iyke returned to Green Acres agency for a meeting. They were walking to the elevator when someone bumped into them. Tristan shot an annoyed look at the woman and was about to snap but he saw her bent down to pick the files that were scattered on the floor.

“Sorry” she said apologetically and at the same time Darren bent down to pick it. Their hands froze. Tristan and Iyke who were about to leave after hearing the woman’s apology, stopped and looked back. Tristan held back an irritated sigh.

“Don't bother sir, I can do it” she said embarrassed, stopping Darren. The woman and Darren had gotten up and were discussing this. Tristan stared at them and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

‘Darren, you man whore. Anything in a skirt.’ Tristan growled inwardly. He looked up and saw the woman had picked up the file but they were mixed up now.

“Let me help you” Darren said and Tristan narrowed his eyes at him.

“It’s okay sir. I can do it, you won’t be able to sort out the contents of the files anyways.” The woman politely refused.

Darren wanted to insist, “I–”
Tristan interrupted Darren in an irritated voice, “she says it's okay or do you need help miss?.”

The woman looked at Tristan and shook her head. “No sir, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” She politely nodded at Darren and walked away. Darren watched her walk away and turned back to see Tristan glaring at him.

“geez, sorry dude.”

“Why don’t you ever focus?” Tristan said annoyed. He didn’t bother to scold Darren, “come on.”  They entered the elevator and entered a boardroom where a meeting with Mr Effah and other investors was taking place. Tristan and Mr Effah glanced at each other before facing the manager, Mr Osunde.

After the board meeting, the trio left the company. Tristan stayed at his apartment doing his work but soon, the silence began to bother him and he left the house.

He strolled around for a bit until he reached a church, a Catholic Church. He gazed at it lazily then walked in, enjoying the calm silence as the choir practiced.

‘It's strange how the silence in my house is suffocating but the silence here is calming’ Tristan thought. He looked down and memories flooded his brain. “The brotherhood will pay for their crimes” he muttered, “that's a promise.”


A day later, there was a board meeting and everyone was in attendance except Mr Osunde. Soon enough, Mr Osunde came in late with a woman following behind, all sort of files in her hands. She was the woman Darren flirted with. Tristan glanced at her curiously. ‘Assistant?’ he thought.

“We were wondering if you were going to show up. You kept us waiting Mr Osunde” Tristan said calmly, as if waiting for an explanation.

“I apologies Mr Ogunkoya” Mr Osunde said, “I know you all are eager to know how the development project is going. Your investments won’t be wasted, we have the best architects and engineers on standby and the land is prepared. Production will start in two weeks.”

Mr Osunde began to explain everything concerning the development project. Throughout the meeting, Tristan subtly observed the woman who came in with Mr Osunde. She had been standing for so long and yet her legs didn’t look like they would give way. The meeting ended and everyone left the room.

“Did you see that girl?” Darren asked as soon as they were out of the boardroom.

Tristan looked annoyed “yes Darren, I did. I have eyes, I am not blind.”

“She is beautiful.”

Tristan frowned, “how is that my concern? Now is not the time for women Darren.”

“Yes but Trist.” Tristan's nose twitched in annoyance at the nickname Darren had for him. Darren continued, “when all this is over, we are going to have to settle down. Get married, have families.”

Tristan scoffed derisively, “you? Get married? To that girl or any other girl? That's a joke right?.”

“Come on, just watch me" Darren said, “I am going to approach that girl.”

“That doesn’t mean a thing. For all I know, you may be going there to offer a one night stand” Tristan said coldly.

“You will see” Darren said with a challenging smile and began to walk back to the boardroom.

“Darren, no–“ Tristan said to stop Darren but he was already gone. Tristan pinched the bridge between his eyes and growled. He looked up and rubbed his forehead tired. ‘Darren is so annoying but unfortunately I need him’ Tristan thought, ‘I give him 5 minutes max.’

6 minutes later, Tristan has had enough. He stormed into the boardroom, interrupting Darren and his new 'girlfriend'. He narrowed his eyes at them as they looked at him. He looked at Darren annoyed, “Darren, let’s go. We have work and I don’t want to repeat myself.”

Darren rolled his eyes at him and turned to Kim. “I will see you later mademoiselle.”

Tristan held back an eye roll. “Okay” the woman said looking stunned. Tristan shook his head at her and walked out with Darren following behind.

“Come on dude, you could have left without me” Darren whined childishly.

“Have you forgotten we have a mission? We have work to do together, Iyke is waiting for us” Tristan chided.

“Yeesh, sorry” Darren apologized, despite feeling no remorse what so ever. Tristan shook his head deeply annoyed.

Later, Tristan and Darren arrived at Mr Effah's house only to find him dead in a pool of blood. “Damnit! We are too late” Tristan cursed upset. “Sometimes I hate this city. The traffic here is fucking crazy.”

Tristan gritted his teeth in annoyance as he looked around the living room. He touched the pool of blood, it was warm. Darren looked around as well. Tristan frowned, “The blood is warm. It hasn’t been too long.”

Iyke joined them, “we aren't the first ones here Tristan.”

Tristan turned to him, furrowing his brows. “Who else?”

“Someone from Green Acres” Iyke said holding some files. He flipped through them, “It is either the person saw the corpse and ran away in a hurry or, the person met the killer here and ran off. He or she dropped this files.”

“Let's go” Tristan said, “we might still find the person.” He looked at the corpse of Mr. Effah and added, “If he or she isn't dead yet.”

“I will check the agency for whoever left to find Mr. Effah.” Darren said and the trio walked out and went to their cars outside. They drove away looking for anything suspicious. Darren went his separate way while Iyke and Tristan drove around.

Tristan didn't look around for long because he found a car crashed in the bushes. He got out his car and eyed the smoke coming out of the car warily. He cautiously walked down to the car. The car was damaged badly and the smell of petroleum filled the air.

Tristan walked to the driver’s seat and saw a woman there. She was on the brink of unconsciousness.

“Help...” was all she could mutter before she blacked out. Recognition flashed across Tristan's face and he looked surprised, “You ...”

How did you like the first chapter of THRILL? For those of you who read this chapter during the time I first wrote it, a lot of things have changed.

Characters from all The Justice Series will be mentioned and introduced in other books. Like ACP Daniel Okeke is a major character in The Justice Series: MOREMI.

HEIRESS is now completed so we have WILDHEART and MOREMI left. Can’t wait to start.


Love you readers.

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