02|| Say a Prayer

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I am bored of being bored because being bored is very boring.


At a multiple bedroom duplex, in a room painted plain white, a woman is on the bed asleep. Suddenly, she got up stretching then stopped. She sent a tired gaze at her phone, glancing at the time and got up.

“…Come on Kim, try not to look like you hate everything” the woman said to herself as she stared at her tired annoyed eyes through the mirror. She was Kim, short for Kimberly. She had curly hair and deep brown skin that many would die for. With a model like figure and beautiful appearance, she was occasionally the center of attraction.

Unfortunately, she was just too dense in the romance area. Kimberly rushed to the bathroom and took a bath and brushed her teeth. She pulled out an hanger with clothes on it out of the wardrobe and straightened them.

It was a smooth black pencil skirt and suit jacket with a white shirt which she wore. She did a light make up and carried her handbag out of the room with her.

“Here I go” she sighed exasperatedly, “they do this everyday.”

As if on cue, two identical looking boys ran past her in uniformed shorts, a young girl is seated in the living room looking at her phone and an older looking woman is rushing to console a young child, not more than 9 years old.

“Richard, Dominic!" Kim yelled, “you had better wear your uniforms! What are you?! Babies?!”. Kim looked at the elder woman. “Aunty Christy, let Cindy take care and Timothy. Cindy! Get here now!”

“Geez, I’m coming” Cindy said reluctantly. She got up and took Timothy from her aunt. Timothy fussed but was silenced by Cindy.

“Richard! Dominic! I give you 7 minutes, if you do not dress up. I will leave you to trek all the way to your school” Kimberly threatened. The two kids suddenly rushed up to her, wearing their uniforms.

“We are ready Aunty Kimberly” they said in sync cheekily.

Kim looked at them unimpressed, “yeah.” They walked to the dining room and saw Kim and Cindy’s uncle and the three boys father, uncle Jerry eating.

“It looks like you don’t have to be at the office today” Kim remarked, taking a lunch box from her aunty. Dominic and Richard sat down to eat and aunty Christy began feeding Timothy.

“Yes, but it looks like you might be late today if you don’t hurry up” Uncle Jerry said smiling and Kim clicked her tongue distastefully.

“Next time, I will leave the children behind. They delay me every time I have to take them” Kim said shaking her head, though she didn’t mean it.

The children ate quickly and were done in 7 minutes. They hurried to Kimberly’s car. “Cindy, better find something productive to do. Help Aunty Christy out today and stop being a lazy girl” Kimberly said scoldingly and Cindy childishly stuck her tongue at her.

Kim entered the car, ignoring Cindy and drove away. She dropped her cousins at school and went to work. Surprisingly, she was early to work. She was so used to this that she was able to get to work on time. She greeted her co-workers, her friend Imade and began working.

The day ended and she returned home with the same cycle repeating itself. To say Kim was tired of her routine life was an understatement, she was bored! Wake up, go to work, help the kids, deal with her sister and family, sleep, wake up again…it was just too routine! And too boring. And so it began.

The next day, Kim is at work again and she looked dead bored. She had a deadpan look on her face. “You should really wipe that look off your face.” Imade said blandly.

Kim blinked at her uninterested and continued typing. “Why should I? It expresses how bored of my life I am” she said, “nothing interesting ever happens”. Kim sighed and dropped her head on the desk, “my life is extremely boring. Everything is constant. Nothing ever changes.”

“I think you are overreacting Kim” Imade said, “no one's life is ever boring and besides if you got a boyfriend, things would be better.”

Kim raised her head, “have you seen my life? And two, I don’t think I want a man in my life right now.” she dropped her head back on the desk again.

“Kim?” a young man called, walking over to her desk.

“hmm” she replied not looking up. The man looked at Imade perplexed, expecting an answer but Imade feigned ignorance.

"Mr. Osunde wants the files concerning the transactions of investments for the Ivory plaza” the man said, ignoring whatever was going on. “like, right now. Bring it to him.”

“Okay” Kim said and the young man left. “Better go to your corner before Amanda comes and scolds you” Kim told Imade whilst getting up.

“Right” Imade said and scurried off to her desk. Kim left and soon came back with some files in her hands. She paid no attention to the sight in front of her as she struggled with placing the files in an orderly manner. Due to this, Kim bumped into the trio, Darren, Iyke and Tristan.

“I’m sorry, sorry,” Kim apologized immediately and bent down to pick it. She felt so embarrassed. She bumped into some clients and now every one was staring. She prayed inwardly for them to forgive or ignore her. 

One of the men, Darren bent down to help her. Their hands froze has they reached for the papers at the same time. Kim forced herself to look up and was met with the dace of the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen. ‘Oh my gosh, he is so handsome and he is helping me’ She panicked.

Kim quickly grabbed the papers, “Don’t bother sir, I can do it.”

“Yes, but let me help. It is not right to cause such an inconvenience to a beautiful lady and leave without helping” Darren said and her inner fan girl swooned. ‘His voice, so smooth, so beautiful, such a melody. He called me beautiful.’

“Sir please, you are embarrassing me” Kim said bashfully. She had picked the papers and gathered them together in her arms. They were mixed up now.

“Let me help you” Darren said.

“It’s okay sir. I can do it, you won’t be able to sort out the contents of the files anyways.” Kim politely refused. And besides you are a client, you can’t see information that has to do with company, coupled with the fact that you are a client, how can you do such work?!

Darren wanted to insist, “I–”

“She says it's okay or do you need help miss?.” Kim heard a man ask. He sounded irritated and she turned around to look at him. She was yet met with another handsome man, he was a white, had blond hair, nice lips that were pulled into a frown. Her inner fan girl swooned nevertheless.

“No sir, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” Kim apologized, keeping her inner fan girl in check. She hurriedly walk away to escape the spectacle of people watching her. 

Kim sat on her chair and heaved a sigh of relief. “I really have to be careful” she told herself and looked at the papers in front of her. She began to sort them out when Imade came to her desk.

“I saw you baby girl, talking to those hotties” Imade grinned, “you sly girl you. Bumping into them.”

Kim laughed amused, “that was an accident Imade. I wasn’t looking where I was going and I regret that now. It was so embarrassing.”

“Tell, what did he tell you?”

“Just some stuff but don’t start thinking something else, we only talked once and it was me apologizing and him saying it was okay.” Kim said not wanting to say more. “Who are they? Do you know them?”

“They are investors, I think. They came here about three weeks ago or was it a month...?” Imade said wondering, “during the time you were sick.” She paused then continued with a silly grin on her face. “Didn't you look at their faces? They are so hot! One is even a foreigner.”

Imade sighed dreamily and Kim laughed. “Yeah, they are really handsome” she agreed, “that one that helped me, that chocolate skinned one, he is really handsome but he is such a flirt.”

“Wow, you noticed” Imade grinned, “he is good at flattering and giving compliments.”

“it is so obvious” Kim said smiling.

“They are all so hot, especially that white guy. I would love to run my hands through his hair.” Imade said smiling, her eyes dazed imagining it.

Kim laughed at her friend “you're crazy.”

“Yeah yeah, i know” Imade smiled. “You should open your eyes more. Maybe you'll see the love of your life knocking at your door and finally get that change you want.”

Kim rolled her eyes, “yeah right, not interested.” She added, “and if you are thinking about those men, there is no way we can even get near them.”

“I was just saying though.” Imade shrugged, “seriously, those three men were gorgeous. I wish all the handsome men were dolls and I had them.”

“You never seize to amaze me Imade, you never do” Kim chuckled.

Imade smiled then noticed a woman coming in their direction. “Better leave before Amanda gets here. Later baby girl.” Kim and Imade laugh before Imade runs off to her desk.

Later that same day, Kim closed from work and went to a Catholic Church nearby. She knelt down in the front. “Oh Lord”  Kim started, “I appreciate the life you've given me. I can take care of my family. We have all we need.” She paused, “unfortunately, there is a 'but'. I need some excitement in my life, adventure, anything that will change my life completely. Will you do it?.”

Kim stared at the image of Jesus Christ on the wall. “Yeah, you will do it” Kim smiled and got up, “in Jesus’s name, amen. Thank you lord.”


The next day, Kim went about her work. She was about to give a file to Mr. Osunde when she overheard an argument between him and another person.

“…you should have waited for me! You and I have been doing business for the past several years, how could you throw that away!” The person yelled angrily.

“You came too late, we needed the supplier fast and we found one in Mr Kevin” Kim heard Mr. Osunde say.

“You...you will refuse his help. You will refund his money” the person said, “right now!”

“I will do no such thing. You are too late. Now please, leave” Mr. Osunde said curtly. Kim heard that and quickly knocked on the door. The door opened immediately and she is faced with the face of a frowning middle-aged man.

“Kim” the man smiled.

“Mr. Okotie, good afternoon sir” Kim greeted politely.

“Good afternoon” Mr Okotie replied, “excuse me.” He walked away and Kim entered the office to give the file in her hand to Mr Osunde.

The next day, Kim goes about her normal routine. At her workplace, she is busy typing something when the young man of a few days ago, approached her.

“What is it?” Kim asked without looking up.

“Mr. Osunde wants you with him at the boardroom. The meeting is about to start” the man said.

Kim sighed deeply, “I’m coming.”

A few minutes later, Kim accompanied her boss, Mr. Osunde to the boardroom. Once they entered, all attention fell on them. Five men and a woman are seated round the table. Among them is Tristan and Darren. Mr Osunde sat facing them while Kim stood by his side, holding some documents.

“We were wondering if you were going to show up. You kept us waiting Mr. Osunde” Tristan said calmly, as if waiting for an explanation.

“I apologies Mr Ogunkoya” Mr. Osunde said, “I know you all are eager to know how the development project is going. Your investments won’t be wasted, we have the best architects and engineers on standby and the land is prepared. Production will start in two weeks.”

Kim raised an eyebrow. ‘Ogunkoya? Yoruba? He doesn't look anything like a... Nigerian?’ Kim wondered but shoved the thought aside.

Mr. Osunde began to explain everything concerning the development project. Kim’s legs began to ache a bit but she didn’t let it show. Soon the meeting ended and everyone left the room except for Kim. Kim slumped in relief on the chair. She groaned and took off her shoes.

“Why does Mr. Osunde make me stand with him for hours when I don't contribute anything to the meeting” Kim complained sourly.

“I wonder why as well” a familiar voice said startling Kim. Kim sat up immediately, dropped her feet and came face to face with Darren.

"It's you” Kim said.

“Glad you remember me” Darren said pleased. He walked to her and offered his hand in an handshake, "I'm Darren".

“Kimberly but everyone calls me Kim” Kim said accepting his handshake.

“That's a beautiful name” Darren held her hand, not breaking eye contact with Kim.

Kim looked surprised and nervous at the same time, “um, thank you.”

Darren let go of her hand. “so you are Mr. Osunde’s secretary?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Kim answered. She stood awkwardly not knowing what to say, then a thought came to her mind. “You came with that foreign guy, is he Nigerian? because he most definitely does not look it.”

“He is not really Nigerian but he adopted his father’s surname and he has a Nigerian citizenship though he wasn’t born here. He has lived here for years,” Darren answered, seemingly choosing his words. “He is my cousin.”

“Your cousin? Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed that” Kim said amazed, “you two look so different.”

“Yeah, his mom was my aunty” Darren added.

“was? I noticed you have been saying worse all this time” Kim pointed out what she chose to ignore at first. “Did something happen to them?”

“They died” Darren said sadly, “Tristan’s parents are dead. They died a long time ago.”

“Oh” Kim felt bad, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“Was his mom a white?”

“Yeah, she married here.”

“wow, so cool” Kim said impressed, “so your…mom? Or dad is white?”

“My dad” Darren smiled. Kim looked impressed and it fueled Darren’s ego.

“No wonder you are so handsome” Kim whispered to herself, “black and white combo. Their children are always so beautiful.” She looked in thought as she said this and it amused Darren. He burst into laughter, revealing he heard her. Kim looked away embarrassed.

“You are right though” Darren agreed smiling broadly, “children of blacks and whites are really very good looking.”

“Yeah, I am so jealous of your skin. Like seriously” Kim admitted, stealing looks at Darren’s skin. Darren grinned pleased.

“Don’t be like that. You are very beautiful as well, your eyes and that skin color of yours is a show stopper” Darren told her, “you are very beautiful Kim, it’s taking all in me not to ask you out right now.”

Kim was speechless and suddenly felt hot and shy. It had been a long time since anyone complimented her like that. All the men that had complimented her in the past didn’t come close to Darren. He was just too charming.

“Since I have already blurted out what I wanted to ask. Kim, do you mind going out with me on a brief outing?” Darren asked and oh was it charming. He sounded so sweet that Kim was having trouble refusing him.

‘Someone like him is too smooth’ she tried to tell herself but his charm was drawing her in. As she was about to reply, someone interrupted them. It was Tristan.

“Darren, let's go We have work and I don’t want to repeat myself.” Tristan interrupted. He looked annoyed and Kim couldn’t help but wonder why he always looked upset.

Darren rolled his eyes at him and turned to Kim. “I will see you later mademoiselle.” He winked at her and despite her stunned state, Kim could make out Tristan looking fed up with Darren. It seemed he knew Darren is the flirtatious type.

“Okay” Was all Kim said and Tristan walked away with Darren following behind.

“That guy is such a charmer. That is very dangerous.” Kim concluded and returned to her desk. She couldn’t help thinking about what she learned from Darren and she felt her heart swell when she remembered his compliments.

“What are you thinking about?” Imade asked, looking curiously at Kim.

“I had a conversation with that chocolate skinned guy. The one that came in with the white guy, his name is Darren” Kim spilled excitedly.

“oh, what a dreamy name” Imade swooned dramatically. “Tell me more, what did he say?”

Kim grinned then narrated everything to Imade. “Oh my, baby you are so lucky” Imade said nearly squealing out of excitement.

“Shush, and please, he is a flirt. He is way too smooth so even though he asks me out, I am not interested in dating him” Kim said determined.

“Why not?!”.

“I just told you, he is way too charming. He looks like a Casanova and I don’t do Casanovas” Kim said.

“I get you, but still” Imade whined. She put a hand on her chest and sighed dreamily, “what I wouldn't do to have any of them". Kim laughed and Imade joined.


Later, work is over for the day and everyone is about to go home. “Kim! Kimberly!” a man called, running to Kim.

Kim turned around, “What is it?”
“Mr. Osunde is calling you.” He said.

Kimberly threw her head back and groaned. She pouted at Imade who was next to her. “I swear Mr Osunde hates me.” She said.

“Stop overreacting and go” Imade said amused and pushed Kimberly towards the door.

“Fine” Kim pouted. She went to Mr Osunde's office. She said, “you wanted to see me sir?”

“Yes, I need you to deliver some files to Mr Effah” Mr. Osunde said handing Kim the files. “I know you aren’t supposed to be doing this extra work outside of office hours and you are busy but this is urgent. Besides, you live closest to him.”

Kim bit back her protest and collected the files. She walked out to see Imade waiting outside for her. “What's wrong?” Imade asked noting the sour look on Kim’s face.

“I have to deliver some files to Mr Effah” Kim grumbled.

“It’s okay Kim. It won't take long. It will be over before you know it” Imade encouraged.

“I hope so” Kim pouted. She entered her car and drove to a big duplex in a street with untarred road. She parked her car opposite the house and knocked on the gate. No one answered, instead, It swung open.

“O-kay, it's open…” Kim said. “I should probably call Mr Effah before I come in. He wasn’t picking up when I called him on the way.” Kim made the call but it is said his phone is switched off.

“I should have called before I left the office” Kim frowned then shrugged. “Oh well.” She walked to the front door and found it open as well. She furrowed her brows in confusion, “Why is everything open?.”

Kim Audrey felt cold and nervous but walked in. She was about to call out Mr Effah's name when she saw him lying in a pool of blood in the living room. She gasped sharply but covered her mouth quickly when she saw someone wearing a black hoodie. His back was turned against her and he was pointing a gun at Mr Effah. Kim clamped her mouth shut to prevent any sound from making its way out of her mouth.

“...you messed with the wrong people Mr Effah” the masked person said, “you should have backed down from the deal when you has the chance.”

“That bloody murderer” Mr Effrah coughed, “he will pay for his crimes.”

“Ha ah, Don't waste your breath” the masked man said amused, “It's not Mr Okotie's fault you messed with the brotherhood. It's the law of the cult.” Kim covered her mouth in shock as the information sank in.

The masked man shot Mr Effah dead and a yelp escaped Kim's lips. The files she was holding dropped and she widened her eyes in fright. Kim began scrambling out of the house with the masked man after her.

Kim thanked God that she wasn’t wearing heels but slippers. She bolted out of the compound and ran into her car. She didn’t waste any moment driving out of there.

“Oh. My. God.” Kim gasped as she clutched her hair. “He killed him. He killed Mr Effah. Mr Okotie killed Mr Effah, how could he?! The brotherhood?! What the heck is that?! What I have entered?.”

Kim continued to drive panicking, “where do I go? Should I tell the police? No, Mr Okotie is powerful, he can bribe the police…or, I can go to Imade…”. Her phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and answered.

“Hello? Cindy, what is it?”

“Kim, it's me Cindy. Where are you?.”

“I don't know Cindy, I don't know!” Kim freaked out.

“What do you mean? Anyways, we are at the hospital. Uncle’s blood pressure suddenly shot up” Cindy informed calmly.

“What?! Is he alright?!” Kim asked worried.

“He is fine. He had been in the hospital since this afternoon, aunty and I didn’t want to distract you from work” Cindy said.

“Okay, I will–Ah!”. A trailer came out of nowhere and rammed into Kim's car. The car skidded across the road and rolled into the bushes.

“Kim? Kimberly?! Kimberly–” The phone line went dead. Kim laid in an awkward position unconscious. Blood dripping from her forehead and arm. Minutes later, she came out of unconsciousness. She looked up and groaned, feeling pain on her body.

She was trapped in the car and she could smell the petrol leaking. She groaned in pain and looked up again. She saw a figure approaching her. She reached her hand out, “help...”.

Kim blacked out.

Share your thoughts by commenting. I appreciate y'all. I know this song has nothing to do with this chapter but it's one of my favorite songs. Betty butter by Davido ft Mayorkun.


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