24|| Tristan and The Vendetta

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If someone makes an effort to stay and be there for you no matter how fucked up you are, those are truly the ones you need in your life.


Tristan finally let the man go and Moremi warily put her gun down. "I'm Tristan" Tristan nonchalantly answered. He waved the gun at the man casually. "if this guy is a friend, he was about to mess my plan up."

"What plan? What are you doing here?" Moremi asked suspiciously.

"Why should I answer? What are you doing here?" Tristan countered. He got to the point quickly seeing she was dressed similarly to him. He asked, "Are you after Abdul by any chance?"

"Are you after him too?" Moremi asked surprised.

"He took someone very important to me" Tristan simply answered. "What about you?"

"Same, he took someone under my care. He has offended me twice and I am obliged to give a gruesome death" Moremi answered darkly.

"I see, let's team up. I have someone working for me on the inside. He can help." Tristan said. Moremi eyed him warily but nodded.

Tristan walked to the place he was going to sneak through. "Just know if you betray me, I won't hesitate to plant countless bullets through your skull white boy" Moremi threatened, sounding like she would really do it.

Tristan scoffed in response. He got to work and snuck into the building. He opened the door and saw Moremi and her gang of twelve waiting outside.

"You kept your word but I will still kill you if you lied" Moremi said.

"You can try" Tristan threw back and Moremi looked at him. They shared a look and both of them knew instantly they were the same kind of people. This made Moremi smirk.

Tristan saw V tattoos on various part of their bodies and realized something. "I see, you are the V cult" he smiled chillingly. "I guess you have some kind of score to settle with Abdul."

"He is the reason I am this way" Moremi simply answered, shooting a person who saw them walking in. "You?"

"He is a part of a group I so badly want to get rid off" Tristan answered guardedly.

"The brotherhood" Moremi mentioned with interest. Tristan threw her a curious look and she smiled with her menacing eyes. "I do my homework."

Waju, Tristan's friend, approached them and was surprised to see Moremi and her gang. "Who are they?!" He asked shocked.

"The V Cult, they were planning on breaking in anyways " Tristan said, brushing them aside quickly. "Do you know where Kim is?"

"She is in the snake cell. It is the deepest and most terrible of all the cells here" Waju answered. "we should hurry, I don't think Abdul plans to keep her alive any longer."

"What about a man named Bayo?" Moremi asked worried.

"From the V cult? He is in the same place and he is still alive. We need to come up with a plan to save them and not gain much attention before we find Abdul" Waju suggested urgently.

"I have an idea" someone from Moremi's gang said.

With Kim and Bayo in the cell. "I can't believe it, out of all the possible things that could have happened to us, we ended up in the middle of the underworld biz" Kim moaned comically.

Bayo chuckled, "you haven't changed. You still know how to make jest of situations."

"It can't be helped" Kim said shrugging.

In the distance, Tristan and Moremi walked behind Waju pretending to be captured. The rest of the V cult had positioned themselves in places around the club and underground cells and were waiting for a signal.

Waju stopped at the main entrance of the prison when two men stopped them. They demanded to see Tristan's and Moremi's face when They shot were shot with a silent gun.

Tristan and Moremi entered the prison and searched the cells. "Do we have to free these people? We are not angels?" Moremi said annoyed.

"We may not be angels but they are not culprits either" Tristan retorted.

"We can't be sure" Moremi argued.

"Keep searching" Tristan said, ignoring her. Waju led them to Kim's cell and they saw Bayo there.

"Kim" Tristan said relieved and rushed to the cell, gripping the bars tightly.

"Tristan?" Kim's eyes widened in surprise. She slowly smiled happily and ran to hold his hands that were on the bars. "You came! I was so worried that you would take so long."

"I'm sorry" Tristan apologized, wiping Kim's tears away. Her face was covered in dirt and bruises and it ached him to see her suffer like this. Moremi and Waju joined Tristan.

"Bayo" Moremi said relieved.

"Boss lady, thank you" Bayo said relieved. Waju finally got the lock open and they came out. Kim and Tristan hugged and Bayo let Moremi check him.

"You were brave" Moremi nodded approvingly, patting his back.

"Who is she?" Kim asked at Tristan curiously. She turned to Bayo, "Bayo, is she your leader?". Tristan watched her ask Bayo.

"Yes" Bayo answered. "Boss, this is Kimberly. We were friends when we were in school."

"Interesting" Moremi noted and looked at Kim, whose hands were around Tristan's neck. She became distracted by the loud cries of the people in cells.

"Please! Free us! Please!" the cries of the other people became loud. They looked at the people crying for help.

"Are you going to release them?" Kim asked feeling sympathetic.

"Yes" Tristan answered, ignoring Moremi's disapproving look. He turned to Waju, "get them ready." Waju nodded and walked to the side.

"Get who ready?" Kim asked.

"The V gang" Tristan smirked.

Tristan freed the people in the cells and other cells and put it to a V cult member to get them out safely while the other V gang members assassinated all of Abdul's men above.

Bayo, Kim, Moremi, Tristan followed Waju who led them to Abdul's office. They barged in and found Abdul barking orders to some men.

Moremi, Tristan and Waju expertly shot the men and Tristan's bullet hit Abdul's leg knocking him down. "Argh!" Abdul grunted and fell on the floor. Kim hid behind Tristan as she glanced at Abdul.

"You! You are the one killing off the brotherhood" Abdul shouted angrily.

"Yes, I am doing the world a favor. We all know the world will be a better world without you." Tristan said, aiming his gun again for Abdul's head. Abdul shook in anger.

Just as Tristan was going to pull the trigger, Moremi stopped him. "Let me do it" She said, stopping Tristan. "I have a score to settle with this man and I won't be satisfied till I do."

Kim, Tristan, Bayo and Waju watched as Moremi menacingly approached Abdul and shot his two palms. Abdul screamed in pain and Kim turned her head away, hiding her face in Tristan's back. Tristan felt bad for her.

"You little rat, beggar" Moremi cursed, walking to him and kicking his bullet shot hand. "I owe my life now to you. Do you remember? Do you remember how you ruined my life? For what, a few Nairas?"

"Bastard" Moremi shot his other leg and Abdul screamed in pain again. He panted heavily. Bayo and Waju couldn't help but flinch at how brutal Moremi was.

"Who are you bitch?!" Abdul yelled in anger and anguish.

"Moremi," She painfully answered. "That little girl whose family you killed, whose dreams you killed, whose future you killed."

"I lost everything, for what? ten thousand naira? Twenty? Was that how much my parents' life worth to you? My brother?" Moremi said angrily. She pointed her gun at his head.

"Maybe in your next like, you will choose a different path." Moremi shot Abdul in the head and his blood splattered everywhere.

Kim winced, looking away and Moremi stood looking satisfied. Waju just finished talking to someone on the phone. "The gang are done, they overpowered Abdul's men and the other prisoners are free." he informed.

"Let's get out of here then" Bayo said and everyone began leaving when Abdul's phone rang. Tristan stopped in his steps and went to see the caller ID. It said boss.

"What are you doing?" Kim asked frantically. "We need to go." Everyone stared at him wondering what he was doing.

"Wait" Tristan said and picked up the phone. He answered the call and waited.

"Have you found out who the resistance is? Kill the girl if you can't get anything from her!" the man on the other side of the phone said impatiently.

Tristan felt a slight chill when he heard the voice. He recognized it clearly and he smiled bitterly, "Bruce Smith you bastard."

The line went silent. "Who is this?" Bruce finally asked.

"Your destroyer. I won't stop until I end you all and I'm coming for you as soon as I'm done with them. I will make sure you suffer for all the lines you've ruined." Tristan said determined and Kim and the other's watched him talk.

"I'll be waiting for you brat, you haven't seen anything yet" Bruce retorted and hung up. Tristan lowered the phone and glared at it.

"Tristan, let's go!" Waju yelled and Tristan joined them. They ran out of the building, passing dead bodies of Abdul's henchmen.

They got out of the building and walked a considerable distance away. "Why are we waiting?" Kim asked.

"For this" Moremi answered with a smirk. She held up a button and pressed it. On cue, the building exploded to a thousand pieces and the rest went up in flames. Kim and Bayo jolted in surprise.

"I feel...relieved, that this is over" Kim said softly, looking a little weak and Bayo held her to steady her. Tristan looked at this jealously.

"That was fun" Moremi said with an amusing smile and turned to Tristan. "It was interesting to meet you."

"Same, maybe we can see again if the police doesn't get you first" Tristan smirked, taking Moremi's hand for an handshake.

"Police? Me? That's a joke" She laughed. "perhaps the police will get you first."

"We shall see, one day?" Tristan said smugly.

"One day" Moremi said in agreement and Kim eyed their handshake jealously. She turned to Bayo and felt sad to see him leave.

"I hope we make it out of this alive" Bayo told her hopefully.

"We will and we will meet again and laugh about old times." Kim said positively and Bayo pulled her in for a hug.

"It was good to see you Kim. It reminded me of the times when I had nothing else but to worry about school and chores" Bayo said tearfully.

Kim sniffed tearfully too. "Yeah, stay safe B."

"You too Positive K." Bayo said wistfully and followed Moremi as she walked away to join her gang. Kim watched Bayo leave sadly.

"Let's go?" Tristan said. He heard sirens getting close.

"Yeah" Kim said exhausted. "I'm getting really tired." Tristan held her hand and began leading her down another path away from the road.

"Should I piggy back you?" He teased lightly.

"Can you? I'm pretty heavy" Kim teased back smiling.

"I'm very strong. I don't work out for nothing" Tristan smiled and began to lift Kim. Kim screamed in surprise and giggled as he lifted her off the ground.

Kim smiled, resting on Tristan's back as he carried her. "I knew you would save me, thank you Tristan. I was so scared." She mumbled against his back as she drifted off to sleep.

"Thank you..." Tristan countered, glancing at her. "for staying alive, and for trusting me."


Kim woke up in the middle of the night in her room in Tristan's apartment. She looked around in surprise and turned on the lights. It was Two O'clock in the morning.

Kim saw Tristan sleeping on a chair in the room and got up. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw that she was clean but skinnier than before. She pouted upset.

She stopped staring at her reflection and walked to Tristan. She bent down in front of him and brushed the hair in front of his face.

"He is so handsome" she smiled amused. Tristan's eyes suddenly opened and Kim tilted back in surprise. Tristan stopped her from falling backwards by placing his hand on her waist.

Kim looked at him in surprise then steadied herself as Tristan let go of her. Kim stood up and Tristan sat up and stared at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes" Kim answered. "Where you the one who cleaned me."

"Yes, I couldn't leave you to sleep like that" Tristan said. "But I only did the parts that I could, not anything else." Kim chuckled amused and stared at Tristan.

"Thank you for coming for me" Kim said and sat on Tristan's legs, facing Tristan. Tristan didn't make any move to send her away and held her hips so she wouldn't fall off.

He stared at her pained, "I can't help but feel like it's my fault that you are suffering like this. I am not protecting you like I promised to and it hurts."

Kim stared at him sadly, "it doesn't matter. So far you are there for me when I need you. Just don't leave me, I can hang on just as long as I know you will be there to help me."

Tristan sighed in guilt and dropped his head on Kim's shoulders. "That woman" Kim said, "did you like her? She was a lot like you, she was very strong, fearless like you. Not someone like me who can't defend herself."

"If she is like me, then she isn't strong in the slightest" Tristan said, looking at her. "She is broken inside, looking for a way to fix herself. I don't like her, I like you."

Kim stared at him, her eyes searching his eyes frantically for the truth. "There is just something about you that drives me crazy. The way you don't let serious situations stop your brightness" Tristan continued earnestly, "the way you let go instead of holding on, the way you are kind but don't let others walk over you, your bravery."

Kim teared up. "I'm a bit messed up and you could get a better guy who doesn't make your life more dangerous" Tristan said painfully, "but just know, I like you."

Kim smiled and leaned down to kiss Tristan. She pressed her lips on his in closed kiss and her tear dropped on his face. Tristan closed his eyes as her lips met his.

"I was scared of confessing for some reason, I couldn't understand" Kim said, thinking back to when Darren talked about it. "I realized I was scared that admitting my feelings would change everything. That life might probably not be the same."

"But now, even if life doesn't remain the same. I don't care, I really like you too" Kim confessed happily and tearfully.

Tristan looked at her and smiled. She smiled back at him and he held her chin. He pulled it closer and Kim smiled happily. She kissed Tristan gladly.

The next day, Tristan and Kim woke up on the bed-and fully clothed may I add-relaxed. Tristan woke up first and saw Kim next to him. He smiled and softly trailed a finger on her face.

Kim woke up because of that and looked at him surprised before smiling. "Good morning" she said softly.

"Good morning" Tristan smiled happily. He pinched her cheeks softly and Kim laughed. He grabbed her waist and started tickling her.

Kim giggled and laughed and kicked her legs about. Tristan stopped and leaned in to kiss her. Kim stopped him, covering her mouth. "Morning breath" She said apologetically.

"So you think I care" Tristan smirked and kissed her despite her objections. Kim kissed him back despite her early objections.

Tristan pulled away and Kim stared at him happily. "I think I should take a bath, I am feeling really uncomfortable." Kim told him.

"Are you asking me to help me?" Tristan teased playfully.

Kim laughed. She hit him with the pillow and denied it. "No!"

"I heard a yes" Tristan joked and picked Kim up bridal style. Kim squealed and quickly wrapped her hands round his neck.

"Tristan! What are you doing?! Stop! Stop!". Tristan's laughs and Kim's giggling fits and protests were heard from the bathroom.


Bruce Smith paced about in his office slowly like a predator. “That bold little rat” he slowly growled. “I will find out who you are soon enough and end you. I will clip those wings of yours.”

That's all I have for Moremi in THRILL. Get ready to read her story soon. Thanks for adding THRILL to your reading lists. Don't hesitate to do more.


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