25|| Sugar Rush

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Someday, someone is going to look at you like you are the best thing in the world.


At the hospital, Tristan brought Kim to see Iyke and Darren. She walked into Iyke's ward and Deborah and Iyke's eyes lit up to see her. "Kim!" Deborah squealed and hugged her tightly.

"Be careful, she is still weak!" Tristan scolded and Deborah dropped Kim gingerly and shot Tristan a suspicious look.

Kim walked to Iyke's side and held his hand. "I heard you had an accident too. I'm glad you are okay" she said relieved.

"I am happy you are okay too" Iyke said, touching Kim's cheek. "I was really worried that we would be too late. Luckily Tristan found you on time."

"Yes" Kim said and glanced at Tristan. She looked at Iyke tenderly, "Iyke, get well soon and try not to get into any more accidents. Please."

"Of course and try not to get kidnapped again" Iyke lightly joked.

"I won't, I'll make sure of it" Kim smiled. She later went to see Darren and Deborah followed her.

"Kim? You're okay?" Darren said relieved and pulled her into a tight hug. Kim hugged him back, crying in response. "I was so worried" Darren held back tears.

"I was the one worried, I saw you beat up like that and shot. I thought you weren't going to make it Darren, it hurt" Kim sobbed, releasing her stress.

Tristan stood with Deborah watching them and he felt bad to see Kim was really affected. Darren and Kim got over the joy of seeing each other well and began talking.

"It will take two weeks before I get a clean bill of health" Darren told Kim upset. "And it is really boring her, promise me you will visit me everyday Kim, you are the only person who makes things interesting."

"So are you calling me boring?" Deborah cut in childishly.

"No, you are annoying bordering on boring" Darren corrected and Deborah playfully hit him with pillow lightly. Darren laughed, blocking the hits.

Kim cutely defended Darren and exchanged a tender look with Tristan that Darren did not miss. Kim continued defending Darren from Deborah and Tristan smiled amused at their antics.

As they walked out of the ward, Tristan took Kim for a check up despite her protests. The doctor gave them some medicine and told her to eat well.

Tristan drove her home to rest. "Is it really alright for me to just stay and do nothing?" Kim asked tentatively.

"Yes, you've gone through enough and you need to rest." Tristan persuaded, "I'm here for you, I won't leave you so go to sleep."

Kim reluctantly laid on the bed and held Tristan's hand. "Thank you. Don't ever leave me, ever." She said and Tristan chuckled.

"I won't go anywhere" he affirmed and kissed her on the forehead. Kim smiled and closed her eyes. "Get some rest sugar."

Kim woke up and saw Tristan in the dining room doing some work. "You didn't go to the office?" she asked drowsily.

"You're awake" Tristan said brightly and his smile momentarily stunned Kim. She just stared mesmerized as Tristan got up and led her to the dining room. He made her sit down.

"Um, so you didn't go to work?" Kim asked, snapping out of her love-struck daze.

"You asked me not to leave so how could I leave you alone" Tristan smiled, staring at her. He pinched her cheeks with a broad smile on his face.

"Stop looking so handsome!" Kim whined, pushing his hand and face away. "You are distracting me, I can't think when you stare at me like that."

"That must mean I am looking so much more handsome than before, I will keep this look" Tristan said teasingly and Kim stared marveled at his face.

"Yes, stay like this forever. I love seeing you smile" she said straightforwardly. Tristan chuckled pleased and leaned in to kiss her. Kim leaned in too and kissed him.

"I like this version of you" Tristan said smitten.

"I don't think I am very different from before" Kim replied, "but I like this version of you too." Tristan kissed her again and when he was about to kiss her deeper, her stomach growled.

Kim looked down sheepishly and Tristan pulled away with a large amused grin. "Let's find you something to eat" Tristan smiled, helping Kim up. "if you don't know, I am a really good cook."

"Really? I didn't think you could" Kim said surprised. She followed him to the kitchen.

"Aunt Tola told me something very important, Women love a man who can cook" Tristan replied and started looking in the cupboards.

"She isn't wrong" Kim mused. "So, quick question, am I the first woman you've cooked for?". Tristan froze awkwardly while Kim stared at Tristan expectantly.

Tristan looked nervous on how to answer and got up. "Um, sure, sure" he said, all while avoiding eye contact. "Yeah."

"Are you lying to me?" Kim asked. She scoffed, shooting him a look of disbelief. Tristan turned to her.

"Um, you are the one I like the most?" He quickly defended.

"Does that mean you have had a girlfriend before?" Kim asked and Tristan closed his eyes knowing he had entered a predicament.

"Tell me," Kim said nonchalantly. "I don't really care, I just want to know after all Iyke said you have been surrounded by many women in the past. It's not a problem, besides, Bayo was my boyfriend in secondary school so It's no-"

Tristan shut her up with a hard kiss on the lips that made Kim's head spin. He pulled away and Kim looked a little dizzy.

"I never knew you talked so much" Tristan remarked. He stared into her eyes when she was focused and added, "regardless of all women I have been with, you are my present." His arms came around her like a hug.

"I better remain there" Kim snapped huffily and settled into the hug. Tristan grinned with a slight chuckle.

"You're beautiful when you are jealous" He said smiling.

"I'm not jealous" Kim grumbled.

At night, Kim and Tristan slept together in the same room and in the middle of the night, Tristan woke up to see Kim shivering in his arms. She was crying and clutching his singlet.

Tristan stared at her guiltily and pulled her closer. "Don't leave me, please come, don't leave me" Kim repeated in sobs.

"I won't" Tristan whispered into her ear. "I won't leave you Kimberly. Everything is fine now, I promise." Kim snuggled deeper into his chest.


The next morning, Kim woke up and saw Tristan was no longer there. "We really need to stay away from each other, we are too clingy" she mumbled to herself while getting up. She didn't seem to remember her episode last night.

Kim searched the apartment for Tristan but he was nowhere to be found. She saw a note he left for her on the fridge.

I have some urgent work to do at the office so take care and relax. I will be back in a few hours. Kisses.

Kim 'awwed.' "I didn't think he was so cheesy, Tristan is so different when he is in boyfriend mode" She said observantly. "And it's only been a day."

Later, Kim had dressed up and was watching TV and eating chocolate. The door clicked open and Kim saw Tristan walk in.

"Hey" She greeted brightly. "Did you get your work done? Was it about the brotherhood?"

Tristan stared at her guiltily when he remembered her tears last night. "Tristan?" Kim called, looking at him quizzically.

"The work was done and," Tristan dropped his suitcase and sat next to Kim. "I don't want us to talk about the brotherhood anymore. Instead, let's go out today for a date."

"A date...?" Kim brightened cutely at the idea. She got a little starry eyed at the idea, "it has been so long since I went on a date. When?! Where?!" Tristan grinned at her eagerness.

"Everywhere possible" he answered. Kim looked confused at the answer and stared at Tristan as he took her hand with a silly grin.

He gave her a once over, "you look beautiful the way you are." He got up.

"What?" Kim said confused. Tristan confused her more by grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

"We are going on our date now. You don't have to change, we aren't going to a fancy dinner" Tristan said, "I find them stuffy." He began to pull her.

"Wait, hold on!" she stopped him. "I still need to get some things. You can't rush a woman into a date without letting her prepare."

Tristan let go of Kim and watched her as she hilariously darted inside to do a quick make up. Kim came out dressed in a new casual outfit, complete with light makeup.

Tristan grinned amused, "You still changed."

"That dress didn't feel right for a first date. This is more beautiful and casual don't you think?" Kim asked him, angling for a compliment.

Tristan couldn't stop grinning at her and marched up to her for a kiss. He pulled away but kept his head close. He smiled, "You look beautiful."

"You are too much of a charmer" Kim grumbled under her breath and he chuckled.

"Let's go" he said and pushed her out.

At the hospital, Iyke came to see Darren and Deborah was there feeding them. "Don't you think something is going on between Kim and Tristan?" She asked, "I mean, Tristan was awfully sensitive about touching Kim." Darren listened in interest.

"He is worried, after all she got terribly hurt" Iyke brushed it off. "what are you trying to imply? That they like each other?"

"Oh, so you've noticed?" Deborah said chirpily, staring at Iyke. Darren watched the both of them silently with a soft smile.

Iyke was unnerved with Deborah's stare. "Stop staring at me. I was just pointing out how ridiculous that sounded." He said, looking a bit flustered.

"You wouldn't have mentioned it if you didn't suspect anything so spill!" Deborah pressed on, still staring at him. "What do you know?"

Darren looked amused at their exchange while thinking of the contents of their conversation. He grinned widely though at Iyke's discomfort.

"This is why I don't entertain you, you run on gossip" Iyke said, shaking his head. He waved, rolling towards the door in his wheelchair. "I'm leaving. Enjoy her company Darren."

"Hey Iyke, wait!" Deborah called and ran after Iyke.

Darren laughed at them and thought about the short glance Kim threw at Tristan when she came earlier. He smiled and stared at Deborah dragging Iyke back hilariously.


With Tristan and Kim, they were in Tristan's car and Kim was talking to him as he drove. "Where are we going? What are we going to do?" she asked.

"You will find out soon enough but for now, don't look at me" Tristan said. "I can't get over how pretty you are. I might get distracted and have an accident."

Kim looked away shyly, smiling to herself and Tristan smiled in response. Tristan finally stopped at the place he wanted to take her to, the beach.

"Is this...the beach?" Kim said excitedly as she came out of the car.

Tristan joined her and spread out his arms at her. "Surprise" he said in a goofy grin that didn't look anything like the grumpy Tristan of before.

"Wow, let's go in" Kim said eagerly. They paid the beach fee and entered the beach. Kim took off her slippers and started walking on the sand barefoot.

"This feels so relaxing" Kim said, feeling the salty air brush against her skin. She beamed at Tristan, "thank you. I haven't been to the beach in a very long time, did you know that?"

"No but," Tristan stopped her and held both her hands. "After everything that has happened, you have been very stressed and I have heard that coming to the beach makes you calm."

He looked at her hopefully. "So how do you feel?"

Kim smiled warmly. "I feel amazing" she answered enthusiastically, letting go of Tristan and twirling in circles. She looked at Tristan, "I really feel at peace, you did well."

"That's great to hear." Tristan smiled.

Kim stared at Tristan happily and put her hands on his shoulders. "I don't understand how this is the person I knew a few months ago," she said in wonder, "did someone switch you or what?"

"What do you mean by that?" Tristan asked, cutely offended.

"You are so free, joking, laughing with me. I haven't seen you like this before" Kim said, gazing at Tristan with a mesmerized look.

"This 'me' is only reserved for you okay? It can't be helped when you stare at me like that" Tristan said. "the way you look at me makes me go crazy."

Kim grinned slowly pleased to hear that. She reached up and kissed him and Tristan pulled her in for a deeper kiss. Kim slowly pulled away and smiled shyly.

"You are just way too sweet for me" Kim said teasingly. "I love it."

"You are my sugar after all, always so sweet" Tristan said, pulling her cheek. "your sweetness is affecting me that all I can do is be sweet around you."

"You are too much of a sweet talker" Kim pouted disapprovingly. She warned, "Don't you dare sweet talk another girl."

"I won't" Tristan smiled, "satisfied?"

Kim nodded and gestured for him to come closer. Tristan smiled and leaned closer, closing his eyes. Kim leaned closer too only to open her eyes in front of his closed eyes with a mischievous smile.

Kim booped his nose and ran away, grinning madly. Tristan opened his eyes in surprise at her mischievousness and grinned at her.

He chased her and tried to catch her as she ran into the water. Kim splashed them at him playfully but Tristan still caught her by the waist.

Tristan spun Kim around so he held her from behind. Kim laughed, trapped in Tristan's arms and Tristan got the kiss that he was cheated off there.

After that, they went on a horse ride with Kim in front and Tristan behind her. Kim was just full of smiles and Tristan was pleased to see that. They continued their walk when the ride ended.

They found an ice-cream vendor and bought two cone ice-creams. "I don't really like ice cream" Tristan said as he stared at his ice cream with a grimace.

"How could you not like ice cream? Which world as you from?" Kim asked in an hilarious outraged tone. "The best flavor of all is even chocolate."

"Why do all girls like chocolate?" Tristan muttered to himself and watched Kim lick her ice cream. She looked like she couldn't lick it properly since it was a cone. The ice cream smeared her a bit and Kim licked it off.

This action bothered Tristan and he leaned in close and kissed Kim without any warning. Kim stood wide eyed in surprise but gave in to the kiss. Tristan stepped back and stared at a dazed Kim.

"I don't really like sweets because they are sweet but you are my favorite sweet sugar." He said. "I can stand anything sweet from you."

Kim stared at him with hearts in her eyes and she had to turn away because he was making her heart beat faster than ever.

"You must be a bigger playboy than Darren, Darren has never said such sweet words" she just said and hurried off. Tristan grinned at her and followed her, his ice cream long forgotten.

Kim and Tristan spent the rest of the day walking around hand in hand.

They even played a game with some people. They stopped walking when they saw the sun setting.

"Now I know how the heroines in dramas feel when they watch the sunset, why they are so moved..." Kim said, staring at Tristan. "Thank you for today Tristan."

"I'm glad you loved today" Tristan smiled. He held both her hands and looked at her. "I want to ask you officially Kim, will you be my girlfriend? You so proudly called Bayo your boyfriend so I want the same."

"I want to be called your boyfriend. Do you want that?" he asked. Kim smiled in near tears and hugged him.

"Yes, of course yes!" Kim said happily.

"Good, I was going to complain about how proudly you claimed Bayo to be your boyfriend if you refused me for some reason" Tristan admitted.

Kim pulled away and dropped her head on his chest, chuckling in amusement. Tristan held her tightly happily.


In the beautiful interior of a house, a hooded figure walked towards a woman with a bleeding leg. On one side showed, a man with a stab wound lying still on the floor.

The woman cried and shook her head as she tried to get away from the murderer. The murderer was stopped by a hand on his leg. It was the bleeding man.

"P-please" the bleeding man cried out weakly but the murderer just kicked his hand off and stabbed him again.

The final light of life died out in the man's eyed and the woman gasped in sobs. She tried to drag herself away desperately but the murderer grabbed her hair and held her up.

"Please...don't...don't–" The woman cried but the murderer just slit her throat impassively and let the woman go. The woman's body dropped lifelessly on the ground.

The murderer walked around the living room, looking around carefully and in the kitchenette, a narrow slit of the cupboard reveals a girl's huddled profile and she has her mouth covered as she cries.

Do you understand the name of the chapter now 😉 ? Tristan seems like a completely different person?

Also, the last paragraph of the previous chapter was a new add so check it out. It was supposed to be part of this chapter but it didn't work out.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for the reads, i was really surprised to see how fast the reads grew.

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Have a good day, thanks.

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