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Nobody's POV

It was a cool december morning and Amu was peacefully sleeping until..

"Mama, Mama! Wake up! Mama!"

Amu's eyes flew open and she grunted as she felt someone land on her stomach.

"Chihiru, get off." Amu grumbled rubbing her eyes.


Rolling over, Amu looked at her daughter.

Chihiru's light purple hair, that was normally at her waist, was sloppily tied up into a high ponytail. Her violet eyes shone in the sunlight as crystals would. She wore a light pink dress, that had lots of frills, and black leggings. She was about an average height for an eight year old, her skin was quite pale considering her parents complexion, which made many people wonder if she was adopted. She had a slightly rounded face but was in no way overweight, in fact people often thought she was underweight.


"Yes Mama?"

"Where's your father?" Amu asked.

Chihiru looked towards the kitchen.

"He's making breakfast."

Sitting up, Amu hummed in response.

"Why don't be you see what we're having." Amu said, rubbing her hair.

"Ok," Chihiru chirped, hopping down from the bed and running into the kitchen.

"And don't go into the living room!" Amu yelled after her daughter.

"I know!"

Sighing, Amu rubbed her face and sat up. It had been a long night. Ayumi, Amu and Ikuto's second born, only two and half months old, had gotten her up multiple times during the night. Because Ikuto had just come back from a violin performance in the States and was obviously tired, Amu wanted him to rest so every time the baby began to cry she always told him to go back to sleep and got up to attend to their baby.

Groaning, Amu threw back the covers and slowly got out of the bed. 

Heading into the kitchen, Amu was hit with the wonderful smell of pancakes and waffles. Taking a deep breath, Amu closed her eyes, enjoying the smell of the cooking food.

"Good morning." A husky voice said.

Opening her eyes, Amu smiled and turned toward the stove where her husband was busy making breakfast. Walking over, Amu wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head over his shoulder.

"Morning. How'd you sleep last night?"

"Better than you. I didn't have to get up to check on Ayumi."

"Well, you did just come back from the States so I wanted you to be able to rest. Speaking of Ayumi, did you check on her this morning?"

Ikuto hummed in response, turning over the pancakes he was in the middle of cooking.

"She's still sleeping."

But as soon as he said that, a shrill cry split through the air and Amu raised an eyebrow.

"Was sleeping." She correcting smirking at him.


"Oooo, daddy said a bad word." Chihiru chirped from the kitchen table.

"You shouldn't say a bad word in front of your daughter." Amu said smiling, her brown eyes twinkling.

"Shut-" Ikuto started but cut himself off, realizing what he was about to say.

Laughing, Amu kissed his cheek and went to grab their crying baby.

                        - 🌸-

Currently, the Tsukiyomi family was sitting in the living room in front of the christmas tree, each doing a different things. Amu was busy breast feeding Ayumi much to the discomfort of her eight year old daughter, Chihiru was busy playing with her dolls to avoid looking at her mother, and Ikuto was busy playing with their small black cat, Yoru.

When Ayumi was done feeding, Amu pulled down her bra and shirt and began rocking her child.

"Are you guys ready to open presents?" She asked looking at her family.

"Yeah!" Chihiru yelled excitedly dropping her dolls and running straight over to the tree to grab a present.

"Chihiru." Amu said warningly as just as she picked up the present.

Placing the present down slowly, Chihiru turned around and smiled sheepily at her mother.

"Ikuto, are you ready?" She asked looking over at him.

Nodding, Ikuto got off the floor and sat on the couch next to her and placed an arm around her shoulders. Pulling her close, Ikuto kissed her head.

"I love you." He said giving her a gentle smile.

"Love you more." She replied giving him a peck on the lips.

"Eww." Chihiru groaned.

"That's nasty."

Ikuto chuckled and Amu rolled her eyes.

"Can I open presents now?" She asked, her violet eyes sparkling at the thought of ripping off the brightly colored rapping paper.

"Go for it."


Amu sighed as she plopped down on the couch next to Ikuto. Chihiru had finished opening her presents and was in her room playing with them and Ayumi was asleep in her crib in her room. Closing her eyes, Amu leaned against Ikuto and relaxed.

"Tired?" Ikuto asked placing his head on top of hers.

Amu hummed in response, too lazy to verbally respond.

Ikuto chuckled.

Pulling Amu closer, the two sat in a comfortable silence.

It was quiet. A peaceful silence. One that relaxes the whole body and gives people a break, a break that the two immensely needed. The ticking of the clock released their nerves and worries. The sound of Chihiru playing with her toys and the soft thump of those toys on the rug made them smile. The slow breathing of one another and the steady beating of their hearts reminded them of the love that share. This silence and the break from the chaotic daily life that they normally have, was really what they wanted and needed.

"Oh." Ikuto said softly.

"I forgot, I have one more present for you."

Amu hummed as Ikuto gently pushed her off of him.

Sitting up, Amu watched Ikuto walk over to the decorated christmas tree and pick up a small blue box with a white ribbon tied around it.

Walking back to the coach, Ikuto handed the small box to Amu and sat next to her.

Amu gently cupped the small box in her hands and stared down at it, curiosity evident in her eyes. Amu slowly and carefully unwrapped the box. Lifting the top off the box, Amu's hand flew to her mouth and tears sprung her eyes.

In the small box was a gorgeous silver necklace with a oval moonstone on the end. The silver chain was about eighteen inches long and at the end was heart type of shape with small tear drop like shapes in it which connect to a leaf like thing with line engravings on it. The pendant was a milky white color with slight gray accents to it. It had a thin sliver ring around it holding it in place.

"It's beautiful," she breathed.

"Where did you get it?"

"In the States. After I was done preforming, I was walking back to my hotel when I spotted it in a store window. Do you like it?"

"I love it. Will you put it on me?"

"Of course."

After handing Ikuto the box, Amu turned around and moved her hair out of the way.

Gently taking out the necklace, Ikuto unhooked the two sides and slid it over Amu's head and on to her neck where he hooked the two sides and let it rest.

Turning around, Amu looked down at the necklace then up at her husband.

"Thank you so much, I'll always treasure it."

Ikuto smiled and placed his forehead on hers.

"I love you so much." He said giving his wife a kiss.

Amu smiled.

"I love you more. Merry Christmas Honey."

"Merry Christmas Strawberry."

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