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Nobody's POV

"Oi, are you almost ready?" Amu called impatiently from the couch.

"Yeah." Ikuto replied, walking into the living room.

"Does this shirt look ok?" He asked, smoothing down the wrinkles in the shirt.

Amu sighed.

"It looks fine. Just like the last ten shirts you tried on did."

"I'm not looking for just fine. I'm looking for amazing."

Amu rolled her eyes.

"Fine then, it looks amazing."

Ikuto gave Amu a hard look.

Putting her arms up in a mock sorry, Amu pursed her lip and looked away.

"Sorry. Just trying to leave."

"Yeah, well I'm just trying to look good for your parents. After all this is the first time I'm meetign them, I just want to make a good impression."

Amu sighed and smiled apologetically.  Getting up from the couch, Amu walked over to Ikuto and helped him straighten out his shirt. Resting her hands on his chest, Amu looked up at him.

"Listen, I'm sure my mother will love you. She doesn't care about what people wear only what their personality is and I can guarantee you that you have an amazing personality. Your sweet, kind, charming, funny, and many other things. Now as long as you act like yourself, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting her to like you."

"But what if I act like myself and your parents still don't like me?"

"Oh well." Amu said shrugging.

"They can't always be happy. Just because my mother doesn't like you, doesn't mean I won't date you. They can't control who I like and who I date. So no matter what, I'll stay with you. Ok?"

Ikuto was silent for a moment, taking in her words.


Amu smiled.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Ikuto said kissing the top of Amu's head.

Stepping back, Amu patted Ikuto's shoulder.

"Go finish getting ready, I'll bring the car around."

Ikuto hummed in response as Amu began to walk away. Just as she hit the door, Ikuto stopped her.

"Hey Amu, you said your mother would love me, not your father and mother, just your mother."

Amu turned around and put a finger on her lip.

"Did I? I must have been mistaken. I meant both parents."

Ikuto's eyes narrowed.

"Did you though?"

Amu smiled and her eyes lit with laughter as if she were hiding something.

"Of course I did." And with that she turned around and left.


Half an hour later, the couple was standing on the porch of Amu's parents house, waiting for someone to open the door. The two didn't wait long because a few seconds after Amu had knocked on the door a woman about Amu's height with light brown hair, opened the door.

"Mom." Amu said happily, stepping forward to give her mother a hug.

"Amu. It's nice to see you again. How's my girl?"

"I'm fine, Mom. How about you, how have you been?"

Amu's mom smiled tiredly.

"I've been alright. I'm pretty tired though from my job and taking care of Ami."

Amu gave her mother a sympathetic smile.

"If you ever need some time to just chill, just call me and I'll take Ami off your hands for a while."

"Thank you. I'll take you up on your offer soon. Enough of that though, who is this handsome young man behind you?"

Stepping to the side, Amu let Ikuto walk forward and address her mother.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Amu's boyfriend."

"Call me Midori, ma'am makes me sound old. So you're the famous Ikuto I've heard so much about. Amu was telling me you were cute, but you're even cuter in person."

"Mom?! Stop it."

Midori laughed.

"Alright. Come on in, it must be cold outside." She said, stepping to the side and opening the door wider.

Amu leaned over to Ikuto.

"Sorry about that, but I told you she'd like you."

Ikuto grunted but the edges of his mouth went up slightly.


"Amu! How's papa's shiny star?" Amu's dad, Tsumugu, said excitedly giving his daughter a big hug.

"I'm fine. How are you? How's your work coming?"

"I'm good, even better now though that I've seen you. As for the work, it's going great although, I do miss my little helper."

Amu smiled.

"Ami can help you. Speaking of which, where is she?"

"I think she's in her room." Midori said, looking at her husband.

"Ami, come down! Amu's here!" She called.

The next minute consisted of a door being slammed open, feet thumping on the floor and stairs as Ami raced down them and Amu being body slammed to the ground by her little sister.

"Amu!!" Her sister cried from on top of her.

Amu groaned as she sat up.

"Ami, what have I told you about doing this?" Amu said, pushing her sister off of her and getting up.

"Not to do it." Ami said sulking.

"Good, now can I have a proper hug?"

Ami's face brightened and she instantly wrapped her arms around her sister.

"I missed you." Amu said staring down at her sister lovingly.

"I missed you too." Ami said pulling back.

"Oh!Oh! I have something to show you, come with me." She said grabbing her sister's hand and pulling her towards the stairs, but a few steps later she caught something blue in the corner of her eye and turned towards it.

"Who is that?" She asked pointing to Ikuto.

"Oh! I almost forgot. This is Ikuto Tsukiyomi, my boyfriend."

"Ooooooo! Amu has a boyfriend. Amu has a boyfriend. Did you hear that daddy, Amu has a boyfriend."

When her father didn't say anything, everyone turned to look at him.

Amus father was in shock. He looked like a statue with his mouth hanging wide open, his eyes bulging out, and his arms hanging loosely at his sides.




"My shining star is growing up!" He cried, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm running way." He declared striding off to the bathroom.

Amu sighed and her mother smiled.

"Alright, just be back before six." She called after him.

It was silent for a while, before Amu broke it.

"Do you need any help preparing dinner? Ikuto is a great cook and I'm sure he'd love to help." Amu said smiling and lightly elbowing Ikuto in the side.

Ikuto smiled.

"Of course I would. Please tell me what you need me to do."

"Are you sure? I would hate to bother you." Midori said, a concerned look on her face.

"It's no bother. Just like Amu said, I love to cook."

"Alright then, follow me."


"So, how long have you been dating my daughter? I know if I ask her, she'll just dodge the question. To be honest, she only told me about you on Monday."

"Really?" Ikuto said surprised.

"Yeah. You sound surprised. Why?"

"Well we've been dating for about two years, so I was just surprised that she didn't tell you about me sooner."

Midori chuckled.

"Sounds like Amu. It takes her a while to tell us somethings."

"Hmmm. Well I'm glad that I've finally got to meet you."

"Me too."

The two continued cooking in silence.

Finally, Midori, put her knife down and turned to face Ikuto.

"Ikuto." She started.

"Yes?" He asked, continuing to cut the carrot on his board.

"It might be because I'm a mother or because my husband was like this, but I can tell how much you love my daughter and I can tell there's something more to you visiting."

Ikuto froze. Putting down the knife, he wiped his hands on his apron and turned to face her.

"You're planning to propose to her, aren't you?" She asked, studying him.

Ikuto sighed and nodded.

"Yes I am. I love her with every fiber of my being and I can't think of not being with her for the rest of my life. She makes me so happy. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her personality. Everything about her is beautiful and I would be a fool to let her go. I plan to ask next week, but I wanted to ask for your blessing."

"And if I say no?"

"If she'll have me, I will marry her anyway."

"Would you tell her that I said no?"


"What if she said no then?"

"Then I won't force."

Midori was quiet while she studied the boy in front of her.

"Does my daughter feel the same way?" She said finally.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. But I plan to find out."

Midori smiled.

"You're a great man, my daughter will be very lucky to have you. I give you my blessing."

Ikuto released the breath he didn't know he was holding and smiled.

"Have you bought the ring yet?"

"No, but I'm going to tomorrow."

"Um..what about-"

"My husband?"

Ikuto nodded.

"Don't worry about it. It'll take a bit to accept it, but I'm sure he'll be alright with it."

Ikuto looked skeptical but nodded.

"Now let's finish up dinner, everyone must be hungry."


"Bye! I'll see you guys soon." Amu called from the car, waving.

"Bye! Don't bother Ikuto too much." Her mom called back.

"I could say the same to you," Amu called laughing as Ikuto drove off.

The car ride back, the two sat in a comfortable silence.

When the two got home they headed straight for bed, both tired from their long day.

"So how'd you like my family?" Amu asked resting her head on Ikuto's bare chest.

"They're all characters, especially your dad, but that's what makes them unique."


"But did you like them?"

Ikuto nodded.


"That's good." Amu said closing her eyes, a soft smile on her lips.

"Oh!" She said suddenly, making Ikuto, who was falling asleep, jump.


"What did you and my mom take about when you were cooking? She kept giving me these weird looks over dinner and I suspect it has something to do with you."

Ikuto shook his head.

"Nothing, just questions to get to know me."

"Hmm. I don't believe you."

"You don't need to believe me, you just need to trust me."

"Well I don't."

"How 'bout now?" Ikuto asked, pecking Amu's lips.

Amu shook her head.

"Now?" He asked smiling, giving her another peck.

Amu shook her head.

"Well how many will make you trust me?"

Amu thought a moment, her brown eyes twinkling.


"Twenty-five?" He asked, he's smile getting bigger.


"Well then, your wish is my command."

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