Chapter 3

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Caroline screamed and cheered while I covered my ears and did so inwardly.

May had just one her first contest, and that was only the second one she had participated, too! I knew that she was incredible, but she still managed to amaze me.

She had beaten both a cheater and a more experienced, stronger co-ordnater.

There was only one thing that I didn't like about all of this.

That stupid green haired Drew guy. I didn't like him. Not at all, not one tiny bit.

If he does one thing to my girl, I am personally coming over there and, er, showing him my Slacking and Vigeroth.

Yeah. Only showing.

He had great appeal, but he had gotten pummeled in the battles round. He hadn't landed one hit on Grace, just like May was unable to do to him in her first contest.

I did not like him, I did not like him at all.


"Congratulations, sweetie! That was amazing!" Caroline squealed.

"Did you see that Drew guy again?" I asked bitterly.

She nodded. "I was practicing with Beautifly when he came up to see Beautifly," she explained.

My eyes narrowed. "Care to elaborate?"

"Well, he came over and insulted my attempts at a combination attack, which I have to admit was pretty bad, and he said hi, then tossed me a rose, which didn't make sense seeing as Beautifly was right there. He could have just given it to her. Anyway, then he told me not to get my hopes up because he just came over to see Beautifly again."

I tensed. He had better stay away from my daughter.

"Then I told him that he could leave because he had seen Beautifly, but he just asked if I had any ribbons yet, and, well, I didn't, so... I didn't really see him until the contest, but he, Grace, and I watched the appeals together."

"Do you remember anything that they said?" I asked, although I probably said it more like an interrogation.

"Oh, yeah. During 'Jessica's' performance, Grace said that she didn't like how the trainer was upstaging her pokemon, and Drew commented saying how she had no class."

"Did you see him again, dear?" Caroline asked gently.

I growled. Her statement made it sound like they were dating. I was not going to let that thing any where near my precious daughter.

"Yes. We ran into each other right before we both left. He said something about how that was a good battle, but the results might have been different if I were facing him. Then he gave me another rose to give to Beautifly," she finished.

"Were... These red too?"

"Uh huh. Why does it matter?" She wondered.

"Never mind..."

"Well, I have to go. Brock almost has dinner. Bye!"

The screen turned black.

Caroline and I looked at each other.

"Well, he sounds like a sweet guy underneath the teasing," she said.

"Don't tell me you're on hi side... He. Will. Not. Go. Near. My. DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I raged.

She sighed. "What's going to happen is going to happen, you know. If the boy has a crush on her, then the boy has a crush on her," she reasoned.

"You're not helping, you know."

"I know."


Wow. This literally took me half an hour.

Not a whole lot of May-Drew interactions in these episodes.

And I agree with Caroline. I think that Drew is actually a really sweet little boy under all of the teasing.

See ya!

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