Chapter two

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First, I would just like to say, JUST LOOK AT THE WAY HE'S LOOKING AT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I broke my toe recently.

What happened: I stubbed it on a doorframe.

What I say happened: I was fighting this group of ninjas, when I broke it kicking someone's face.

Because the real answer is boring.


"Norman! Get over here! May's first contest is on!!"

"-And now we have our next competitor!"

Dang it. I had just missed his name. I saw a short kid with light green hair. Kind of weird, but who am I to judge?

Eh, anyway, he did a pretty good appeal, and I kind of zoned out through the rest until it came to the last appeal. May's.

I grimaced as she slipped while calling out her Beautifly, though I was breathing easier after she got her head back in it.


The three judges held up red Xs. I could see tears welling up in May's eyes as the green-haired boy smirked and walked offstage.

I gasped. She had not landed a single on him.

He was good, no doubt about that. He appeared to be about May's age, the two being the same hight. However, it was obvious that unlike May, this was not his first contest.

His appeal with Roselia looked well rehearsed and completely natural as if the stage was their home. They hadn't missed a single beat or had one thing out of place.

...I didn't catch his name. Again.


"May! Did you like your first contest? Are you going to continue? Did you meet any rivals?" Caroline gushed. I had no doubt where May got her enthusiasm from.

"Yes, yes, and-" her eyes narrowed angrily "-yes. I have a rival and I AM GOING TO KICK HIS SORRY LITTLE BUTT NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She raged.

I tensed at the word 'his.' "Who is this boy?" I snapped. Caroline gave me an annoyed look, whacked me on the shoulder, and mouthed 'Norman, quit being so overprotective. He could have just as easily been a female.'

(Me: *gets both a disturbed and awesome idea about Drew as a girl*)

"Yes," she growled. "He was just so arrogant and rude and arrogant and insulting and arrogant and just... Just..."

I cracked my knuckles. "If he does one thing to you..."

"Oh, hey Mr. and Mrs. Maple," Brock greeted. "Er... I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I would like to point out that he did help us with team rocket and a few other things," he commented before continuing on his beeline path to Nurse Joy.

"Still. He was being a jerk," May muttered.

"What did he do?" Caroline asked, curious.

"Well, first I was just practicing my appeal when he just came over and insulted me and my pokemon! Then later, well, long story short he ended up catch in the berries that Torchic had gotten, and when I told him to give them back, he said fine as long as I just battled him."

I continued listening, intrigued.n

"Then he helped us beat team rocket. I guess that was nice, but... Anyway. So then he came over and talked to me right before my appeal. I don't know why, but he said that he at least wanted me to get to the second round."

My eyes narrowed.

"Then... Right after my appeal he came up to me again, and gave me a rose and told me that it was for Beautifly, and that the trainer still had some work to do. See what I mean when I say he's so rude?"

Caroline placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me. "What color was the rose, sweetie?"

"Red. Why? Wait, here," she said, gently pulling a thornless red rose from her fanny pack.

"He didn't stay for the after party, but I caught up with him right before he left. I told him that I was going to win next time, and he just smirked and said that we'll see, and reminded me that he would be stronger as well."

May chattered on about the contest, but I had zoned out.

I think he...

He better not.

I don't like the sounds of this guy already.


Fiiiiiiiiiiiinally re-continuing this.

I'm going to have so much fun with this....

May: Drew? Why do you look so pale?

Me: Oh, that. Your dad was just giving him the talk.

May: What talk

Drew: *blushing* Nothing! Doesn't matter!

May: Okay! :)

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