Chapter 5

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Just who did that boy think he is, showing up at every one of May's contests-

"Norman, you're growling at the TV again."

I kept a scowl on my face.

Caroline sighed. "You can't control the boy's feelings, you know. Glaring at him through a screen isn't going to help anything," she continued.

"And the winner of the Robello contest is... DREW!"

She had better not have just said his name.

"I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him..."

"And you are going to change how his heart feels how?" She argued.

"Show him my Slacking," I grunted.

"Norman, that's only going to scare the poor child, not change his feelings," she said.

"So long as he stays away from my May, I don't care."

She looked at the TV sympathetically. "That was a hard loss. We should call her."

I nodded, still not over the fact that Drew was there, yet again.


"-to be honest though, I... I'm kind of glad that I lost," May explained.

"Really?" Caroline asked.

May nodded. "I was kind of starting to get a big head there. I think... I think Drew was trying to warn me about that, but I didn't listen. Guess I just learned it the hard way instead of listening to his advice..."

Flames appeared in my eyes as she said Drew's name. Caroline facepalmed. May, however, seemed oblivious to all of this.

"I feel... Really embarrassed now. But I'm not going to let me get me down. I am going to win next time!"

"Did... Did you see Drew at any other points?"

"Yeah. I ran into him while he was training Masqurain, and when I was getting really over confident backstage. I think he said some thing like to stop focusing on past wins, and start focusing on the future ones. I didn't really get what he was saying right then, but it think I get it now."

As much as I hate to admit it, he has some pretty good advice.

"What do you think it meant, dear?"

"I think he meant, just like you shouldn't get hung up on past mistakes, you also need to keep moving forward and not get too over confident by what you've done, because you can just as easily fail if you don't pay attention to what's ahead."

Oh, why did I even bring up the subject of that boy.

"A little ironic though, seeing how cocky he can seem. I think he's just proud of his abilities rather than his past successes, though."

He is going to die, he is going to die, he is going to die...


Glad to see she has as much of a problem with him as I do.


Again, I wanted to see more of Drew in these two episodes.

Sorry for not updating in about a week, but I do have some excuses. (that are good ones, unlike Drew's)

1) I've been sick, like, the past three days, and I've just been laying around reading fanfiction, re watching MLP episodes, watching/re watching MLP headcannon videos... (Inkrose has amazing headcannons/backstories, by the way. They're incredible, generally makes sense as to why something that happened, happened, and there... Just... Amazing.)

2) I've been writing a oneshot that I want to finish soon

So... Uh... Actually, I don't think the first one really counts as an excuse. Eh, I've just been lazy.

Sorry, peeps.

See ya!

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