Chapter 6

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*Sigh* I'm so smart... (Sarcasm)

So long story short, I got my iPad mini taken away at night starting a few days ago, and I'm like 'NOOOOOOO BUT- BUT- I JUST NEED TWENTY MINUTES TO WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE SO I CAN UDATE MY STORYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Then this morning I'm like '*sigh* Well, I guess I might as well check which episode it is even if I don't have twenty minutes...'

So I looked it up.

Me: *facepalm* ...and it's 'Who What When Where Wynaut.' Because I totally don't have that episode memorized and I totally couldn't have been writing it.



"-so I was calling you to tell you about another one of my adventures!"

Caroline smiled. "You've been having a ton of great adventures lately. What was this one about?"

"Well, we ran into Drew on the road, and-"

Sometimes I think she has one too many adventures.

"-We decided to have a mock battle. About half way through Team Rocket burst in, and sucked us all into their sub!!"

Forget about Drew, if they lay one finger on my daughter...

"It somehow went into turbo mode, splitting us up on this small island where no people live. Team Rocket landed somewhere, Brock, Ash, and Max landed in the forest, and-

Uh oh. By default, that leaves her-

"-and Drew and I ended up on the beach on the southern end."

Bad fate! Bad fate for putting him alone with my daughter!

"We actually hadn't been there too long before this older guy named Roderick cam ashore by boat.

At least she wasn't all alone with... Him.

"Drew apparently had heard of the island once Roderick said it's name. It was Mirage island-"

Caroline's eyes lit up. "You mean, Mirage island, famous for having a vast quantity of Liechi berries? One of the best kinds for pokemon, and great in pokeblock?!"

May and I sweatdropped. "That's pretty much what he said, but in a much less... Enthusiastic way. Then he teased me because I hadn't heard of Liechi berries," she pouted.

Well, at least he's not an idiot.

"Roderick led us through the woods to find the others, telling us how he found the island as we walked. At one part we came to a cliff over a river. Drew and I went to go look at some Liechi berries that were growing at the edge, and..."

"Go on."

"Well, the cliff cracked beneath us. Drew and I grabbed onto each other, and I tried to hold onto Roderick's Bellsprout's vine whip, but I couldn't get a good grip and we both fell into the river."

Caroline gasped. "OHMYGOSHAREYOUBOTHOKAY!?!?!?!?!???"

May and I sweatdropped again.

"Yes. Unfortunately, we fell in just before a high waterfall, and... It got really scary after that. It wasn't calm at the bottom. In fact, it fed right into a bunch of rapids, and we got caught in them."

We listened with eyes wide.

"When Drew resurfaced... The fall from the waterfall had knocked him out. I was doing the best I could to keep both of us from drowning. The Wynaut saved us by pulling us out and then takin us to their cave."

"So he was awake by then?"

She shook her head. "The Wynaut helped my carry him. He woke up around half an hour after we made it to the cave. I... I was really starting to get worried," she reluctantly admitted.

No. There is absolutely no reason why you should be worried over that boy. For all you know, he was playing asleep just to freak you out.

Caroline elbowed me. "Would you quit antagonizing the poor guy?" She whispered.

"The Wynauts gave us some Liechi berries to try. We both learned the hard way that although they taste delicious at first, they turn REALLY sour!!!"

(A/N Drew's face when he tastes the berry... Lol.)

"Then we heard a clatter outside, and I ran out there. Team Rocket had another vacuum, and I got sucked up in it again!"

"What about Drew?"

"He didn't come out as quickly as I did, so he didn't get captured. After that, they tied me up and left me dangling from a tree while they stole more berries."

Okay. First, they suck her into a submarine and stranded on an island where she has to spend time with... him, then they tie her up?!?!

"It was at that point that Drew and the Wynaut came in. The Wynaut used safe guard while Drew used Roselia to cut me down and take out Team Rocket's balloon. Then Ash and the others came and used Thunderbolt to destroy the machine."

So he rescued her, huh? Who does he think he is? a hero?

"Then Beautifly and Masqurain did a double silverwind that sent them flying! Seriously! Roderick said that was the most powerful use of silverwind he'd ever seen! And- MAX, CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She sighed. "Sorry. I have to go see what he wants. Bye!!"

The screen went black while I seethed.

"Norman, let it go. He doesn't sound like a bad guy. Let it go."


Sorry people!


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