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I sat on our old porch hugging my knees to my chest while staring at the night sky. A cool breeze plowed through the air and hit me, causing my pajamas to ruffle and my hair to blow back. The moon shone down on the front yard, covering me in comforting light.

The moon has always fascinated me. It was so beautiful and gave me this calm feeling. Like everything was going to be alright. My thoughts started to wander off to that homeless woman and her son. I wonder where they went off to!

It was now pretty late and I had school in the morning so I stood up and took one last glance at the mood, then headed inside.

When I woke up I quietly got ready and headed downstairs. My mother was busily scanning the newspapers for more job openings. I sighed and kissed her cheek before heading out the door. As I walked to school my mind kept drifting to my father. I wonder where he had gone? After someone caught him in an illegal bar he ran off to god knows where!

I kicked at the pebbles on the sad excuse of a sidewalk until I reached school. Once I got there I opened my locker and put things that I needed for first period. As I was reaching to get my reading folder my locker slammed closed on my wrist, making a loud snap echo throughout the hallway. I let out a cry and looked up to see Noah cower away with his friend James behind him. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to pull my hand out but it only caused shooting pain go through my wrist.

I let out a gasp and I tried to stand up but I was stuck in the floor. I looked up again to see Noah fumbling with his hands.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE IDIOT! HELP ME!" I shrieked in pain. He just stuttered over his words.

"OPEN MY DANG LOCKER STUPID!" I yelled while trying to keep the pain off my face.

"W-what's your combination?" He said shakily while clearing my code.

"17, 45, 19." I said in between cries. He opened it and my wrist dropped to the floor and I let out a scream. The bone was sort of sticking out of the skin and I screamed,


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