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Mama let go of my hand and gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaving my new kindergarten classroom. I turned my head back to the group of kindergarteners playing with their new toys.

The boys had action figures and the girls had pretty princess dolls. I took out my only toy from my pocket and studied it. It was a tiny worn out cow that was falling apart. The girls stared at me and started laughing. I frowned and looked over at the boys. They were busy have a battle with their transformers and I smiled and walked over.

Just I stepped foot in their area a boy yelled, "Cooties!" And pushed me to the ground. I pushed myself up shaking in tears and ran out of the room. The chorus of laughter rang through my ears as I ran through the hallway passing older kids.

I ran into the office and asked to go home. My mother picked me up and then took me home.

The next day I stayed in the corner of the classroom not participating in any activities. When it was snack time everyone took out their snacks and I stared wide eyed at them. They all had cookies or chips. I took out a single carrot stick and ate that and watched pitifully as the other kids ate.

When it was nap time I curled up in the corner of the room and wrapped my big worn out jacket around me and fell asleep. When I woke up I saw the boy who pushed me staring down at me. I stared back at him as he took something from out of his pocket. It was half of his cookie.

He then gave it to me and ran off to the other side of the room where the boys all slept.

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