Getting a Message to Thunderbird 5

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(3rd P.O.V.)

(Back in command and control)

Transom was scanning the island to see if Josh, Fermat, and Tintin survived or not.

Transom: No sign of them.

Mullion: Of course not, the little brats went up like firecrackers. Pop, pop, pop!

Mullion laughed at Brains, and Brains got up to punch him, but The Hood stopped him.

The Hood: Don't give him the satisfaction, Professor. This is taking too long. Pick out the equipment you need to get into those banks and load it into Thunderbird 2. No more delays.

Mullion: Yes, sir.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After we just managed to escape the flames of Thunderbird 1 we landed in the ocean surrounding the island. After checking to make sure everyone was ok, we started swimming towards the beach. We were getting knocked over by the waves and Fermat was freaking out again.

Josh: Relax, Fermat. It's just a little water.

Fermat: I could've drowned.

Josh: You mean you can't swim?!

Fermat: I repeat I could've drowned.

After we made it to shore Fermat and I were behind some trees wringing our clothes out.

Josh: I said I was sorry, Fermat. Let's just put this behind us, okay? We gotta watch each other's backs.

I turn my head towards him and saw his striped underwear.

Josh: Nice drawers.

Fermat: Thank you.

Tintin: Boo!

Tintin came out behind a rock and surprised us.

Fermat and I turned around and we both blushed in embarrassment with Tintin seeing us in our underwear.

Josh: No. Come on Tintin, stay there.

Tintin: You're worse than a couple of girls. Hurry up and get dressed.

Tintin threw our clothes at us and Fermat and I quickly got dressed.

Tintin: Those are nice drawers!

After Fermat and I got dressed, we were walking along the beach discussing our next move.

Fermat: Data from Tracy Island is sent to Thunderbird 5 via satellite, right?

Josh: Right.

Fermat: So, there's a miniscule possibility that if we reach the satellite station, we could...

Josh: Blow it up!

Fermat: No, we could hack into it and give control back to Thunderbird 5.

Josh: Good thinking Fermat. Alright, let's do it.

We went back to the beach and I started drawing our plan in the sand.

Josh: Ok, here's the plan. We're here, right?

Fermat and Tintin agreed.

Josh: So, what we have to do is go along the shore around the base of the mountain to the access road, here. And then up to the transmitter. So what do you think?

Tintin: Good. Except that we're here, not there, and the transmitter is there, not here. We'll have to go through the jungle.

Tintin was right the fastest way to get to the satellite station was by going through the jungle.

Fermat: But that's f-f- off limits.

Tintin: It's gonna be dangerous.

Josh: I'm in.

I placed my hand in the middle, followed by Tintin and then finally Fermat. And then we were on our way.

Josh: We gotta get up there fast! All our folks are in trouble and if The Hood get's off the island...

Fermat: Actually, he's not going anywhere for now.

Fermat pulled a familiar item out of his pocket. I recognized it as the guidance processor chip of Thunderbird 2.

Josh: The guidance processor for Thunderbird 2. You can't take off without it. Fermat you're a genius! How'd you get this?

Fermat: Josh, my friend, what you don't know, can't hurt ya.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Meanwhile in England we see Lady Penelope's Countryside Mansion, where Parker was outside cleaning FAB-1 when the phone rang.

Lady P: Parker?

Parker: Milady?

Lady P: We have an emergency.

We now find ourselves in Lady Penelope's bathroom where she's taking a bubble bath in her jacuzzi bathtub.

Lady P: What a charming fellow.

Someone knocked on the door.

Lady P: Come in.

We see Parker enter Lady Penelope's bathroom, with a tea set. 

Lady P: Have a look at this, Parker.

There was a computer monitor near her feet and she touches the screen with her toe and we see images of Transom, Mullion, and The Hood.

Lady P: He, and this woman, poor girl, both work for this man, known as The Hood.

Parker: Sounds like an alias, milady.

Lady P: Quite right, Parker. Real name: Trangh Belagant. Assumed dead when his illegal diamond mine collapsed in the jungles of Malaya.

Lady Penelope took a sip of her tea.

Lady P: Oh perfect, Parker. The Thunderbirds rescued over 500 mine workers, including Mr. Belagant's brother.

We then see an image of Kyrano.

Parker: Milady, that's Mr. Tracy's loyal manservant, Kyrano.

Lady P: How's my schedule Parker?

Parker: You have clay pigeon shooting with Lord Marlborough, a benefit gala for the Institute of the Blind, and incidentally there's a typhoon bearing down on Singapore.

Lady P: I suppose that's urgent.

Parker: Yes, milady. There was also a bridge collapse reported in Buenos Aires and a volcano eruption in Jakarta.

Lady P: The Thunderbirds haven't responded?

Parker: No, milady. And the media is awash in speculation concerning their whereabouts.

Parker turned on the news.

Chuck: Over to Lisa Lowe.

Lisa: Chuck, disaster after disaster around the world today and still no sign of the Thunderbirds. Typhoon Jago hit land in Singapore just one hour ago and thousands have been left homeless by a volcano in Jakarta. Only the Thunderbirds have the incredible machines...

Lady Penelope turned to Parker and knew what had to be done.

Lady P: I think it's time to send the emergency signal, Parker.

Parker: I fear you're not wrong, milady.

Lisa: This has been Lisa Lowe. Back to you Chuck

Parker hits the top of the tea pot and a light popped out and began to blink and beep. Back on Tracy Island a similar light began flashing and beeping but Brains was unable to answer it because he was tied up.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

(Meanwhile back in the Jungle)

We were currently hiking through the jungle to get to the satellite station. Fermat and I were being eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Josh: I'm telling you, Fermat, it was like The Hood was inside my head back there.

Fermat: What do you mean, Josh?

Josh: Maybe he can read minds or control minds or something?

Fermat: Don't be silly, Josh. Everything can be explained by science.

Josh: I'm just trying to figure out his weakness. Everybody has an Achilles heel, right?

Fermat: My Achilles heel is actually my Achilles heel. It's got a blister the size of a basketball.

I chuckled, when he said that.

Fermat: TINTIN! Can we s-s-

Tintin: Stop?

Fermat: YES!

Tintin: NO!

Fermat sighed in defeat and I continued to help him up the hill and he was a lot heavier than he looked.

Josh: Phew. No more cheeseburgers for you, Fermat.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Back at Lady Penelope's house. Lady Penelope was currently standing behind a changing curtain.

Lady P: Any word?

Parker: Nothing milady.

Lady P: Right. You will have to tell Lord Marlborough that I've broken my shooting arm. We shall send the Institute for the Blind a dozen guide dogs. And bring the car around.

Parker: Yes, milady.

Lady Penelope came out from behind the curtain and is now wearing a pink checkered dress with a matching jacket and pink heels.

Lady P: The Thunderbirds appear to be in a spot of trouble. And I don't like that. Let's go, Parker.

They get in the car and it takes off flying towards Tracy Island.

Meanwhile back on Tracy Island in the Thunderbirds hanger. The Hood and Mullion were loading the Mole into Thunderbird 2.

Mullion: Ready for launch. We'll use this to get into the vaults

The Hood: Subtle, as usual Mullion.

Mullion: I didn't realize we'd be getting points for style. We're robbing banks, remember.

The Hood used his powers on Mullion and made Mullion gasp.

The Hood: Don't worry. You'll get your money.

Mullion looked over towards Thunderbird 2 and spoke into his headset.

Mullion: Transom, initiate pre-flight diagnostics.

An alarm suddenly went off inside Thunderbird 2.

Mullion: What's going on?

Transom: It's the guidance processor.

Mullion: What's wrong with it?

Transom: There isn't one.

Mullion: Aaargh!

The Hood: Clever Josh. It's the children. They have it.

Mullion: No way. They're dead. No one could live through something like that.

The Hood: I did. Get them, Mullion. Take whatever you need. And make sure you get the guidance processor before you lose your temper.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

We were getting closer to the satellite station but I was worried we wouldn't make it in time to get a message to my brothers and dad.

Fermat: Josh, don't you think Tintin is blossoming?

Josh: Blossoming?! What's that supposed to mean?

Fermat: Come on, Josh. You've got a c-crush on her.

Josh: You've got to be kidding. I mean, she's. She's not that bad, I guess.

Eventually Tintin made it to the top of the mountain.

Tintin: Okay, guys, take five.

Fermat and I were still finishing climbing up the hill.

Fermat: Five isn't going to do it!

Tintin: Guys?

Fermat and I finally reached the top of the hill, we're both tired and panting. Tintin smiled at us before she saw something on my shoulder.

Tintin: Don't move.

Fermat saw what was on my shoulder when he stood up next to me.

Fermat: Whoa.

Josh: What is it?

Tintin: Androctonus Scorpion.

I look at my left shoulder and I saw Tintin was right. I tried extremely hard to stay perfectly still and not panic.

Josh: Is that dangerous?

Fermat: 0.25 milligrams of its venom is fatal.

Josh: So, dangerous is in fact an understatement.

Suddenly Tintin grabbed the crystal on her necklace and her eye's turned yellow and cat like and the scorpion started to float and then fell to the ground and went on its way.

Fermat: Watch out!

I was in shock that Tintin had powers like The Hood.

Josh: Tintin, what was that?

Tintin: Let's get going.

Josh: Hey! She has the same powers as her uncle, The Hood.

Fermat: You think?

Josh: Must run in the family. Tintin, did you do that?!

Tintin: Just drop it, okay?

Josh: Still think everything can be explained by science?

Fermat: Not girls!

(Scott P.O.V.)

(Meanwhile back on Thunderbird 5)

Things were just getting even worse.

An alarm is blaring and followed by an explosion near myself and Gordon.

Jeff: Scott? Gordon? You all right?

Gordon: We're okay.

Scott: The heat exchanger has blown.

Jeff: You don't say.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Back on Tracy Island Mullion and two other guards are searching for Josh, Tintin, and Fermat.

Mullion: Come on! Those brats are in here somewhere.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After a few more miles of hiking we finally made it to the satellite transmitter. And Fermat was trying to get it to work.

Josh: How we doing Fermat?

Fermat: Don't rush me Josh. This is very d-delicate equipment.

The circuit board started to spark.

Fermat: Which is now b-b-broken.

Josh: Can you fix it?

Fermat: Yeah- Maybe, but I'll need something to solder with.

Josh: We're in the middle of nowhere Fermat, where are you going to find something like that.

Tintin and Fermat started to stare at me and they both shared a look.

Josh: What?

Fermat: Sorry Josh, but's it's the only way to fix it. Tintin hold his mouth open.

Tintin and Fermat jumped at me with a pair of pliers. I screamed as Tintin and Fermat pulled out the metal part of my retainer.

Josh: Ow!

Fermat: Perfect.

Fermat then used the crystal from Tintin's necklace and reflected the sun onto my retainer and smoke appeared.

Tintin: Gee Josh, I never figured you for a crybaby.

Josh: I'm gonna kill you.

Fermat: What'd he say?

Tintin: I think it was some sort of apology.

Fermat: I got it, yes! Y-y-you the man, Fermat! Okay, first step is to establish contact with Thunderbird 5.

(Scott's P.O.V.)

(Back aboard Thunderbird 5)

Josh: Scott, Dad?

John: It's Josh!

Scott: Josh, where are you? Are you safe?

Josh: I'm at the satellite relay station with Fermat and Tintin. Fermat's gonna hack into the main computer system and give control of Thunderbird 5 back to you.

We were relieved to know he was safe.

Jeff: We're standing by.

Fermat: Okay, we're almost there.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Back in the Command and Control room with Transom was trying to seduce Brain's.

Transom: Goodness me, Professor. You're so good-looking without your glasses on. I think you may find that's another thing we have in common. Pretty?

She removed his glasses and was about to kiss him but an alarm beat her too it.

Transom: Oh now that's not fair. Just when things were starting to sizzle.

The Hood walked in and demanded to know what was happening

Transom: A burst of transmission from the island's satellite station. Should I jam it?

The Hood: And give Mullion the coordinates.

Mullion and the two guards were in a car still looking for the kids. Transom began to communicate with him through his headset.

Transom: Take the main track southeast, then head up Satellite Hill.

(Josh P.O.V.)

Fermat: They're onto us! We're being jammed!

Josh: Can you finish?

Fermat: I'll try.

I was losing connection and the picture on the video phone was starting to become fuzzy.

Scott: Josh, what's happening?

Josh: Hang in there guy's, one more minute, okay?

Fermat: It's not going to work Josh. The signal's too weak for data transmission.

Josh: Dad, Scott can you hear me? They're jamming the signal. We're going to lose you. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, okay?

(Scott P.O.V.)

Jeff: That's a negative! It's too dangerous. Follow emergency procedure. Wait for Lady Penelope at the rendezvous point. Josh can you read me?

The screen began to break up and we were losing connection

Josh: Dad!

Scott: Josh we're losing you! Josh!

(Josh P.O.V.)

Josh: Dad!

After we lost the signal completely I threw the video phone off the mountain.

Fermat: No!

Josh: Useless!

Fermat: It is now.

Tintin: I'm sorry, Josh. This is hard on all of us.

Josh: No, it's okay. I'm fine.

Fermat: You don't have to be such a tough guy Josh. I'm worried about my dad too.

Tintin: I'd do anything to be with my parents right now.

Josh: But The Hood knows we're alive now. We have to go.

Fermat: Even worse, they know exactly...

We heard tires screech and Mullion and the guards appeared.

Fermat: Where we are!

Will Josh and his Friends ever stop The Hood, will his brothers and Dad get control back to Thunderbird 5 and will The Hood succeed? Find out next time on Thunderbirds with a Twist!

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