Chapter 5

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(Josh's P.O.V.)

Mullion and the other guards saw us and we all ran down the hillside to try and get away.

Mullion: Come on!

We fell down a ditch and we all screamed as we landed in a river.

Fermat: Great, more water.

Josh: Tintin, can you slow 'em down?

Tintin: I'd be delighted.

Josh: Then do it. And meet us at the junk yard. Come on, Fermat.

When Fermat and I reached the Junkyard, we found the old hover-sled.

Josh: This'll get us out of here.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Mullion and his henchmen were hunting Tintin down in the jungle.

Mullion: There! Come on!

Tintin began to hear buzzing. She looked up and saw a tree with a wasps nest attached to it.

Mullion: Straight ahead.

Tintin grabbed a tree branch and used it to hit the wasps nest at Mullion and the other two guards. When she let go, the nest hit Mullion which caused him to fall off the car and into a puddle while being stung by multiple wasps.

(Meanwhile back at the Junkyard)

(Josh's P.O.V.)

Fermat and I were attaching something to the back of the hover-sled so that all three of us could fit on it.

Fermat: It's gonna make this thing hard to control you know.

Josh: No problem.

Fermat: You need to be careful not to exceed four bars of boost or else...

Josh: I said no problem.

Tintin came running back.

Tintin: Guys, let's go we've got to get out of here. What is this?

Fermat: It's a hover-sled.

Josh: It's our ticket out, unless you've got a better idea.

Tintin: Yeah, let's wait for Lady Penelope, like your dad said.

Fermat handed Tintin the last piece of the hover-sled.

Fermat: Here.

I was starting to get annoyed with Fermat and Tintin disagreeing with my plan.

Josh: Great plan. Let's sit and wait to get caught. I say we do something. Now! Right, Fermat?

Fermat: Actually, I agree with Tintin. I don't think this is s-s-safe.

Josh: You don't think anything is s-s-safe.

I mocked Fermat because I was getting really annoyed with them disagreeing with me.

Fermat: Just because I s-s-stutter doesn't mean that I'm wrong. If we're a team, we should make decisions as a team.

Josh: Do you guys want to sit here and take a vote? Or do you want to get out of here? Cuz I'm going.

Tintin: You can be a real jerk sometimes.

We all began to argue about what we should do, and who's plan we should go with. Eventually we just decided to go with taking the hover-sled to get back to the house. And we needed to move fast because, Mullion and his men were approaching and were covered in stings.

I started the engine and we raced away from the junkyard.

Tintin looked behind her and saw Mullion and the other guards in the car, were gaining on us.

Tintin: Oh, no!

I increased the power of the engine. And we zoomed through the Jungle.

Mullion: Come on! Faster!

Fermat: Josh! You're going too fast!

Josh: I need more speed to get above the trees. Hang on!

I slammed my foot on the gas and I made it over the trees, but what I didn't know was the part of the hover-sled, that connected the trailer that Tintin and Fermat were sitting in came loose and the hover-sled separated.

Josh: What'd I tell you guys?

I look down and I saw Fermat and Tintin being captured.

Josh: Oh, no...

I knew the only way to rescue them was to get back to the house and hopefully Lady Penelope was there.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Back at the house, Tintin and Fermat's hands were tied and Mullion was walking to a door.

Tintin: What are you doing?

Fermat: Oh, no! Not the freezer!

The fridge door opened to reveal Kyrano, Onaha, and Brains. Tintin and Fermat recollected with their parents.

Onaha: Tintin!

Brains: Hey son.

Kyrano: Sweetheart, are you okay?

Tintin: I'm fine, Dad.

Mullion, grabbed Fermat away from Brains and had him sit down on a container.

Mullion: Cool off, kids!

He laughed evilly as he walked out of the fridge and closed the door on the way out.

Meanwhile, Parker and Lady Penelope were approaching Tracy Island.

Parker: Tracy Island approaching, milady. Switching to aqua mode.

Lady Penelope: Isn't life fun, sometimes?

Parker: Rib-tickling, milady.

Back in Command and Control Transom and The Hood got an alert that an aircraft was approaching Tracy Island.

The Hood: What is it?

Transom: We have an unidentified craft approaching the island at high speed.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

When I landed the hover-sled, I was climbing over a hill and I saw Lady Penelope's car approaching.

Josh: Lady P!

(Scott's P.O.V.)

Jeff: Phew! Somebody roll down a window. It's getting a little hot in here.

Virgil: Re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in 37 minutes.

Scott: Oxygen's out in 30 so we won't even feel a thing.

Jeff: Stop it!

Gordon: Come on, Dad. The situation's hopeless.

Jeff: No, it's not. There's still time. We've got people on the ground working for us.

Gordon: Josh? He can't do it. He's just a kid!

I got mad because Gordon being the jerk he is, was picking on Josh again.

Scott: No Gordon. He's a Tracy!

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After I made it over the hill I was running through the forest.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Meanwhile, Lady Penelope and Parker were walking up to the Tracy house, and realized the hood had taken over.

Lady Penelope: This doesn't look good, Parker.

Parker: No, milady.

Lady Penelope: That bougainvillea is absolutely parched, and someone should do something about that hideous hammock.

Back in the house, The Hood saw Lady Penelope and Parker on the security cameras.

The Hood: Whom do we have here? Mullion.

Mullion jumped off the staircase, landed on the coffee table and broke a vase.

Mullion: I must warn you that I know judo, krai magna, and tae kwon do.

Lady Penelope: And I know Parker.

Parker: Milady.

Parker hands Lady Penelope her umbrella back, took his hat off and punched Mullion right in the nose.

Mullion: You've broken my nose.

Parker: Yes, that was very much the intention of the maneuver.

Transom tried to attack Lady Penelope but failed.

Transom: Whoa!

Lady Penelope: One tries so hard in life to sort things out on an intellectual-slash-conversational level. But sometimes it's just impossible.

Lady Penelope continued to fight Transom and Parker continued to fight Mullion, and the Hood was eagerly watching them.

Mullion threw Parker over the counter and he landed against a metal cabinet. Lady Penelope knocked Mullion to the ground by using her foot. Good thing she wore heels today.

Parker: Shall I bring the car around, milady?

Lady Penelope: Parker, have a bit of a lie-down.

Parker saw Mullion behind Lady Penelope and punched him again.

Parker: Excuse me, milady.

After it had no effect on him, he used a frying pan. After that Transom went back to fighting Lady Penelope and Mullion went back to fighting Parker.

The Hood: Ah, Lady Penelope! Of course he has his palace. Why not his princess?

Lady Penelope: Flattery will get you nowhere.

After she blocked the metal bar that Transom was trying to hit her with

Lady Penelope: Ow! Have you any idea what a manicure costs these days?

Parker was currently pushing mullion forward.

Parker: Coming through, milady.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

Back outside I was hiding behind some shrubs watching the fight. After a while I thought Lady Penelope and Parker were gonna win, but The Hood used his powers, and threw a sofa at them.

Parker: Duck, milady!

After The Hood threw the sofa. I saw he looked exhausted.

Josh: He's weak. Using his power weakens him.

The Hood, must've heard me, because he turned to where I was hiding.

The Hood: You're a formidable opponent Lady Penelope. More than a match for most men.

Lady Penelope: That's not saying much, then, is it?

Parker tried to punch the hood, but he used his powers to stop him.

The Hood: I suggest you let us pass.

Lady Penelope: Don't try your parlor games on me you sad, little man. You've committed a serious crime trespassing on this island. And in about four seconds, I'm going to get quite cross with you.

The Hood used his powers to stop her foot which was about to come up and kick him.

The Hood: How are you, Josh?

He used his powers on Parker and Lady Penelope and they cried out in pain! I was about to run back into the jungle.

The Hood: I hope you don't think I'm going to chase you.

He used his powers on Parker and Lady Penelope and they cried out in pain again!

The Hood: You can make it stop, Josh.

Parker and Lady Penelope cry out loud in agonizing pain again!

The Hood: You have something that belongs to me.

Parker: Really, sir, don't mind me. This isn't the first time my head's been pulverized. And it's never done any real harm before.

The Hood once again used his powers on them and they cried out in pain even louder this time.

I came out of my hiding spot, because I couldn't stand seeing Lady Penelope and Parker like this anymore.

Josh: Stop! Stop! I'll give it to you.

I threw the guidance processor toward the pool!

Josh: Fetch!

I should've planned that better because the Hood used his powers to bring it right back over to him before it even hits the water.

The Hood: You made a match of it, Josh, I'll give you that. Put them with the others.

Transom grabbed Parker.

Mullion: You're coming with me.

Mullion grabbed my arms and threw Lady Penelope over his shoulder.

Lady Penelope: Put me down! This outfit is couture.

Transom, and Mullion brought Lady Penelope, Parker and I to the freezer, I was relieved when I saw that Fermat, Tintin and their parent's were all safe.

Mullion: You need to cool off, milady.

Tintin: Lady Penelope!

Lady Penelope: Big oaf!

The fridge door closed locking us all in.

Lady Penelope: Right, that's quite enough losing for one day.

I sat down next to Fermat and we were both shivering.

Josh: So, how does it feel to be right all the time?

Fermat: Not b-bad, actually.

Josh: I'm so sorry, Fermat.

Fermat: We make quite a pair. It's hard for me to t-t-talk. It's hard for you to l-l-listen.

Fermat rested his head on my shoulder to try and stay warm.

Lady Penelope: Parker, I have an idea.

Parker: Excellent, milady.

Lady Penelope: Brains, how long do Jeff and the boys have?

Brains: I can't think. I'm too c-c-cold.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Transom, Mullion, and The Hood were aboard Thunderbird 2 and were about to leave Tracy Island.

Transom: The guidance processor has been installed. Thunderbird 2 is ready for takeoff.

The Hood: What is our ETA?

Mullion: Under an hour. Bank of London, here we come!

Everyone was still trapped in the fridge but Lady Penelope said she had an idea on how to get them out.

Josh: We've got to be quick. The Hood's getting away.

Parker: In position, milady.

Lady Penelope: Here we go.

Female Computer Voice: Launch sequence, stage two.

Lady Penelope kicked her shoe at an icicle which fell and sliced through the ropes that tied Parker's hands together.

Josh: Yes!

Parker: Good shot, milady.

Lady Penelope and Parker began untying everybody.

Lady Penelope: Come on, Parker. Let's give the bad guys a good thrashing!

Back outside, Thunderbird 2 was about to begin stage 3 of launching.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After Lady Penelope and Parker finished untying us we still needed a way to unlock the door.

Parker: This seems to be a straightforward six-lever mortice, milady.

Lady Penelope: I love it when your checkered past comes in handy Parker.

Parker: Thank you, milady. Unfortunately, I fear I shall need a piece of wire to access the mechanism.

Lady Penelope put her hand up her shirt to get the wire from her bra and she looked at us signaling for us to turn around.

Lady Penelope: Will this suffice, Parker?

Parker: Most certainly, milady.

Lady Penelope: I didn't actually need it, anyway.

Parker: Of course not, milady.

Parker used the bra wire and got the door open.

Fermat: Quick! They're getting away!

Josh: Okay, everyone get to the control room.

Fermat handed Parker his hat back.

Fermat: Hat.

We all ran towards the command center to try and establish a transmission with Thunderbird 5.

Josh: Get in there quick, Fermat, and save my family. Then we'll get The Hood. Good luck!

Fermat: Looks like they slipped a backdoor key into the access codes.

Brains: I'll follow your lead, son.

We switched on the video phone to talk with Thunderbird 5.

Lady Penelope: Thunderbird 5 come in. Thunderbird 5 come in?

Josh: How long have they got before re-entry?

Fermat: 90 seconds and counting

Fermat was able to breach the Hood's firewall and we were able to get in communication with Thunderbird 5.

Fermat: I'm in!

Josh: Good job, Fermat.

Fermat: Okay, I just need someone on their end to confirm the access protocol.

Brains: Thunderbird 5 come in.

Josh: Dad, come on are we coming through?

Brains: Mr. Tracy, can you hear me? Come in.

Lady Penelope: Thunderbird 5 come in.

Josh: Dad, come on!

We kept trying our hardest to get attention of either my dad or one of my brothers.

Brains: Mr. Tracy, can you hear me? Come in.

Josh: Dad!

Brains: Thunderbird 5 come in!

Josh: How long have they got?

Fermat: 45 seconds until re-entry.

Brains: DAMN, IT JEFF! Wake up!

After hearing Brains shout my dads first name, the whole command center went silent. But it must've worked because my dad woke up.

Jeff: I think that's the first time you've ever called me by my first name, Brains. Thanks for waking me.

Josh: Dad!

Jeff: Josh! Well done.

Fermat: Mr. Tracy, confirm access protocol.

John: Confirmed. We are back online.

Brains: Gravity is restored. Put Thunderbird F-F- your craft into geostational orbit immediately.

Jeff: FAB, Brains. Looks like we're good to go.

Josh: Dad, are you guys all right?

Jeff: We're fine. We still have a job to do. Where's The Hood?

Brains: He's in Thunderbird 2 Mr. Tracy headed for L-L-L...

Lady Penelope: London.

Brains: She's right.

Josh: He's got the Mole on board.

John: Looks like Thunderbird 3 lost a booster, Dad. We'll never get there in time.

Josh: Let me go after The Hood. He'll destroy everything you've built everything the Thunderbirds stand for.

Jeff: Negative. I'm sorry it's too risky.

Josh: I can do this. You know I can. What am I saying? We can do this.

I put my arms around Tintin and Fermat.

Jeff: Okay, Josh. We'll meet you there. Thunderbirds are go!

Josh: FAB!

Jeff: Okay, boys, we are outta here!

We ran towards Scott's pod, and the light on the wall turned blue, signifying that we'd be using Thunderbird 1.

Tintin: Are we really going?

Josh: Yep.

Tintin: Oh, boy!

Tintin and I put our hands together.

Josh: You ready, Fermat?

FERMAT: N-n- I guess!

The door slid closed and Lady Penelope, Fermat, Tintin, and I were strapping ourselves into Thunderbird 1 with Fermat and I at the controls. We, were all wearing new clothes and Lady Penelope was wearing a pink International Rescue uniform.

Female Computer Voice: Engine sequence activated.

Fermat: Flight controls are green.

Female Computer Voice: Anti-detection shield activated.

Fermat: Hydraulic systems are good.

Josh: Right. Set primary fuel pumps. Main engines start.

Lady Penelope: Don't boys just love their toys?

Female Computer Voice: Engine sequence Complete.

Fermat and I placed our hands on the throttle, and our other hands on the controls.

Female Computer Voice: Launch Sequence initiated.

The pool opened up to allow us to pass thru.

Lady Penelope: And off we go!

Fermat and I moved our arms forward and Thunderbird 1 launched into the sky! We all screamed with excitement!

Now the race is on to reach London before The Hood does. Who will get there first? And will the Thunderbirds make it in time?

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