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(3rd P.O.V.)

Meanwhile, Thunderbird 2 has just arrived in London and the bridge workers saw the ship arriving. And knew they had to put the bridge up or Thunderbird 2 would never get through.

Bridge Worker: Get the bridge up! Get the bridge up!

(Josh's P.O.V.)

As Fermat and I were piloting Thunderbird 1, Brains voice came on speaker.

Brains: Thunderbird 1 come in.

Josh: Roger, Brains.

Brains: Situation update, Thunderbird 3 is about to initiate separation.

Josh and Fermat: FAB.

Lady Penelope: Boys, Thunderbird 2 is in final approach to London.

After Lady Penelope said that, I knew that if we can get to London in time, we could stop The Hood.

Josh: I know The Hood's weakness, Fermat. I can stop him if we get there in time.

Fermat: Stand by. We're going to maximum thrust.

Fermat placed his hand on the throttle and moved it all the way up and Thunderbird 1 rockets away.

All: Whoaaaa!

(Scott P.O.V.)

After my dad, my brothers and I left Thunderbird 5, Thunderbird 3 was beginning to separate from Thunderbird 5.

Jeff: Gordon, heat 'em up.

After we separated from Thunderbird 5 we rocket towards earth.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Thunderbird 2 landed in a park near the London Eye and caused mass amounts of panic and confusion.

Chuck: We're getting reports of some kind of incident in London involving the Thunderbirds. Lisa, are you there?

Lisa Lowe: Chuck, I'm here in Jubilee Gardens where Thunderbird 2 has made an impromptu landing, causing total panic in Central London. As far as we know there has been no emergency call from this area so it's unclear why Thunderbird 2 would be active here at all. I don't know if you can see this Chuck but Thunderbird 2 seems to be unloading some kind of machine.

After Thunderbird 2 landed, the Mole comes out with Transom, Mullion, and The Hood onboard.

The Hood: Set a course for the vault.

Transom realized that if they went the direction The Hood wanted towards the vault they'll sever the monorail.

Transom: Sir, if we continue on our present course, we'll sever the monorail's subterranean supports. Shall I correct our position?

The Hood: Stay on course.

Transom: But sir, we'll cause a major disaster.

The Hood: No, we won't. The Thunderbirds will.

The Mole began to sever the monorails subterranean support's leaving one monorail car stranded in the air.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After a few seconds Thunderbird 1 made it to London, and now it was time for Fermat and I to land Thunderbird 1.

Lady Penelope: Let's get her down, boys.

Josh: Initiate landing, Fermat.

Fermat: Right.

Josh: Retros at 75 flaps to 16.

Fermat: FAB.

Fermat then told me we were going in too fast.

Fermat: You're going too fast.

Josh: Thanks. Retros to 90.

I deployed the landing gear and Thunderbird 1 landed.

Lady Penelope: Textbook, boys.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Back inside the Mole. The Hood, Mullion and Transom were almost at the bank of London.

Transom: Activating electromagnetic pulse to disable the bank's security systems.

Mullion: ETA, one minute.

While Fermat, Tintin and Josh exited Thunderbird 1 Lady Penelope stayed back to talk to Parker on her cell phone.

Lady Penelope: Parker, meet me at the Bank of London.

Parker: Yes, milady.'

Josh, Tintin, and Fermat ran towards Thunderbird 2. To try and help the people trapped aboard the monorail.

(Scott's P.O.V.)

After separating from Thunderbird 5 we were re-entering Earth's atmosphere. It was a very bumpy ride.

Jeff: Ride it out, boys!

(Josh's P.O.V.)

Tintin, Fermat and I got inside Thunderbird 2. And I knew we had to work fast in order save the people trapped aboard the monorail.

Josh: The Hood's getting away.

Tintin: Those people can't hold on much longer.

Fermat: What are we gonna do, Josh?

Josh: We're the Thunderbirds. Our duty is to save those people. Brains, we're going into the accident zone.

Brains: FAB, Thunderbird 2 and good luck.

Suddenly the track and supports that kept the monorail suspended above, gave way and we watched in horror as the monorail plummeted towards the River Thames.

Josh: Brains, the monorail is down! I repeat, the monorail is down!

Josh: I'm going underwater in Thunderbird 4. Fermat, Tintin you have the bridge.

I knew that the only way to help them was Thunderbird 4. So I switched to autopilot and I was about to leave the bridge. But Fermat, stopped me.

Fermat: What, me?! Fly alone?!

Josh: Fermat, the Thunderbirds need you right now. I need you.

Fermat: FAB, Josh.

I smiled as I left the bridge.

(Scott's P.O.V.)

After riding out re-entry we successfully made it to London.

Jeff: Brains, come in, what's the situation?

Brains: The Hood has caused a disaster with the Mole, and the mono-mono-mono- one-track railway is down in the Thames.

Scott: Where's Thunderbird 1?

Brains: It's on the ground. The k-k-kids are in Thunderbird 2.

Jeff: FAB. We're right behind 'em.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Eventually, Mullion, Transom, and the Hood broke into the Bank of London.

Mullion: Look at all this gold!

The Hood: Stay focused, Mullion. We still have nine more banks to go.

Meanwhile back inside Thunderbird 4 Josh was preparing to launch into the Thames.

Josh: Fermat, deploying Thunderbird 4 in three, two, one, Thunderbird 4 is go. I can see the monorail.

Aboard the monorail which was submerged underwater, people were panicking and a little girl was crying for her mother.

Josh: Don't panic, guys. Fermat, I'll hold the monorail in place. Can you get a line on that stanchion and lift it up?

Fermat: I can't get a clear fix on the target. I might hit the passengers.

Tintin: I'll go and fix it myself.

Fermat: What, you mean swim?!

Tintin: Get me as close as you can.

Fermat lowered the entry ramp and Tintin tied a retractor cable around her ankles, she dived into the water and swam towards the monorails location.

Josh: How are we doing on that line Fermat?

Fermat: Just look out your window.

Josh looked to his right and saw Tintin. They smiled at each other.

Fermat: Come on, Tintin, come on!

Josh: Come on. Come on, Tintin. You can do this.

Tintin successfully connected the rope to the stanchion and she swam toward Thunderbird 4. Josh opened the airlock and Tintin climbed aboard.

Josh: OK, Fermat, we need a lift.

Fermat: FAB, Josh. Commencing reverse thrust.

Fermat pulled back on the controls.

Josh: That was amazing, Tintin.

Tintin: Thank you.

Josh: Nice job, Fermat.

Fermat: Nothing to it, really.

Josh and Tintin began to lift the monorail out of the water.

Josh: Easy does it.

Thunderbird 3 landed and Jeff, Scott, John, Virgil, and Gordon are running over to the river bank to look for Josh, Fermat and Tintin.

Scott: There they are!

Everyone cheered!

After Josh and Tintin had gotten the monorail to the surface they grasped their hands and looked at each other blushing. They then got out of Thunderbird 4, and Josh ran towards his family.

Josh: Glad you could finally join us.

Jeff: Hey don't get cocky after one mission. We still have a dangerous situation. I need you boys to close down this accident scene. Tintin, go get Fermat. Meet us at Thunderbird 1. Josh, you come with me.

Then Josh and his dad ran towards Thunderbird 1.

Virgil: Okay let's clean it up guys.

Jeff: We got to get to the Bank of London fast.

Josh: Lady Penelope went after The Hood.

Jeff: I know, she may need help.

Back inside The Bank of London The Hood was inspecting a very beautiful diamond. Then Lady Penelope arrived.

The Hood: Ashes to ashes, diamonds to diamonds. Lady Penelope. What an unpleasant surprise.

Lady Penelope: Don't be rude. I can't tell you what a pleasure it would be to use my little finger to pull this big trigger. Now, don't move!

The Hood: Mullion.

The Hood used his powers and knocked the gun out of Lady Penelope's hand. Then Mullion showed up and grabbed Lady Penelope and carried her to a cage.

Lady Penelope: That's not cricket.

The Hood: I'm sorry. The only part of sports I ever liked was winning.

Lady Penelope: How ghastly.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

My dad, Fermat, Tintin and I were currently strapping ourselves into Thunderbird 1.

Josh: Hey, Dad. That stuff The Hood said, about you leaving him to die. He was lying, right?

Jeff: No. See, you can't save everyone, Josh. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love, someone you'd give your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone.

I then decided to ask dad about mom, since I was too young to remember her.

Josh: What was Mom like?

Jeff: She was a lot like you. Come on, we've got a job to do.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Meanwhile back inside the bank Lady Penelope was being handcuffed.

The Hood: Finish her off, Mullion.

Lady Penelope: Shame on you. I always despise a man who delegates the important jobs.

She sees the look Mullion was giving her.

Lady Penelope: Oh, dream on, sad act.

Mullion chuckled and walks away.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

After we landed Thunderbird 1 at the Bank of London we started to run towards the entrance, when Parker showed up.

Jeff: Good timing, Parker.

Parker: Good afternoon Mr. Tracy.

Jeff: Come with us.

Parker: My pleasure, Mr. Tracy.

(3rd P.O.V.)

The Hood was currently talking to Mullion and Transom.

The Hood: The Thunderbirds. They're here. Kill them all.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

We eventually made it inside the Bank of London and we were currently running to Lady Penelope's location.

Jeff: Josh, you guys stay here with Parker. I'm gonna go find Lady Penelope.

My dad then ran further into the bank.

Josh: But what about The Hood?

I pointed behind Parker.

Josh: Look out, Parker!

Parker turned around and while he wasn't looking I ran after my dad. When he turned back around he saw that I was gone.

(3rd P.O.V.)

Parker: Master Tracy!

Fermat: Look out, Parker!

Parker: Alright, that's enough of that.

Parker didn't turn around because he thought he was being tricked again, but in reality Fermat was trying to warn Parker that Mullion was approaching.

Mullion: Don't move.

Parker motioned for the kids to run forward but Transom blocked them. Parker put his hands up as if he was going to punch her.

Transom: Go on, then.

Parker: No, sorry. I can't hit a lady.

Tintin: Allow me.

She kicked Transom and ran off, Transom chased after her.

Mullion: I've been waiting to get my hands on you brats.

Parker: And I've been waiting to get my hands on you.

They brawled for a few seconds before Mullion landed a good punch on Parker.

Parker: Ow, now that was a punch.

Fermat: Parker, can we wrap this up?

Parker: What did you have in mind, Master Hackenbacker?

Fermat: Strategically speaking, the best odds of success lie with the Parker Haymaker.

Parker: I concur.

After using the "Parker Haymaker" Mullion got knocked out.

(Josh's P.O.V.)

My dad was currently running into the room that Lady Penelope was being held captive in. I watched them in secret.

Jeff: Penny!

Lady Penelope: Jeff, no!

The Hood: Did you save them all this time, Jeff? Or did you leave someone behind?

Jeff: I didn't make you what you are.

The Hood: It's not me you have to convince.

He motioned his head toward the entrance of the room where I was standing. Dad saw me and figured out I followed him.

Jeff: Leave my son out of this-

The Hood uses his powers and dad was thrown into the cage that Lady Penelope was handcuffed in.

Lady Penelope: Jeff!

Josh: Dad!

I ran towards the closing cage door but I reached it right as it slammed shut.

Josh: Dad! Dad!

The Hood: I'm disappointed in you, Josh. I thought we were kindred spirits.

Josh: Well, we're not. I'm Jeff Tracy's son.

The Hood: You certainly are.

I tried to run at him, but The Hood used his powers to throw me off to the side where I slammed into a wall.

Jeff: No!

Lady Penelope: Josh, no!

Jeff: Josh!

The Hood began to look dazed but then used his powers to fly up to the catwalk above the Mole. I eventually got back on my feet and stood back up.

Jeff: Josh, stay back.

The Hood: You want so desperately to walk in Daddy's footsteps.

The Hood then used his powers to lift me off the floor and he made me start choking myself with my own hands.

Jeff: Let him go.

The Hood: Did you really think you could challenge me?

Jeff: Let him go, please.

Lady Penelope: Let him go.

I turned my head towards my dad and Lady P. As I was struggling for air.

Jeff: Please! Let him go!

The Hood tightened his hold on me and then he released me. I fell to the floor and I was literally gasping for air.

Lady Penelope: Josh! Are you all right?

Jeff: Josh, get out. Run!

I looked where The Hood was standing and I could see he was weakening.

Josh: He's getting weaker. He can't last much longer!

Jeff: Neither can you!

I began to climb up the Mole to reach the Hood.

Jeff: Josh, no! Look out!

The Hood started the Mole with his powers and I had to jump and grab the railing of the catwalk.

Jeff: Josh!

The Hood: I'm glad you could be here to see this, Jeff.

The Hood stomped on my hand, causing me to lose my grip and I let go.

The Hood: Goodbye, Josh!

He stomped on my other hand and I yelled out in pain. Tintin ran into the room and saw I was in trouble.

Tintin: NO!

The Hood: Ah.

The Hood began using his powers on her. Tintin used her powers on him as well. It seemed as though Tintin was getting the upper hand in the battle.

The catwalk flipped over placing me safely on top and The Hood was dangling above the still active Mole. Tintin clutched her head in pain and fainted.

The Hood: Leave me, Josh. Leave me to die...

He, released one of his hands from the railing.

The Hood: Like your father did.

Josh: I don't want to save your life.

The Hood let his other hand go, but I grabbed it.

Josh: But it's what we do.

After we got down, and The Hood and his henchmen were being taken away by the police, I ran over to Tintin to see if she was okay. I tried to wake her but nothing worked, in case she was really gone I knew I had to tell her how I felt.

Josh: Tintin if you're listening, I just want you to know that ever since I first met you, I've had a crush on you and eventually that crush turned into love. In case this is the end, what I'm trying to say is I love you Tintin.

I brought Tintin's head to my lips and I kissed her and eventually she kissed me back. After the kiss I opened my eyes and saw Tintin smiling at me.

Tintin: Josh I love you too.

We left the bank and came to my brothers. And then it was time to go. Scott, Fermat, Tintin and I climbed aboard Thunderbird 1 and Scott was about to take the controls but he let me and Fermat fly us home.

The Hood, Mullion, and Transom were being led to a police car outside the Bank of London when Thunderbirds 1, 2, and 3 flew above them.

The Hood: See you soon... Jeff.

Parker: Now, that was definitely showing off.

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