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Taehyung's POV

"I presume you are quite familiar with the 1876 treaty between Japan and Korea?" The captain spoke up as I waited for his reasonings for being a pirate.

I nodded.

"And even more so familiar with the Japanese and Korean War that broke out before the treaty?" He asked.

(AN - For the purposes of this book I made up a war, this war does not exist outside the book from what I can tell from research I have done.)

"Yes, I am quite familiar with that war. Seems I will be the one trying to ensure peace for my people while we are fixing damages from that outbreak to ensure it never happens again." I replied.

"Yeah well, both my parents died in that war." The captain said, making my mouth fall open.

"Both?" I gasped out.

"Yeah," He answered before he continued to speak.

"My father was a part of the Korean airforce, his plane was shot down over the eastern sea by Japanese fighters," He stated while he rested back in his chair, kicking up his boots onto the desk in front of me.

"And my mother, she was a nurse who risked her life onboard navy ships, heading towards Japan, only her ship was torpedoed. It was purely an accident on Japan's behalf because no soldiers were onboard, but I suppose losing the health unit who could fix Korean soldiers was also beneficial to Japan, so it wasn't a problem with them. My mother was just unfortunate to be on that ship." He explained.

I could see some saddening emotions forming behind his thick facade, however it managed to not falter further.

"When I was left to live with my grandmother, I simply got bored of puzzles and newspapers. I felt a strong connection to the sea whenever I visited since my parents passed," He spoke calmly.

"It's as though at sea, they are here with me. The sea is my home." He finished.

"So you became a pirate to be at sea?" I asked.

He lightly chuckled, "Well, sort of. I started fishing with strangers and then at the docs, I became accustomed to their way of speaking. It is rubbish language but I loved sea slang. A couple years later, I then found a pirate captain when I was probably nineteen years old. My grandma passed away that year so I found it convenient to work on a ship full time." He explained.

"What happened to the old captain?" I asked while feeling uncertain if I wanted to know the answer.

"Well, this was his ship, he was a great old salt for taking me onboard, I just took it from him when he passed. The crew were doubting his leadership after multiple failures at attacks on ships so I did what had to be done. Now the crew belongs to me and until they question my leadership and beat me in battle, I will remain captain for the time being." He explained.

(old salt - a sailor that has a great deal of experience on the seas.)

What does he mean he did what had to be done? The captain passed away so does he mean he killed the captain or does he mean he stepped up into the role of captain?

"But enough prattle, I believe you have work you should be doing." The pirate announced, snapping me out of my day dream where I was getting comfortable while getting to know the captain better.

"Right, Jimin is waiting for me." I replied while standing up.

"I shall escort you there then." He replied while removing his feet from the table, standing up himself.

I didn't comment on his actions because I did want to spend more time with him.

"Jimin told me you're interested in him making you clothes." I said once we made it out to the hallway where he shut his bedroom door behind him.

"Oh, urm, yeah. I guess you can say I have a weird fashion taste compared to you riches but I find what you can do with clothing quite interesting." He explained as we headed out onto the deck.

"Are you close to Jimin?" He then asked while we walked down stairs to head towards where Jimin was likely waiting for me.

"Yeah, he treats me as a normal person when we are alone. I suppose you can say I found the informality attractive so he became a best friend to me." I explained as we headed towards the room.

"If I speak informally to you, does that make you see me in a different way in that case?" He asked from beside me.

I wanted to answer with yes, but how do I phrase an answer that doesn't expose the fact I find him speaking informally very attractive.

Especially the cute manner and games he plays with me.

Even his caring subtitle nature is attractive and different treatment to what I am used to.

I'm not used to even being inferior to someone in such a way that I enjoy it.

"I suppose so. I prefer being treated as someone without riches or power. It provides me sanity that I can just be myself, rather than have to meet standards decided by others." I explained as we walked inside the room Jimin was working in.

"I will keep that in mind moving forward then." The captain said, his mellifluous voice creating more sparks in my chest.

Does he want our relationship to be different to the way I treat others? Because that's the gist I got.

I hope when I finally can reveal myself to him, that he reciprocates my feelings.

I want him to see me for all I am and I want to be able to give love a chance with such a fine specimen.

"Wow, Jimin, that looks great." I hummed, turning my attention away from the captain.

Jimin beamed as he turned around, looking at me and the captain standing together while he stood in front of an outfit he made for me.

My praise made Jimin feel good, I knew from the twinkle in his glossy eyes as he was indeed in his element.

"Tae, try it on!" Jimin chirped.

I smiled heading over to him, however my heart did flips hearing the soft words leave the captain's rosy lips.

"Tae?" He whispered to the realisation of the nickname that Jimin gave me.

However his informality and my nickname spoken from off the tip of his tongue did wonders for my body.

It felt electric with sparks of nerves, butterflies and captivation.

I want the captain to give me a chance, for I may not be his connection to the sea, but I would be happy to not leave his side.

I will give him the feeling of home with me.

I will bow down to his superiority and dominance if he treats me right.

I want to provide my saviour with something extra then what he originally bargained for: me. 

Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? What do you think of the captain opening up to Taehyung about his past? Also don't yal think it's about time we see things from the captains Pov... You may be in luck for next chapter...

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That's all for now... Enjoy!!! Stay safe, healthy and warm my lovely readers... Byeeee :)

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