2. | Gentle Swell

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2. | Gentle Swell


Thank you for reading! I was editing super early the other day and may have published this story half done while sleeping, lol so please go back through if you read it a day or two ago.


Amila awoke to the weightless feeling of water surrounding her. The shimmering light from the water's surface was just above her arms reach, she remained still-unwavering even, as the smooth current hugged her body. Amila's arms were outstretched above her, and the feeling of the salty ocean and the weight of the water put her at extreme ease. Sharp rays of sunlight refracting in the waves of the water, glittering along her neck and face, causing her green eyes to appear nearly luminescent. Amila's body slowly sank beneath the weight of the current, as the seafoam light began to dissolve, the reality of the ocean surrounding her, she felt the weight of the water press more firmly against her.

A surreal feeling crept up her spine and into her throat, the sick sour taste of fear lingering in her mouth as she realized she didn't have any control over her body. Sinking deeper, the mellow glow of the ocean faded above her, as she was pulled further into the sinking abyss. Amila's body finally gaining the strength to move she frantically swam about, bubbles and air escaping her mouth as she tried frantically to pull away from whatever force was causing her to plunge.

None of it mattered, her body continued to sink into darkness. Her underwater abilities suddenly failing her, her eyes not allowing her to see the ocean floor or move freely, she began to feel like an animal for the slaughter, waiting for someone or thing to pick her off. Her arms and legs still flailing, she struggled to breathe as water began to fill her lungs. With the sudden pull of a tentacle wrapping around one of her legs, Amila was immediately yanked down, her body disappearing into the vastness of the void.


" This The National Emergency Broadcast system. "

An intense alarm blared loudly as a calm woman's voice repeated the same phrase over and over. The sound of the alarm continuing as Amila shook awake from drowning.

" On Sunday, August 29th Tropical Storm Luthor is set to make landfall. Winds will exceed 50-65mph, and it is advised you stay indoors, seek shelter. "

Amila was jolted awake, gasping for breath and coughing up water onto herself and the couch she fell asleep on. She violently heaved for air, her body clutching into the couch as she looked wildly around her. Amila was on edge, her eyes glaring at the small TV across the room that was blaring a message.

" For Fucks sake! " Amila leaped off her couch and hastily slammed her palm into the powerbox of the tv, angrily jabbing at the box as she tried to silence the incessant ringing from the broadcast. Finally giving up and aggressively unplugging her TV, she sat back down on her couch and with a groggy sigh, picked up her phone.

2:15pm. She'd slept for nearly eleven hours.

Amila had vivid dreams of her childhood, dreams about past lovers, and even a few about what might have been on the back of her mind, but never had she ever had a dream about drowning in the one thing she felt the safest in. She'd never feared the water, and never would, but she didn't have time to dissect her dreams, she had to be at work in less than two hours and wanted to walk the pier before going in.

Tips would be better tonight, with more crowds and with the hurricane set to make landfall tomorrow, people would be in and out. Tonight Amila would opt for jean shorts and a more comfortable loose tank top that had their city and established date on the front, her hair pulled back into a loose braid, she never really had to apply much makeup, with her dark features and pale skin, the most she would add was some liner. There was no point in putting blush on the sheet of ice that was her face.

The walk to the bar was magnificent, people were much more concerned with getting their boats secured to docks or padding up their shops to bother with the pier or the scenery it held. Anytime she was here she couldn't help but smile, the calmness of the waves and blue stunning sky was a precursor for how bad the storm to come would be. She sat down on the sandbank, just out of sight, letting her feet rest in the gentle waves as they crested the sand and crawled up her calves, caressing her skin and begging her to join the water.

Later tomorrow there would be no traffic, no people, and she could relish in the harshness of the storm and swim freely without wandering eyes, it was something that only happened a few times a summer if she was lucky. So today's mood would be a little less crabby and a smidge brighter, and everyone took notice.

" You know how I can tell there is a storm coming? "

One of the cheekier barbacks leaned on the bar and shot Amila a hard stare, his intense gaze didn't bother her, but he tried to rile her up nonetheless.

" Okay Kenny, enough. "

Tracy had roughly set a full sleeve of clean glasses on the counter next to him, having had enough of his lax attitude and a small obsession with the quiet bartender.

" No, listen every time there is a big storm, little miss sad face is all smiles and it freaks me out, " he paused, his blue eyes narrowing over to Amila, who shot him a side glance, " There's a reason, I just don't know why. "

" Honey, maybe if you spent more time wondering why all women hate you, you could figure that problem out later. "

Tracy forced a smile and padded him on the shoulder, kindly letting him know to drop it and get back to work. Kenny cleared his throat and lifted the glasses of the table, done making eyes at Amila for the moment.

" He's not wrong, but I always just assumed it was because you like storms. I like them too. "

Tracy spoke quietly between them for a moment, smiling at her and scrunching her nose, before running off and preparing more bottles for service later. Amila didn't say a word between either of them, but the moment Tracy left a kind smile crossed her lips.

While she had sat on the bank of the ocean just an hour ago, Amila recalled the night before. The early hour murder attempt, the suspicious run-in with the handsome stranger, and the feeling of excitement in just hearing his velvety voice. It was enough to make her sick.

It was nearly seven when she realized she was looking for him, the thought of her consciously seeking a man had made her visibly upset, rigid even, she served drinks and light greasy food with a hard look. Convincing herself that this sea-dog was just another man who was or would be gone. They always left the port just a quickly as they arrived, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

" Ohh Ms. Amy you have a gentleman caller. " Tracy's twangy voice hit Amila like a cold wave, covering her in a blanket of anxiety as she peeked over her shoulder to see who it was.

Robert was in a white shirt that hugged his chest and a loosely fitted black jacket, he sipped on a drink and looked out at the moving crowd cautiously. Amila watched in horror as Tracy's face lit up. She eyed the sea witch and casually walked by her with an infectious grin.

Amila walked heavily along the back of the bar, her jaw clenching-full lips pursed into an annoying line as she approached him. He leaned against the bar, one of his muscular forearms pressed against the hardwood as he looked up and over at her. Almost immediately the light scowl on his face lifted, revealing his perfectly straight teeth, and that always charming smile.

" Figured you'd be out on the pier, " he snickered playfully.

" Most likely at sea. " Amila replied quietly amongst the amping crowd, not sure if he had heard her.

" Probably best not'to be wandering around so early by yourself, " his accent made his condescending words a little less bitter, " lucky I was there. "

Amila scoffed, her brows lifting as she accidentally let a smile slip through, " Surprisingly I think can handle myself. "

" You know, that wouldn't surprise me. " Robert cheekily brought up his glass of amber-colored liquid, sipping for a moment before showing his smile.

" Pretty busy in here tonight, " the small talk made her balk at him slightly, eyebrows scrunching together as she quietly and sarcastically spoke at him.

" You know there's a hurricane coming, right? " She shot a disconcerned look at him and put the glass away that was in her hand, " You should probably hunker down like everyone else, tomorrow will be a little rainy. "

Amila pursed her lips and raised her brows, playing at the man and immediately freezing up as she realized she was flirting back at him.

Robert laughed aloud to himself and continued to grin, his strong jaw and tawny eyes catching her glance. She watched him for a moment as well, his attention directly on her, as the two of them shared a few quiet moments before the pre-hurricane chaos set in.

" You'll be closed tomorrow then, right? " he spoke as if he already knew.

" Yeah, I'll be in for a few hours and then probably head home. " She divulged her plans for tomorrow and watched his face sour in interest.

" During a deadly storm? " he quietly laughed to himself.

Amila caught herself smiling as she leaned against the hard mahogany bar top, the seas swelling in her juniper eyes.

" I don't mind storms. "


Robert had stuck around for longer than she had expected him to, he'd asked her what she was doing after work and then also very casually asked her if she would like a companion for her walk home.

" I told you I don't need a chaperone. "

Amila had taken a few drink orders, working around Robert as they neared the end of their half-hour conversation.

" Who said it was for you, maybe I'm the one who needs some protection. "

" Oh yeah, Great Admiral DuBois needs a woman to walk him home. " Amila mocked him and politely served the man who was standing next to him waiting for his drink.

" When do you get off? " he asked innocently enough, Amila staring at him for a moment as she let him process what he was saying, his cheeks tinged slightly, she wasn't sure if it was from the smutty embarrassment or the liquor. " When do ya'go home, I'd like to take you on a date. "

Tracy had stopped right behind Amila, her lips parted in a full gasp as she looked from Robert and to Amila, causing her to involuntarily flush in fright.

" Enough of that, " Amila softly hip-checked Tracy, who realized she'd been leering for too long and quickly scuttled away. " 2am is awfully early for a date, maybe another time would be better for such a prestigious sea dog, " Amila opened a few beers and slid them to eager patrons while keeping her eyes steady on Robert.

" 2am it is. " Robert finished the drink he'd been nursing for the last forty minutes or so and sent her a kind smile before tapping on the bartop with a burly hand and turning to disappear into the crowd.

" Holy shit, I can't believe you didn't throw a bottle at his head, no broken glass, not even a hard look, Amy, you must be taken with him. " A warm hum of words escaped Tracy as she affectionately tapped Amila's arm, her voice was quiet but her tone was sweet, " Imagine that. "


" Don't be gross. " Amila shot coldly at her coworker, her face void of any warmth it had from just a few moments ago. Her pale skin returning to its normal icy hue as she watched her normal drone of intoxicated and overly horny patrons come through in waves. Everyone was looking for something, maybe they were lonely or bored, she didn't care. For the most part, they were selfish and lustful, looking for the quickest route to ease their tiny existential pain. She hated them for the most part, but occasionally she'd make a friend, no matter how begrudgingly she would feel to admit it, even to herself, Tracy was one less person she wanted to drown in the depths of the dark sea.

" Alright-alright, " the bartender playfully put up her hands in defeat, but the swelling grin on her face said otherwise.

Amila finished out her shift, the rowdy crowds had thinned as people had retreated to their homes, ships, or holes in the ground, her only concern was how tomorrow would be like her Christmas morning, and the raging sea would be waiting for her.

She'd been so busy, the fact that Robert actually met her at the back door to the Bar, had surprised her. She'd looked up and was nearly startled as she firmly closed the door and walked into her date.

" A little tardy, but you made it. "

He had a hand extended, and his palm pressed into her upper back as she'd nearly fallen back from shock. Amila recovered quickly, pressing the bar keys into her pocket, she casually walked by him and on her way to the pier, being only a small amount of hospitable as she looked back to make sure Robert was following her.

" You're always like this then? "

"Rude, like what? " Amila hissed quietly at him as he caught up with her.

" Brutally honest, a bit cold, absolutely beautiful. "

Amila's face dropped as she shot him an annoyed look and he laughed to himself, grinning as they walked next to one another. The Hurricane hadn't yet made landfall but the boardwalk was clear as the winds had picked up, Amila noticing that the sea was being unreasonably quiet.

" Save the sucker routine for another harbor wench, " Amila sent a hard look to Robert who looked a little offended.

She walked at her own pace, her arms crossed, letting the wind run past her face and play with her hair. Listening to the old boards of the pier creak and moan as they left the cement sidewalk and grew close to the seaside.

" Well I had planned for a rolling time on the boardwalk, must have missed the memo. "

Robert had his hands placed into his jacket pockets, his height looming over hers, allowing him glimpses of the bewitching bartender. He watched her reaction, and surprisingly she smiled, not anticipating his humor.

" Tomorrow might be a better day. "

Amila spoke plainly, again catching Robert's attention as he sent a confused look her way, " Oh yeah, in the middle of a hurricane? "

" In the middle of a hurricane. " Amila spoke matter-of-factly, her eyes matching his for a few moments, causing her nerves to swell.

Robert's brows furrowed like he was concerned, but the pure look of interest made her second guess his intentions with her. She still hadn't been able to figure him out, unsure if he was looking for a one-night occasion or simply someone to talk with. They sat on a bench on the boardwalk, the storm beginning to brew around them in the still-dark early morning. Amila took a hard inhale of salty sea air and watched as Robert seemed to enjoy the view. The street light they were sitting under began to shudder just slightly as the winds began to pick up, its yellowing light had begun to flicker with each gust of the wind.

" So, any hobbies, anything strange or weird I should know off the top? "

Robert had sat at the opposite end of the bench, gentlemanly giving her enough room as to not make her nervous, but even so, she felt drawn to him.

" You know, just your normal costal living gal, " Amila leaned in, her stern features darkening with each pause of light from above, " Beach days, sunshine, this is Maine after all. "

Robert ran a hand across his face and smiled, shifting his posture, quietly showed he wasn't buying what she was selling.

" Right, normal gal slinging drinks at a dive. Got it. "

His sarcasm was evident, but she pressed him, " What about you, I'm sure you have something else you enjoy besides pestering women at bars and insisting you follow them home at night? "

" Yes, well, I'm a decorated mercenary with over 40 kills under my belt, black ops, green water files, just your normal hard working-blue collar kind of guy, "

Amila pursed her lips and looked at the man who was built like a statue but had the demeanor of a soft animal. She could smell a murdering psychopath from a mile away, and this man's persona and demeanor said lonely Navy Admiral. He was cute for trying to make her laugh, and in return, she shared a smile with him and entertained his escapades.

" Oh we're telling stories, then yes, me too, I'm also a murdering sea witch, I can breathe underwater, I'm possessed by an entity from another dimension and  I drown young men just for the fun of it. " She grinned, a weight she didn't realize she'd been carrying fell off her chest.

The wind had picked up more, making their conversation a little more difficult. The far-off horizon had just begun to line in pink as the sun fought against the heavy clouds and approaching rain. Soft wet drops began to hit them as they continued to talk.

" You don't mind it then, the late nights-the crowds, you seem like you'd hate the customer service. "

Amila's hair and clothes were soaked as they continued to talk, both squinting and laughing through their conversation as the wind picked up and the waves shook the boards to the pier.

For nearly two hours he'd sat with her, she wasn't sure why and was too afraid to ask. She'd absolutely hated people, with broiling passion, but this feeling in her gut was confusing-exciting even, and for some reason she wanted to spend more time with him, and by the way he'd sat out with her during the roll-in of the storm made her more curious yet.

" You should head home, " Amila could finally somewhat see with the dawn light, but the black brewing clouds above them were still casting a hard shadow over them.

" And leave you at the hurricane's mercy, what are you going to do, go for a swim? "

Robert wiped off his brow trying to make eye contact with her while water poured down on both of them, but his words muddled as he tried to question her.

Amila grinned, nodding her head slowly, her wet raven hair now completely drenched, and falling into her face. She watched as Robert's posture completely broke, he sat back against the bench, his mouth left open as he realized she was serious, and he believed her.

Amila stood up, spitting the downpour of water that was running down her face and laughing as she watched Robert shake his head and spout obscenities.

" You're fucking mad, you know that? "

Robert spoke loudly, unable to hold back his excitement he held up a hand to shield his eyes for a moment, but the gale-force wind was quick to change the rain's direction and blind him.

The last 48 hours had been strange, she'd missed drowning an absent-minded drunk, had a terrifying lucid dream, got stuck in a hurricane, and found a complete stranger that she'd felt more close to in years. All of this in such a short amount of time.

" You're serious, " again he questioned her, but Amila stood still.

" Robert this was nice, thank you. " Her words were honest but still painful coming out.

" Yeah, no way I'm letting you go out into the ocean during a fucking hurricane. "

He really didn't have a say in the matter. They could both see the white peaks of the waves from the boardwalk, as the ocean swelled with agitation and uncertainty.

" Amila, " his voice was muffled from the rain and wind but still velvet soft.

She had a choice now, to try to include this stranger into something very close to her or to ditch him in the storm and see him a different time. She surprised even herself.

"Let's go. "


The hard rain and wind had picked up, within the next few hours the hurricane would fully make landfall and it would be impossible for anyone to be outside, which to her would be absolute bliss. Curious and unnerved, Robert followed Amila as she walked down the bowing wooden stairs that led to the beach below, noticing that the sandbank itself had nearly disappeared and been replaced with large hungry waves. The water wasn't the normal aurora blue that had pulled so many tourists to the Maine beach, instead it had been replaced with an endless sable black, an ominous green hanging under its surface. The sun was up, but the heavy dark clouds fit tightly together, hardly budging to let any bright light in, and adding to one of the occupants' anxiety.

" Amila, let's get out of the storm, my flat is up the hill. "

He seemed nervous. Good.

She hummed quietly to herself, each step down into the sand brought her just a little more life, and slowly she took off her shirt and very casually tossed it at the bare sand that was left. Robert was quiet, stuck still on the steps leading down to the sand, his hand tightly clutching the railing as the water washed up onto the wooden beams, making them bend just slightly.

" You should go, the water feeds on fear, she'll swallow you whole. " Amila grinned up at him, waves washing over her bare legs as she was in her plain black bra and unbuttoning her shorts.

" I always said If I was going to die it was going to be because of a beautiful woman, I just didn't think that'd be today, during a damn hurricane. " Robert had to practically yell over the crashing of the waves and forceful winds, but Amila heard him, smiling a quiet smile to herself as she pulled off her shorts and tossed them behind her.

Robert made it down the steps and stood just behind her. On cue he tossed his jacket behind them, the wind greedily grabbing it and pulling it down the beach. Off came his shirt and she paused as he struggled for a moment to take off his jeans. The constant waves, wind, and rain had tired him some, maybe he actually would die today in the unforgiving sea.

He'd finally managed to mostly undress and trudged out next to her, the waves crashing at their thighs, nearly knocking him over. It was a little difficult for her to see, the hard drizzle and wind made sure of that, but the absolute wild look on Robert's face as she looked up at him made her body feel like cement. The water could never make her weak or anxious, but for some reason this mad did.

He pulled an arm up, offering an open palm to her, an invitation she couldn't refuse. Her fingers laced into his nicely, and slowly they walked into the unforgiving sea.


Amila had a little pull that, of course, Robert didn't know about, the waves were harsh, but she calmed them a bit, allowing them to swim in the chaos nearly drowning free, assuming he could swim well. She wasn't disappointed.

They tread water for a few minutes, and Amila took in everything around her. The forceful rain that was now falling in sheets, the rhythmic rise and fall of the waves, and the cold pull of the water around her, at the moment it was endless and so comforting. Robert laughed and cackled for a moment, enjoying himself, and surprisingly not questioning why he was able to swim so easily among the hurricane waves.

Still, there was a moment where she had gotten too caught up in her own enjoyment, and watched his body grow a little tired while a stronger white cap wave went over his head, pulling him under.

" Nows your chance, Amila. "

She froze up in the water, her eyes wide and terrified as she listened to the voice within her speak into her subconscious.

" Do it, for me my love. "

Amila stared absently, her expression glazing over as her body moved with the waves and she looked out, contemplating to let the man drown. She swallowed hard, a distasteful look passing over her face as she swam over to Robert, disgusted with herself.

" Little witch you can't ignore me forever, you promised. "

Amila felt the heavy weight of the entity speaking to her, causing her body to nearly go under herself, but she pushed forwards and grabbed Robert by his forearms, pulling him above the water's edge.

That first hard gasp for air was undeniably one of the most enjoyable things she'd ever heard. Normally it was saved for the men she drowned and murdered, watching them bubble and gargle water as their arms flailed and they eventually gave in to their demise, but this time it was because she was relived. Robert coughed for a moment and Amila made sure he was in waist-deep water before she let him go.

" First time swimming, right? " she spoke so casually that he actually grinned between coughs, still holding her as he caught his breath,

His body stayed hunched slightly, as he was tired and using her for support, but after almost a minute he'd finally caught his breath and stayed silent, not letting his eyes leave hers. Amila noticed immediately how incredibly warm his touch was his hands held firmly against her arms. She could feel herself relax the longer he embraced her, neither noticing that their bodies had grown closer together, and eventually his forehead was pressed against hers.

Heart beating out of her chest, Amila brought up her hands to rest against him and felt her eyes close the moment their skin touched. For a few fleeting seconds everything around them quieted down as Robert's rough hands moved onto her waist, his shoulders leaning in as she pulled up and they enveloped into each other, sharing a kiss.

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