3. | Low Tide

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Spicy Chapter Alert!  🌶️🌶️🌶️

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Those few seconds before their lips met, that was when she truly knew she was in trouble. It may have been the way his thumbs pressed into her naked hips or the way his warmth washed over her just before his soft lips brushed hers, honestly she was unsure. It was everything, every little detail down to the way he paused just before he leaned in, or the way her stomach knotted so hard she could feel it up through her chest. The way he had made her feel was exhilarating, embarrassing, and intoxicating, everything that had led them up to that moment was washed away in the tide as he finally embraced her.

Amila had been abandoned and left for dead so many times, maybe this would be yet another to add to that list, just another civilian that would outcast her, and alienate her from feeling even an ounce of love while discarding her like the demon she was. But those intrusive thoughts would be pushed wayside as Robert's hands greedily tightened against her skin, their kiss deepening as the two of them became enthralled in each other while sinking into the sea.

Waves crashing around them, rain pouring in endless layers, they melted into each other. A thunderous clasp from above rattled the water, only hastening their gravitational pull towards one another, as they'd ended up just on the cusp of where the water met the sand. Hard waves still rolling past them, and a hurricane only growing more chaotic above, Amila had only a few moments of pause as she sat with him on the sand, half-naked and having a choice. Robert sat with her, his forehead pressed against hers, and in those few seconds, Amila broke the tension, closing the gap between them. The waves roared around them, careful to not wash them out, hard white caps softening just as they reached the shore at their feet, Amila's control on the water around her began to thin the longer Robert's touch remained.

Their clothes were completely discarded, Robert's body pressed and held above her, afraid the tide would take her away, completely unaware that the woman below him was the reason he hadn't already been swallowed up by the sea. His warm breath pressed into her neck, causing her body to arch for him, their hands entwined above her and digging into the sand as she tightened her hips around his. Her moans quieted only by the raging storm around them as he fully pressed himself into her, Robert's limbs trembling in ecstasy with each rhythmic thrust. Their bodies were fully exposed to the elements as the hurricane continued to trudge along the Maine coast, and regardless of how early in the morning it was, the sky continued to darken with the oncoming rain and high winds. Robert's pace quickened, with it came less control and slowly the sea grew up past them and onto the beach. Rolling waves crashing over them, they struggled to keep their place in the sand.

A hard wave swallowed them, tossing both Amila and Robert from their place in the sand, naked bodies tumbling for a moment as the water receded and the rain continued. A hard wet cough, followed by humbling laughter filled the flooded air, as Robert reached across the beach, his arm extended towards Amila. The sea witch parted her hair, pushing it from her face, and sat up, grinning from ear to ear as a strong hand firmly gripped her bare thigh.

" You really are fucking mad, " Robert spoke loudly through squinted eyes, his vision becoming weaker with the heavy sheets of rain, " just unbelievable. " He spoke with a depth and admiration that Amila hadn't expected, the grin on her face fading as she felt her heart swell through her chest.

Amila wrapped an arm across her chest, shielding her bare skin for a moment, prompting Robert to roll off his back and attempt to remove the hands shielding her breasts. Amila recoiled and quickly got up, managing a short laugh as she rolled up and away. Scouring the beach for their clothes in the dim light of the morning, and during a hurricane, was nearly impossible. The sea had been forgiving enough to spare her jean shorts, but she had to steal Robert's white t-shirt. Their belongings scattered, they collected what they could and ran. They scrambled up the weathered wooden steps and down the boardwalk, Amila fully intending on heading home, but Robert surprised her, wrapping an arm around her waist, his warmth making her melt into him. She didn't put up much of a fight when he offered her a spot at his flat, seafaring eyes looking up at him- trying to figure him out, as he casually kissed her temple, and they quickened their pace through the pouring rain.


" You have terrible taste. "

Amila's cold eyes caught Robert's, a wholesome grin passing his lips as he raised his brows and relaxed against a counter. " Tell me more. "

She looked around his egregiously overpriced flat, which included an open floor plan, high beam ceilings, and new appliances. There was more overpriced scotch in the fridge than food and the small details that Robert had added were superficial at best, the only real thing she saw of value was an old wooden framed photo of Robert and a group of men in uniform.

It was like he was a ghost, he could up and leave and it would be hard to prove anyone had lived there. Not knowing it then, slowly she would realize over the next few days that she really knew nothing about him.

The high winds continued outside, the rain hitting the windows hard enough that at any moment they may break. Actually, the more she looked around the flat the more she realized at any moment they could be at the mercy of the hurricane.

" I need some dry clothes. " Amila had crossed her arms and tried her best not to uncross them, as the cold rain hadn't been very discreet. Robert had poured himself a drink and took a minute to think the question over. He was still shirtless and Amila was sure he only had only managed to find his wet jeans on the shore. He puckered slightly as he swallowed the liquid and remained silent.

" Robert, " Amila pressed again, watching him as he eyed her bare chilled body for another few seconds, " you're right, maybe I should just head home. " Amila watched Robert's face go blank as he choked and cleared his throat.

" Nah-nah, " he shook an uneasy palm at her, immediately pushing himself up and nodding off towards a doorway that lacked a door.

Again she was underwhelmed by his lack of decor, she was surprised as most officers that came through loved to get blitzed and boast about how much their wealth had changed them. New cars, new wives, and new homes, Robert wasn't quite like them. He mulled through a drawer, hastily discarding a few shirts before he found one he liked. He threw the warm, dry clothes on his pristinely made bed, and ruffled through a cabinet for a towel.

" You should warm up in'a shower. "

Robert nodded off to yet another doorway that didn't have a door, that she assumed was his bathroom. Amila wasn't cold, at least not right at the moment. But imaging how warm Robert's touch felt against her body made her question what she might have been ignoring. Robert turned abruptly, hiding a growing grin as he reached out and softly touched Amila's bare midriff, his palms pressing into her stomach and hips, calloused fingers very delicately shifting up her abdomen, taking her shirt with it. Amila's body was frozen still as his height towered over hers, his shoulders slouched just enough that he had access to undress her.

She could have pushed him away or slapped him, either would have been a good time. But his skin warmed against hers, radiating to her bones, causing this gravitational pull that she couldn't say no to. Against her better judgment or any judgment at all, she gave in and ignored any speck of hesitation.

Her shirt was still soaked from the rain, and it clung unevenly against her bare skin. Lazily Amila's arms extended up, the thin fabric of the shirt pulled up and against her full breasts and over her head. Robert's movements were nearly flawless as he discarded the shirt and let his cheek brush her jaw and neck. He was steady and precise, full lips pressing into the dip in her collar bone, and down her bust. Amila's bare skin became bumped and rigid as she felt his warm breath and face stubble sweep against her hips and stomach. Her hands still extended above her as if she'd been struck still, slowly she lowered them. Amila's fingers delicately touched Robert's shoulders and neck, the tension under her hands tightening with each moment longer he pressed against her.

Amila uneven breaths were quickening, her eyes unable to leave Robert, as he let his mouth swell against one of her breasts. Suddenly she roughly pushed him away, her ivory skin showing where each stop had been along her skin, she needed to pull herself together. Robert caught himself, a heavy foot behind him he gained his balance and stepped forward with the same motion. Amila let her smile broaden, her tongue peeking out as she taunted him, all while her hands greedily grabbed at his pants, fully intending on making sure he was devoid of all clothing.

Robert's pants fell heavily onto the wood flooring below, still wet from the beach, he nearly tripped over them as they were reluctant to fall off. Amila caught him, his feet finally free, Robert tightly gripped both of her thighs as he picked her up and held her for a moment. She fought for a moment, but an infectious smile quickly passed her face. Amila ran her hands down his well-outlined shoulders and biceps as she grasped onto him while he took a few steps forward. Their faces remained close, hot breath exchanged instead of words while Robert led them to his bed. His body prowling over hers, she crossed her legs behind his back as she tried to relax onto the bed beneath her. 

Robert's athletic build pressed against her heavily as his body became more and more impatient. His once contained and put together front dissolved the longer he pressed against Amila, and the seawitch nearly lost herself, regaining a moment of clarity as he nearly entered her, prompting for her to instead reach down and tightly grasp his hard shaft, immediately causing him to seize up and groan against the top of Amila's shoulder. Nearly out of breath, Robert's body waited for Amila, moving as she moved before one last hard stroke caused him to shudder over her wet abdomen.

Amila grinned a wild and wicked smile, her straight white teeth showing as if she'd triumphantly come out on top. Robert's weight now set down onto her almost completely as he took in sharp breaths of air and let his lips remain against her bare collar. 

"You're unpredictable, you'now that, " the air from his warm slowing breaths washed over her rippling skin, and Amila remained silent, satisfied to not have lost her edge and pulled herself back.

Amila's weary eyes caught Robert's intense gaze. Their luminescent hues of brown and gold stared back at her, his furrowed brow making it seem like they were narrowing in on her, seeing through her even, causing her to break the electricity she could feel swelling between them.

Robert rolled off of her, immediately pushing himself up and taking Amila with him. Deadweight at first, Amila was surprised and didn't realize she was being airlifted until Robert allowed her to shift around in his arms. Skin on skin, she squirmed for a moment, an infectious smile unwavering from her placid face as his arms easily managed to carry her. Robert maneuvered them through the doorway to the bathroom, setting her down just as the power flickered.

A hard grin was unable to leave his face as he carried her. Amila's hands held firm around his neck as she shot him a very unamused look, but still, she remained with him.

" Figured you'd need a hot shower. You're a little cold, " he reached behind her and turned the water on, glancing up again as the lights faded again and hummed. Instantly a heavy wave of warmth flooded the square shower. 

" Always so thoughtful- " her voice trembled for a moment as her smart come back dissolved into silence.

Amila's raven hair was brushed from her shoulders and back, as he lightly kissed the nape of her neck, causing her to quite literally feel like a wet puddle on the floor. She didn't lean into him but remained absolutely still as his rough hands squeezed against the muscles on her shoulders and methodically moved down while his knuckles delicately traced her spine. The hot steam filled the small bathroom, causing the tiling to weep as the wet air had nowhere to go. Again the lights flickered with a low rumble in the distance, but they were too distracted to notice. 


The hot water felt nice, but it was an afterthought, as Amila's bare thighs straddled Robert's shoulders and she lost herself for an infinite amount of time. Her hands grabbed at him greedily as the water poured over them, each kiss-each or subtle shift from him was precise, and it caused her legs to shake each time they touched. Soft whimpers from a tight jaw quickly changing as his hands firmly pressed into her as she relaxed back onto the warm porcelain beneath her. She felt herself climax, as he buried his face deeply against her, not pulling away until she prayed him from her.

The lights went out as she tried to separate her body from his, the nearly pitch-black room had only a small amount of light pouring in from the doorway, just enough that Amila could make out some of Robert's features. The water's warmth began to diminish, but she remained still, her legs unable to hold her weight as she caught her breath. Robert remained within inches of her, kissing the inside of her thigh and letting his cheek rest against her. The shower itself was spacious, but she could now see how cramped they were, slowly pushing herself up, she reached up over Robert and turned the water off. Extending a hand to help him up, but he rose faster than her, his height towering over her. He grabbed her a towel and grabbed her some of his clothes. Guiding her out of the bathroom, Amila's wobbled legs were giving out at random times, but Robert stayed close.

Amila changed and sat out on Robert's couch, the storm had picked up now, and it was likely the power wouldn't be back on for another few days. She had pulled her hair up into a wet, messed bun. Between the beach, ocean water, and everything else that had happened today, she was sure she may actually look like a sea witch, but Robert didn't bat an eye. He casually placed a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table in front of them with two clean glasses.

" Oh yeah? " Amila raised a brow, questioning his beverage choice as it was still pretty early in the morning. 

Robert sent her a side-eye, sucking on his cheek as he mounted his defense, " You know I survived swimmin' in the ocean during a bloody hurricane, managed to find the most beautiful woman on tha east coast and now I'm trapped with her, inside my flat. I need to celebrate. "

" The power isn't going to be on for a few days, are you going to be okay? "

Robert's eyes narrowed some as he very smoothly walked across the living room and closed the distance between them. He sat next to her silently as if waiting for her to finish her thought. Amila's bemused look heightened as she tried to help him.

" I'm going to go home soon, it's going to get cold because we don't have power, " she spoke plainly and Robert didn't look amused with her tone, " Would you like to come over to my apartment? "

Amila was almost convinced that Robert thought they would remain in his flat to wait out the storm. He set his drink down and scooted closer to her, his large frame and weight shifted the couch as he tried to get closer.

" You're tellin' me, you want to go back out in that? " 

Amila's brows lifted as she held back a smile, prompting Robert to fully sit back and take in how insane she was. He stared at her, still in shock as she still held the offer.

" The storm will only get worse, but you could just stay here in the dark. "

Amila spoke with a genuine grin, leaning back into the couch and waiting for the inevitable, but Robert didn't budge. He sipped his drink and clenched his jaw, shaking his head disapprovingly as Amila's facade faded some, fully expecting him to chase after her.

She quickly shot back the drink left in her glass and pushed herself up off the couch before a hard hand reached up and held her hand, sitting up with her. Robert didn't release her hand as he stood up next to her, instead, his fingers laced between hers, a burly sigh escaping him as he fought off a smile. Bringing up Amila's hand to his lips he spoke very begrudgingly, his eyes not leaving hers as he prepared to go back out into the storm.

" Here we fucking go. "

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